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随着短跑成绩的不断提高,起跑反应时的作用越来越重要。起跑反应时是指从发令信号响到身体开始移动之间的时间。优秀运动员通常启动时间短,且表现稳定。有学者认为,起跑反应时只是决定最终成绩的众多因素之一,它对短跑项目成绩的影响仅占1%~2%。但也有学者指出,较快的起跑反应时对运动员具有较大的心理优势,会对最后的成绩产生积极的影响。本文对2000-2008年3届奥运会短跑项目决赛运动员的起跑反应时与成  相似文献   

目的:调查不同注意焦点的追加反馈对初学者脚内侧传球准确性的影响。56名大学生被随机分成4个组:外部注意焦点*描述性反馈(组1)、 外部注意焦点*处方性反馈(组2)、内部注意焦点*描述性反馈(组3)和内部注意焦点*处方性反馈(组4)。技能掌握阶段包含5个组块的任务练习,1 周后进行保持和迁移测试。在技能掌握阶段,按33%反馈频率向参与者提供反馈,而保持和迁移测试中无反馈。结果:(1)在技能掌握、保持和迁移 测试阶段,注意焦点类型或追加反馈方式对初学者传球准确性的表现都呈现出显著性差异,即与内部注意焦点相比,外部注意焦点更利于传球的准 确性,与描述性反馈相比,处方性反馈提高传球准确性的优势更大;(2)注意焦点类型和追加反馈方式的交互作用在技能掌握阶段对初学者传球准 确性的影响差异显著,且组2的表现最好。结论:(1)在技能掌握、保持和迁移测试阶段,外部注意焦点或处方性反馈更能促进初学者运动技能的学 习和表现;(2)在技能掌握阶段,不同注意焦点的追加反馈对初学者运动技能学习的表现产生了不同影响,且外部注意焦点和处方性反馈组合的效 果是最好的。  相似文献   

郝海亭 《体育科研》2006,27(2):53-53
研究发现,百米起跑阶段的速度发展包括了多种不同因素,这些因素构成了对比赛能力的不同要求。运动员对发令枪的实际反应则有赖于动作技术、反应速度和速度力量。随后的起始和加速阶段就需要跑动速度、速度力量、步频速率和肌肉的放松。一些研究已经表明,起跑后的加速阶段是决定比赛成绩的关键因素。世界级短跑选手所展示的“火箭喷射式”的加速跑说明了前10-15m加速能力的重要性。尽管良好的速度耐力在短跑中也扮演着重要角色.但是在起跑后第二阶段的强有力加速跑可以完全弥补速度耐力的不足。  相似文献   

起跑反应时和运动成绩是短跑项目中的重要研究主题。研究以2012—2018年4届世界室内田径锦标赛60m与60m栏项目比赛数据为研究对象,检验了运动员起跑反应时和运动成绩变化的时序特征以及起跑反应时和运动成绩的关系。结果表明,60m与60m栏优秀运动员在比赛的不同阶段在起跑反应时和运动成绩上均表现出了显著差异,半决赛和决赛阶段的起跑反应时和运动成绩显著优于预赛阶段,并且保持时间序列的稳定性。  相似文献   

短跑技术是由起跑、起跑后的疾跑、途中跑和终点跑(撞线)四个紧密联系的部分组成。全程跑的成绩取决于起跑的反应速度,起跑后的加速,保持途中跑高速加速的能力以及终点冲刺压线技术。在指导中学生运动员学习短跑技术时,经常发现一些较为典型的错误动作,随着训练水平和跑的能力提高,这些错误也会随之纠正。下面就中学生短跑运动员在学习短跑过程中容易产生的错误及纠正方法加以阐述,其目的就是找出缺点,纠正错误,为今后中学生运动员在学习短跑技术时少走弯路提供帮助。  相似文献   

选取40名运动员为被试,使用RSVP序列和CRT任务为研究范式,采用不同刺激目标延搁的试验设计,探讨运动员在内隐学习的不同阶段对 不同序列反应时和反应准确性的影响,从而揭示运动员在不同内隐学习过程中注意瞬脱的特征。结论:(1)运动员在进行RSVP序列学习过程中表 现出显著的内隐学习效应;(2)运动员对快速目标刺激表现出典型的注意瞬脱现象,当2个目标相隔212 ms左右最为严重,在424 ms左右逐渐恢复, 较普通人群轻;(3)内隐学习可以减缓注意瞬脱的消极影响,尤其是在注意瞬脱最严重的情境下效果最显著;(4)内隐学习需要注意的参与,弱频的 白色分心物刺激很难对有规律的测验序列产生学习效应。  相似文献   

在短跑起跑时运用预紧张技术指导起跑是掌握起跑技术的重要措施。按预紧张理论试验结果表明,反映速度比其用力方法快,动作开阔,爆发力强,技术表现协调有力,结构合理,实效性强,经济性比较突出,为起跑后的加速跑阶段创造条件。因此,预紧张理论在起跑的教学、训练中应广为运用。  相似文献   

