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随着大学排行榜的不断流行和多样化,对大学排行榜影响的关注也不断增加。围绕大学排行榜对学生、高等院校和政府的影响的争论已成为高等教育研究和主流新闻媒体的一个普遍话题。越来越多的证据表明,大学排行榜对地区及国家的高等教育发展政策、高等院校的决策和发展战略的制定与实施、人事招聘及组织结构、资源分配和资金募集、学生择校和高校招生等方面都产生了巨大影响。如何避免大学排行榜的消极影响,提高大学排行榜的科学性和合理性,以发挥其应有的功能和作用是全球大学排名当前和今后面临的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,我国的大学排名活动开展得有声有色,在国内甚至国际有一定影响的大学排名已经有5家。大学排名活动已经成为我国高校评估领域一支不可忽视的力量。同时,对大学排名的研究工作也一直没有停止过。各种有关大学排名的研究文章也构成了高等教育研究中的一个小热点。对有关文章的各种观点从比较、作用、质疑和建议等四个方面进行理论梳理与归纳总结。  相似文献   

大学排名不仅在学生和家长中有着巨大的影响力,而且逐渐得到了学院派的接受,成为测量和追踪大学表现和声望的有力工具。大学排名通过对利益相关者施加影响,进而影响到大学的组织行为、决策和文化。我们有必要对大学排名的诸种影响进行辨识,以更加审慎的态度使用大学排名的结果。  相似文献   

大学排名从诞生之日起就对高校和社会产生很大的影响.然而大学排名是一个复杂系统的工作,影响大学排名结果的因素很多,本文在肯定大学排名作用的前提下,对影响大学排名结果的国家财政投入、高校的地理位置、评估数据来源这三个隐性因素进行了分析,并提出改善的途径.  相似文献   

应用2005—2008年广东管理科学研究院武书连大学排名指标及面向江西招生的一本类高校招生数据,通过实证研究方法研究大学排名对高校招生竞争力的影响。大学排名中的本科生培养得分、自然科学研究得分、社会科学研究得分没有有效发挥对优秀高考学生的吸引作用,这显然与大学排名对引导学生志愿选择的作用是相违背的,这也会降低大学排名的可信度。据此提出了优化大学排名指标体系设置的建议:在本科人才培养指标上要协调数量指标与质量指标;应充分考虑文科考生和理科考生在大学期间的人才培养目标和方式的差异性。  相似文献   

一个大学办得好与不好,相当程度上取决于其学科专业办得如何.基于"同类才能相比"的思想,针对目前大学评价实践中存在的种种缺陷,可以尝试建立"学科专业发展指数"概念模型.相比于目前流行的大学排行榜,基于学科专业发展指数得出的大学排名更具有可比性、准确性和可信性,同时可以有效地矫正重规模、重科研、轻教学和忽视特色等不正确的办学导向.学科专业发展指数不仅可以衡量一个专业、一个学科的发展水平,而且可据此逐级计算出某个高校、某个群体高校或某个区域高校的学科专业发展水平,进而系统化地构建起大学评价的完整体系.大学学科专业发展指数模型或许还有助于解决关于大学排名科学性问题的诸多争议,为大学排名实践提供更科学合理的理论基础.  相似文献   

评价对大学的发展具有积极作用。所谓大学评价排名化,主要指排名成为一些大学评价结果的唯一表现形式,参与大学排名的机构愈来愈多,大学排名涉及的领域愈来愈广。值得思考的问题是,这么多的大学排名是否必要?大学排名的评价指标是否合理?所谓大学评价国际化,主要指21世纪之后流行的世界大学排名的实质是评价机构用一个尺度或者说一个国际性的尺度去评价不同国家的大学。四大排行榜已经对一些国家政府的高等教育政策、众多大学的办学理念、方向和行为、普通大众对高等教育的认识等产生了不可低估的影响。世界大学排名评价的科研偏好、英语偏好、理科偏好的特征是值得认真关注的。  相似文献   

<正>据美国《高等教育纪事报》2013年4月12日报道,世界大学排名机构的数量持续增加,这些排名机构不断变换新的排名方法和用途,大学排名正转变成一个越来越具争议的领域。欧洲大学协会日前发布了一份名为《世界大学排名及其影响II》的报告,概述世界大学排  相似文献   

大学排名自产生以来一直以来备受诟病,备受争议的背后实质上反映出社会公众在对待大学排名方面所体现出的一元、片面的认识,并没有进行充分且辩证的思考。实际上大学排名无论是对社会还是高校的发展,都能够产生一定的积极作用。文章采用二维象限分析法,建构新的研究模型,将大学排名的影响进行详细的整理与归类,归纳出大学排名对两大主体:大学与社会所带来的积极、消极作用,如大学排名能够促进大学管理制度的改革与完善、大学排名对于不同群体的学生选择大学就读具有差异性等。因此,使用二维象限分析法对大学排名的影响进行逐一的分析,有利于从大学与社会的角度打破社会公众对大学排名原有的刻板印象,从而全面地认识大学排名的影响。  相似文献   

现代教育应是一种弘扬主体性、注重个性的教育,同时现代教育的发展也离不开学校特色的彰显和个性教育的张扬。“个性”、“特色”、“品牌”,既是最宝贵的教育资源,又是最具价值的追求目标。而目前似有“乱花渐欲迷人眼”之势的大学排名,不断冲击着我们的视野,社会在对大学排名关注的同时,似乎都忘记了大学之间的特色之差异,我们不妨从大学特色的角度出发来看大学排名其不合理的地方到底何在?  相似文献   

