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CBI即"内容依托教学"可以激发学习动机,促进内容学习和英语整体水平的提高。基于语言输入理论的传统CBI教学模式对培养学生语言输出能力方面未见优势。结合混合式学习与翻转课堂教学理念,设计了CBI混合式教学方法,旨在强化语言输出,并以"职业英语(2)"课程为例,展开实证研究。  相似文献   

CBI——内容为依托式教学,打破以往外语教学中语言驱动的传统模式,提倡通过内容的学习实现学科和语言的双重提高。将CBI理念有效融入高职英文报刊教学,不仅能进一步发挥报刊教学的特色与优势,同时对发展学生语言能力、激发学习积极性、提高学生综合素质具有显著成效。  相似文献   

CBI(Content-based Instruction)是基于内容的语言教学理念,教学重点从学习语言本身转移到通过学科知识的学习来习得语言技能。探讨了CBI的实践模式,多角度分析验证了以内容为依托的教学模式在学术英语能力培养中的可行性和可操作性。从语言技能教学策略和知识内容教学策略两方面体现了大学生的学术英语能力培养途径。  相似文献   

臧蕾 《考试周刊》2012,(17):105-106
内容依托教学(CBI)是学科内容教学与语言教学的有机结合。本研究通过教学实践,结合问卷调查和访谈,证实了CBI教学模式在中职英语教学改革中的可行性,总结了CBI对中职英语教学的启示,提出教学中存在的亟待解决的问题以及对策。  相似文献   

夏珺  刘骎 《江苏高教》2015,(2):91-93
"内容依托型"外语教学模式中,学习者以目的语为工具完成各项与"内容"相关的学习活动,在此过程中其语言能力得到训练和提高。"内容依托型"课程引入外语课堂,需要理清一些概念,及其不同于传统外语教学模式下的"教""学"观。文章概述了CBI教学概念和现有的研究,以大学英语课堂为例,从语料、"内容"与语言融合、学习体验和教师身份等方面阐述CBI课程中"教"与"学"的关系,分析CBI与传统外语教学模式之间的区别,指出CBI能够在大学英语教学改革中发挥作用。  相似文献   

内容依托教学(Content-Based Instruction,简称CBI)是一种新兴的教学理念,这一理念将语言学习的重点由学习语言本身转移到通过学习某个学科或主题来学习语言,受到了广大专家和学者的推崇。本文通过总结内容依托教学的产生背景、理论基础、特点以及教学原则等问题,帮助教师深入地了解这种教学方法。  相似文献   

CBI主题教学模式以真实、有意义的内容为依托,为学习者创造逼真的语言学习环境。本文阐述在高职英语课堂教学中建构CBI主题教学模式的可行性,同时探讨如何在高职英语课堂教学中建构CBI主题教学模式。  相似文献   

内容依托的教学模式能有效地将语言学习融于学科知识的学习中,这满足了CBI“复合型”人才培养目标的需要。本文以呼伦贝尔学院为例,研究分析了商务英语专业的性质和特点,指出在内容为依托的框架下教师应采用有效的教学方法开展教学,才能达到语言与内容的双赢,而最终实现CIB教学的人才培养目标。  相似文献   

以内容为依托的语言教学(CBI)将语言教学建立在学科知识基础上,使语言学习和知识学习协同互进。CBI理念下的中医学术英语教学围绕中医相关主题开展语言教学,满足医学生的英语学习需要。基于CBI理念探讨了中医院校中医学术英语教学模式,根据本科生与研究生的不同学习需求双层构建学术英语课程体系,并根据课程体系分别设计项目教学法和体裁教学法,从而提高非英语专业学生的英语运用能力和医学论文写作水平。  相似文献   

CBI兴起于西方,是以内容为依托的教学理念。其核心思想是将语言教学基于某一主题来进行,将教学重点从语言学习转移到内容学习上。北京大学出版社出版的《综合日语》在内容安排上特别适合CBI教学理念的实施。本文以CBI教学理念为基础,从课堂设计到教学评价,为《综合日语》这一教材的应用提供一条崭新思路,力求为高效日语课堂的建设提供一些有价值的参考。  相似文献   

曲景秀 《高教论坛》2012,(5):102-104
文章从介绍CBI理念的内涵入手,分析了其应用于医学英语教学的必要性和可行性。提出了在CBI教学理念指导下有效提高医学英语课堂教学效果的具体措施。  相似文献   

CBI主题模式是近年来流行于国外二语/外语教学中的先进教学模式,对于培养学习者的语言应用能力和自主学习能力都有着极大的优势。将CBI主题模式引入中国大学英语教学有其可行性,将其与我国现行的基于计算机和课堂的新型教学模式相结合,以期为深化大学英语教学改革提供新的思路。  相似文献   

