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到目前为止,一些相关游戏化学习的研究大部分侧重于分析学习效果方面,而由于学习者个别化差异所引起的学习效果差异的研究则较少.一些先行研究表明,学习者的超认知水准、冲动性水准等个别化特性在以学习者为中心的学习环境中,对学习者的学习效果和学业成绩会造成重要的影响.本研究的目的,是要分析在游戏化学习环境中,学习者的冲动性水准与超认知水准时游戏Flow与数学问题解决能力所造成的差异.通过实验研究,得出了如下的结论:第一,基于游戏的学习中,学习者冲动性水准和游戏Flow水准不存在有意义的差异;第二,基于游戏的学习中,学习者超认知水准和游戏Flow水准不存在有意义的差异;第三,基于游戏的学习中,学习者冲动性水准和数学问题解决能力不存在有意义的差异;第四,基于游戏的学习中,学习者超认知水准和数学问题解决能力不存在有意义的差异.  相似文献   

陈莉 《英语辅导》2014,(3):36-39
本文采用实证研究的方法研究大学外语学习者场独立与场依存型认知风格与外语学习方式及言语交际能力之间的关系。研究结果显示大学外语学习者在场独立与场依存这一认知风格维度上存在一定的倾向性,两种不同类型的学习者在言语交际能力方面没有表现出显著性差异,但在一些学习方式方面却存在着明显差异。  相似文献   

学习者元认知作用机制:面授与远程学习之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究重点探讨了面授学习者与远程学习者在元认知作用机制上的差异。首先通过文献研究建立起预设概念模型,分别向面授学习者和远程学习者发放调查问卷,共回收有效问卷424份,然后通过责任教师取得研究被试的课程成绩,使用结构方程模型多群组分析方法比较面授学习者与远程学习者的元认知活动对其学习成绩和学习效能感的作用和影响,最后提出对远程学习者进行元认知支持的策略。  相似文献   

重述是近年来第二语言习得研究领域的热点问题。本文主要探究在英语课堂中学习者对教师重述的接受态度,以及学习者对教师重述的回忆受什么因素的限制。研究结果显示,学习者能积极地接受教师提供的重述,且学习者对教师重述的回忆受学习者的语言水平,重述句子与初始话语之间差异的制约。  相似文献   

大学生英语学习策略差异性研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究人员发现有意识地使用恰当的学习策略是成功语言学习者的重要特征之一。本研究选用40名大学生进行调查,旨在确定成功学习者与不成功学习者在语言学习过程中所使用的各类策略的频率和质量的差异。结果发现,两类学生在策略使用方面确实存在一些差异,然而,其差异性并无预先所设想的大,这与近年来的研究结果一致,也为课堂策略培训提供了依据。  相似文献   

词汇搭配习得可帮助学习者养成以语块为词汇记忆单位使用词汇的习惯,有助于学习者达到本族语者选词的能力。通过对我国中、高级英语学习者的英语高频词搭配习得进行研究,可发现学习者在常用词使用上存在的问题,以及二语学习者在词汇搭配方面与本族语者存在的差异。  相似文献   

课堂上学习者正在呈现更多样性的表征,以往研究关注学习者个体因素的多样性差异,而今更加关注教师因素和世界教育发展因素对学习者带来的动态差异。教师应从尊重个体差异到寻求普遍性发展中掌握为多样性而教的方法,即差异化教学、探究式教学、项目化学习、文化关联教学。在教学实践中,教师要重塑师生关系并提升多样性的教学能力;相关机构也应重视研究与实践同步推进,为多样性学习者培养未来教师。  相似文献   

该文是一项以任务型教学法为例、研究交际语言教学对内/外向学习者英语学习影响的实验研究报告。研究发现,任务型语言教学实施后,内/外向两组学习者学习成绩没有出现显著差异,学习成绩均趋向正态分布;该教学法实施后,内向学习者之间成绩差异缩小,总体排名前移;外向学习者之间的成绩差异扩大,总体排名后移。  相似文献   

在远程语言教学中,由于交流机会有限,书面反馈就成为了开启和维持指导教师与学习者对话的重要手段。基于网络平台开放英语写作课程,以书面反馈为研究对象,采用问卷和访谈等方式,探索在远程语言教学环境下,指导教师和学习者对反馈的理念与实践。研究发现不同指导教师所提供的反馈类型和形式有明显差异,而不同学习者之间的期望和理解也差异较大。建议指导教师提供反馈前应了解学习者的学习需求与特点,同时,需要对指导教师和学习者进行有关有效利用书面反馈系统的培训,以提高书面反馈的对语言教学的促进效果。  相似文献   

