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Learning management systems (LMS) have been utilised for enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in higher education, yet the cultural needs of Indigenous students are rarely considered. The study reimagines culturally inclusive learning in an LMS by critically reviewing theories of culturally inclusive learning and Indigenous pedagogical values. It explores perceptual gaps between Indigenous cultural needs and the current use of an LMS through analysis of data collected from Indigenous students and academic staff via an online questionnaire (n = 100) and face-to-face interviews (n = 20) at one Australian university. As a result, it articulates and unpacks mythical perceptions of using an LMS. Consequently, there is clear evidence that Indigenous students expect to experience more human-to-human interactions and develop a sense of community through the use of available communication tools, whereas academic staff tend to rely on a binary opposition between pedagogy and culture in which culture is regarded as a subordinate concept to pedagogy.  相似文献   

This research aimed to examine the impact of using mobile-supported learning management systems (LMS) in teaching web design on the academic success of students and their opinion on the course; and it was conducted on 70 volunteer students (35 experimental, 35 control) enrolled at Giresun University, Technical Sciences Vocational School, Computer Technologies Department, Program of Computer Programming in Spring 2015–2016. After the eight weeks long implementation of Mobile Moodle, which is a mobile-supported LMS, as a supplement to traditional learning methods; t-test was used in order to determine whether the methodology mentioned had a significant impact on the academic success of web design teaching. As a result of the t-test implemented; it was seen that there was a significant level of difference in favor of the experimental group; between the academic success of students in the experimental group where mobile-supported LMS is used and the academic success of the students in the control group where traditional learning methodologies are used. Also, it has been determined that using Mobile LMS has increased the students’ interest.  相似文献   


In this paper, the determinants of the intention to use online learning management system (LMS) among students in one of universities in the Kyrgyz Republic were studied, using quantitative and qualitative analysis. A total of 541 responses from students, enrolled in online courses during the fall and spring semesters 2016–2017, were used to examine students attitude toward online education. In addition, interviews with six instructors were conducted. Results showed that success of students in e-courses depend on year of education and the academic major of students. Factors, defined in the scope of this work, namely, technical characteristics of LMS, ease of use, feedback options of LMS and advantages of LMS use, were also found to be significant for students in their success in online courses. In interviews with instructors, three main points were highlighted, namely, problem with students’ perception of online courses, lack of online education experience among instructors and administrative issues.  相似文献   

Asian students bring to Australia a very different educational and intellectual experience from that which awaits them in tertiary studies here. Traditional attitudes to knowledge and styles of learning can lead to severe problems of intellectual culture shock, especially in approaches to knowledge and academic authority. If these students are to make a successful adjustment to the styles of teaching and learning in Australia, they need specific assistance in methods of study and language development. Academic staff may also have to recognize these problems of transition by adapting their own styles of teaching. If in the course of their studies here these students do not become capable of independent thinking and a critical approach to their area of expertise, they may not be able to adapt their new knowledge to the needs and constraints of their home country on their return. This paper is based on the experience of the Study Skills Unit at the Australian National University in working with postgraduate and undergraduate overseas students, and on two extended study tours in Southeast Asia and Burma to gain understanding of the cultural and educational backgrounds of students from this region. It draws attention to the need for academic institutions to provide adequate support systems for any increased intake of overseas students.  相似文献   

基于关联主义的个人学习网络管理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着学习理论的发展和网络通讯技术的进步,网络教学(学习)系统在经历了CMS、LMS、LCMS和LAMS的四个阶段之后,面对学习者新的学习需求,又将呈现新的功能特征。建设学习网络管理系统(LNMS)的理念,将学习者关系管理纳入学习管理的过程,对于构建一个支持学习者非正式学习和社会化学习的网络环境,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文介绍的Porta-bile项目正在特伦托大学(University of Trento)开展,旨在研究移动计算技术在教育环境中对学习过程的支持作用.这个项目主要关注移动学习中的技术因素,它们与e-Learning系统的整合以及与学术机构的信息系统的整合.这个项目是建立在特伦托大学经济学院使用的e-learning学习平台的大量源代码研究以及对整个特伦托大学使用的新平台所收集的大量经验和数据基础上.  相似文献   

There are arguably many factors that affect the way a student learns. A recent report by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and the Higher Education Academy (HEA) on student academic experience in the UK states that class size is an important factor in the quality of the student experience and that smaller class sizes provide greater educational benefit than the delivery of lectures. This article assesses research related to lectures, lecture attendance of medical students and their learning approaches in higher education outside the clinical setting. A questionnaire and focus groups were employed to gather quantitative and qualitative data. The results show that students value lectures in the curriculum alongside other teaching and learning methods.  相似文献   

