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生源是民办高校的"生命线",生源数量和质量对民办高校的生存和发展有着决定性的影响。高考人数逐年减少,导致部分民办高校面临生源危机。生源危机对民办高校的生存构成了严峻挑战,同时也给民办高校的发展带来了机遇。生源危机背景下,民办高校如何准确定位、理顺思路、转变观念、抓住机遇、拓宽生源渠道是在危机中求生存,谋发展必须面对的关键问题。  相似文献   

生源是民办高校的生命线.我国高等教育正在由大众化向普及化阶段发展.民办高校失去了高考落榜生这个生源群体,招收专科线以上考生不仅存在民办高校之间的竞争,最残酷的是要和公办高校进行生源竞争.民办高校只有用差异化战略来应对生源危机.  相似文献   

随着我国民办高等教育迅猛发展,生源竞争已日趋白热化,生源问题成为了各民办高校生存的关键问题.面临生源危机,各民办高校均把招生工作作为重中之重,如何面对挑战,在新时期摸索一套适合现代民办高校办学实际的招生模式,是当前各民办高校亟待解决的现实问题.  相似文献   

根据我国民办高校所面临的发展瓶颈,文章基于生源下降的视角,分析了民办高校品牌建设的重要性及其意义,提出以生源危机作为民办高校品牌建设的契机,加强品牌建设,提升核心竞争力,优化民办高校格局和资源,实现民办高校的可持续发展。  相似文献   

陈庆勤 《考试周刊》2014,(64):157-158
生源是民办高校发展与支撑的生命线。以招收生源为生存的民办高校,由于各方面的原因,生源危机愈演愈烈。除外部环境因素外,师资队伍结构不合理和稳定性不高、教育教学质量偏低、专业设置落后、就业率偏低、党团学工作滞后等现象的存在,是困惑和影响民办高校招生走出困境,实现可持续发展的内在原因。  相似文献   

独立学院脱离举办高校向民办高校转变的同时,也带来了从招生到债务的全面危机,而能否正确认识并全面控制民办高校的债务危机等关系到社会的稳定和高校的健康发展。近年来独立学院及完全独立后的民办高校的实践显示,民办高校已出现了生源危机、教学质量危机和债务危机。因此,要对民办高校实行国家审计、信息公开、收支预算、贷款担保等措施,只有这样才可以有效地防止民办高校资金挪用、资金抽逃、负债过重,从而有效地防止和控制民办高校可能发生的各种危机。  相似文献   

所谓生源景气监测,是以统计学为基础对反映生源现状的各种变量进行综合呈现的方法。同时,它也是民办高校全面风险管理体系的重要组成部分。建立生源景气指数体系,其本质就是探讨生源危机对民办高校产生的影响。生源景气指标由三部分组成:先行指标、一致性指标、滞后指标。这三类指标基本上涵盖了影响生源景气的各种变量。天津市民办高校生源景气指数(2008~2015)分析显示,生源景气值逐年上升趋势明显,后期继续快速上升的压力较大。生源景气监测与民办高校扩张风险防范之间有着紧密的逻辑关系和明确的联动机制,主要体现在扩张决策、扩张融资、扩张预期收入等方面。本文结合研究成果提出三项有效风险防范对策,即将生源发展列入顶层设计,以生源监测约束扩张规模和主动争取生源份额。  相似文献   

由于我国高等教育适龄人口下降、职业教育势头及留学趋势强劲、高等院校迅速扩张等因素,导致民办高校面临生源危机的问题.深入分析其原因,将对民办高校的持续、健康发展有一定的助益.  相似文献   

目前,我国经济发展方式发生了转变,经济结构与人才结构脱节,生源危机加重,迫使民办高校转型发展,加强内涵建设。民办高校需要结合区域产业特点,在办学特色和提高质量上下功夫。政府要为民办高校的发展制定扶持优惠政策,切实为民办高校核心竞争力的培育和提升创造良好的机制和体制环境。  相似文献   

在民办高校中,管理层无疑是赋予学校生命、注入活力的要素。加强民办高校管理层建设,"改变"管理层的管理理念和模式,对于破解民办高校的发展困境,缓解生源危机,提高民办高校的知名度和名誉度具有举足轻重的作用。本文在分析民办高校管理层的特殊性的基础上,探讨了"改变"民办高校管理层的必要性,最后就如何"改变"民办高校管理层提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

