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预测老年女性跌倒风险的静立平衡COP活动参数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
静立平衡COP晃动参数能有效反应老年人姿势控制能力,但老年人跌倒风险的敏感预测指标并不确定,存在争议。本研究通过对34名65岁以上老年女性的跌倒史和跌倒风险指数与其静立平衡COP晃动速度和距离的关系进行统计分析。研究认为:对于65岁以上的老年女性,静立平衡测试中,COP在单脚站立的左右晃动(速度和位移)和Tandem步站立的前后晃动(速度和位移)能有效评价老年女性的平衡能力、预测跌倒风险;一定难度站立姿势的静立平衡测试更有利于评价普通健康老年女性的平衡能力、预测跌倒。  相似文献   

目的了解国际范围内运动干预老年人跌倒风险领域研究进展,为我国未来相关领域研究提供一些建议。方法以Web of Science等外文期刊平台相关领域的研究为数据,采用CiteSpace5.7软件对运动干预老年人跌倒风险研究进行知识图谱的绘制以及可视化分析。结果1)运动干预老年人跌倒风险研究领域,2014年之后进入突增期,并在此之后至今仍然保持一个较高的研究热度;2)发文机构排名前3的分别为:卡罗林斯卡研究所、悉尼大学以及香港中文大学;不同研究机构、学科之间的交叉联系紧密,涉及了医学、神经科学、社会学、人口学、统计学等多个领域;3)主要关注老年人跌倒发生的主要因素,并通过多种运动方式干预来提升老年人的肌肉力量、下肢稳定性来降低老年人跌倒风险。结论运动干预老年人跌倒风险强调以预防为主,通过多种运动方式干预来提升老年人的下肢肌肉力量、下肢稳定性、改善老年人平衡能力及步态,降低老年人跌倒发生率,提升老年人生活质量,有效降低增龄性变化产生的不良影响,共同促进老年群体健康。在未来研究中,可尝试关注不同类型运动对提升老年人神经灵活性以及提升肌肉质量效果方面的研究。  相似文献   

项云  王晶晶 《体育科研》2021,42(5):39-48
老年人跌倒是社区常见的意外伤害安全问题,可能造成严重后果和巨大的社会、经济负担。老年人跌倒是内、外多重因素交互影响作用的结果,多由潜在风险引发。社区是老年人日常生活与活动的主要场所,通过科学的评估方法尽早识别存在跌倒风险的社区老年人对于预防老年人跌倒发生具有重要意义。通过对国内外常用的社区老年人跌倒风险评估工具,包括跌倒相关身体功能能力、跌倒相关心理因素、跌倒综合评估以及跌倒风险评估的新趋势等方面进行综述和展望,为社区老年人跌倒风险的评估提供理论依据,也为未来开发适合我国社区老年人群的跌倒风险评估工具提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是目前我国面临的重大问题,衰老引起的肌肉减少症和生活质量下降问题,甚至导致的跌倒风险、残疾等严重健康问题,越来越受到重视和关注。针对上述问题,越来越多的研究证实,力量训练能显著影响肌肉质量和肌肉力量,最大限度减小功能下降,并降低跌倒的风险。该文就力量训练改善老年人肌肉功能障碍等的理论基础、训练方法、运动处方及应对策略进行相关文献综述分析。相关证据表明,力量训练可以有效提高老年人的肌肉力量和质量,同时还能起到降低骨质疏松症风险、防治慢性疾病、改善睡眠、减少抑郁等作用。采用个性化的运动处方、合适的力量训练方法及有效的应对策略,引导和激励老年人参与力量训练,可以有效应对人口老龄化引起的老年人群健康问题。  相似文献   

意外跌倒在老年人群中已经成为普遍的现象,常会导致严重的损伤.导致跌倒的因素有多种,但鞋子对步态稳定性的影响不容忽视.文章基于对前期研究文献的大量总结,从多个功能性角度对老年人稳定鞋具需求作一综述,希望给予老年人的鞋具选择设计提供一定建议.  相似文献   

雷·阿伦Ray Allen Nike Air Jordan XXI雷·阿伦在今年全明星赛上就开始穿着价值175美金的乔丹鞋21代出现。乔丹21代篮球鞋是乔丹2006年又一巅峰作品,继续延用二十代的IPS气垫,并且在后掌多加一层ZOOM,而鞋底采用的是螺旋式纹路鞋底采用双层花纹,起到超好的防滑效果。鞋中底采用了大面积的碳素板,而减少了脚弓部位的外底材料,减轻自重,能提供  相似文献   

