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正我国的海外书刊战略已经从文化贸易逐渐向文化投资转移,战略重心的转移意味着文化发展建设进入注重"走进去"的新阶段,但是战略的转向最终也要以基础建设和服务细节为依托。近年来,国家对于"走出去"的重视有目共睹,而企业"走出去"的形式多种多样。但在我国出版物出口接近4000万美元的时候,我们却在"走出去"的乐章中发现了很多不和谐的音符。  相似文献   

董依明 《新闻传播》2012,(7):67-68,70
中国是出口贸易大国,自1994年以来一直连续保持着对外贸易顺差,但在文化产品的输出上却一直呈现逆差态势。中国电视剧作为一个具有特殊属性的传媒产品在国际市场的贸易出口上的表现始终不尽如人意,笔者将从国家广电部门近年来出台的政策出发,解析中国电视剧海外贸易出口逆差的现状与困境。  相似文献   

中俄两国在出版领域的合作和贸易不仅有利于中俄两国新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系的巩固,也有利于"一带一路"建设和欧亚经济联盟对接,能够促进欧亚大陆区域的互联互通和文化发展.本文以联合国商品贸易统计数据库为依托,总结2010-2019年中国与俄罗斯出版产品贸易特征,并在借鉴国际贸易相关指数基础上,分析中国与俄罗斯出版产品的竞争力和互补性.研究发现,2010-2019年中俄出版产品贸易额整体下降,2017年开始小幅上升;中国出版产品在中俄双边贸易中处于相对优势,但整体国际竞争力较弱;中俄两国出版产品贸易关系较为疏远,互补性急需加强.本文提出了促进中俄出版产品贸易的建议.  相似文献   

由厦新公司研制生产的世界首台面向普通家庭的全新数字视听产品──光盘录像机,在美国上市引起轰动。厦新公司是中国最大的专业数字视听产品生产企业之一,一直致力于高科技产品的研发。连续三年录像机生产销售量全国第一,超过了索尼、日立、胜利、TVC等进口品牌。同时在影碟机市场,家庭影院市场也始终处于行业的前列,成为国家录像机、激光影碟机大型定点生产企业。从1999年起,厦新开始向国外输出影碟机生产技术,从成品出口到技术出口,是厦新拓展国际市场的一个质的飞跃,也是中国家电企业走向世界、成为国际名牌的必经之路。目前…  相似文献   

2001年10月.美国因"9·11"事件发动阿富汗战争,打垮将本·拉登奉为座上宾的塔利班政权.2003年3月伊拉克战争爆发后,美国将战略重心转移到伊拉克,阿富汗相对平静,似乎成为"被遗忘的战场".但近年来,随着塔利班呈卷土重来之势,阿富汗那片饱经战火蹂躏的土地再次吸引世界目光.  相似文献   

随着全球化和区域化进程的加快,文化帝国主义的理论受到一定挑战,本文以媒介产品中最具有代表性的电影为研究对象,通过构建全球贸易网络地图,分析2004年和2012年近十年以来贸易网络参数的变化,研究发现文化帝国主义现象依然存在,全球电影贸易集中化趋势更为明显,发展更为不均衡,经济、语言和地理因素在其中扮演重要的角色,但也出现了一定异化,在区域内重新构成新的文化霸权中心,全球电影贸易地位不平等趋势在不断强化。  相似文献   

随着全球化和区域化进程的加快,文化帝国主义的理论受到一定挑战,本文以媒介产品中最具有代表性的电影为研究对象,通过构建全球贸易网络地图,分析2004年和2012年近十年以来贸易网络参数的变化,研究发现文化帝国主义现象依然存在,全球电影贸易集中化趋势更为明显,发展更为不均衡,经济、语言和地理因素在其中扮演重要的角色,但也出现了一定异化,在区域内重新构成新的文化霸权中心,全球电影贸易地位不平等趋势在不断强化。  相似文献   