目的:分离知觉线索的注意捕获和反应抑制,进一步探讨注意捕获在体育锻炼影响老年人反应抑制中的作用机制。方法:采用横断设计,使用体育活动等级量表和三轴加速度计(ActiGraph GT3X+)对老年人的体育锻炼量进行测量,根据结果将被试分为运动组及对照组。2组被试完成经典停止信号任务、注意捕获任务和复杂任务3个行为实验,记录反应时和准确率,同时采集结构磁共振检测灰质体积。结果:1)运动组老年人的停止信号反应时显著优于对照组,且停止信号反应时与左侧辅助运动区灰质体积显著相关。2)运动组老年人的注意捕获反应时显著优于对照组,且注意捕获反应时与准确率均与右侧额下回灰质体积显著相关。3)运动组老年人的复杂任务反应时及准确率均显著优于对照组,且反应时与左侧辅助运动区、右侧额下回、右侧额上回、右侧额中回和右侧直回的灰质体积显著相关,准确率与右侧额下回的灰质体积显著相关。结论:1)运动组老年人的反应抑制优势源于更好地调节注意资源分配,加快了对冲突信号的注意捕获。2)运动组老年人在左侧中央前回、左侧辅助运动区、双侧额上回、右侧额中回、右侧额下回、右侧直回和右侧前/中扣带回表现出更大的灰质体积。3)体育锻炼...  相似文献   

以第16届亚运会100 m跑56名男、女运动员的起跑后蹬时间的压力曲线为研究对象,将男、女运动员的起跑反应时分成3个时间段进行对比分析。研究结果表明:男、女运动员起跑反应时具有显著性差异;蹬力达到阈值时间(反应动作时间)是造成男、女运动员起跑反应时具有显著性差异的重要原因;力量与爆发力是造成男、女运动员蹬力达到阈值时间(反应动作时间)具有显著性差异的重要因素;相对于男运动员40 kg压力阈值,女运动员合理的压力阈值是25 kg;电子起跑监测系统中,合理的起跑反应时限应是国际田联起跑反应时限100 ms的基础上加上蹬力达到阈值时间。  相似文献   

郑宏伟  闫苍松 《体育与科学》2004,25(1):66-69,59
研究目的:以提高短跑的途中跑能力为目的,考察采用普通下蹲姿势、宽足间距下蹲姿势、髋关节伸展下蹲姿势三种不同下蹲姿势的力量训练,记录下肢主要运动肌的肌电图反应和地面反作用力所产生的影响,从生理和力学的角度进行分析。研究方法:采用表面双相诱导法的肌电图检测及应用录像轨迹系统对三种下蹲动作进行三次元解析。主要结果和结论:采用髋关节伸展下蹲动作的下肢力量训练对短跑选手提高途中跑能力起到一定的作用;采用初动负荷法中的超等长收缩的蹲起方法对提高短跑选手的肌肉爆发力是有效的。  相似文献   


Several researchers have demonstrated that an external focus of attention (about movement’s effects) during movement execution allowed better performances and learning of various motor tasks than an internal focus of attention (about movement itself). However, attentional focus effects have not been studied in tasks requiring explosive actions preceded by fast reaction time to a signal, such as a sprint start. We hypothesised that the beneficial effect of external focus of attention would be observed in the different stages of the sprint start (i.e. reaction time, block clearance and running) for both expert and novice sprinters. Novice and expert sprinters performed sprint starts followed by a 10 m sprint under three conditions: external focus instructions; internal focus instructions; and neutral instructions. The reaction time and the running time were significantly shorter in the external focus condition than in the internal focus condition, for both expert and novice participants. These results confirm the beneficial effect of an external focus of attention on the speed of movement execution. Moreover, they revealed that attentional focus influences movement preparation. Several hypotheses are proposed to account for these results, with reference to the processes that could be responsible for the observed effects.  相似文献   


In research on motor control, the detrimental effect of an internal focus of attention on movement execution of well-learned motor skills is a frequently replicated finding. This experimental study was designed to determine whether this effect is observed with physiological variables during endurance exercise. We examined whether the focus of attention can influence running economy (oxygen consumption at a set running speed). Trained runners had to focus their attention on three different aspects while running on a treadmill. For three consecutive 10-min periods, runners concentrated on the running movement, on their breathing, and on their surroundings. Results showed an increased running economy in the external focus condition. In line with research on motor control, endurance sport also shows that an external focus of attention is better than an internal focus in terms of the physiological performance measure of oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

起跑反应时对短跑成绩的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
起跑反应时直接影响短跑比赛成绩,在短跑比赛中有许多运动员由于起跑不顺利,反应时过长而导致比赛失利。起跑反应迅速的运动员在枪声瞬间即刻起动就占了很大的优势,为比赛取得优异成绩奠定基础。起跑反应时的快慢除先天反应素质外,与起跑技术、机体状态、比赛环境密切相关,经过教学训练起跑反应时就能缩短。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法,对近年来世界优秀男子短跨起跑反应时和成绩进行研究,阐述了反应时的快慢对短跨不同水平成绩的获得有不同程度影响,旨在为指导教练员们科学训练提供参考。  相似文献   

