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对不同运动负荷方案下的心率及RPE效度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析男子在不同运动负荷方案下,Borg的公式HR=RPEx10(心率=主观感觉运动负荷等级×10)估算出的心率是否可靠,验证RPE值是否与心率表现出高度相关,为提高RPE(主观感觉运动负荷评估表)评价的有效性与客观性提供一定依据。方法:测定7名在校体育学院男生的最大耗氧量,自行车递增负荷运动以及恒定负荷运动中各等级负荷末1 min心率、耗氧量、呼吸频率和RPE值等指标。结果:在递增负荷运动中,受试对象评定RPE等级的估算心率其特点呈现低负荷及中、高负荷时偏低,最大负荷时偏高的特点,并且,中、高负荷及最大负荷运动时RPE估算心率值与实测心率值有显著差异(P>0.05)。在恒定负荷运动中,受试对象的RPE估算心率值呈现整体偏低的特点。RPE与心率、呼吸频率,呼吸商、摄氧量等几项指标相关系数远远低于文献记录的相关系数0.80~0.90,且呼吸频率与RPE值的相关性高于心率。结论:公式HR=RPEx10得出的估算心率值,在男子进行递增负荷运动时可能不够准确,而在恒定负荷运动中估算效果更佳。在采用不同评价方式评价RPE时,估算心率与实际心率之差值幅度随评价时间延长而递增。呼吸频率与心率相比,在反映RPE指标时可能...  相似文献   

目的探讨预冷干预对高温高湿环境下女大学生运动能力的影响。方法以15名女大学生为实验对象,采用自身对照的方法,对受试者进行预冷干预,在高温高湿环境下做递增负荷运动,利用近红外光谱技术连续监测脑氧饱和度和肌氧饱和度,同时监测心率(HR)、体表温度(T)、运动总路程(S)、消耗能量(E)、主观体力等级(RPE)指标。结果预冷干预对高温高湿环境中的T、HR、RPE、S、E等有显著性影响(P<0.05);而对脑氧饱和度和肌氧饱和度的影响没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论高温高湿环境下运动时,预冷干预可以显著降低运动前的T和HR,使运动过程中T和HR升高的速率变缓;高温高湿环境中预冷干预可以减轻受试者的主观疲劳程度;预冷干预对高温高湿环境运动时脑氧饱和度和肌氧饱和度的变化并没有影响;预冷干预可显著提高高温高湿环境下女大学生的运动能力。  相似文献   

王翔 《体育与科学》2003,24(3):60-62
本研究通过观察定量负待运动前后血液中自由脂肪酸、血糖和乳酸水平的变化及运动中RQ和RPE的变化,研究丙酮改补充对机体有氧运动时脂肪动用和主观感觉疲劳的影响及肉碱对此的作用,探讨丙酮酸—肉碱复合剂的应用价值。结果:与安慰剂组相比,2试验组的FFA水平较高;除定量负荷运动30mi时外,丙酮酸组在安静时,定量负荷运动15min时的RQ较低,复合剂组在各种条件下的RQ均较低,2试验组运动中RPE较低,均有显著性意义。结论:丙酮酸补充能促进有氧运动中脂肪的动员,但对有氧运动中脂肪利用的影响不大;复合剂能同时促进有氧运动中脂肪的动员和利用;丙酮酸和复合剂能改善有氧运动时的主观感觉疲劳状态;复合剂对体重控制有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:测试服用和未服用β-受体阻断剂的心梗后患者(PMIP)在跑台运动中其功能、生理、临床及自我感觉方面的反应。方法:46名服用β-受体阻断剂的男性PMIP和55名未服用β-受体阻断剂的男性PMIP进行递增负荷运动实验,其间记录每级负荷时的摄氧量(VO2)、心率(HR)、血压和自我用力感觉(RPE),并持续监测12导联心电图(ECG)。结果:服用β-受体阻断荆的患者其安静时和运动中的HR、最大心率百分比(%HRmax)及心率血压乘积(RPP)显著低于未服用β-受体阻断剂的患者(P〈0.01)。运动中,服用β-受体阻断剂的患者有59%能够完成改良布鲁斯跑台方案的第Ⅳ级运动,而在未服用β-受体阻断剂的患者中仅有49%能完成这一负荷。两组在运动中各级别VO2、RPE及ST段下移无显著性差异。结论:由β受体阻断剂所致的HR降低并没有直接地影响到氧利用和代谢机能。  相似文献   

