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马拉松赛事作为竞技体育的一种,自2014年以来在各大城市蓬勃发展,成为宣传城市作为城市名片的一种。马拉松赛事由于竞技性和里程长等特点以及在参赛时对于跑者安全性的考量,在进行马拉松赛事举办时,需要进行交通管制,对赛道进行封路。这势必会对公众出行造成一定的影响,如何能平衡二者,既能减少公众出行的不便利,又能设计出好的赛道便利与完赛。自"马拉松热"以来一直就是需要平衡的事情。本文立足于此,积极商讨平衡策略,为此赛事完善出谋划策。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the destination image and behaviours of marathon participants with different levels of behavioural running involvement. This study focused on the Kyoto Marathon in Japan. The survey was conducted on marathon participants. The data of marathon participants was obtained through the Kyoto Marathon 2017 runner survey website. The participants were classified into two groups by cluster analysis – those with high running involvement and those with low running involvement using their experience of marathon events and running history variables. A comprehensive destination image scale was used to assess the practical implications of a sport event. MANOVA and ANOVA were used to test the influence of running involvement on a marathon participant’s destination image perceptions, place attachment, satisfaction and behavioural intentions. These results do not support the role of sport involvement in terms of the key-dependent variables of the study, namely place identity and dependence, intentions to participate in the event again and destination image perceptions. However, the influence of destination image factors and event satisfaction were still evident in their ability to predict sport event tourist intentions to revisit a sport event that is held in the same destination every year.  相似文献   


This study investigates event images of two Scandinavian endurance skiing events. It adds to the relatively limited literature on endurance sport event images and provides a better understanding of how participants perceive images of the cross country ski events Birkebeinerrennet and Vasaloppet, and to what extent the images are similar and different. A qualitative comparative case-study design was applied. The interview guide consisted of open-ended semi-structured questions, and 52 participants in Birkebeinerrennet and Vasaloppet were interviewed during March 2017. A ‘sport endurance event image’ can be composed of at least ten dimensions and associated aspects: ‘Organizational’, ‘Environmental’, ‘Emotional’, ‘Social’, ‘Historical’, ‘Physical’, ‘Competition’, ‘Cultural’, ‘Equipment’ and ‘Destination’. The findings confirm and expand earlier identified dimensions of sport event images by identifying two new dimensions (‘Equipment’ and ‘Destination’). The image of Birkebeinerrennet was more aligned with the destination than Vasaloppet, while the overall stronger and more versatile image of Vasaloppet makes it less vulnerable to loss of interest from narrow segments of participants. We offer insights about how participants perceive the race images, how two rather similar events also differ in their images, and how this can contribute to a better understanding of differences in popularity. The findings can help organisers work towards images that attract desirable visitors and participants. Future research should follow up these findings through quantitative investigations across different types of long-distance, endurance sport events taking place in different environments, seasons and regions.  相似文献   


In April 2014, for the first time since the event was established, over 200 foreign recreational runners participated in the Pyongyang Marathon, which is part of Day of the Sun commemorating the birthday of Kim Il-sung. The decision of the North Korean regime to open the event to foreign amateurs was unusual, thus the paper examines this new approach to the marathon, and to tourism in general, by contextualizing them within an historical perspective. It is argued that tourism policy under Kim Jong-un, the third leader of the ‘Kim dynasty’, was unprecedented in terms of its systematic approach to the development of a meaningful tourism industry while also particularly emphasizing Western tourism and sport tourism. With the inclusion of the marathon into its tourism industry, North Korea strengthened its place in the worldwide trend of sport event tourism, yet the Pyongyang Marathon has stood out by being more about branding a country than a city. In this regard, this sport tourism event has offered the visitors a look into a ‘different normality’, which was indicative to the rationale of the regime that benefited from the attention it drew through its image as ‘unexpected’ and ‘mysterious’.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法等方法,对我国城市马拉松热现象问题进行研究分析。研究认为:我国城市马拉松热现象主要体现在赛事数量、参赛人数与举办城市持续“井喷”,赛事规模不断扩大,申办赛事城市居高不下等。究其原因:提升城市形象、城市美誉度和城市知名度等发展营销诉求;提升城市体育产业发展诉求以及马拉松爱好者超越自我诉求三者共同催生了我国城市“马拉松热”。存在不足:我国城市马拉松赛事还存在着粗放管理、风险管理不足以及参赛人员猝死等问题。建议:提升赛事管理能力,探索符合城市自身实际的城市马拉松赛管理模式;加强赛事风险管理,强化赛事安全保障机制;加强赛事医务监督,构建全程移动救助体系;同时跑马者亦需加强自我保护,量力而行。  相似文献   