A flexible one-output and two-input cost function is estimated for the degree program offerings of public and private higher educational institutions (HEIs) of the Philippines, employing the data from a nationally representative sample of 29 HEIs. This model, called Flexible Fixed Cost Quadratic cost function includes as output—full time equivalent degree program enrollment, and the two factor inputs—teaching cost and operating cost per student. Units of observation are the degree programs being offered by the sample HEIs. Results indicate that public and private HEIs exhibit structurally different cost functions, with the public sector enjoying markedly better cost efficiency and over-all scale economy.  相似文献   

Educational technologies have experienced unprecedented prominence on university agendas with many institutions motivated to keep the lessons learned from the COVID-19 sparked transition with regard to online teaching. In response to this renewed interest in ensuring the longevity of educational technologies in higher education, this systematic review analysed the various organisational factors—for example, leadership, infrastructure, strategy—considered essential in the literature for the successful implementation of educational technologies. Specifically, we reviewed 1614 papers published in five prominent educational technology journals in the last decade. From this sample, we identified 47 papers that discussed organisational factors. Drawing on these studies, we constructed an organisational framework, which outlines the different organisational factors, actors and processes involved in implementing educational technologies. The identified organisational factors are structured into three main categories: (1) Leadership and Strategy, (2) Infrastructure and Resources and (3) Recognition and Motivation. Our aim was to further the scholarly understanding of the organisational layer involved in digital change as well as provide concrete recommendations for practitioners.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Previous research has stressed the importance of taking organisational factors such as infrastructure, leadership, strategy and staff commitment into account when implementing educational technologies.
  • However, review papers have failed to systematically organise these studies to create a comprehensive understanding of the organisational factors involved in implementing educational technologies and ensuring their longevity at an institution.
  • There is currently a high level of interest in how educational technologies can be implemented in the higher education landscape, as many institutions are facing the question of what lessons they can learn from the crisis and how they can continue on their path of digitalisation.
What this paper adds
  • This review paper addresses a gap in our scholarly understanding of the organisational layers involved in the implementation of educational technologies in higher education institutions (HEIs).
  • This paper provides a framework on organisational factors, which influence the implementation of educational technologies in HEIs.
  • This review paper demonstrates that bottom-up and opinion leadership, support structures tailored to the need and time of faculty as well as recognition and incentives have the largest impact on a sustainable implementation of educational technologies in HEIs.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Universities should create structures that enable innovation and creativity by promoting bottom-up and opinion leadership as well as shared decision-making processes as they are important for the successful implementation of educational technologies in HEIs.
  • Besides providing a reliable and suitable infrastructure, institutional support and resources in terms of technical advice and training tailored to specific needs, should be in place when planning the implementation of educational technologies in HEIs.
  • The additional workload instructors face when implementing digital teaching should be recognised and incentivised as it strengthens instructor engagement which is crucial for the implementation of educational technologies in HEIs.

This article provides an analysis of the academic performance of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Vietnam with 50 universities and 50 colleges in 2011/12. The two-stage semiparametric data envelopment analysis is used to estimate the efficiency of HEIs and investigate the effects of various factors on their performance. The findings reveal that HEIs in the surveyed sample show that there are still potential avenues to improve their existing performance. There appears to be a difference in the efficiencies of public and private HEIs in the reported year. It is noted that the inefficiency of HEIs are not entirely a result of managerial performance, but also influenced by other factors such as location, age and the contribution of tuition fees. Our results are expected to provide more understanding of the operational efficiency of HEIs for educational managers and policymakers to find possible solutions to improve the performance of Vietnamese higher education.  相似文献   

Borrowing from banks has become a common practice among Chinese higher education institutions (HEIs), and operating with a heavy debt load has become a characteristic of Chinese higher educational development. Substantial financial commitments acquired by HEIs during their rapid expansion since 1998 are now having serious consequences: numerous universities and colleges have found themselves with major debt problems. Some are even facing insolvency. This paper describes the background of Chinese HEIs’ debt problems, assesses the present debt and repayment situation, and suggests a possible solution for the university debt crisis, using empirical evidence from one HEI in China.  相似文献   