经常的运动训练能使正常健康人心脏发生某种程度的适应。这种适应现象有时亦见于冠心病患者并使他们增强工作能力。显然,练习对冠心病也能起到某些预防作用。许多研究者指出。长期运动训练可产生心率的适应性,包括安静时心率缓慢,以及在标准极限下工作负荷的心率减慢。最大心率是否受训练的影响还有争论。训练使最大心率减慢通常发现在青年受试者,开始心率每分钟约高于180次,年纪大一些受试者最大心率减慢变化不大,或者没有变化。心脏本身有自主性节律,但在正常  相似文献   

基于运动过程中人体心、生理对运动负荷与强度的整体感知与反映,Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)量表用以预测机体最大摄氧量的信效度已得到众多实验研究的证实.但由于RPE值本身具有主观性,易受人群特征影响,因此,其利用RPE量表对最大摄氧量的预测结果存在争议性.采用文献综述的方法,对现有研究中采用的RPE量表模式、实验对象、RPE6-20量表区段值与临界值、运动形式与负荷以及运动器材等方面予以概述和总结.建议:在扩大群体样本量的基础上,统一实验环境与实验程序,针对某一个或几个相似性因素群进行研究与验证;在实际应用过程中则应因人而异地选择和利用相应的程序、方法,建议与其它预测指标(如心率)相结合,以提高预测最大摄氧量的准确性.  相似文献   

目的:通过对体育学院大学生进行为期一周的间歇性低氧刺激,观察刺激前后递增负荷运动心率、通气量、摄氧量及定量负荷时血乳酸的变化,探讨间歇性低氧刺激对人体最大摄氧量及通气阈的影响。方法:本实验分两个阶段,每阶段做两次运动负荷。12名体育系男生在实验室常氧条件下在跑台上采用Bruce方法进行递增负荷运动至力竭。间隔3天后进行75%最大摄氧量的定量负荷运动,运动时间为9min,定量负荷后立即进行连续7天,每天1h的12%~10%O2的常压间歇性低氧刺激。低氧刺激完成后第二天再次进行上述两种运动方案。在极限递增负荷至力竭运动前后分别测定心率(HR)、递增负荷至力竭时间(t)、最大摄氧量(VO2max%)、血乳酸(Bla)及定量负荷时Bla等指标。结果:(1)低氧刺激后,递增负荷至力竭运动时HRmax增加(P0.01),VEmax上升(P0.01),呼吸商(R)增加(P0.05),t明显延长(P0.05),Bla明显增加(P0.05),定量负荷运动Bla显著降低(P0.05);(2)间歇性低氧刺激后通气阈时,HR、VE、VO2max%、HRmax%均显著性变化(P0.05),其中VE、VO2max%低氧刺激前后差异非常显著(P0.01)。结论:经过间歇性低氧刺激,受试者在进行递增负荷的力竭性运动时运动时间明显延长,心率在运动后增加,人体通气阈时相对应的心率百分数、最大摄氧量百分比、肺通气量均明显提高,这表明人体有氧耐力和极限负荷运动能力均得到增强。  相似文献   

一、现代运动员在进行运动训练时要求机体承受较大的负荷,这种负荷必然会使机体产生适应性与功能性的变化,而其中以心血管系统的变化意义为最大。二、运动生理学研究证实:心血管系统的形态和功能方面的发展取决于机体如何成功地实现血液循环。在机体有规律地承受运动负荷的影响下,心血管系统会产生适应性调节,这是为机体提供从事高强度运动的能力所必不可少的。那么,运动训练时心血管系统功能的发展和改善到底起有什么作用呢? 中等强度有氧耐力训练(如:跑、游泳和滑雪等)能逐步增大心脏体积并有助于改善外周循环。以有氧与无氧相结合的方法进行  相似文献   

