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以知识管理技术为依托,将质量控制体系与知识管理系统紧密结合,借助于专家系统技术建立过程质量控制系统,提出了过程质量控制专家系统的体系结构,并以该体系结构为基础,给出了此类专家系统的知识表示及其推理机的实现方法,用Microsoft Access知识库存储基本数据库及产生式规则库,用VC 实现推理机及人机界面,对过程质量进行实时监控和预测。由于知识库和推理机分别独立实现,使得整个系统结构合理,具有良好的可维护性。  相似文献   

中外合资企业管理控制与知识获取关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黎常 《科学学研究》2008,26(6):1267-1275
 摘要:合资企业是发展中国家企业组织学习和知识获取的重要途径。本研究运用国际合资企业管理控制和组织学习理论,探讨了中方对合资企业的管理控制如何影响不同类型知识的获取,并分析了学习能力和合作信任对于管理控制与知识获取之间的调节作用。本研究发现中方对合资企业的运营控制程度降低了中方的内隐知识和外显知识获取水平;在均等股权的合资企业中,中方知识获取的水平最高;合作信任对于管理控制与知识获取之间关系存在调节作用。  相似文献   

基于组织学习理论探讨跨国并购中的管理控制策略与中国企业知识转移之间的关系。通过对三家中国企业的案例比较研究发现,对目标公司的弱控制会促进中国企业知识转移的进程,提出了管理控制与跨国知识转移的理论模型,并认为管理控制策略主要是通过作用于员工的合作意愿和文化差异对知识转移的有效性产生影响的。  相似文献   

企业知识管理中的组织知识传播方式与技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张建华 《情报杂志》2007,26(8):20-22
知识传播的效率和有效性直接影响着企业知识管理目标的实现水平.通过对企业三层次(个体、团队和组织)知识传播体系中的组织层次知识传播的内涵进行分析,进而提出了"推送式"和"拉取式"两种组织知识传播方式,并对其实现方案与技术进行了深入探讨,以指导企业知识管理的具体实施过程.  相似文献   

知识链组织间的关系不协调将会引起知识链组织之间的冲突.由于知识链组织之间冲突的复杂性、非线性、不确定性等特性,导致无法用精确的数学模型来表述.而专家系统作为人工智能的一种方法,在处理这类问题上具有优势,为此设计了以案例推理和理论规则推理两级推理机制为主体的冲突管理专家系统,以期为知识链组织之间冲突管理提供一种新的思路和方法.  相似文献   

科学管理中工人所拥有的具有个体性、稳定性、难以流动性等特征的隐性知识,让磨洋工在生产劳动中成为可能。为了消除工人各种形式的磨洋工现象以提高工人劳动生产率,泰罗通过动作研究、工时研究以及工具研究等科学研究手段,将那些隐藏在工人个体身上的隐性知识转化为经过简单培训就可以学会的显性知识,藉此实现了管理的科学化、劳动生产率的提高、劳资双方的富裕以及生产过程控制权的顺利转移,终结了工匠控制,开启了管理控制,推进了资本主义从工匠资本主义向管理资本主义转换的进程,实现了美国社会的和谐。  相似文献   

专家系统是一种能以领域专家的水平来解决复杂问题的智能程序。基于机械加工误差领域的知识,提出了一种机械加工误差专家系统的构建方法。首先研究了专家系统的基本结构和工作原理,介绍了其主要模块的功能;然后分析了机械加工误差知识的获取方法与分类,并在此基础上建立了一个框架式知识库;根据机械加工误差知识的结构特点,选择框架和产生式知识表示方法对其进行描述;最后,采用正向推理机制设计了专家系统的推理算法。对该方法的研究为机械加工误差知识的管理、积累和智能化应用提供了一种新的有效途径。  相似文献   

造船企业科研生产一体化的特点,使得船舶可靠性管理工程产生了知识的频繁流动。船舶可靠性管理工程在造船企业工程管理中的重要位置,决定了对于其中知识流的刻画、控制和管理是十分必要的。文章应用Petri网对船舶可靠性管理工程中的知识流进行描述并构建知识流模型,为知识资源进行有效管理提供一种新的模式。  相似文献   