建立国际传播新秩序是国际传播领域长久以来的需要,随着国际媒介的发展,今天人们对这一概念有了更深的认识.然而自1970年以来历经近40年的讨论,新的媒介秩序仍未建立起来.而今局势较之过注更为激烈,美国连同西方世界以贵族气派独享国际媒介权威,使重构当前世界媒介秩序越发棘手,霸权导致新闻报道不平衡、不平等,权威的新闻源地位赋予其权力去解释形势、设定所有报道和争论的范围.虽然发展中国家媒介活动进步迅猛,但他们的技术和意识形态模式仍须进一步改进.  相似文献   

本刊讯2002年1月21日-23日,由新闻出版总署主办,总署教育培训中心和中国刊协联合承办的“国外期刊经营管理讲座”,在北京天伦王朝饭店举行、主讲者是美国纽约大学出版中心主任罗伯特·班奇、美国地理协会负责国际经营许可及对外联盟的高级副总裁罗伯·赫尔南德斯、美国赫斯特国际出版公司高级副总裁珍  相似文献   

国际贸易中关于碳关税的研究报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李杰 《信息系统工程》2012,(10):119-121
碳关税是一个新出现的名词,其含义是对于高能耗的产品的进口,国家征收二氧化碳排放关税。该概念是由前法国总统希拉克提出的,其目的是避免欧盟国家的商品受到不平等的竞争。美国于2009年6月26日通过《美国清洁能源及安全法案》,这个法案授权美国可以自2020年开始对不实行减排限额的国家生产的能源密集产品进行所谓的边境调解措施,碳关税将成为美国的一种贸易政策。从中国对美贸易的总体情况来看,美国碳关税的征收,无论是出口还是进口均将产生负面影响,造成相当大的冲击。因此,我们应当明确地认识碳关税的相关概念,进而做好应对措施,将冲击降到最低。  相似文献   

The United States is by far the leading exporter of video media goods in the world. It is also the biggest investor in theatrical films, spending over $63 million per theatrical production and leading the world in box-office receipts. This article investigates the host country factors that have influenced the export of U.S.-based video media products, including film and television programs. It was found that economic environment, geographical proximity, technological infrastructure, and market size influenced the purchase of motion pictures and video programming from the United States. In addition, countries with better economic environments, implementation of intellectual property rights, political rights, larger market size and cultural differences, and language similarity seemed to import more heavily broadcasting content products from the United States.  相似文献   


This article reviews the test of a home market model of international trade in media products using a movie industry database covering 6 major countries (the United States, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, and the United Kingdom) over the 1950 to 2003 period. In support of the model, this study finds a consistently positive relation between domestic theater box-office market shares and various measures of domestic movie spending or domestic movie attendance, and negative relations between domestic movie spending and the market shares of imported American film products. Based on these results, declining domestic film production industries in Europe and Japan after about the 1970s, along with growing dominance of the world film market by the United States, is attributed to a relatively rapid growth of domestic consumer spending on movies in the United States.  相似文献   

知识转移概念由美国技术和创新管理学家Teece于1977年提出。目前,我国图书馆界对知识转移的理论研究已取得了丰硕的成果,但关于网络环境下图书馆知识转移技术与模式、保障机制以及激励机制的研究还不完善,从这三个方面对图书馆知识转移进行了研究。  相似文献   

This study focuses on United States press coverage of U.S. cigarette exports to Taiwan and Korea and examines whether there was congruence between U.S. foreign policy objectives and the direction of the news coverage. This study reveals that most mainstream U.S. newspapers followed the government's foreign policy objectives in reporting the issue of U.S. cigarette exports to Asia. Mainstream U.S. newspapers packaged cigarette export policy and talks into a trade issue characterized by fair trade and ethnocentric framing; this framing highlighted economic themes while suppressing or omitting health-oriented events or opinions. The United States press low-toned its critical voice when the United States vigorously pursued cigarette trade talks with Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, and raised its critical voice against already implemented policy once all trade agreements were finalized. Based on qualitative analysis, this study examines several key aspects of U.S. newspapers' coverage of these trade talks.  相似文献   