郭浙斌  苗苗  黄玉山  高萱  郭红 《体育学刊》2008,15(3):108-112
研究低氧训练中补充糖-电解质饮料对机体水平衡及运动能力的影响.7名健康体育学院学生参与实验,在常氧或低氧(低氧帐篷,氧体积分数15.4%)下以70%VO2max负荷运动至力竭,运动中不补液或补充佳得乐运动饮料.结果显示,机体在低氧或常氧环境下进行一次性力竭运动后均出现体重下降、血清渗透压升高等脱水现象,运动中补充糖-电解质饮料可明显改善脱水情况,恢复机体水平衡.低氧环境下与常氧下绝对强度相同的运动负荷相对增大,运动中心率明显增加,运动时间明显缩短,但在补液干预下心率反应明显降低,运动时间明显延长.低氧环境下运动机体乳酸积聚的速度加快,补液可使运动后的血乳酸值显著性降低.实验结果提示,低氧训练中适时补充糖-电解质饮料可有效防止体液丢失,并有利于维持心率和消除乳酸,提高机体的运动能力,促进恢复.  相似文献   

卢伟华  陈婧  冯璇  魏巍 《体育科研》2013,34(2):72-74-79
采用S610i型心率遥控测试仪、Berg自觉用力程度分级表(RPE表,20级)检测运动强度.ZG-106二氧化碳检测仪测量室内CO2浓度,结合根据ASHRAE的感觉标尺制定的问卷,对室内空气品质做评价。选取10名受试者在两种不同通风条件的环境下进行等负荷运动。以研究室内空气品质对男大学生运动能力的影响。结果显示,在完成相同的运动负荷时,CO2浓度越高,心率越高,实际运动负荷越大。结论:在室内运动应充分考虑室内CO2浓度对男大学生运动能力的影响,合理安排运动负荷,做到科学锻炼.  相似文献   