本文以生命周期描述知识在组织内的流动机制,将知识划分为创造阶段、组织阶段、形式化阶段、扩散阶段和发展阶段,分析了生命周期内各阶段中对知识管理内容,构建了基于生命周期的知识管理框架模型。  相似文献   

高科技企业人工智能知识管理专家系统构建研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在介绍高科技企业知识管理基本模式的基础上,构建一个基于人工智能的知识管理专家系统,并探讨它在高科技企业中的应用.  相似文献   

Although often downplayed and instrumental, there is evidence that communication in projects is essential in achieving value creation. Our main interest in this paper is on temporary continuity, a situation where the temporary becomes a permanent condition in social systems. The question that we have address is: What characterizes project communication in a situation with temporary continuity?We argue for the need to transform communication processes into communication capabilities. In a situation with temporary continuity, there is a need to connect to a large number of value-creating processes, and communicating capabilities need to be a part of a communication system, where the aim is to bind together value-creating processes and communication capabilities. We construct a viable system consisting of five sub-systems. To become a viable system, projects in the form of temporary continuity, must handle the potential conflict between a culture of performance and a culture of innovation. This involves developing social mechanisms for coordination and interaction, with a focus on developing communication capabilities, in parallel with focusing on all of the five value-creation processes.  相似文献   

通过对1981-2010年杭州太阳总辐射和日照时数资料统计分析,结果表明:杭州太阳总辐射近30 a呈现上升趋势,春季太阳总辐射上升趋势最为显著;月太阳总辐射呈双峰型变化,7月最高、1月最低。日照时数近30 a呈现下降趋势,夏季和冬季日照时数下降趋势显著,夏季日照时数最高,冬季最低,春秋两季日照时数差异不大,月日照时数7月最高、2月最低。对杭州太阳能资源进行分析评估,结果表明,近30 a杭州太阳总辐射年平均值4196.41 MJ/m2.a,属于太阳能资源较丰富区;太阳能资源稳定程度指标为4.5,属于太阳能资源不稳定区域。  相似文献   

世界上很多著名大学,因为某一学科处于领先位置而名扬天下。很多大学因为培育出著名科学家、政治家、经济学家而闻名于世。这些大学最显著的特点是,有独到的办学特色,在某一教学领域处于世界顶级水平。培育特色专业,就是把学校的某一学科、某一专业打造成为国内乃至国际顶级的学科和专业,为社会培养出更多实用型人才,这是实现职业技术教育长足发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

在以企业为主要表现形式的工程活动共同体中,作为其成员的个体各自占据一定的岗位而发挥其作用,每个个体都是"本位人"和"岗位人"的统一。文章着重分析了作为"个体"的个人和作为"集体"的工程共同体的动态关系。个体通过招聘过程而在工程共同体中"出场",然后是在工作岗位起作用的"在场"和离开工程共同体的"退场"。文章最后部分运用中国哲学的阴阳理论对人性问题和本位人和岗位人的相互关系进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

委治昌 《科教文汇》2014,(27):103-104
物质是原子的宏观集合,原子是物质的基本单位,因为原子是单个存在的,那么物质就是不连续的,是量子化的,所以物质只不过是一堆原子按照一定的逻辑顺序(即信息,而这种信息就是电磁波)不连续地堆积起来,又具有一定能量的产物,而且从量子力学来看,物质在下一秒会以什么状态出现在什么地方,也是无法完全确定的。那么直线更是人们思维意识中的幻想,现实中根本不存在的实物中的直线。  相似文献   

代标 《科教文汇》2014,(8):171-172
我县位于大别山连片国家级贫困地区,经济发展水平比较低,文化教育事业也比较落后,农村基础教育更是薄弱环节,语文教育承担着更多的责任。如何让学生写好作文是每一个语文教师都在思索的问题,尤其是后进生的作文更是教学的难点,本文将从几个方面来探讨对策,以期达到提高后进生写作兴趣的目的。  相似文献   

中国经济发展面临重大调整   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自主创新是行动,是一个需要长期坚持的国策,是要持之以恒的一种战略选择,是一个地区长期坚持的过程。提高企业自主创新能力是我国经济发展阶段的客观要求,也是科学技术实现支撑国民社会发展和引领国民发展的战略机遇,把握这样的机会来提高中国的自主创新能力对于中国的未来具有极其重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