基于问题的学习与我国的教育现实   总被引:79,自引:0,他引:79  
基于问题的学习是将学习"抛锚"于具体问题之中的一种情境化了的、以学生为中心的教学方法.它主张问题是学习的起点,注重学生的已有知识、小组合作和教师的指导或促进在学习活动中的作用.PBL与我国新课程改革中倡导的教育观念具有基本的一致性,但要全面实施这种模式,还必须要面对我国的教育现实,处理好教师角色转换与师资培训模式不协调的问题和学生自主学习与教育资源不足的矛盾.  相似文献   

学习体验是高职创业课程有效性评价的重要内容。从学习沉浸体验、学习关系体验、学习获得体验与学习活动体验四个维度编制高职创业课程学习体验量表,并采用该量表对1204名高职学生进行调查,结果发现:当前高职学生创业课程学习体验总体水平处于中等偏上,仍有较大改进空间。其中,学习关系体验最佳,学习沉浸体验最差;学习体验与创业实践、创业自我效能感之间存在正向预测关系。依据研究结果,高职创业课程模式应由知识驱动转向实践驱动、学习方式由传授式变向沉浸式、评价指标由学业结果延向学习体验、课程资源由课堂支持走向社会支持。  相似文献   

研究采用专业的测评工具对山西省两所高水平大学学生的学业情绪与学习适应及其关系进行实证研究.结果发现:大学生积极学业情绪高于消极学业情绪,结果定向情绪高于同一愉悦度下活动定向情绪;学生在学习中能够体验到较多的自主感与成就感,但羞愧、焦虑等情绪正困扰着相当部分学生.大学生学习适应的总体状态较为良好,近三成学生表现出适应状态...  相似文献   

Both learning style and academic belief systems have been identified as significant factors contributing to academic achievement. This paper evaluates the efficacy of teaching and learning in higher education by investigating the relationship between students assessment of their own academic proficiency (in this case Research Methods Proficiency [RMP]), learning style, academic locus of control, academic self-efficacy and academic achievement. First and second year undergraduate students' RMP was measured before and after completing modules in Research Methods. Students also completed measures of approaches to learning, academic self-efficacy and academic locus of control. Academic achievement (module mark) was also recorded. Results showed that perceived proficiency increased after completing the taught modules and that perceived proficiency was positively correlated with academic performance. Level 1 students, taught under the recently modified programme, reported significantly higher perceived proficiency than Level 2 students taught under the previous programme. Perceived proficiency was positively correlated with a strategic learning approach and negatively correlated with a surface learning approach and external locus of control beliefs. Academic achievement was also positively correlated with a strategic learning approach and negatively correlated with an apathetic learning approach. A deep learning approach failed to be associated with either RMP or academic achievement. It is suggested that: (i) these findings confirm, to some degree, the suggestion that there is an emphasis in later education on performance rather than learning (Lyddy, 1998); and (ii) perceived proficiency is a useful evaluation measure and is likely to contribute to effective and productive teaching and learning within higher education.  相似文献   

The decision to make the UK student population financially responsible for their own university education has major implications for the future of higher education provision. Chief among these implications will undoubtedly be a much stronger emphasis on the student experience, not least the experience of the teaching and learning environment. Given the increasing influence of consumerism on student identity, the distinct possibility exists that such notions of market-led accountability will be first in line to shape how the academic–student relationship is redefined and understood in future years. It is therefore an appropriate time to explore alternatives to such a narrow understanding of relationships—an understanding that inevitably tends to frame direct accountability in terms of economic exchange. It is argued in this paper that one alternative can be developed by exploring a more relational approach to HE pedagogy, and more specifically one that is based on a synthesis of critical theory and psychoanalysis. By emphasising the intersubjective nature of learning and teaching and the role of emotions in this regard, the paper argues that a relationally centred approach takes seriously questions of trust, recognition and respect at the heart of the academic–student relationship, while also making space for doubt, confusion and relational anxiety.  相似文献   

Service‐oriented e‐learning platforms can be considered as a third generation of learning management systems (LMSs). As opposed to the previous generations, consisting of ad hoc solutions and traditional LMS, this new technology contemplates e‐learning systems as services that can be integrated into different learning scenarios. This paper shows that the flexibility of these systems allows building personal learning environments and proposes the use of an extended technology acceptance model (TAM) to assess the acceptance and intention to use a third generation of LMS. To fit and validate the service‐oriented e‐learning platforms acceptance model, structural equation modeling and path analysis have been implemented. The results point out that the intention to use this third‐generation LMS is determined by the gadgets and container design, both of which are structural elements of this technology. Finally, it is also shown that previous experience does not determine the use intention of this technology.  相似文献   

