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形成性考核与终结性考核的关系可从成绩和内容两方面反映.本文采用统计学方法和实际比对方法,对选取的样本课程的形成性与终结性考核成绩的相关关系进行分析,并对作业与试卷内容进行比对.研究发现,形考作业成绩与终结性考试成绩不具有显著性相关关系,学生为拉升综合成绩而更重视形考作业的分数而不是内容,形考作业所具有的学习过程管理功能弱化.因此建议实施科学的形成性考核以达到对教学过程的有效监控.  相似文献   

基于网络的课程形成性考核改革研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于网络的课程形成性考核是远程开放教育教学改革的重要内容之一。“高级英语写作”课程是中央广播电视大学开放教育本科英语专业形成性考核改革课程。根据现行外语教学形成性考核教学改革的特点和原则,通过实验方法比较了该课程试点与非试点学员的考试成绩,对基于网络环境下课程形成性考核试点的优势与劣势进行分析。  相似文献   

目的研究形成性考核在以病例为模块的教学法中的应用效果;方法 2014级临床医学专业学生作为研究对象,一班96人使用传统教学法和期终闭卷笔试法考核,二班92人采用基于病例模块教学法和形成性考核,以期终统一考试和问卷调查进行教学效果评价。结果相同教学大纲和教学内容,传统教学法和期终闭卷笔试法考核的学生期末平均考试成绩74.6分,基于病例模块教学法和形成性考核的学生期末平均考试成绩79.2分。问卷调查显示形成性考核可以调动学生的积极性,培养学生的自主学习能力,提高实际技能。结论基于病例模块教学法和形成性考核的教学效果和总成绩明显优于传统教学法。  相似文献   

形成性考核(也称过程性考核)是远程开放教育课程考核的重要组成部分,是教学质量保证体系的重要内容。形成性考核比例如何设置,形成性考核、终结性考试与综合成绩评定之间应存在什么样的关系。“双及格控制”是否合理,是值得广泛关注的课题,采用线性回归的方法进行分析研究得出的结论,对形成性考核比例设置与及格控制在远程教学成绩评定中有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

在课程教学中试行形成性考核的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对传统的终结性考核制度存在的弊端,作者在实际课程教学中进行了形成性考核的课程考核改革的尝试。本文深入研究和详细分析了试行形成性考核制度的经验和教训,并提出有关制定形成性考核方案及其贯彻实施的一些建议。  相似文献   

从理想层面来看,开放教育基于网络的形成性考核应该具有:有利于转变教育观念、有利于对教学过程的监控、有利于提高学生的综合素质与能力、有利于师生、生生互动,提高教学反馈的及时性和有效性等方面的功能.但是,在实践过程中,基于网络的形成性考核的应然功能与实然功能之间存在一定差距,提出了完善基于网络的形成性考核的对策与建议.  相似文献   

周霞 《天津电大学报》2010,14(2):17-18,42
远程开放教育注重形成性考核。开展基于网络的形成性考核试点工作,以加强课程形成性考核和终结性考试的整体设计,促进考核与教学过程的紧密结合,促进学生自主学习,提高教学质量。针对目前学生参与课程形成性考核面临的个别化学习、计算机应用能力、自主选课和情感障碍问题,应从入学教育、技术支持、学习过程跟踪、学习策略研究、考核评价中的情感设计、合作式学习等方面加强学习支持服务。  相似文献   

学生在英语考试中受到挫折后,会对英语产生强烈的厌学情绪。那么,怎样才能充分发挥考核这个指挥棒的积极作用,提高学生学习英语的积极性呢?文章提出:转变观念,理解传统闭卷式终结性考试存在的不足;改变考核方式,将终结性考核和形成性考核有效结合,注意方式,合理选择形成性考核的内容和实施方法。  相似文献   

高职英语作为专业课程的辅助课程,主要体现出其应用能力,沿用原有的终结式考试已经不能体现出学生对本门课技能掌握情况。鉴于此教师对考核方式进行改革,加强考核引导和过程控制,注重学生英语应用能力培养及提高,建立基于过程控制的高职英语课程形成性考核与终结性考核并重的考核体系,深化高职英语课程改革,促进高职学生英语应用能力的提高。  相似文献   

以科学发展观统领电大教学考核工作   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
落实科学发展观,统筹电大教学考核工作,就要坚持以学生为本,以教学为中心.就要统筹兼顾,正确处理教学和考核、考核主体和考核对象、考核形式和考核内容、形成性考核和终结性考核、基于网络的考核和传统纸质的考核、常规工作和改革工程等诸多关系.  相似文献   

形成性评价与总结性评价理论探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从形成性评价和总结性评价理论提出以来,人们对它们的涵义及相互关系仍有不同诠释。实际上形成性评价和总结性评价是一个连续体的两个方面:评价起于总结性,而形成性评价实际上是总结性评价加反馈和改进的过程。  相似文献   

关于大学英语教学过程性评估的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,在英语教学中所采取的主要评估方式是终结性评估(summative assessment),这种过分强调考试的评估方式已对外语教学带来巨大的负面效应.教育部明确提出了大学英语教学的目标是"培养学生英语的综合运用能力,特别是听说能力".为实现这一目标,要将科学的、多元化的过程性评估(formative assessment)理论融入学生有效和有质量的完成学习过程中,实现对学生学习进行客观、正确的评估,从而真实地反应教师的教学水平和学生的知识掌握程度.  相似文献   

