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A census and survey of schools in selected poor areas of Lagos State explored the nature and extent of private education, and compared inputs to public and private schooling. Of all schools (71%) were found to be private, with more unregistered private than government and registered private schools. It was estimated that 33% of school children were enrolled in private unregistered schools, and 75% in private schools in general. Teaching activity was found to be considerably higher in private than government schools, and teacher absenteeism was lowest in private schools. Most school inputs showed either comparable levels of provision in government and private schools, or superiority in private schools.  相似文献   

A census and survey of schools in the slums of East Delhi, India, explored the nature and extent of private education serving low-income families, and compared inputs to public and private schooling. Around two-thirds of all schools were private unaided, with more unrecognised private than government schools. Teaching activity was found to be considerably higher in private unaided than government schools, although teacher absenteeism was lowest in government schools. Most inputs showed either comparable levels of provision in government and private unaided schools, or superiority in private unaided schools. Possible implications are explored, concerning targeted vouchers, increased regulation and self-regulation.  相似文献   

Development literature suggests that private schools serving the poor are not part of the solution to meeting the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of universal primary education. The study conducted a census and survey of schools in notified slums of Hyderabad, India, to contribute to the sparse literature on the nature and extent of private schools for the poor. Of 918 schools found, 60% were found to be private unaided (PUA), enrolling about 65% of total enrolment. On a range of indicators, including pupil–teacher ratio, teaching activity, teacher absenteeism, and classroom and school inputs such as blackboards, desks, chairs, toilets and drinking water, PUA (including unrecognised) schools were found to be superior to government schools. Objections to a role for private schools in meeting the MDG target are explored and challenged.  相似文献   

The “mushrooming” of private schools for low-income families has been widely noted in the literature; however, very little is known about the quality of these schools. This research explored the relative quality of private unaided (recognised and unrecognised) and government schools in low-income areas of Hyderabad, India. A preliminary census to locate unrecognised private schools – not on official lists – was conducted. Data were collected on achievement and background variables for 3,910 pupils from a stratified random sample of schools. Using multilevel modelling shows that pupils in private unrecognised and recognised schools, when controlled for age, pupil's IQ, and class average IQ, achieve higher scores in mathematics and English than equivalent pupils in government schools. There is no significant difference between private and government schools in pupil achievement in Urdu. The achievement advantage for private schools did not arise because of greater resources available, at least in terms of per pupil teacher salaries.  相似文献   


This paper employs a stochastic production frontier model to assess the efficiency of the senior secondary schools in the Gambia. It examines their efficiency in using and mixing the educational inputs of average teacher salary, average teacher education, average teacher experience and students to teacher ratio in producing the number of students scoring credit and above in English and Mathematics. The schools are categorized into three types: the Government schools, the subsidized schools and the private schools. The paper finds no evidence that the private schools are different from the subsidized schools, but there is robust evidence that the private schools are significantly different from the Government schools. The average teacher salary is found to be irrelevant to the student performance, whereas high average teacher experience significantly improves student performance, and high student-to-teacher ratio significantly negates the student performance. Private schools appear to be the most efficient in 2006, but from 2007 to 2008, the performance of the schools in general is found to be highly volatile and unpredictable. Only one school emerges to consistently maintain a superior efficient performance throughout the three years studied.  相似文献   

开展分类管理是民办教育综合改革的突破口。美国私立学校分类管理有一套独特而完善的管理制度。从重点解读美国私立学校分类管理在学校设立、办学经费、学校产权、政府资助、教师管理等方面的相关政策出发,对我国民办学校分类管理的政策制定和实施提出一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

中国非营利性民办学校是在极不规范的制度环境下逐步发展起来的,面临着诸多政策难题。在民办教育处于发展转型的时期,需要加快建立非营利性民办学校基本制度,涉及分类管理,办学许可和注册登记制度,产权、资产管理和财务会计制度,法人治理和内部管理制度,教师人事制度,政府监督与服务体系等方面。  相似文献   

The Indonesian government has been struggling to improve the quality of teachers in its public and private schools. Several programmes of teacher education and teacher certification have been designed to enhance teacher quality. However, the programmes do not yet develop effective teachers. Supporting the government programmes, the Tanoto Foundation has facilitated teacher professional development programme since 2010, specifically in elementary schools in the provinces of Riau, Jambi, and North Sumatra. This paper first describes how the Tanoto Foundation has designed and implemented its teacher quality improvement programme for in-service teachers in remote schools in Indonesia and then uses this context to examine to what extent teachers benefited from these programmes. Reported findings broaden our understanding of how teachers can improve their quality via privately sponsored programmes.  相似文献   

