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The Beida Reform     
We intend to analyze indigenization of educational sociology from three aspects—background, connotations, and the strategies of indigenization. We shall do our best to analyze indigenization to understand its essence. Research into indigenization of educational sociology cannot be separated from studies into the indigenization of social sciences. Hence we shall go beyond the disciplinary bounds of educational sociology and touch on other social science disciplines in discussing indigenization.  相似文献   

Social Constructivism,the Gospel of Science,and the Teaching of Physics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kragh  Helge 《Science & Education》1998,7(3):231-243
During the last two decades, science studies have increasingly been dominated by ideas related to social constructivism and the sociology of scientific knowledge. This paper offers a critical examination of some of the basic claims of this branch of science studies and argues that social constructivists cannot explain some of the most characteristic features of the physical sciences. The implications of social constructivism for science education are considered. I conclude that if education in physics consistently followed the philosophy of sociology of scientific knowledge in its more extreme versions it would mean the end of physics. However, the rejection of social constructivism does not imply a rejection of social or cultural studies of science or their value in science education.  相似文献   

人文科学与社会科学是人文社会科学的两个最大子学科,人文科学着重研究"人",社会科学着重研究"人的世界",因此,人文社会科学的内容具有"人与人的世界"的二元结构。中学人文课程的教学目标是:一,教育学生正确认识自我、完善自我,形成正确的人的观念,学习如何做人;二,教育学生正确认识和善处外部世界,形成正确的世界意识,学会生存和发展,学会融入社会,为社会做贡献。因此,中学人文课程的内容同样具有"人与人的世界"的二元结构。按照"人与人的世界"的二元结构,中学人文课程设置可以这样构想:中学思想政治课名称改为"人生品德"课,以人学系列(含人学、心理学、伦理学、美学、哲学等子学科)知识为其全部教学内容,而将现行《思想政治》课程中的人文世界知识剥离出去;设置"人文世界"课以替换试验区的《历史与社会》课,同时取消单科历史课与地理课,"人文世界"课的内容是全部人文世界学系列(含社会科学——社会学、历史学、经济学、法学、政治学和人文自然学——人文地理学、环境学、生态学)知识。  相似文献   

不同的科学观会产生科学教育的不同的价值取向。传统科学哲学的科学观在本质上是一种知识论,以此为理论基础的科学教育呈现的是以科学知识为中心重知识实用性的价值取向;科学文化哲学的科学观将科学视为人类的一种文化活动过程,凸显科学的人文性,以此为理论基础的科学教育应充分挖掘其自身的人文价值,追求人自身、人与社会、人与自然的和谐发展,引导学生进入科学的历史世界,让学生在模拟科学家的研究过程中体验科学,引导学生关注自己的生活世界,从而实现科学教育与人文教育的统一。  相似文献   

A bstract .  Although the natural sciences are dedicated to understanding the natural world, they are also dynamic and shaped by cultural values. The sciences and attendant technologies could be very responsive to a population that participates in and uses them responsibly. In this essay, Nancy Brickhouse and Julie Kittleson argue for re-visioning the sciences in ways that respond to diversity. By way of educational processes, the sciences might be reshaped to advance critical issues such as social justice and eco-justice. This vision of science and science education opens up new possibilities for what counts as scientific knowledge and what it means to participate in science. We envision schools where young people learn to engage in science in ways that lead to the development of the science we need. To disengage in science is to leave it in the hands of elites whose values may work against the possibility of an ecologically and socially just society.  相似文献   

从价值哲学到价值科学的发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在科学技术革命的影响下,人类的实践结果积累到了前所未有的丰富程度,人化自然成为人类生活世界的主要基础,这个充满人为事物、以物质文明为核心的人类结果领域,构成特殊的价值世界.从宇宙进化链来看,价值世界是进化的表现环节之一.随着价值世界的出现和发展,我们有了自然、社会、思维(主观精神世界)、价值等多个"世界".相应地,我们有自然科学、社会科学和思维科学(包括心理学)分别对前三个世界加以研究,但尚没有跟价值世界相对应的科学领域.因此,应当建立价值科学.价值科学是一个大的门类,它同自然科学、社会科学、思维科学等属于同一个序列的科学研究领域.价值科学不同于哲学意义上的价值论(价值哲学).  相似文献   

关于建构知识科学的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以波普的“三个世界”理论为基础,肯定客观知识世界的存在。随着知识世界的发展,我们有了自然、社会、思维(主观精神世界)和知识四个“世界”。目前,我们相应地有自然科学、社会科学和思维科学(包括心理学)分别对前三个世界加以研究,但惟一没有跟知识世界相对应的科学领域。因此,应当建立知识科学。在今天,知识的作用越来越大,成为推动社会发展的首要而最大的动力。这也要求对知识本身进行更加深入而全面的研究。于是,一门专门研究知识发展及其价值问题的科学--知识科学的产生将是时代的必然要求。知识科学是一个大的门类,它同自然科学、社会科学、思维科学等属于同一序列的科学研究领域。它应当包括知识哲学、具体知识学科以及知识运用等三个基本层次,划分为许多具体学科。  相似文献   