长期以来,在大学英语教学中所采取的主要的评价方式是终结性评价,这种过分强调考试的方式已经给外语教学带来巨大的负面效应.科学的、多元化的过程性评价可以在保证学生有效和有质量地完成学习的同时,实现对学生学习的客观、正确的评价,涉及到教育活动的全部过程.而在英语等级考试大都注重听力和阅读的背景下,针对口语和写作进行过程性评价...  相似文献   

评价是英语课程的重要组成部分,在对学生进行终结性评价的同时,我们还应更注重对学生的形成性评价。形成性评价能使学生增强自信,使他们从被动接受评价者,转变成为评价的主体和积极参与者。在评价时,注意遵循一定的原则,并且合理利用评价策略。  相似文献   

The internet has allowed for the online asynchronous assessment of acquired knowledge; however, the delivery formats of these online assessments do require evaluation. To this end, the summative examination and preceding formative quiz performances of students enrolled in a freshman-level course were evaluated between four cohorts in which each cohort was administered formative quizzes differing in testing location (in-class versus online), time limitation and ability to use notes. Results indicate decreased monitoring of formative quizzes such as those that are untimed and delivered online leads to increased formative performance but decreased performance on proceeding summative examinations. While the use of online testing may appear enticing, care must be taken to ensure student learning.  相似文献   

实验采用问卷调查、周记等为研究工具,对非英语专业大学生进行了为期一个学期的形成性评价教学与终结性评价教学对比研究,探讨形成性评价对学生口语学习策略的促进作用,对比形成性评价教学与终结性评价教学对学习成绩的影响。  相似文献   

Teachers Speak Out on Assessment Practices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 1997 statewide survey of Michigan teachers, administrators, and parents about assessment practices revealed that all 3 groups held similar views about what constitutes appropriate assessment in the early years, and they put little faith in test scores. This study reports on follow-up interviews aimed at determining the types, frequency, and utility of assessment techniques used by classroom teachers. Specifically, this study focused on the types of assessment techniques used by a sample of elementary teachers, including how often they use paper-and-pencil tests, how often they write observation notes and what they do with the notes, whether they use children's portfolios as assessment, and whether their teaching is influenced by mandated tests. Study findings revealed that paper and pencil tests were regularly used by teachers in grades 3 and 4 (92%), and rarely or occasionally used by the teachers below that level (16% rarely and 20% occasionally). Seventy-three percent of the early level teachers and 76% of the teachers in grade 3 and 4 used observation for summative rather than formative analysis. Teachers in both groups used checklists frequently, primarily for summative purposes. Portfolios, like other assessment tools, are used primarily for summative rather than formative purposes.  相似文献   

大学英语教学中的形成性评价略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现行的大学英语教学评价体系中,片面强调教学结果的终结性评价存在诸多负面影响,而注重学习过程评价的形成性评价有利于提高学生的自主学习能力和英语综合应用能力,促进学生全面发展。本文在介绍形成性评价基本理论基础上,提出了在大学英语教学中应用形成性评价的原则和具体做法,并总结了需要注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

Anatomical knowledge is commonly assessed by practical examinations that are often administered in summative format. The format of anatomy practical examination was changed at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine in Singapore from summative (graded; must pass) to formative (ungraded; no pass/fail) in academic year (AY) 2017–2018. Both assessment formats were undertaken online, but the formative mode used a team-based learning activity comprising individual and team assessments. This gave an unique opportunity to investigate: (1) the impact of two different online assessment formats on student performance in practical examination; (2) the impact of new formative practical examination on students’ performance in summative examinations; and (3) students’ opinions of these two practical examination formats. The class of 2021 perceptions was obtained as they experienced both formats. A retrospective cohort study was also conducted to analyze the Year 2 students’ performance in anatomy practical and year-end summative examinations of cohorts AY 2015–2016, AY 2016–2017 (summative format), and AY 2017–2018 (formative format). There were no significant differences in students’ performance between two practical examination formats. The cohort who experienced the formative format, performed significantly better in summative examinations (mean ± SD: 82.32 ± 10.22%) compared with the cohort who experienced the summative format (73.77 ± 11.09%) (P < 0.001). Students highlighted positive features of the formative practical examination, including team reinforcement of learning, instant feedback, and enhanced learning. These findings indicate that students continue to study for anatomy practical examination without the need for external drivers. The team-based learning style practical examination enhances students’ performance in summative examinations.  相似文献   

The debate between summative and formative assessment is creating a situation that increasingly calls to mind the famous slogan in George Orwell’s (1945) Animal Farm – ‘Four legs good, two legs bad’. Formative assessment is increasingly being portrayed in the literature as ‘good’ assessment, which tutors should strive towards, whereas summative assessment is ‘bad’ assessment on which tutors should minimise their focus, instead moving towards formative assessment (Taras 2005). By revisiting the origins of formative assessment, this article aims to bring back to light that summative and formative assessment are connected at their inception. It highlights how research in the literature has unintentionally created a harmful dichotomy between summative and formative assessment, and it identifies some attempts in the literature to re-connect formative and summative assessment. This paper challenges the dichotomy in the literature and invites those in higher education to consider the fundamental idea that formative and summative assessment need to work in harmony and should not be seen as contrary to each other.  相似文献   

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