大学排名虽然角度、体系和结果各异,但以研究(research)为核心指标却是共同的。在各式排行榜驱动下,世界高等教育系统出现争创世界一流大学的冲动,甚至引发学术军备竞赛,造成各类大学趋同发展、教育资源浪费、知识生产与社会需求脱节等后果。艾伦.海泽科恩从大学创业转型和高等教育发展战略的角度,指出当前排名存在的缺陷,提出淡化一流大学、创建一流(大学)系统的排名思路。这对确立各类高等教育机构的科学发展观、纠正办学的盲目冲动具有重要价值。  相似文献   

The idealistic purpose of university ranking is to encourage the self-improvement of universities as well as providing reliable information to users on higher education quality for public accountability.Nevertheless,most current rankings advocate indices related highly to the academic selectivity of institutions,while having nothing to do with quality of their performances.At the same time,since the rankings are mostly pushed by competition among universities as quasi-merchandise,it was inevitable that some social values of higher education as labor training and research were emphasized more than others such as student individual development and social justice,which are more invisible but influential from a long term.The rankings therefore ruined the ecology of higher education competition and made social injustice more serious.Value-added evaluation might bring some light to the darkness of rankings but not the primary way to solve the problem since it is functioned as one of the many measures in quality assessment.  相似文献   

College rankings present challenges and opportunities for higher education marketers. Statistical analysis of data on the national universities reveals which measures are associated with peer assessment scores, whether it is possible to influence the score, and what underlying factors are present. Marketers can use the findings to counsel senior leaders and position their institutions more effectively with key constituencies.  相似文献   

大学排名已成为一种全球性现象,世界上几乎所有高等教育规模较大的国家都有大学排名存在。由于排名从宏观上提供了大学问可比的、有时甚至是关键的信息,在一定程度上满足了外界和大学自身了解大学的需求,因此能够长期存在并产生巨大影响。本文以上海交通大学高等教育研究所发布的"世界大学学术排名"为案例,分析了大学排名活动在经济全球化和高等教育国际化背景下所发挥的作用和产生的影响.  相似文献   

Global university rankings are a worldwide trend that emerged in times of the globalisation and internationalisation of higher education. Universities worldwide are now striving to become “world‐class” institutions and are constantly aiming to improve their ranking position. Global rankings of universities are thus perceived by many as an ultimate tool for assessing the level of internationalisation at individual higher education institutions. This article first discusses the meaning of and relationship between the globalisation and internationalisation of higher education, as their influence on the emergence of global rankings is undeniable. It then outlines the methodological designs of four main global university rankings which serve as key prerequisites for the subsequent analyses of both the international(‐isation) indicators that these rankings include and of the international ranking initiatives that focus exclusively on the international outlook of higher education institutions. In the concluding discussion, the article reveals that, due to the predominantly quantitative orientation of global university rankings (on the internationalisation of higher education), their results should not be generalised or understood as a means to improve the quality of (internationalisation of) higher education.  相似文献   

This article is based on the analysis of the changes in global university rankings and the new ‘products’ based on rankings data in the period since mid-2011. It is a summary and continuation of the European University Association (EUA)-commissioned report ‘Global University Rankings Their Impact, Report II’ which was launched in April 2013. It covers the changes in the ranking methodologies which have been the most visible in the CWTS Leiden Ranking and Webometrics and which have replaced some indicators with newly designed ones. Changes have been made in other rankings as well, but they are less visible. A new U21 ranking was launched in 2012. It is an attempt to rank national higher education systems rather than individual universities. New rankings by conventional ranking providers have demonstrated that in reputation rankings or reputation indicators the scores drop even more sharply than in the most élitist rankings and therefore can be used for even narrower groups of universities. Several ranking providers have started their own data collections and combine ranking data with the data from the newly established data collections and use them for several multi-indicator classifications or profiling tools. QS has been most productive and has added not only classification and profiling tools, but has also launched a ranking of student cities, and ‘stars’ that universities can obtain. Generally, the rankings’ impact is growing. Let us see where it will bring us. At the same time, some rankings providers have changed language and explain the biases, flaws and misunderstandings created through misuse of rankings or using ranking indicators without proper knowledge.  相似文献   

In this article we explore the dual role of global university rankings in the creation of a new, knowledge-identified, transnational capitalist class and in facilitating new forms of social exclusion. We examine how and why the practice of ranking universities has become widely defined by national and international organisations as an important instrument of political and economic policy. We consider the development of university rankings into a global business combining social research, marketing and public relations, as a tangible policy tool that narrowly redefines the social purposes of higher education itself. Finally, it looks at how the influence of rankings on national funding for teaching and research constrains wider public debate about the meaning of ‘good' and meaningful education in the United Kingdom and other national contexts, particularly by shifting the debate away from democratic publics upward into the elite networked institutions of global capital. We conclude by arguing that, rather than regarding world university rankings as a means to establish criteria of educational value, the practice may be understood as an exclusionary one that furthers the alignment of higher education with neoliberal rationalities at both national and global levels.  相似文献   

随着高等教育大众化的扩展,全球范围内出现各种世界大学排名,世界大学排名逐渐成为许多国家对高等教育机构进行价值评判的一种重要形式,在一定程度上影响各国发展高等教育所采取的战略决策。尽管各大排名在指标的设定上都会考虑科研能力,但由于排名机构的价值判断不同,各种排名具体采用的指标体系有所区别,它们在价值判断上的差异必然带来排名结果的不同。  相似文献   

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