中华民国北洋政府时期的私立大学虽享有较高办学自主权,但常面临诸多办学困境。本文以教 育部立案认可私立大学为中心,考察、分析了民初私立大学的办学概况、生存困境及其成因。面对困境,民 初私立大学游走于政府与社会之间,采取诸种措施化解办学困境,例如:面向政府,争取同等待遇与谋求办 学资源;面向社会,争取社会力量的参与和支持;面向自身,设置应用性学科与延聘优质师资。对此问题的 探讨,一方面有助于“同情之理解”民初私立大学的生存境遇,另一方面也有助于深化理解20世纪20年代前 后中国大学办学模式的变革。  相似文献   

现有教育税收优惠规定是在实施民办学校分类管理前出台的,针对的是非营利性民办学校。营 利性民办学校虽然登记为企业法人,但企业减税降费的利好政策对其影响甚微。此外,还存在非营利性民 办学校同等税收优惠落实不到位、营利性民办学校税收优惠不系统、现有民办学校转设税收政策不明确等 问题。建议切实落实非营利性民办学校税收优惠政策,针对营利性民办学校进行税收政策系统设计,同时 参照企业重组、改制的经验制定现有民办学校转设企业法人税收优惠政策。  相似文献   

随着山西省民办学前教育事业的迅速发展,一些问题也随之凸显:政府对民办学前教育机构缺乏规划、监管;教师队伍良莠不齐、流动性大;民办幼儿团收费两极化;民办幼儿团出现"小学化"倾向.针对山西民办幼儿团发展中存在的问题及原因,文章提出强化政府职能、完善立法保障、加强制度监管、提升教育品质是民办幼儿园良性发展的保障.  相似文献   

通常认为私立学校主要为中、上等收入家庭服务,然而最近的研究发现,发展中国家大量低收入家庭选择私立学校来获得教育服务.产生这种状况的原因在于公立学校教育质量不如人意,教育开支在私立学校和公立学校之间的差距并不大,以及公立学校的高限制性入学要求等.发展中国家应致力于改善低收入群体的受教育条件加大对低收入群体的教育补偿投资;优化教育投资分配比例;规范对私立学校的管理;提高公立学校的教育质量.  相似文献   

The separation between Church and State, private and public education, is blurring, and coming together, as the government gives families vouchers to attend private and religious schools. Religious groups are starting and supporting their own charter schools, and local jurisdictions (cities and counties) are providing free transportation and food services to children attending private schools. What emerges, and is the focus of this analysis, is the new “middle ground,” a “golden mean,” by which public schools learn diversity and choice while private/religious schools are helped by public programs and funds. The oldest, perhaps, was Lyndon Johnson's compromise with the Catholics to get Title 1 passed as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that sends public school teachers into private schools to help children in need. This study examines the emergence of a middle group in public–private education, and how the policies are working and what's changing. It argues that the child is the center of education, and government and private agencies are changing and should come together to serve the clients, the children.  相似文献   

Research explored the regulatory regime, both ‘on paper’ and ‘in practice’, for private unaided schools serving low-income families (‘budget’ private schools), in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. Interviews were conducted with school managers, teachers, parents, and senior government officials and politicians. A Supreme Court Judgement rules out profit-making in the schools, although, in practice, interviewees said this was widely ignored. At the state level, extensive regulations govern all aspects of a school's work. In practice, government officials reported, however, that only four regulations need to be met, but none of the recognised schools met more than two of these. In practice, there may be too few inspectors and a culture of bribery and corruption. A possible way forward is described, of private self-regulation, based on findings concerning parental accountability.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):159-173

