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《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》指出,"特殊教育是促进残疾人全面发展、帮助残疾人更好地融入社会的基本途径",并且"要因地制宜发展残疾儿童学前教育"。据2006年第二次全国残疾人抽样调查统计,目前我国听力障碍儿童约有200万名,约占听力残疾人数的9.98%;听障儿童普遍存在听觉、言语和语言问题。为了  相似文献   

在我国,有相当数量的视障、听障、智障、肢体残疾等残疾弱势儿童,还不能得到正常的受教育机会。据1987年全国残疾人抽样调查的统计,我国0至15岁的残疾儿童有790多万。1987年至现在已近20年时间,现在的残疾儿童又有多少呢?目前还没有这方面较为准确的数字,2005年开展的第二次全国残疾人抽样调查工作尚在进行,估计到2007年才会有结果,但相信仍是不小的数字。  相似文献   

基于我国2006年第二次全国残疾人抽样调查数据,分析社区无障碍设施、康复协调员和康复站情况对残疾人数量的影响。研究结果表明:社区无障碍设施、康复协调员和康复站的设置对残疾人数量产生了反向影响,这种影响表现为对非永久性残疾的残疾康复和对永久性残疾的残疾预防,这两方面的影响都能够有效地减少残疾人数量,因而应该将社区康复模式加以推广。我国残疾人联合会在各地均设有基层组织,因而应当发挥这一组织结构优势,使残联在社区康复和残疾预防工作的开展中发挥作用。  相似文献   

以第一、二次全国残疾人抽样调查的资料为依据,对两次调查中智力残疾人残疾等级、地区分布、年龄分布、主要致残原因、受教育情况、在业人数等各方面状况进行对比分析,结果显示,智力残疾人在学历水平、在业比例以及受关注度等方面都有了明显提高,但智力残疾的康复任务仍很严峻,需要政府及社会广泛关注.  相似文献   

蓝汉云 《贵州教育》2008,(14):12-13
据2006年全国残疾人抽样调查统计表明,我国残疾人占总人口7.23%达九千多万,基数非常庞大.随着<残疾人保障法>的深入贯彻实施和"两基"的完成,越来越多的残疾学生踏入校园,实现自己的教育权利.以笔者所在学校为例,残疾学生占学生总数的1.5%.残疾学生由于身体障碍的原因,在学习和生活上有其特殊性,只有采取相应措施才能帮助他们融入校园大家庭,更好地完成学业.残疾学生人数虽少,但是由于其特殊性、社会性和人文性特点,已经成为普通学校教学管理一个不容忽视的问题.……  相似文献   

根据2006年第二次全国残疾人抽样调查报告推算,我国现有视力残疾人为1233万人,占残疾人总人数的14.86%。视力残疾使人自由行走和参加社会活动受到制约,导致他们丧失或部分丧失了作为社会成员应该享有的权利以及尊严。定向与行走是盲人克服视觉障碍并且实现顺利行走达到生活自理、重返社会的最基本的技能。  相似文献   

一、加强视障学生职业教育的必要性 1.我国残疾人面临沉重就业压力 绝大多数残疾人在接受九年义务教育后,面临就业的问题。2006年公布的第二次全国残疾人抽样调查一全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上残疾人结果显示:在抽样调查的158783名残疾人中。  相似文献   

为了解江西残疾人就业情况,发展残疾人事业提供科学依据,根据江西省第二次全国残疾人抽样调查资料,用社会科学统计软件SPSS15.0对18-60岁残疾人就业状况进行了分析,18-60岁残疾者就业率为62.23%,不同性别、残疾类别、残疾等级之间就业率有显著差异(P<0.001).就如何提高残疾人的就业率提出5种建议.  相似文献   

盲聋人手语的初步研究黄家尼,沈家英1987年全国残疾人抽样调查资料显示,在确认为残疾的77343人中,有综合残疾10080人,其中视力兼听力语言残疾(不包括视、听、肢和视、听、智三重残疾)3275人,约占残疾人数的4.23%。按此比例推算,在全国51...  相似文献   