Prostate specific antigen is considered to be a tumour marker having maximum utility and specificity for prostate cancer since decades. After the discovery of methods to quantify different molecular fractions of prostate specific antigen (PSA), its usefulness in diagnosing early prostate cancer cases has increased tremendously. The “specificity” of PSA, is now challenged by many studies which proved that PSA, once believed to be secreted exclusively by prostatic epithelium, is also present in females. The exact biological role of extraprostatic PSA is still debatable though many theories substantiated by in vitro evidence has been put forward. With the advent of ultrasensitive analytical techniques, PSA is now quantifiable in female serum in its various molecular forms and this has led to many assumptions of it being useful as a marker in female breast cancers. In a similar scenario to prostate cancer, the ratio of free to total PSA is shown to be useful in detecting early breast cancer cases. It is also shown to be a good prognostic indicator and a predictor of response to therapy and recurrence. Apart from its role in breast cancer, it has been advocated to be a marker of hyper androgenic states in women like hirsutism and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Conflicting reports regarding the role of extra prostatic PSA is accumulating but it has been proven beyond doubt that PSA is no longer specific and confined to prostate gland. Various studies have registered that PSA is an ubiquitous molecule, secreted by hormone responsive organs and its synthesis is stimulated by androgens and progesterone but not oestrogens. In this article, a review of various literatures is done about the presence of extra prostatic PSA, its probable role in those sites as well as its utility as a tumour marker in breast cancer.  相似文献   

马秀华 《科教文汇》2011,(26):87-87,95
语文课是充满生机和活力的课堂。语文课往往并不呈现出一种静态的知识体系,而是与师生一起处于一种变动的关系之中。语文课是预设与生成的统一。一节好的语文课应该更重视生成。叶圣陶先生说:"语文教本只是些例子。"这就对语文教师提出了更高的要求,它要求教师不仅是语文教科书的执行者,也应该是教科书的改造者、创新者。对于课堂的主人——学生来说,教科书也仅仅是有待激活的原声材料,它要在教师的引领和学生的理解中生成符合学生认知规律的知识。只有通过师生的感悟、体验、理解,教科书才能发挥它内在的精神意蕴和包含的文化精神。  相似文献   

Chunking is a task which divides a sentence into non-recursive structures. The primary aim is to specify chunk boundaries and classes. Although chunking generally refers to simple chunks, it is possible to customize the concept. A simple chunk is a small structure, such as a noun phrase, while constituent chunk is a structure that functions as a single unit in a sentence, such as a subject. For an agglutinative language with a rich morphology, constituent chunking is a significant problem in comparison to simple chunking. Most of Turkish studies on this issue use the IOB tagging schema to mark the boundaries.In this study, we proposed a new simpler tagging schema, namely OE, in constituent chunking for Turkish. “E” represents the rightmost token of a chunk, while “O” stands for all other items. In reference to OE, we also used a schema called OB, where “B” represents the leftmost token of a chunk. We aimed to identify both chunk boundaries and chunk classes using the conditional random fields (CRF) method. The initial motivation was to employ the fact that Turkish phrases are head-final for chunking. In this context, we assumed that marking the end of a chunk (OE) would be more advantageous than marking the beginning of a chunk (OB). In support of the assumption, the test results reveal that OB has the worst performance and OE is significantly a more successful schema in many cases. Especially in long sentences, this contrast is more obvious. Indeed, using OE means simply marking the head of the phrase (chunk). Since the head and the distinctive label “E” are aligned, CRF finds the chunk class more easily by using the information contained in the head. OE also produced more successful results than the schemas available in the literature.In addition to comparing tagging schemas, we performed four analyses. Along with the examination of window size, which is a parameter of CRF, it is adequate to select and accept this value as 3. A comparison of the evaluation measures for chunking revealed that F-score was a more balanced measure in contrast to token accuracy and sentence accuracy. As a result of the feature analysis, syntactic features improves chunking performance significantly under all conditions. Yet when withdrawing these features, a pronounced difference between OB and OE is forthcoming. In addition, flexibility analysis shows that OE is more successful in different data.  相似文献   

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