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中学生的性心理健康教育十分重要而迫切,其内容包括性生理卫生知识传授,性别角色的塑造,健康高尚情感的培养,中学生性心理健康教育的途径主要有:专门授课,学科渗透,群体教育,个别教育,学校与家庭相配合教育;常用的方法有:讲授法,演示法,讨论法,活动法,交谈法,通讯法,激励法,矫治法,进行性心理健康教育,应遵循无性别原则,性别区分原则,分阶段和有分寸原则,自然与适度原则,德育原则,灵活新鲜原则,适当保密原则,积极性原则。  相似文献   

浅谈中学生性心理卫生教育李芝中学生正处于生理、心理状况大发展的时期,能够正确认识生理现象和形成健康的心理素质,对中学生来说是至关重要的。因此,中学生性心理卫生教育在学校卫生工作中就显得更加重要,已逐渐被人们所认识和重视。下面从几方面谈谈中学生性心理卫...  相似文献   

性健康教育是全面推进素质教育不可缺少的内容之一.性健康教育可以从性生理、性心理及性道德等方面对中学生进行性健康教育,使青少年健康全面的发展.生物教师具有一定的学科专业优势,对中学生进行性健康教育,责无旁贷.  相似文献   

培养中学生健康的性心理是中学生全面发展的需要 ,也是素质教育的一项重要内容。这个时期的学生心理波动大 ,可塑性强 ,只要因势利导向健康方向发展 ,要求他们树立正确的性观念和正确的人生观、价值观、就能使他们成为社会的有用人材。家庭教育是培养初中生健康性心理素质的基础。 俗话说 :“父母是孩子的启蒙老师。”父母的言行举止时时刻刻影响着子女 ,并起到潜移默化的作用。在家庭教育方面 ,普遍存在性教育的真空与偏缺 ,许多家长多关心子女的学习 ,缺少了解子女生理变化和对性心理的引导与教育 ,这是一种失误。父母应正确面对子女的“…  相似文献   

大学生性心理健康水平量表编制与调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解大学生性心理健康水平,通过自编大学生性心理健康水平量表,随机调查了180名大学生的性心理健康水平,发现大学生性心理健康水平在性别方面有显著差异(P=0.009),男生显著高于女生;在不同年级间有显著差异(P=0.008),四年级大学生性心理健康水平显著高于一年级大学生;在接受过和没有接受过性教育的同学间没有显著差异(P=0.532),证明现行性健康教育过于形式化、表面化,未能发挥其真正作用。  相似文献   

青春期是中学生生长发育中从童年到成年的过度阶段,性教育是青春期教育中重要的组成部分,它包含性生理健康教育和性心理健康教育.如何让中学生坦然面对自己的青春出现的各种困惑、顺利度过人生的危险期、成为教学研究的重要内容.  相似文献   

阮东梅 《时代教育》2015,(4):199-200
尝试利用生物课程教学内容以课题研究的形式强化中学生的性教育。课题成立教育研究团队,通过访谈与问卷调查的形式剖析中学生性心理与性知识了解的程度;调研中学生对性教育期望的有效方法与途径。中期通过实践创新符合中学生心理和生理发展的教育方式与方法,组建中学生性心理和生理访谈室,加强第二课堂的性道德与性安全教育。后期结合"问题学生"个体案例研究,找到中学生教育管理的良策,分析教育成效调整、改进教育方法方式、增强教育效果。  相似文献   

走进青春期的中学生,已经步入了一个全新的环境。随着性生理、性心理的发展,许多中学生由于对性的好奇,大胆摸索、尝试,结果导致一部分学生失足。家庭、学校、社会如何针对这一现象为中学生搭建一个健康合理的成长平台,通过渗透良好的心理健康教育帮助中学生顺利度过这一关键时期,促进中学生性心理的和谐发展,已成为当前社会不容回避的重要问题。  相似文献   

本研究旨在了解四川省高校学生性心理健康现状及其影响因素,为高校学生提高性心理健康水平提供可参考的实践依据,也为高校心理健康教育者提高学生性心理健康教育效果提供科学的理论依据。本研究针对性地对四川省6所高校共1400名学生进行了性心理问卷调查,结果发现:(1)总的来说,学生性心理健康水平处于中等偏上,其性认知心理比性态度心理健康水平高;(2)不同的性别、年级、学校、家庭关系和带养人的学生之间,其性心理健康水平有差异;(3)学生的性心理健康水平与其性别、年级和家庭关系这三个人口统计学因素相关,可以通过以上三因素进行预测。  相似文献   

中学生性心理发展的特点中学生随着认识的发展和对自己的成长、人我关系的自我意识的发展,在性萌发的生理动因作用下,通过社会化过程中对于性别模式的自居作用,性意识觉醒了。中学生的性心理呈波浪式发展,出现一定的年龄阶段特性。  相似文献   

沪教版初中语文教材选文中女性形象审察述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国务院在《中国儿童发展纲要(2001年-2010年)》中重申:“将性别平等意识纳入到教学内容。”教材作为教学内容最重要的载体之一,其隐含的基于一定的社会文化的性别观对学生的性别观的形成产生潜移默化的影响。近年来,随着女性主义研究视角在教育领域中的延伸,教材中出现的女性形象开始受到关注,上海作为我国女性在经济、文化等方面最活跃的城市,具有一定地域性质的沪教版初中语文教材,其选文中的女性形象值得关注。  相似文献   