In recent years, closing down private higher education institutions (HEIs) has become a serious problem in China. It seems that doubt is cast on the rationality of private HEIs and severe competition contributes a lot to their development. Many problems in the process of self-development are caused by both internal and external factors. From the perspective of sustainable development and the healthy development of students, priority should be given to the evolution of an idea to provide a positive environment for the development of private HEIs. This paper is an effort to deal with the statement that higher education in China is a seller's market and aims to do an objective estimate of the development space for private HEIs. In addition, it shows a clear understanding of establishing the prediction system for relevant issues of private higher education to guarantee the sound development of private HEIs. Translated from Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiu 高等教育研究 (Journal of Higher Education), 2006, (5): 46–53  相似文献   

我国民办高等学校区域分布、时间变化及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民办高等学校数是衡量我国民办高等教育发展状况的一个重要指标。以往的研究证明,经济发展和公立高等教育发展是影响民办高等教育发展的两个重要因素。本文建立了以民办高等学校数为因变量,以GDP和公立普通高等学校数为自变量的回归模型,并利用我国31个省、自治区和直辖市2002年、2005年和2006年的有关数据,对回归模型进行了统计分析,结果表明民办普通高等学校区域分布及其时间变化受GDP及其变化的显著影响;独立学院区域分布受公立普通高等学校数的显著影响;民办高等学校区域分布及其时间变化同时受GDP和公立普通高等学校数及其变化的显著影响。以市为单位进行的分析发现,以省为单位的分析结果会低估公立普通高等学校对于民办普通高等学校的积极影响。  相似文献   

高考录取制度改革是高考改革的关键。录取批次的调整,对于考生报考和高校招生都会产生一定的影响。鲁、闽两省基于高考生源持续下降的现实背景,将实行了多年的"本三批"取消。这不仅扩大了考生的择校余地,而且实现了公办高校与民办高校的同步招生。但高校之间生源冷热不均,公办高校的生源相对充足,民办高校则生源吃紧。对此,高校应牢固树立质量意识,切实提高教育质量,政府应加大对民办高校的扶持。  相似文献   

韩国高等教育规模的持续扩张引发了教育质量的下降,尤其是近年来随着适龄入学人口的下降,使主要经费来源依赖于学生学费的私立大学开始面临财政危机,它们不得不通过合并与兼并等重组的方式以增强生存能力.政府也通过立法或制定政策促使大学,尤其是私立大学进行重组改革,以提高其竞争优势.  相似文献   

Malaysia is a newly industrialized market economy and reliant upon foreign direct investment to increase its economic outlook. Being located in a strategic position between Asia, Australasia and Oceania has made it an attractive proposition for foreign higher education providers wanting to expand their international presence. Despite this, there are many market and regulatory challenges facing foreign providers operating as private higher education institutions (HEIs) within Malaysia. To gain a competitive edge they must clearly understand how the many cultures, values, norms, behaviors, and mindsets within Malaysia can be used to drive strategy. Unfortunately, very little is known about Malaysian perceptions of private HEIs compared to public HEIs. By drawing upon utility theory, the aim of this research is to construct a scale for measuring brand identity of HEIs in Malaysia. Data from a sample of 371 students from private and public HEIs in Malaysia were collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling to form a two-factor measurement model consisting of visual and verbal identity cues. Tests of differences were performed, which showed dimensions such as distribution channel, public relations, promotion, core service, price, and system having significant differences between private and public HEIs.  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the issues and benefits surrounding the process of accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL) as one key institutional 'building block' for meeting the needs of adults who wish access to UK higher education institutions (HEIs) course provision. Arguments are advanced whereby APEL could help to 'unlock doors' to HEIs for those (mostly part-time students), who have traditionally been denied access or advanced standing to HE courses because of personal, socio-economic or institutional constraints. The paper also provides a basis for APEL based on educational grounds. Reference to a three year study/project in a Canadian institution, where criteria were evolved that eventually led to the establishment of APEL policy and procedures along with the evolution of the necessary infrastructure, is also made. APEL is also presented as a human resource/career development process that can gather momentum, gain commitment and support from the private sector.  相似文献   

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