大型体育赛事在一定程度上推动着城市的发展。马拉松赛事不仅是参与人数较多、比赛路程较长的运动项目,还可以很好的介绍一座城市的历史文化、风土人情,并且促进城市经济、文化的发展,为城市发展注入潜力。本文通过对厦门马拉松赛事对厦门城市发展的影响进行解读;对经济、文化等方面的分析和论证,以期马拉松赛对城市的影响有一个更加深入的了解,为今后其他城市成功举办马拉松赛提供参考。  相似文献   

以马拉松四大满贯为例,利用网络"跑记"数据,采用词频分析和对应分析方法对城市马拉松赛事品牌形象进行对比研究。结果显示:(1)参赛者对马拉松赛事举办城市特色的感知是其对赛事品牌形象感知的重要组成部分;(2)参赛者对不同马拉松赛事品牌形象的感知中,与马拉松运动相关的形象内涵具有较大的相似性;(3)办赛城市特色是参赛者对不同马拉松赛事形象感知差异化的重要来源。研究结果为马拉松赛事主办方依托办赛城市特色积极打造独一无二的赛事品牌形象,提升赛事吸引力和竞争力提供了决策依据。  相似文献   

通过文献资料、随机访谈、专家咨询等研究方法,建立了马拉松赛事对举办地城市形象影响的跑者价值感知测评模型,运用样本数据对模型进行适配,进一步构建马拉松赛事影响举办地城市形象的跑者价值感知与行为意向的结构方程模型。结果显示,马拉松赛事影响举办地城市形象的跑者价值感知测评模型包含6个维度城市规划与建设影响维度、城市政府治理影响维度、城市经济发展影响维度、城市市民行为影响维度、城市对外宣传影响维度和城市文化发展影响维度。马拉松赛事对举办地城市形象影响的跑者价值感知在不同性别群体、不同年龄群体、不同职业群体、不同文化程度群体、不同地域分布群体之间存在差异性,但其显著性的表现维度各具差异。关于马拉松赛事对举办地城市形象影响的价值感知与行为意向的结构方程模型,其各项适配指数均达到优良水平,说明预设结构方程模型适配效果较好。5个潜变量对行为意向的标准化路径系数均通过了1‰的显著性水平检验,表明马拉松赛事影响举办地城市形象的跑者价值感知对其行为意向产生了比较显著的干预效果,由此反映出马拉松赛事对举办地城市形象的影响是比较显著的,影响辐射面越来越广。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料研究方法、比较研究法和逻辑归纳法等研究方法,对兰州的城市体育软实力和兰州国际马拉松精神进行解读,对兰州国际马拉松赛如何提升城市体育软实力进行了相关探讨。研究结果表明:兰州国际马拉松精神包括"永不止步"的拼搏精神、"同舟共济"的团结合作精神、"互助互爱"的友谊精神。提升兰州城市体育软实力的社会价值体现在以下四个方面:提高城市全民健身及体育事业发展的精神动力;构建和谐社会的重要载体;提升城市品牌影响力的重要途径;促进兰州与台湾体育交流合作的最佳平台。  相似文献   