A thirty percent sample of the computer-based instruction (CBI) studies meta-analyzed by Kulik et al was examined for evidence of confounding. The purpose of the analysis was to explore the validity of competing claims about the contribution of the computer to measured achievement gains found in CBI studies. Some of these claims propose that CBI effects are overestimated and others argue that CBI effects are underestimated. The result of the analysis strongly suggests that achievement gains found in these CBI studies are overestimated and are actually due to the uncontrolled but robust instructional methods embedded in CBI treatments. It is argued that these methods may be delivered by other media with achievement gains comparable to those reported for computers. Construct validity cautions are offered for those who wish to use meta-analytic results as evidence for implementing CBI in schools and for the design of future CBI research.  相似文献   

This article reviews the research on the effectiveness of computer-based instruction (CBI) conducted over the past two decades. Using student achievement as a dependent measure, research on CBI is reviewed under the headings of evaluative studies, summaries of the proportion of studies favourable and unfavourable to CBI (‘box-score reviews’) and meta-analyses. Conclusions are drawn as to the effectiveness of CBI with regard to academic and social achievement. Finally, a cost-analysis of CBI is provided.  相似文献   

The increasing use of computer-based instruction in performance improvement/HRD is accompanied by a growing need for guidelines directing its effective design and use. Current CBI research has limitations that have not been addressed. Research deficiencies include a limited number of studies in many areas, contradictory findings, and questionable generalizability to adults in the workplace due to an almost exclusive use of college age and younger students as research subjects. This article examines principles of CBI design found in the performance improvement/HRD literature and their applicability to adults in the workplace. Five major areas are discussed: learner control, feedback, screen design, use of group methods, and computer anxiety. CBI designers are urged to be cautious in adopting current research guidelines. Further research on CBI for adults in the workplace is urged.  相似文献   

本文旨在评介Steve Walsh于2011年出版的《课堂话语探究行——动中的语言》(Walsh,S. 2011. Exp loring Classroom Discourse : Language in Action. London and New York: Routledge.) 。该书提出课堂互动能力概念和教师话语自评框架,将会话分析方法与教学反思实践结合起来研究课堂互动,作为提高教学有效性和教师专业发展的途径。该书视角新颖,语料详实,是一部将语言学理论与教学实践和教师专业发展密结合起来的重要文献 。  相似文献   

我 国外语教学研究越来越重视外语课堂话语的研究。其焦点是分析外语教师如何为学生参与课堂对话活动提供机会或空间,以完成课堂教与学的任务。而课堂话语质量,策略选择,课堂互动或协商模式,反馈策略等都会直接影响学生学习和认知、语言发展速度和教育成果, 所以外语课堂话语研究是外语教育、语言学和二语习得研究的重要领域。本文首先界定课堂话语的三个主要语用功能,然后根据这三个主要功能对我国英语课堂话语研究进行综述和评价。最后在评价的基础上对我国英语课堂话语的深入研究提出建议, 力求使课堂教学实现本土化和全球化的接轨。  相似文献   

Background: Research on teacher–student relationships has focused logically on classroom talk. Investigations of classroom talk range from broad consideration of the structures of such talk to a somewhat narrower focus on the interpersonal dimensions of such talk, and their consequences for student achievement and motivation.

Purpose: This study explores a relationship that the teacher defined as ‘difficult’, and attempts to understand, through analysis of classroom talk, how the complexities of full-class discussion contributed to the manifestation of a difficult relationship.

Sample: The analysis focuses primarily on one teacher and one student in a 31-student, grade seven (age 12–13) English/Language Arts class. The study was conducted in a seventh-grade language arts/social studies block class in Midwest Middle School (a pseudonym), a middle school of around 700 students in a mid-sized suburban community in the Midwest, USA.

Design and methods: The study draws from nine weeks of participant observation, isolating classroom episodes between the teacher and the specific student with whom she had a ‘difficult’ relationship. Interactions were transcribed and then analysed, using a mixed approach which drew upon research methods from conversation analysis (CA), classroom discourse analysis and Goffman's discussion of participation frameworks.

Results: Analysis suggested that the difficulty of the relationship between teacher and student was less the result of particular behaviours on the part of either participant and more the result of complications of interaction in full-class discussions.

Conclusions: In effect, the teacher, the particular student and the other students cooperated to create a difficult relationship. Despite that difficulty, however, other decisions the instructor made in structuring the classroom environment mitigated those complications, allowing the student to feel some success in the class and to continue to attempt to participate successfully in full-class interactions.  相似文献   

内容型教学法和任务型教学法由来已久,并因其"比其他教学方法更有效"而各自在外语教学中一直处于主流教学法的地位.van Lier认为,内容型教学法和任务型教学法在教学过程中密不可分,应将二者视为一个有机整体,以提高语言学习者在学习过程中的语言意识,加强其对于真实语言的习得效果以及自主学习能力的培养.以van Lier的上...  相似文献   

话语霸权表现为语言的专制与保守。教师话语霸权压制了学生个人化的理解和追求,对学生语言和思想进行着控制。改变这种现象的主要方法是调整教师课堂的角色,使其成为组织者与设计者、参与者与督导者、激励者和协调者。  相似文献   

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