This paper examines the prospects for improving teacher education and development in South Africa through the National Policy Framework on Teacher Education and Development (NPFTED). The key elements of the policy framework are critically analysed in terms of their limitations and their potential for improving teacher education and development as a crucial means to improve learner performance. The paper looks at the current realities in teacher education and development, the progress made and opportunities available, the identifiable gaps, and the proposals for closing the gaps. Possibilities and constraints in the current situation, as they are described in the NPFTED, are discussed. These include globalisation, the challenges facing a fledgling nonracial democracy, the legacy of skewed development under apartheid, current social inequalities, conditions in rural schools, declining recruitment trends, large mismatches between the supply and demand of teachers, HIV/AIDS and other diseases among teachers, the limits of the current planning, information and communication systems, and the situation in education faculties in higher education institutions. The paper concludes that the challenges are formidable, but that proper planning and synergisation of objectives and resources by government, higher education institutions, labour unions, the private sector and the public can contribute to significant improvements.  相似文献   

我国民办高等教育政府财政资助缺失的原因,可以归结为四个方面:一是公共教育财政制度不够完善,各级政府教育财政职能的定位存在偏差;二是民办高校内部管理体制不健全,政府顾虑公共投入资产流失;三是在教育市场化大潮推动下,部分民办高校办学行为损害了教育公益性;四是民办高校合理回报问题界定不清,导致政府公共教育财政不敢作为。切实解决上述问题,是建立民办高等教育政府财政资助制度,促进民办高等教育可持续发展的重要条件。  相似文献   

农村县政府对于公立教育和民办教育是不偏不倚还是持重此轻彼的态度?本文通过对我国北方某县的实地调查,发现体制性因素使县政府总体上偏向公立教育发展,但是体制性限制所留下的"缝隙"恰好成为民办教育发展的契机。当民办教育处于萌芽阶段,其发展水平不影响政府的政绩,政府对民办教育采取了放任自流的政策;当民办教育通过自发形式发展到一定水平,特别是能够有利于实现政府制定的教育目标、提升政府政绩表现时,政府会对其办学行为进行鼓励和支持。该个案调研和经济学研究理论启发我们,可以将竞争作为分析我国农村教育问题的一个新视角。  相似文献   

曹晔 《职业技术教育》2007,28(19):11-15
近年来,我国中等职业教育规模与数量的变化,主要与高校扩招、普通高中扩张、中等职业学校布局结构调整及国家政策导向直接相关。制约中等职教扩招的主要因素在于,现有学校数量、规模变化、师资不足及普通高中的发展。为保证2010年高中阶段的普职规模相当,应加快推进校企合作、工学结合,加强成人学校的兼并、重组,大力发展民办学校,抓好薄弱地区、学校招生工作。从政策角度,应做好初中毕业生分流工作,制定促进工学结合、校企合作的优惠政策,促进地区、校际合作,深化职教体制、机制改革等。  相似文献   

合理、准确的进行普通高中教育效率评价有利于引导教育投资方向,提高教育效率,推进教育改革。利用DEA模型,在假设规模收益不变条件下,采用基于投入的视窗分析方法研究1999-2009年我国各省市区普通高中的教育效率发现:同一时间段不同省份之间的教育效率差别很大,但同一省份不同时间段间的效率差别不大;与经济发展情况不同,中西部地区的教育效率高于东部地区;经济发达地区的各种投入的影子价格均低于欠发达地区。针对各地教育效率现状,政府应针对不同地区实际,制定鼓励民间资本投资普通高中的优惠政策,扩大对自然条件恶劣或少数民族聚居区异地教学支持的帮扶,加大财政转移支付,改善欠发达地区教育投入不足的现状,从而从总体上提高全国普通高中教育的效率水平。  相似文献   

Asayo Ohba 《Compare》2013,43(6):763-782
There are growing numbers of low-cost private schools in urban informal settlements in developing countries. It has been argued that these institutions may constitute alternatives for government schools, as they are able to meet the educational needs of children in urban informal settlements. This study explores the question of whether low-cost private schools can meet their needs, not only in terms of primary education but also with regard to access to further education. The study selected 12 private schools in Kibera and 2 government schools neighbouring Kibera, asking head teachers which secondary school each primary school leaver had joined. The findings show that whereas over two-thirds of primary school leavers in general went on to secondary school, pupils graduating from government primary school were more likely to be enrolled in government secondary school than those pupils who completed the low-cost private primary school in Kibera. Moreover, performance in national examinations was lowest among girls attending the school in Kibera. The study thus argues that while the low-cost private primary school can meet the educational needs of children in the informal settlement to some extent, it cannot represent an alternative to the government primary school.  相似文献   

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