中国城市马拉松赛事特征浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕广霞 《精武》2012,(33):4-5,7
与国外相比中国城市马拉松赛事开展的时间较晚,对举办城市马拉松的热情和马拉松文化的普及相对落后。本文主要运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,通过搜集历年来我国举办马拉松城市的相关资料,分析了城市马拉松赛的项目特征、文化特征和安全保障措施。对中国城市马拉松赛的发展提供了一些建议。  相似文献   

马拉松作为持续时间较长、强度较高的耐力运动,对心脏的影响是利大还是弊多,对马拉松参赛选手心脏产生哪些生理适应,又对心脏健康存在哪些潜在风险,经常困扰着运动医学研究者和马拉松参赛者。依据目前的国内外研究,全面综述分析了马拉松对心脏各腔室以及冠状动脉结构和功能的影响,深入探讨了马拉松与心肌损伤标志物、心律失常、心肌纤维化和心脏猝死之间的关系。研究结果:1)马拉松会引起心脏发生离心性肥大,心房和心室腔体积均会增大,提升心脏功能。一次马拉松运动后,心房和左右心室收缩与舒张功能均出现了短暂性的下降,舒张功能下降更明显,这是心脏的一种生理适应,数周内可恢复至正常水平;2)尽管马拉松与冠状动脉风险之间的关系仍存在争议,但与同龄和相同心血管风险因素的对照人群相比,马拉松运动员仍具有较低的冠状动脉斑块形成风险;3)马拉松诱导的循环心肌损伤标志物的升高是可逆的,是对剧烈运动的一种暂时生理性应激反应;4)马拉松运动猝死的风险较低,多数马拉松猝死的发生和参赛者遗传的显性或隐性心脏疾病有关。为预防赛场心血管意外,应该建立马拉松赛场心血管意外的预防体系,包括赛前心血管风险评估和筛查程序、增加并合理布置赛中救助力量。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how female marathon runners of varying standards differed in body composition and physique and in their training regimes, and secondly to develop predictors of distance running performance from the anthropometric and training variables. Female marathon runners (n = 36), all participants in a national 10 mile (16 km) road racing championship, were divided into three groups according to their best time for the 26.2 mile race. They were assessed for body composition and somatotype using anthropometric techniques and completed a questionnaire about their current training for the marathon. No difference was found between the groups of distance runners when measured for height, bone widths and circumferences. The three groups were found to have similar body weights of approximately 53 kg, a value which is much lower than the average for sedentary women, but which compares favourably with those from previous studies of female long distance runners. While all the runners had a lower per cent fat, as measured from skinfold thicknesses, than sedentary women, the elite runners were seen to have significantly lower values (P less than 0.05) than the other two groups. The difference in body fat was particularly reflected in the triceps skinfold value. There was also a tendency for the elite runners to be more ectomorphic and less endomorphic than the others. The better runners were seen, on the whole, to have been running longer, and to have more strenuous regimes, both in terms of intensity of training and distance run per week. Multiple regression and discriminant function analyses indicated that the number of training sessions per week and the number of years training were the best predictors of competitive performance at both 10 mile and marathon distances. They also indicated that a female long distance runner with a slim physique high in ectomorphy has the greatest potential for success.  相似文献   

在"马拉松热"的背景下,对跑步参与过程中马拉松跑者的深度休闲特质进行探究。采用滚雪球抽样方式,对20名马拉松跑者进行半结构式访谈,通过质性分析软件NVivo 11.0对访谈资料进行分析。研究结果表明马拉松跑者具有深度休闲的6个特质:坚持不懈、生涯性、显著的个人努力、强烈的认同感、独特的文化、持久的收益。本研究进一步丰富了已有研究成果,其中坚持不懈中的"毅力"和"自我管理"两方面体现了马拉松项目的特点。对马拉松跑者来讲,经济回报和团队发展并不是明显的持久收益。本研究结果拓展了对我国"马拉松热"现象的理解,未来应采用定量方法进行深入研究。  相似文献   