The simple auditory reaction time is one of the fastest reaction times and is thought to be rarely less than 100 ms. The current false start criterion in a sprint used by the International Association of Athletics Federations is based on this assumed auditory reaction time of 100 ms. However, there is evidence, both anecdotal and from reflex research, that simple auditory reaction times of less than 100 ms can be achieved. Reaction time in nine athletes performing sprint starts in four conditions was measured using starting blocks instrumented with piezoelectric force transducers in each footplate that were synchronized with the starting signal. Only three conditions were used to calculate reaction times. The pre-motor and pseudo-motor time for two athletes were also measured across 13 muscles using surface electromyography (EMG) synchronized with the rest of the system. Five of the athletes had mean reaction times of less than 100 ms in at least one condition and 20% of all starts in the first two conditions had a reaction time of less than 100 ms. The results demonstrate that the neuromuscular-physiological component of simple auditory reaction times can be under 85 ms and that EMG latencies can be under 60 ms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how the manipulation of movement duration affects components of fractionated reaction time and presumably motor programming. Twelve subjects, in a simple reaction time paradigm, responded to an auditory signal by executing an elbow flexion movement in the sagittal plane through a range of motion of 100° in 150, 300, 600 and 1200 ms. Results indicated no changes in motor time but small increments in premotor and reaction time through the 600 ms condition. At 1200 ms, reaction time increased faster than premotor time, and this appeared to be predominantly a consequence of an increment in motor time. These data were interpreted to be supportive of the notion that movement duration is related to response complexity and the time required for motor programming.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an official basketball match on repeated sprint ability indices in male junior players. Ten (16 ± 1 years old; 183.6 ± 7.0 cm; 76.6 ± 8.0 kg) starting players for their teams performed three repeated sprint ability tests, before, at half-time and immediately after an official match. Each repeated sprint ability test consisted of 10 shuttle-run sprints of 30 m (15 + 15 m) separated by 30 seconds of passive recovery. The matches were video-taped to determine the frequency of eight types of movement patterns, and blood lactate concentration was measured before and immediately after each repeated sprint ability test. Differences in total time, ideal time and percentage decrement between tests was assessed by a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures, while a two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to identify differences in blood lactate concentration. The main results indicated a significant decrease in total movement frequency (-9.9%), high-intensity activity frequency (-13.3%), run frequency (-13.0%) and sprint frequency (-23.3%) in the second compared to the first half, and significantly worse total time and ideal time at the end of the match, compared to the start and half-time (differences ranging from -2.1% to -2.9%, P < 0.05). The practical implications of these findings suggest that regional basketball players should participate in conditioning sessions that focus on the improvement of repeated sprint ability.  相似文献   

A more horizontally oriented ground reaction force vector is related to higher levels of sprint acceleration performance across a range of athletes. However, the effects of acute experimental alterations to the force vector orientation within athletes are unknown. Fifteen male team sports athletes completed maximal effort 10-m accelerations in three conditions following different verbal instructions intended to manipulate the force vector orientation. Ground reaction forces (GRFs) were collected from the step nearest 5-m and stance leg kinematics at touchdown were also analysed to understand specific kinematic features of touchdown technique which may influence the consequent force vector orientation. Magnitude-based inferences were used to compare findings between conditions. There was a likely more horizontally oriented ground reaction force vector and a likely lower peak vertical force in the control condition compared with the experimental conditions. 10-m sprint time was very likely quickest in the control condition which confirmed the importance of force vector orientation for acceleration performance on a within-athlete basis. The stance leg kinematics revealed that a more horizontally oriented force vector during stance was preceded at touchdown by a likely more dorsiflexed ankle, a likely more flexed knee, and a possibly or likely greater hip extension velocity.  相似文献   

Biomechanical analyses using synchronized tools [electromyography (EMG), motion capture, force sensors, force platform, and digital camera] are classically performed in a laboratory environment that could influence the performance. We present a system for studying the running sprint start that synchronizes motion capture, EMG, and ground reaction force data. To maximize motion capture (Vicon 612 with six cameras), a special dim environment was created in the stadium. "Classical" tools were combined with "purpose-built" tools intended to analyse the different aspects of movement. For example, a synchronization system was built to create a common time-base for all data recordings and a portable EMG system was synchronized by a cable that was "disconnected" by the athlete's movement out of the blocks. This disconnection represented an independent event recorded by different tools. A "gap" was measured for some sprint start events between kinetic and kinematic (motion capture) data. Calibration results, measurements of time "gap", and duration of the independent event were used to validate the accuracy of motion capture and the synchronization system. The results validate the entire experimental set-up and suggest adjustment values for motion capture data. This environment can be used to study other movements and can easily be applied to several sports.  相似文献   

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