We measured the effects of stride rate, resistance, and combined arm-leg use on energy expenditure during elliptical trainer exercise and assessed the accuracy of the manufacturer's energy expenditure calculations. Twenty-six men and women (M age = 29 years, SD = 8; M body weight = 73. 0 kg, SD = 15.2) participated. Twenty-two participants performed two tests, one without the arm poles (leg-only) and the other with arm poles (combined arm-leg). The other 4 participants performed one test without the arm poles. Both tests consisted of six 5-min stages (two stride rates, 110 and 134 stridesmin-1, and three resistance settings: 2, 5, and 8). Steady-state oxygen uptake (VO2), minute ventilation (VE), heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured. Repeated measures analysis of variance determined higher (p <. 001) VO2, VE, and RPE, but not HR, during combined arm-leg versus leg-only exercise at any given intensity. Increases in stride rate and resistance increased VO2, VE, RPE, and HR with the greatest effect on VE and HR from Levels 5 to 8. The manufacturer's calculated energy expenditure was overestimated during both tests. Although the oxygen cost for elliptical trainer exercise was calculated to be approximately 0.1 mlxkg(-1) per stride and 0.7 mlxkg(-1) min-1 per resistance level, VO2 varied widely among individuals, possibly due to differences in experience using the elliptical trainer gender, and body composition. The elliptical trainer offers (a) a variety of intensities appropriate for most individuals and (b) both arm and leg exercise. Due to the wide variability in VO2, predicting the metabolic cost during elliptical trainer exercise for an individual is not appropriate.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of 10-in [0.25-m] versus 16-in [0.41-m] wheelchair handrims on cardiorespiratory and psychophysiological exercise responses during wheelchair propulsion at selected velocities. Fifteen male paraplegics (27.0 +/- 5.5 yrs) performed three discontinuous exercise tests (ACE = arm crank ergometer; WERG = wheelchair roller ergometer) and two 1600-m performance-based track trials (TRACK) under simulated race conditions. There were no significant differences in HR, VO2, VE, HLa, or category-ratio ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) using different handrims during wheelchair propulsion at 4 km.h-1. In contrast, at 8 km.h-1 subjects demonstrated a 13% lower steady state VO2 (p less than .05) using the 10-in handrims, coincident with a 23% lower VE. Steady state HR during WERG at 8 km.h-1 using the 10-in (124.4 +/- 3.9 b.min-1) or 16-in (130.6 +/- 4.6 b.min-1) handrims were not significantly different. There were also no significant differences between ACE or WERG conditions during maximal effort for VO2 or VE. However, HRpeak during ACE was 7% higher than HRpeak during WERG16 (183 +/- 15 b.min-1 vs. 171 +/- 12 b.min-1, p less than .05), and whole blood HLa during ACE was also significantly higher (by 2.3-2.5 mmol; p less than .05) compared to WERG. There were no significant differences for HR, performance time, or RPE between trials using different handrim diameters during the 1600-m event.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the validity of predicting the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2(max)) of sedentary men from sub-maximal VO2 values obtained during a perceptually regulated exercise test. Thirteen healthy, sedentary males aged 29-52 years completed five graded exercise tests on a cycle ergometer. The first and fifth test involved a graded exercise test to determine VO2(max). The two maximal graded exercise tests were separated by three sub-maximal graded exercise tests, perceptually regulated at 3-min RPE intensities of 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 on the Borg ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) scale, in that order. After confirmation that individual linear regression models provided the most appropriate fit to the data, the regression lines for the perceptual ranges 9-17, 9-15, and 11-17 were extrapolated to RPE 20 to predict VO2(max). There were no significant differences between VO2(max) values from the graded exercise tests (mean 43.9 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1), s = 6.3) and predicted VO2(max) values for the perceptual ranges 9-17 (40.7 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1), s = 2.2) and RPE 11-17 (42.5 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1), s = 2.3) across the three trials. The predicted VO2(max) from the perceptual range 9-15 was significantly lower (P < 0.05) (37.7 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1), s = 2.3). The intra-class correlation coefficients between actual and predicted VO2(max) for RPE 9-17 and RPE 11-17 across trials ranged from 0.80 to 0.87. Limits of agreement analysis on actual and predicted VO2 values (bias +/- 1.96 x S(diff)) were 3.4 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) (+/- 10.7), 2.4 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) (+/- 9.9), and 3.7 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) (+/- 12.8) (trials 1, 2, and 3, respectively) of RPE range 9-17. Results suggest that a sub-maximal, perceptually guided graded exercise test provides acceptable estimates of VO2(max) in young to middle-aged sedentary males.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of a 3-km walking test (3kWT) carrying different military equipment on shooting performance, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), heart rate (HR), and test time. The relative combat wear and backpack weight (as percentage of soldier’s body weight [%BW]) was reported and, along with HR, its relationship to marksmanship variables was tested. Thirty-nine Spanish Army males walked as fast as possible to complete the 3kWT in the following conditions in a randomized order: unloaded walking; wearing the combat uniform; and carrying the combat uniform plus combat backpack. A shooting test was completed before and after the 3kWT. The HR and RPE were evaluated. The marksmanship variables and HR were analysed using a two-way repeated measures ANOVA, and a repeated ANOVA was also used for 3kWT completion time and HR reserve analysis. Correlation analyses were performed between the equipment’s weight, HR, and marksmanship variables. The results showed that shooting score decreased after the 3kWT in both load conditions (p?r?=??0.35; p?=?0.04) and cleanness triggering (r?=?0.37; p?=?0.03). Correlations between HR and shooting variables were non-significant. In conclusion, wearing the Spanish Army combat wear and backpack resulted in shooting performance degradation. Furthermore, fatigue and RPE increased and this could decrease physical marksmanship and performance capacity in combat situations.  相似文献   