马克思主义中国化过程为中国特色社会学理论体系的形成赋予深刻的历史启示:一是要实现与中国的社会实际、历史传承以及时代特征相结合,二是要实现本土化,三是要实现"视界转换";这为中国社会学实现其理论主题由"发展与社会转型"-"秩序与社会整合"-"公正与小城镇建设"的转换提供了强大的理论指导及实践依据;中国特色社会学的理论建构就是在马克思主义中国化以及社会学研究主题转换的动态、互动过程中实现的.  相似文献   

科学社会学脱胎于科学哲学。科学社会学经历了两大发展时期:一为默顿的传统范式,一为科学知识社会学的范式。前者主要研究科学的外围社会文化,后者则转向研究科学知识本身。二者整合起来形成了内外互补的研究局面。作为一种元研究的科学社会学既具有条分缕析、逻辑周密的特点,也具有科学史那样的历史感和丰富性,是科学元研究中内部研究和外部研究的典范。科学社会学的作用突出地表现在对科学的祛魅方面——对常识科学观的社会学颠覆,展示了另一幅科学的景象。  相似文献   

20世纪出现的经济与社会的巨大变化,催生了试图通过理论建构和案例分析来打破自然科学和人文科学分野的科学知识社会学的诞生。该领域经历了强纲领、社会建构论、社会学有限主义时期后日渐衰微,但科尔以"实在论的建构主义"为其在理解科学与人文关系上展现了生机,该学说对构建适合于当代的科学传播模式具有一定的启发作用。  相似文献   

D. Reynolds 《Interchange》1980,11(4):77-89
Conclusion Viewed from a Marxist scientific perspective, any assessment of the naturalistic perspective associated with the work of CARE and the new sociology of education must be highly critical. In the focus of its work, the naturalistic perspective is concerned mostly with the micro world of the school and within-classroom interaction, neglecting to focus on the possible material determination of this phenomenological world. Naturalism accords to the social scientist the role of passive reporter of events and member accounts rather than interpreter of the world that Marxist analysis wishes the intellectual to adopt. Naturalism, as exemplified within the contemporary sociology of education, does not appear to be concerned with the validation and objectification of the knowledge that is produced. Lastly, little concern is shown for the need to use empirical insight to generate adequate theoretical constructs of the inter-relationships between different bodies of knowledge.The naturalistic perspective upon social and educational matters seems to reflect a temporary disillusionment with such conventional modes of scholastic enquiry as positivism. Yet there is no evidence that our understanding of social and educational matters has been dramatically increased by this new, unscientific, idealist, and micro-sociological paradigm. Genuine advances in our understanding of the social world are, I believe, more likely to occur if social research adopts the methodological apparatus of scientific Marxism, an apparatus that has brought considerable increments of understanding to those social science disciplines that have utilised it.  相似文献   

In recent decades, changes in society have deeply affected the internal organization and the main goals of schools. These changes are particularly important in science education because science is one of the major sources of change in peoples’ lives. This research provided the opportunity to investigate how these changes affect the way teachers develop their classroom activities. In this work, we focus on science as part of the cultural identity of a society and how this identity affects the process of teaching and learning inside the classroom. Other works have shown that certain social characteristics such as gender, race, religion, etc., can create a cultural barrier to learning science. This results in an obstacle between those particular students and the science that is taught, hindering their learning process. We first aim to present the notion of identity in education and in other related fields such as social psychology and sociology. Our main purpose is to focus on identity in a school setting and how that identity affects the relationship students have with the science content. Next, we present and analyze an intervention in the subject of Modern and Contemporary Physics composed by a sequence of activities in a private school in the region of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. This intervention serves to illustrate how scientific topics may be explored while considering aspects of cultural differences as an obstacle. The intervention was completed in two steps: first, in the classroom with a discussion concerning scientific works and nationality of scientists, with one being a Brazilian physicist; second, taking students to visit a particle collider at the University of São Paulo. One of the results of our research was realizing that students do not perceive science as something representative of the Brazilian cultural identity. At the same time, the activity gave the students the opportunity to make the connection between doing physical sciences at an international level and the national level in Brazil. The findings of this study suggest that it is possible to reshape the cultural identity of Brazilian students.  相似文献   