Canadians have been involved in every edition of the Pan-American Games since they were inaugurated in Buenos Aires in 1951. That participation has provided thousands of Canadian athletes, coaches, and officials memorable international experiences. But the focus of Canadian involvement with the Pan-Ams has been the staging of games as a strategy for city building, city branding, and infrastructural investment. This paper examines the Pan-American Games of Winnipeg in 1967 and 1999 and Toronto 2015 as exemplars of that strategy. It argues that with the successes of those games, major games hosting has become virtually an article of faith of Canadian sport policy.  相似文献   

主要运用文献资料法,阐述了当前我国城市马拉松赛事发展的现状,总结概括我国城市马拉松赛事的特征,提出城市马拉松赛对促进体育消费、推动产业发展、树立城市品牌、宣扬城市文化、积极响应全民健身计划、打造健康城市有重要作用。基于当前我国城市马拉松赛井喷式的发展速度,研究认为需要在赛事运作的“量质齐飞”、“跑者文化”的重塑、全民健身的“科学化”和以“公益”为核心的价值诉求方面做出努力。  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料法、实地考察法等方法对2018天府半马展开研究,分析2018天府半马对成都市构建"公园城市"品牌形象产生的政治、经济、文化、生态等方面的巨大价值,为城市管理者借助创新型马拉松赛事来推动成都市实现"公园城市"建设目标提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,从赛事路线的视角出发,对马拉松运动员比赛成绩的影响因素进行分析,以达到提高运动员比赛成绩的目的。研究表明:赛事路线中影响马拉松运动员比赛成绩的主观因素有运动员对路线的熟悉程度、对不同路向测量方法的掌握情况、对各种路段针对性的训练情况;客观因素有路面状况、赛道周边环境、赛事服务者等。建议:运动员赛前要了解影响比赛成绩的主客观因素,并进行针对性的训练。本研究为教练员、运动员的训练和比赛提供参考,以引起教练员、运动员的重视,具有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

目前,我国由城乡二元结构所带来的矛盾越来越突出,当前针对这些状况我国确立了一系列的"城乡一体化"、"统筹城乡发展"与"工业反哺农业"的方针政策。论述了城乡一体化的价值内涵,阐明了城乡一体化发展的目标、主要内容及推动意义,重点分析了城乡一体化进程中农村体育的发展路径,并提出只有农民非农化才是解决农村体育问题的根本途径。  相似文献   


As opposed to many other track-and-field events, marathon performances still improve. We choose to better describe the reasons for such a progression. The 100 best marathon runners archived from January 1990 to December 2011 for men and from January 1996 to December 2011 for women were analysed. We determined the impact of historical, demographic, physiological, seasonal and environmental factors. Performances in marathons improve at every level of performance (deciles). In 2011, 94% of the 100 best men athletes were African runners; among women athletes they were 52%. Morphological indicators (stature, body mass and Body Mass Index (BMI)) have decreased. We show a parabolic function between BMI and running speed. The seasonal distribution has two peaks, in spring (weeks 14 to 17) and autumn (weeks 41 to 44). During both periods, the average temperature of the host cities varies close to optimal value for long distance race. African men and women runners are increasingly dominating the marathon and pushing its record, through optimal eco-physiological conditions.  相似文献   

杨蕾 《体育科研》2014,(3):11-14
澳大利亚是西方较早运用体育赛事进行城市营销、发展旅游业的国家之一。其利用大型体育赛事作为城市形象塑造和品牌推广有相对较长的历史,在体育赛事的开发利用方面有很多可以借鉴的经验和可以吸取的教训。文章通过对其开展的赛事主办地城市营销实践进行回顾和梳理,并归纳总结经验教训,为我国更好更科学的利用大型体育赛事这一手段进行城市品牌营销与形象塑造提供参考。  相似文献   

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