The literature related to Borg's ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) scale has revealed inconsistencies about the strength of the relationship between ratings of perceived exertion and various physiological criterion measures, such as heart rate, blood lactate concentration, percent maximal oxygen uptake (%VO2max), oxygen uptake (VO2), ventilation and respiration rate. Using sex of participants, fitness, type of RPE scale used, type of exercise, exercise protocol, RPE mode and study quality, we undertook a meta-analysis to determine the strength of the relationship between RPE scores and the six aforementioned physiological measures. The weighted mean validity coefficients were 0.62 for heart rate, 0.57 for blood lactate, 0.64 for %VO2max 0.63 for VO2, 0.61 for ventilation and 0.72 for respiration rate. Analysis of moderator variables revealed that the following study features could account for the variation of results across studies: heart rate--fitness, type of exercise, protocol and RPE mode; blood lactate concentration--sex, RPE scale; VO2--sex, exercise type, RPE mode; ventilation--sex, RPE mode; respiration rate--exercise protocol, RPE mode. The highest correlations between ratings of perceived exertion and the various physiological criterion measures were found in the following conditions: when male participants (whose VO2 or ventilation was measured) were required to maximally exert themselves (measuring %VO2max or ventilation); when the exercise task was unusual [e.g. when participants were swimming, which is less common than walking or running (when heart rate, %VO2max and VO2 are measured)]; or when the 15-point RPE scale (measuring blood lactate concentration) was used. These findings suggest that although Borg's RPE scale has been shown to be a valid measure of exercise intensity, its validity may not be as high as previously thought (r = 0.80-0.90), except under certain conditions.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the magnitude and duration of excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) following upper body exercise, using lower body exercise for comparison. On separate days and in a counterbalanced order, eight subjects (four male and four female) performed a 20-min exercise at 60% of mode-specific peak oxygen uptake (VO2) using an arm crank and cycle ergometer. Prior to each exercise, baseline VO2 and heart rate (HR) were measured during the final 15 min of a 45-min seated rest. VO2 and HR were measured continuously during the postexercise period until baseline VO2 was reestablished. No significant difference between the two experimental conditions was found for magnitude of EPOC (t [7] = 0.69, p greater than .05). Mean (+/- SD) values were 9.2 +/- 3.3 and 10.4 +/- 5.8 kcal for the arm crank and cycle ergometer exercises, respectively. Duration of EPOC was relatively short and not significantly different (t [7] = 0.24, p greater than .05) between the upper body (22.9 +/- 13.7 min) and lower body (24.2 +/- 19.4 min) exercises. Within the framework of the chosen exercise conditions, these results suggest EPOC may be related primarily to the relative metabolic rate of the active musculature, as opposed to the absolute exercise VO2 or quantity of active muscle mass associated with these two types of exercise.  相似文献   

主观用力感觉在预测心脏康复适宜运动度中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨主观用力感觉(RPE)在预测急性期后心梗患者(PMIP)对运动的生理和临床反应中的作用,这将有利于适宜运动强度的制定。方法:46名服用β阻断剂的男性PMIP(年龄60.9±7.5岁)5,5名未服用β阻断剂的男性PMIP(年龄63.6±7.3岁)在活动跑台上进行递增负荷实验,终止实验的标准依美国运动医学会的指南(ACSM)或病人的主观要求。运动中每30 s测量一次摄氧量(VO2)和通气量(VE)、每3 min记录一次心率(HR),血乳酸(BL)和主观用力感觉(RPE),并连续监测12导心电图。结果:两组病人在VO2,BL,VE和ST段降低与RPE的关系方面无显著差异(P>0.05)。然而,在运动实验过程中,两组病人在心率方面有显著差异(P<0.01)。无论是服用还是未服用β阻断剂的PMIP,RPE达到13都是其运动中有氧代谢向无氧代谢过渡的转折点。结论:基于以上结果,建议PMIP在运动心脏康复中感觉到"稍费力"时即不应再加大运动强度。  相似文献   

The physiological responses of high (HF) and low fit (LF) individuals at given perceived exercise intensities were compared to ranges provided by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Participants were 7 LFand 8 HF men between the ages of 22 and 26 years. All participants performed a maximum oxygen uptake and lactate threshold test and two 15-min experimental runs in which they exercised at a constant perceived exercise intensity (RPE 13 and 17). The LF group exhibited significantly greater maximum oxygen uptake reserve ( % VO2R, p < .05) and velocity of lactate threshold (p < .01) values than HF at RPE 13 and 17. Both groups had significantly greater % VO2R and maximum heart rate values at RPE 13 in comparison with the ACSM ranges, using the highest value for the given range (p < or = .001).  相似文献   

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