刘易斯神鞋世界飞人——美国的刘易斯在1991年8月的世界田径锦标赛上以9.86秒打破男子一百米跑的世界纪录。据说这当中“神鞋”助了他“一臂之力”。这双“神鞋”是日本美津浓公司为他特地设计的。该鞋采用类似降落伞的布料,在缝制上采用60度角互交排织的方法,一只鞋子的重量只有115克。而且,它的防滑钉也比普通跑鞋多两根(普通跑鞋为8根),并分成四种不同的形状、因而防滑功能极强。美中不足的是,该鞋底是用一片完整的塑胶制成的,只能经受一次性比赛。电子计速跑鞋:德国阿迪达斯公司新发明了一种电子运动鞋。它的鞋底安置一块集成电  相似文献   

网球的场地一般为草地、红土地和硬地,各种类型的场地对鞋的要求各不相同,但它们的共性是要求穿着舒适、透性气强。在选择网球鞋时,特别要确保脚尖不会感到紧缩或压迫,考虑好自己的脚弓高低,而且定要选择透气性好的。在红土场或草地球场打球,要注意防滑,因此要尽可能选用摩擦力大的鞋。在硬地球场打球,则应选择底部平滑、凹凸少的鞋,鞋底外侧要有适度的滑动性,这样才不会对球员造成伤  相似文献   

挑一双合适的羽毛球鞋 应该学会针对场地选择球鞋。羽毛球鞋的鞋底大都由生胶或人工橡胶所合成,生胶的鞋底因抓地力强而更适合于木板地,因此排球鞋可当羽毛球鞋用。 人工橡胶的鞋底分为硬底和软底,硬底比如网球鞋,适合水泥或磨石子地,软底则被设计来打PU场地。目前的羽毛球场地分水泥地、木板地和PU场地,布面胶底鞋(如京字牌)较适合木地板;布面牛筋底(如双星牌排球鞋等)比较耐磨,但抓地力不如胶底鞋强;专业羽毛球鞋如YONEX对人体关节和其他部位保护较好,运动时非常轻便,便于发力,最适合在PU场地上使用,但这种鞋的鞋底在木地板上…  相似文献   

跌倒严重威胁到老年人的健康及生活质量。老年人跌倒的原因比较复杂,在诸多危险因素中,身体和心理因素已成为主要诱因。对国内、外老年人跌倒的身心因素,即身体功能下降、抑郁症等方面进行归纳和逻辑分析。结果表明,老年人跌倒是由多维因素相互作用而致。相对于身体因素方面的研究而言,心理因素的研究甚少。希望能为该领域的研究提供借鉴,并为有效地预防和减少老年人跌倒的发生提供参考依据。  相似文献   

青少年女性穿不同鞋行走时足底压力分布研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴剑  李建设 《体育科学》2006,26(6):67-70
通过F—scan足底压力分布解析系统对青少年女性穿不同类型鞋行走时的步态进行足底压力分布的测量和分析。结果表明,青少年女性穿跟高6.5cm以上的高跟鞋行走时,足底第1跖趾关节最大受力值是穿球鞋行走时该点最大受力值的4倍,是穿中跟鞋和松糕鞋行走时该点最大受力值的2倍。穿松糕鞋行走时,足底3点压力变化曲线图与裸足行走时足底3点压力变化曲线图相似,但是,穿松糕鞋行走时,足底3点最大受力值比裸足行走时足底3点最大受力值大。因此。也说明穿松糕鞋行走时下肢肌肉负荷较大。提示,穿高跟鞋行走对青少年女性足的生长发育有严重影响,建议他们日常生活中少穿或者不穿高跟鞋。  相似文献   

运动鞋作为运动的辅助装备,在提高运动感受的同时,还起到了重要的危险防控作用。体育运动发展至今,很多的项目都有其专属的运动用鞋,而广场舞运动并没有一款完全针对其运动特点所设计的运动鞋。当下,广场舞运动已经成为老年人最热衷的健身活动,其范围之广,影响之大前所未有,而长时间穿着不科学的靴子进行广场舞锻炼,不仅达不到良好的健身效果,还有可能造成不必要的伤病,因此设计一款专为老年人进行广场舞锻炼的专业用鞋,不仅可以有效防患老年人参与广场舞锻炼中可能造成的运动性损伤,同时也会促使广场舞运动更好地发展。  相似文献   

周倩 《当代体育科技》2020,(11):34-34,36
目的:本实验通过测量在赤脚、平底鞋及10cm高跟鞋3种条件下,女性步态的特征,分析不同鞋子对足部及步态的影响。方法:使用G-WALK三维步态分析系统进行赤脚、平底鞋及10cm高跟鞋条件下的行走转身实验,测量其不同鞋子下步速、步长及步态周期。结果:本实验得出穿10cm高跟鞋时行走的步态特征是步速慢,步长变短,周期长。结论:因此长期穿高跟鞋对女性下肢及步态影响较大,会对身体造成伤害,建议少穿或者不穿高跟鞋。  相似文献   