One and One is Sometimes Three in Small Group Mathematics Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, Mathematics teaching has been confronted by demands for higher standards and better pupil achievement in several parts of the world. Researchers have suggested the shift from teacher‐centred instruction towards more active participatory learning methods as one way to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process. The tension between whole‐class teaching versus small group learning in Mathematics has been particularly apparent in many education systems. This article analyses the development of Mathematics teaching by asking whether small group learning is an effective arrangement in teaching school Mathematics. We conclude that although there is no unanimity about the affects of small group learning on student achievement in school Mathematics, it seems that it produces at least equal academic outcomes among all students compared to more traditional methods of instruction. Working in pairs is a particularly effective form of learning Mathematics and that small groups are beneficial for developing mathematical problem‐solving skills. We also conclude that the present educational policies and increased quality assurance structures in many countries conflict, or are not consistent with scientific‐professional thinking and research on the teaching of Mathematics.  相似文献   

教学之目的在促进学生之学习。有效的学习过程和显著的结果性体现构成学生的深层学习。深层学习关注学习者认知发展和深度参与。内驱力强、学习者参与度高是深层学习的外在体现。深层学习视域下中学阶段实现有效教学的主要阻点为“教”和“学”双方面投入度不足、知识灌输和认知发展不匹配、学业评价欠完备等。经过长期实践探索,要解决教育根本问题还需回到教学“根部”,创造多元性、批判性学习环境,实现学生自主参与性、学业评价多样化体系,旨在完善中学有效教学策略。  相似文献   


Background: Outdoor learning and computer-based learning are two different alternatives to in-class conventional teacher-centered learning.

Purpose: This study compares the outdoor learning setting with computer-based learning in class. It examines the influence of the two different learning settings on academic achievements, the learning experience, and pro-environmental perceptions.

Sample: A total of 90 elementary school students (third and fourth-grade classes) participated in the study.

Design and methods: The academic knowledge of the study participants was tested through identical exams for both learning settings. In addition, in each group the students’ perceptions were examined by means of a questionnaire about environmental values and the learning experience.

Results: The study demonstrates that academic achievements in the two settings were similar, but the students expressed more enthusiasm about the outdoor learning experience than about in-class learning. In addition, the outdoor learning setting contributed more to promoting positive environmental perceptions even though students did not learn directly about environmental issues and sustainability.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that learning in the natural environment is valuable: Alongside the fostering of computerized learning, it is also important to promoteoutdoor learning settings and integrate both settings by implementing mobile technologies in the outdoor teaching.  相似文献   

Learning is both experiential and existential and a theory of learning is examined here in considerable detail to show how we interpret religious experiences. This learning provides the basis of theological systems although it is argued here that we cannot learn religious experience, only interpretations that provide us with mediated religious experience. These interpretations usually come from within a culture or a faith community. The interpretations, when they are shared, are secondary experiences: they constitute the basis of theological explanations, which are then taught. But teaching religion academically creates a tension between approaches to study, faith, and experience that has to be resolved in a satisfactory manner.  相似文献   

教育信息化的快速发展对技术支持的学习环境提出了更高的要求。学习管理系统集教学、学习与管理功能于一身,为辅助教师开展教学活动,以及实现教学交互提供了有力的技术支持。通过对国际和国内使用较为广泛的Blackboard、Moodle和Sakai三款学习管理系统在社会性交互方面的比较发现,三款学习管理系统在支持学习者与教师间的交互方面主要体现在通知、日程、作业、成绩簿、内置邮件、投票、测验等模块,在支持学习者与学习者间的交互方面主要体现在聊天室、讨论区、Wiki、内置邮件等模块。三款学习管理系统在细节设置上各有特色:Sakai的通知和日历功能最为强大,Moodle和Sakai支持在线协作编辑;Moodle在论坛模块的用户界面呈现良好、使用便捷;Blackboard能够方便地支持用户角色设置。因此,教师在选择学习管理系统时,应充分挖掘各类系统的特色功能,综合运用多种交互工具,整合各种教学系统,使之能更好地促进远程学习者的有效交互和有效学习。  相似文献   

学风建设是高校教学工作的重中之重,优良的学风是培养高素质人才的前提与保障.诺丁汉大学模式在学习观的引导、培养方向的重定位、学习评价机制的全面化、教学形式的多元化等方面进行了创新,培育了良好的学习风气,积累了成功经验.其"以学生为中心"的教学理念和以培养学生自主研究能力、批判性思维能力为目的的创新型教学组织形式,更为优良学风的培育奠定基础.通过对诺丁汉大学模式的研究,试图获得有助于地方普通院校优良学风培育的经验启迪.  相似文献   

Professional standards in teaching are developed in many education systems, with professional learning and quality assurance being the central purposes of these standards. This paper presents an initiative in developing a professional development progress map (hereafter, progress map) within a learning‐oriented field experience assessment (LOFEA) framework. The article examines the use of a progress map to support professional learning in teaching supervision in the field experience of a teacher education programme. Views of users, including 16 tertiary supervisors and 21 teacher participants of the in‐service programmes, were collected. Issues relating to supporting student teachers' professional learning with standards‐referenced assessment, are discussed around four themes, namely intention, instrumentation, interpretation and implementation.  相似文献   

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