The study analyzes the dynamics of intellectual property (IP) negotiations between mainland China and the United States from the late 1970s to 2007. As China has industrialized, it has faced significant pressure from its international trading partners led by the United States to improve protection for intellectual property rights (IPR). Analysis of the progress of IP protection in China provides an opportunity to test and modify a model of IP policy development in developing countries, and the impact of U.S. actions on internal IP politics and cultural development.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the progress of copyright enforcement in Taiwan in the period from 1985 to 2000. As a rapidly industrializing region, Taiwan has faced significant pressure from its international trade partners to improve intellectual property protection. This pressure has been strongest from the United States, Taiwan's largest partner. Analysis of the progress of intellectual property protection in Taiwan provides an opportunity to learn more about the dynamics of intellectual property policy development in developing countries, and the impact of U.S. actions on internal IP politics and cultural development. The paper will survey the significant milestones in Taiwanese copyright policy development over the last two decades and conclude with a conceptual model that can be tested by analysis of other case studies of cross-jurisdiction intellectual property relationships.  相似文献   

The agenda-setting impact of international news was examinedby comparing the coverage of 15 categories of internationalnews in four news media (the New York Times, ABC, CBS, and NBC)with the level of public concern with international problemsas recorded by all 41 Gallup organization's most important problempolls conducted from 1975 to 1990. The findings suggest thatthe way in which international news is framed in news reportsmay determine the magnitude of salience cues. Four categoriesof news coverage demonstrated the strongest agenda-setting influence:international conflicts involving the United States; terrorisminvolving the U.S.; crime/drugs; and military/nuclear arms.Generally, the results support previous findings which concludedthat stories with high degrees of conflict and stories withconcrete presentations (by including Americans in the stories)have the strongest agenda-setting impact. In addition, two newscategories—international trade not involving the UnitedStates, and politics not involving the United States—correlatednegatively with public concern for two of the news media. Thisresult suggests that press coverage, besides increasing publicconcern with certain issues, can also decrease concern. Certaincategories of news, such as stories dealing with internationalpolitics and trade, can give individuals cues that the internationalarena is functioning quite smoothly. These types of internationalnews stories show individuals that international problems arenot really serious problems at all.  相似文献   

Despite the dominance of the English language, publishers in the United States had export sales in 1987 of less than 6 percent of their total sales. Adrian Higham analyzes the major overseas markets for U.S. books and suggests ways for publishers to improve their export sales to each. The key to higher sales, he argues, is acquiring “insider status” in each market. Although he is convinced that publishers can do better, he reminds us that there is no simple solution. Adrian Higham brings to his consultancy an extensive background in international publishing. Following his wide career with Longman he served as managing director of John Wiley & Sons’ Company in the United Kingdom and subsequently as senior vice president and general manager of the International Group of John Wiley & Sons in New York.  相似文献   

李彩  王晴  张玉楠 《编辑学报》2014,26(4):367-369
四川大学华西口腔医学院编辑部开展了期刊网络出版工作,根据实践经验提出:1)内容的及时更新和完善是期刊网络出版的基本要求;2)要建立文章内部信息链接,为读者阅读提供方便;3)要建立参考文献导出链接,实现资源集成服务;4)要与期刊数据库、DOI中心、二维码等建立导入链接,促进期刊文章传播;5)要创建Email Alert和RSS订阅,提供主动推送服务。  相似文献   

iSchool联盟院校的课程改革及其启示   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
iSchools是由对信息、技术和人之间的关系有兴趣的学院组成的,以承诺探讨与理解信息在人类活动中的作用为其特点。iSchools透露出新形势下美国图书情报教育变革的重要信息。其课程设置具有如下特点:(1)课程设计理念上强调能力导向和未来导向;(2)突出了以职业需求变化为出发点的职业竞争力培养,重视学生的职业兴趣;(3)在强调信息、技术和人之间的关系的前提下,突出技术类课程在课程体系中的主体地位;(4)课程设置与其他学科广泛融合,计算机、远程通讯、网络管理、媒体研究、管理学、伦理学、社会学、法学、政策科学等专业的课程广泛出现在iSchools学院的课程中;(5)与政府、企业等职业领域的广泛合作。iSchools的这些做法对国内图书情报教育改革具有启示意义。  相似文献   

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