采用德国Novel公司的Pedar鞋垫式(in-sole)足底压力测量系统,对40名中学生赤足与穿着慢跑鞋在1.5m·s-1、3.0m·s8-1和5.0m·s-13个速度下的步态周期、最大地面反作用力、最大足底压强、平均足底压强和力量-时间积分值进行分析,探讨赤足运动与穿鞋运动的生物力学特性,以及引起赤足和穿鞋运动之间差异的原因,为指导青少年健康运动提供科学、可靠的参考依据.研究结果证实,赤足运动与穿鞋运动在步态、用力方式、压力分布上都存在显著差异,穿着慢跑鞋运动可有效降低运动损伤出现的几率,为青少年的健康运动提供基础保障.  相似文献   

In habitually shod recreational runners, we studied the combined influence of footwear and stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) fatigue on treadmill running pattern, paying special attention to neuro-mechanical adjustments in the acute and 2-day delayed recovery periods. The SSC exercise consisted of a series of 25 sub-maximal rebounds on a sledge apparatus repeated until exhaustion. The acute and delayed functional fatigue effects were quantified in a maximal drop jump test. The neuro-mechanical adjustments to fatigue were examined during two submaximal treadmill run tests of 3 min performed either barefoot or with shoes on. Surface electromyographic (EMG) activities, tibial accelerations and kinematics of the right lower limb were recorded during the first and last 15 s of each run. The main result was that neuro-mechanical differences between the shod and barefoot running patterns, classically reported in the absence of fatigue, persisted in the fatigued state. However, in the delayed recovery phase, rearfoot eversion was found to significantly increase in the shod condition. This specific footwear effect is considered as a potential risk factor of overuse injuries in longer runs. Therefore, specific care should be addressed in the delayed recovery phase of SSC fatigue and the use of motion control shoes could be of interest.  相似文献   

One important extrinsic factor that causes foot deformity and pain in women is footwear. Women's sports shoes are designed as smaller versions of men's shoes. Based on this, the current study aims to identify foot shape in 1,236 Chinese young adult men and 1,085 Chinese young adult women. Three-dimensional foot shape data were collected through video filming. Nineteen foot shape variables were measured, including girth (4 variables), length (4 variables), width (3 variables), height (7 variables), and angle (1 variable). A comparison of foot measures within the range of the common foot length (FL) categories indicates that women showed significantly smaller values of foot measures in width, height, and girth than men. Three foot types were classified, and distributions of different foot shapes within the same FL were found between women and men. Foot width, medial ball length, ball angle, and instep height showed significant differences among foot types in the same FL for both genders. There were differences in the foot shape between Chinese young women and men, which should be considered in the design of Chinese young adults' sports shoes.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest in minimalist shoes, no studies have compared the efficacy of different types of minimalist shoe models in reproducing barefoot running patterns and in eliciting biomechanical changes that make them differ from standard cushioned running shoes. The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of different footwear models, marketed as “minimalist” by their manufacturer, on running biomechanics. Six running shoes marketed as barefoot/minimalist models, a standard cushioned shoe and the barefoot condition were tested. Foot–/shoe–ground pressure and three-dimensional lower limb kinematics were measured in experienced rearfoot strike runners while they were running at 3.33 m · s?1 on an instrumented treadmill. Physical and mechanical characteristics of shoes (mass, heel and forefoot sole thickness, shock absorption and flexibility) were measured with laboratory tests. There were significant changes in foot strike pattern (described by the strike index and foot contact angle) and spatio-temporal stride characteristics, whereas only some among the other selected kinematic parameters (i.e. knee angles and hip vertical displacement) changed accordingly. Different types of minimalist footwear models induced different changes. It appears that minimalist footwear with lower heel heights and minimal shock absorption is more effective in replicating barefoot running.  相似文献   


Running is an activity with a consistently high injury rate. Running footwear design that mimics barefoot running has been proposed to reduce injury rate by increasing the strength of foot structures. However, there is little evidence to support this. The purpose of the current study is to use shear wave ultrasound elastography to examine material properties (shear modulus) of intrinsic foot structures in experienced minimally and traditionally shod runners. It is hypothesized that minimalist runners will exhibit increased stiffness compared to controls demonstrating the strengthening of these structures. Eighteen healthy runners (8 minimalist and 10 traditionalist), running a minimum of 10 mi · wk?1, participated. Elastography scans were performed on the left foot of each participant. There is no apparent stiffening of foot structures associated with wearing minimalist shoes. Only the FHB tendon is different between shoe types and, contrary to the hypothesis, was stiffer in traditionalist compared to minimalist runners (257.26 ± 51.64 kPa vs 160.88 ± 27.79 kPa, respectively). A moderate positive (r = 0.7) relationship between training load and tendon stiffness suggests strengthening of tendon when running in traditional shoes. If running in minimalist shoes increases loading on these structures without resulting in stronger tissues, it is possible that minimalist footwear may increase injury risk.  相似文献   

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