Drawing on an autoethnographic approach, the purpose of this article is to support: 1) teacher educators in thinking about how to mentor sexual minority students as they consider the decision to disclose (or not) their sexual identities in their school placements; and 2) sexual minority students in navigating the decision to disclose (or not) their sexual identities in the context of practicum or student teaching. Early childhood teacher education faculty must be prepared to support sexual minority students in confronting decisions about disclosing their sexual orientation in the context of practicum and student teaching. Though sexual minority educators may choose to seek employment in schools or districts with explicit values about nondiscrimination, preservice teachers may not enjoy similar agency or protection, given that student placements are often dictated by geographic proximity to the university and partnerships with teacher preparation programs.  相似文献   

性健康教育是将性生理、性心理、性道德、性法律、性伦理和人格塑造等融为一体的综合性教育。农村小学开展性健康教育最主要的阻力是:认识上的误区、教材仪器设备等媒体资源匮乏、师资水平参差不齐和教育主体相互推诿职责。克服阻力的对策包括:树立正确的性健康教育观,编写具有适应性的校本教材,加强师资队伍建设,学校、家庭和社会三方密切配合。  相似文献   

研究表明:学习策略需要专门教学而且是可教的,但学习策略课堂教学的有效性受到学生的年龄特点、心理特征、学习水平、认识方式以及性别差异等因素的影响和制约,因而学习策略的因材施教是非常必要和重要的。  相似文献   

BOPPPS模型将教学过程分为导言、学习目标、前测、参与式学习、后测和总结六个环节,可以充分调动学生的主观能动性,增强教学效果.以性医学中勃起功能障碍为例,基于BOPPPS模型,对该知识点进行教学设计,并对教学效果进行应用评价.实践结果表明,BOPPPS教学教学模式改变了传统的教学方式,提高了教学质量.  相似文献   

大学生性教育课堂教学由于其内容的特殊性和学生的个性化,故传统教学理论指导下的传统灌输式教学越来越难以适应时代和学生的需要.建构主义学习理论强调学生的学习主体地位.提倡学生对学习内容主动的知识建构和情境式教学.运用建构主义学习理论指导开展大学生性教育课堂教学具有较强的现实意义.  相似文献   

While research and policy recommendations internationally have pointed to the need to diversify teaching populations with regard to ethnicity, social class background and, to a lesser extent, dis/ability, there is a paucity of research addressing sexualities as a diversity dimension in teaching. This article explores initial teacher education (ITE) applicants’ and entrants’ (N = 746) sexualities and the intersections of sexualities with other socio-demographic background variables and career motivations. The analysis suggests that the topic of sexual orientation caused high levels of discomfort among respondents and that sexual minority student teachers are underrepresented in ITE cohorts in Ireland. The socio-demographic and motivational profiles of our non-heterosexual respondents generally mirrored those of their heterosexual counterparts. Non-heterosexual respondents reported a stronger motivation to affect social change and lower levels of participation in religious services. Findings are discussed within the context of persisting cultural and institutional barriers for sexual minority (student) teachers in Irish schools and in ITE.  相似文献   

Teaching a course on sexual offenders presents instructors with a variety of challenges, including teaching students who may be sexual assault victims. Faculty must work to overcome preconceived, often erroneous, student beliefs about sex offenders, which have been influenced by the media’s reporting on the subject. This paper is the result of teaching undergraduate and graduate class on sexual offending for thirteen semesters. This article serves as an instructional tool to create a balanced class structure that prepares the instructor on how to remain unbiased and objective in the face of emotional, political, and religious opposition from the students. Specific subject topics, course material, assignments, and in-class activities are examined as a learning platform to disseminate information on sex offending and the sex offender registry.  相似文献   

Non-specialist teachers in Canada are increasingly required to teach sexual health topics. However, research suggests that they do not always do so willingly. This study examined the associations between the characteristics of non-specialist elementary and middle school teachers (n = 294) in Canadian schools and their willingness to provide sexual health education (SHE) and their perceptions of factors affecting their willingness to provide SHE. On average, the teachers were only somewhat willing to teach SHE and their willingness varied between topics. The teachers who reported greater willingness to teach SHE were more likely to be teaching middle school, have less teaching experience, have received training to teach SHE, feel more knowledgeable about sexual health, and view broad-based SHE as more important. More than 20% of participants identified 10 out of 11 factors as making them less willing to teach sexual health education; conversely, more than 20% of participants identified nine of these 11 factors as making them more willing to teach sexual health education. Teachers who were middle school teachers, had received training to teach sexual health, had more experience teaching SHE, and felt more knowledgeable about sexual health topics were more likely to regard all of these factors as enhancing their willingness to teach SHE. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for training designed to increase teachers' willingness to teach sexual health.  相似文献   

教师的职业特点决定了我们的高师音乐教育永远具有师范性的特点,培养合格的中小学音乐教师是高师音乐教育的目标。与时俱进不断改革创新,在树立教育理念和教学活动过程中坚持高师音乐教育的师范性原则,是我们培养具有教学综合能力的教育者的重中之重。  相似文献   

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