在第二次全国残疾人抽样调查中,江西省共调查了22895户83088人,调查抽样的比例为1.92‰。被调查户中有残疾人的家庭共4634户,确定为视力、听力、言语、肢体、智力、精神和多重残疾共5310人。为了摸清江西省目前15~60岁残疾人受教育程度的情况,为政府制定相关教育政策提供科学依据,以促进江西残疾人教育发展.根据江西省第二次全国残疾人抽样调查资料.我们对全省15~60岁残疾人受教育程度进行了分析研究.现将分析研究结果榍告如下.  相似文献   


The inclusion in higher education of students with disabilities and learning difficulties has become a matter of concern within the past eight years. Recent Higher Education Funding Council initiatives to promote greater inclusion have had some success in improving access to higher education (HE) and raising awareness across the sector of the need to ensure full participation by students with disabilities in the learning environment once they enter the university. Hopes that the new UK disability rights legislation would help promote equality of access to HE were disappointed when it became apparent that the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 excluded education from its main provisions. The only requirement affecting post‐compulsory education is that institutions publish a statement on their provision for students with disabilities and learning difficulties. These disability statements confer no legal rights and it appeared that they would have little impact on access to HE for disabled people. This paper reports the findings of a survey of the anticipated effects upon the higher education sector in England of the requirement to produce disability statements. There may be some positive effects not only upon the nature and form of information available, but also on the provision offered in the sector.  相似文献   

以社会模式的残疾观推进智障人士的社会融合   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
残疾观正在发生从医疗模式向社会模式的转变。社会模式的残疾观强调残疾问题是人权问题,也是社会和发展问题,主张以权利和支持作为处理残疾问题的方法。这一模式对智力障碍的认识更加客观,对智障人士的态度更为积极,关注权利、接纳、潜能和融合,可以作为智障人士社会融合的理论选择。智障人士社会融合的推进策略包括以宣传与沟通消除不健康的社会态度,以权利为本作为立法依据,以社会支持增强智障人士融入社会的能力等。  相似文献   

就业不仅是残疾人获得收入、解决生计的有效途径,也是残疾人融入社会、实现个人价值和体现人格尊严的重要途径。研究及实践表明,残疾人职业教育应以就业为根本目标和服务导向。为促进我国残疾人职业教育的发展,在梳理近几年国家相关政策文件、江苏省残疾人事业发展相关文件基础上,借助第二次全国残疾人抽样调查(江苏省),通过随机整群抽样和深度访谈,调查了江苏省残疾人就业现状;分析了残疾人就业资源及对职业教育的需求;通过战略思考,提出发展残疾人职业教育相关建议:亟需采纳全新的残疾人资源观、潜能观,建立完善的职业教育体系,以满足残疾人的教育、培训和就业需求,促使其充分参与社会生活,共建共享和谐社会。  相似文献   

残疾人在社会生活和工作中属于较为典型的弱势群体,他们的日常生活面临许多的特殊困难,因此也十分需要得到社会关注和保障。内蒙古乌海市是一个以工业发展起来的移居型城市,在整体的经济当中工业占了很大的比例,其中各种矿业尤为的发达,乌海的矿产资源非常丰富,因为地理特征及自然条件的特殊,使得该地区的残疾人要比普通地区的多些,残疾人的致残原因也多因矿难和职业病,所以本文根据第二次全国残疾人抽样调查汇总数据,对乌海市海南区的残疾人社会保障状况做了具体的描述,根据现状分析了存在问题的特殊性并提出具有针对性建议,如,实现残疾人保障制度规范化;提供稳定可靠地基本生活保障;提高残疾人教育水平;积极促进就业;实现多元化服务等来提高残疾人社会保障体系。  相似文献   


Despite increasing attention to disadvantaged students in Australian universities, data on students with disabilities is sparse. This paper reports the results of a 1996 national survey on students with learning disabilities (LD) in Australian universities. The data collected from disability support staff indicate that in 1996 they supported approximately 1000 students with LD: this group of students comprised 12% of all supported students with disabilities. The gender ratio of supported students with LD did not differ significantly from that of all university students, but the supported students with LD were more likely to be studying part‐time, less likely to be studying for a higher degree, and less likely to be aged under 20 years.  相似文献   