自20世纪后半叶以来,不同学科背景的研究者将基础研究与教育实践相结合,直面人类的学习问题,探究人类思维和学习的过程,设计新的学习情境,提出新的理论和方法论,催生了学习的新科学。学习科学是指面向复杂的真实世界需要的"整合"科学,涉及认知科学、神经科学、教育心理学、计算机科学、人类学、社会学等多元领域,它不仅发展了学习理论,而且对教授科学也做出了贡献。通过围绕知识的本质、学习的实质、学习的方式与形式、以学习为中心设计、学习环境及其支持、学习效果的评价等方面,来探讨学习科学研究的重要问题及学科方法论,进而对其未来研究的发展趋势做出预测。  相似文献   

伴随着科学知识社会学(SSK)的产生而逐步形成体系的社会建构论,主张站在社会学的角度分析科学知识的产生。强调社会因素对科学的建构。这种建构主义的分析问题方式逐渐由科学观延伸到了技术观,并在此基础上形成了技术的社会形成论(SST)。社会建构论作为一种方法论从SSK研究到SST研究的延伸,表明科学的人研究对技术的人研究有着十分密切的联系。  相似文献   

This article deals with the problems of forming a scientific system for adult education. The first part contains different concepts of sciences of education in developed countries, with a special emphasis on the difference between pedagogy as ‘practical theory’ and the sciences of education than can withstand meta‐scientific criteria. This is followed by a survey of the educological system of the knowledge of education, and the scientific and non‐scientific knowledge of adult education are contrasted. To enable us to distinguish unambiguously between scientific and non‐scientific knowledge the survey contains some major criteria for determining whether a discipline is a science or not. In this context andragogy, as well as pedagogy, are defined as ‘technological’ disciplines with the task of applying the principles discovered by the sciences of adult education: the educational psychology of adults, the sociology of adult education, the economics of adult education and the educational anthropology. In other words, andragogy is the ‘praxiology of adult education’, i.e. the science of applying scientific knowledge about adult education in the practice of that education. Andragogy could become ‘the general science of adult education’ and acquire a supra‐technological character if it grew into a science of the effectiveness of systems of adult education. In that case andragogy would study the interaction between the elements of the system as well as the interaction between these elements and the subsystems of the educational environment.  相似文献   

科学精神的建构是“五四”新文化运动以来中国文化建设的一个根本的方向和任务 ,但是 ,这个任务远没有完成。文化保守主义和后现代主义忽视和反对科学的态度是错误的。作为理性的思维活动 ,科学是普遍的。科学精神的根本基础是社会的经济制度。自然科学、社会科学和人文科学都是人类理性的表现形式 ,它们之间是一种“家庭类似”的关系  相似文献   


The article explores the relationship between sociology and sociology of education in the United Kingdom (UK), with specific reference to the development of a sociology of higher education. Though the article is mainly concerned with the UK, the broader issues raised, about the status and location of the sociology of education in relation to sociology, who defines research excellence and research prestige and who collaborates with whom (and why) in social science research, are much more widely relevant. There are three main themes. The first concerns the recent history of sociology of education in the UK and its current location in education departments in higher education institutions. The second theme examines the factors that may have led to or are symptomatic of sociology of education's separation from sociology itself. The third theme is the prospect for the development of the sociology of higher education and its potential for collaborative activity with sociologists and other social scientists. In conclusion, it is argued that the sociology of higher education is well placed to collaborate with sociology and other social sciences, whether in research or in programmes for new academics and professional doctorates.  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学是科学,因为哲学属于人文科学,是现代科学的一部分。科学是一种理性的、全方位的世界观、认识论和方法论,其中包含哲学,但不局限于哲学。人类除了科学之外,还有许多其他世界观。当代文明的世界观是一个丰富的、多层次的体系。从文化性质上看,马克思主义是意识形态而不是科学。科学研究者会有其信仰,但不必言用其信仰指导科学研究。在人类的文明体系中,科学和意识形态的文化性质不同,因而可说它们是人类不同的世界观。  相似文献   

教育科学属于社会科学,社会科学与自然科学一样是科学,由此实验科学的实证、假设可以成为教育研究的重要方法,科学哲学的融通、革新观念应当成为教育理论建设重要理念,科学家品性也必须成为教育研究者基本素质。目前需要从研究生阶段理解科学研究,提高科学素质。  相似文献   

论自然科学知识的社会建构及其教育意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
知识社会学、科学社会主义以及科学知识社会学对有关自然科学知识性质问题的研究有不同的论述。从实在论的建构主义观点看 ,自然科学知识的社会建构具有开放性、具体性、动态性、灵活性的特点。自然科学知识的性质与教育活动有密切关系 ,自然科学知识性质的改变对学校教育和课程改革来说 ,具有十分重要的启发意义。  相似文献   

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