BackgroundThere is an urgent need to understand how best to prevent and respond to violence against children with disabilities as they are at a high risk for violence because they are marginalized, isolated, and targeted and have little power within their communities.ObjectiveGuided by social-ecological theory, this study explores responses to violence against children with disabilities, including preventative measures and treatment of victims in the West African countries of Guinea, Niger, Sierra Leone, and Togo.ParticipantsParticipants were recruited using purposive and snowball sampling from the following three groups: disability stakeholders including representatives from local, national, and international organizations and governments; community members including parents, teachers, and leaders; and children with disabilities.MethodsA qualitative study design guided data generation, that included document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups across the four countries. In total, 419 people participated. Of those participants, 191 took part in an interview and the rest participated in one of 55 focus groups.FindingsResponses to disability-based violence are driven at the mesosystem and exosystem levels. Prevailing views indicated that national level policies and laws are not always considered part of solutions, communities are leading responses to violence, and children with disabilities are hidden at home or in institutions for both their own and their family’s safety.Conclusions The findings can inform development of prevention and intervention programs that will protect children with disabilities from violence in contexts with high levels of disability stigma, social conflict, violence, and poverty.  相似文献   

为了研究地区分层效应下残疾人的就业状况及其影响因素的重要程度,基于2017年全国残疾人基本服务状况和需求专项调查中的S省数据,选取基本人口学因素、家庭因素、社会环境因素等变量,引入地区分层变量,构建两水平Logistic回归模型对残疾人就业影响因素进行分析,并基于梯度提升决策树(GBDT)模型对影响因素进行重要性度量。研究结果表明,基本人口学因素对残疾人就业的影响作用最强,社会环境因素次之,家庭因素最弱。影响残疾人就业的因素中,重要性得分最高的前三位分别为受教育程度、残疾类型、年龄。地区分层效应下,受教育程度、家庭收入状况、家庭住房状况对残疾人就业具有显著正向作用,残疾等级、是否参加医疗保险对残疾人就业呈现负向作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, a detailed analysis based on the lived experiences of the study participants and the researcher (each with vision impairment) in education, post school and in the pursuit for employment is developed. The policy discourses of disability legislation – both at national and international levels – are explored with particular reference to their enactment in Australia. The analysis focuses on the collective indifference to detached others, which is evident in the linguistic construction of people with disabilities in the United Nations [(2006). Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. New York: United Nations] and the Australian Standards for Education 2005 [Australian Department of Education, Science and Training. 2006. Disability Standards for Education 2005 Plus Guidance Notes. Accessed March 12, 2012. http://nla.gov.au/nla.arc-7692.]. Together, these elements reflect the neoliberal principles that cast a shadow over the discourses of the disability policies.  相似文献   

北京市学前残疾儿童家长心理压力问卷调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对北京市193名学前视力残疾、听力残疾、智力残疾、脑瘫和自闭症等5类残疾儿童的家长进行了心理压力、应对方式和社会支持的问卷调查。结果表明:不同残疾类别儿童家长心理压力具有差异,其中智力残疾、脑瘫和自闭症儿童家长的心理压力显著高于听力残疾和视力残疾儿童的家长;应对方式的差异主要体现在自责,其中脑瘫儿童家长的自责压力最大;自责、退避和幻想是影响残疾儿童家长心理压力最主要的因素。建议从出台救助政策、完善社会服务支持、积极开展家长工作等方面给予支持。  相似文献   

Teachers’ attitudes towards disabled students seem to define the extent to which teaching practices are inclusive. Aiming to explore Cyprus secondary education teachers’ attitudes and practice, and the consequent implications for the future of disabled students and inclusive education, we conducted mixed methods research. Our research typology was sequential and integrated. First, we conducted a survey, during which we received 536 questionnaires from our randomly selected stratified sample of Cyprus secondary education teachers. The survey was followed by interviews with 21 Greek Philology teachers that enriched the findings from the quantitative phase. Data analysis revealed that even though Cyprus secondary education teachers have a rather positive attitude towards disabled students, they have low expectations from them and do not employ inclusive teaching practice. In addition, they tend to categorise students based on abstract notions about ability. Stereotypes and prejudice are more evident regarding students with cognitive disabilities. Despite the observed disabling practices, participants postulated that there is hope to implement inclusive education, if teachers are trained for inclusion and thereby begin to see the person and not the disability.  相似文献   

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