学习风格是影响学习者个性差异的主要因素之一。然而学习风格的研究,特别是远程英语学习者的学习风格研究并未有重大突破,这在客观上制约了远程英语教学与研究的深入发展。本文在感知、认知和个性学习风格相关理论的基础上,综合远程英语学习者感知、认知和情感个性特征层面上的学习风格特征,形成了中国远程英语学习者学习风格的三维模型,以此作为测量和鉴别我国远程英语学习者学习风格特征的理论基础。  相似文献   

本论文通过对电大非英语专业学生的英语学习策略进行调查,旨在弄清以下几个问题:1、电大非英语专业学生运用英语学习策略的总体情况。2、电大非英语专业优生和差生对英语学习策略的运用及其存在的差异。3、电大非英语专业女生和男生对英语学习策略的运用及其存在的差异。4、电大非英语专业农村学生和城镇学生对英语学习策略的运用及其存在的差异。  相似文献   

‘'Learner control'’ refers to the proposal that learners will benefit if given more control over the pace or style of instruction they receive. It is often assumed that providing increased learner control will “accommodate”; individual differences. This article argues that such a view is naive. It is argued that research on learner control will benefit from (a) avoidance of reference to panacea, (b) basic work on a detailed taxonomy of the various forms learner control might take, and (c) a substantial review of related research which, while not labelled “learner control,”; has implications for the educational benefits that can be expected from giving learners control of certain aspects of instruction. Research examples are used to explicate these suggestions. It is concluded that no form of individualization of instruction, including learner control, has yet been shown to erase the relevance of prior individual differences to learning from instruction.  相似文献   

1IntroductionTraditional Chinese language teaching remainsis didactic,product-oriented,and teacher-cen-tered;which restricts the development of Englishteachingin China.Instead,the concept oflearnerautonomywith its own irreplaceable superiorityhas gained m…  相似文献   

This study focused on differences between teacher‐centred and learner‐centred experiments in soil ecology. After a pilot study, we selected three experiments simple enough to be carried out by pupils even with little experience in self‐determined learning and hands‐on practice. The sample comprised 123 fifth and sixth graders from a middle school (four classes). We found a significant influence of treatment on achievement and pupils enrolled in a learner‐centred environment scored higher. Girls scored higher than boys in both treatments. We found no differences in well‐being, boredom or difficulty of the tasks, but pupils of the learner‐centred group expressed a higher interest.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of self-regulated learning strategies (SRLS) on performance in a learner-controlled and a program-controlled computer-based instruction (CBI). SRLS was measured using a self-regulated learning strategies questionnaire. Seventh-grade subjects were divided into high and low levels of SRLS and then randomly assigned to one of two versions of a CBI lesson: one allowing learner control over the sequence and content of the instruction and the other having the learners follow a linear instructional sequence. Results revealed that the performance differences between learners with high SRLS and those with low SRLS were greater under learner control than under program control (p<.05). Poor performance by subjects with low SRLS under learner control indicates a strong need for learners to possess self-regulatory learning strategies to achieve success under learner control. Program control, however, seems to minimize the performance differences between low and high levels of SRLS.  相似文献   

本文运用问卷调查的方法对现代远程开放教育激励因素的激励水平进行评价,考察不同开放教育学员对学习激励水平评价存在的差异,结果表明:(1)开放教育学员对工作因素的激励水平的评价存在性别差异;(2)开放教育学员对教师、学校、自我、社会和工作五个因素的激励水平的评价不存在婚否(已婚与未婚)差异;(3)开放教育学员对教师因素和学校因素的激励水平的评价存在学历层次(专科与本科)差异;(4)开放教育学员对自我因素的激励水平的评价存在年级(一年级与二年级)差异。鉴于不同的开放教育学员对激励因素的学习激励水平评价存在差异,社会、学校、家庭、自我在激发学习积极性时,应进行差异性激励。  相似文献   

要掌握两种语言,必须掌握两种文化。判断一个英语学习者是否掌握了英语,不仅要看他是否掌握听、说、读写等能力和技巧。更要看他是否正确而有效地用英语进行交际。事实上,许多英语学习者在用英语和使用英语的国家的人进行交流时,常常会造出不少笑话,产生误解。其原因是:我们国家和使用英语的国家之间存在着一定的文化差异。不同国家有着不同的文化习俗,这使得在语言的表达上也存在一定的差异。因此,在英语的教和学的过程中,除了要使学习者掌握英语基本知识外,还要使他们掌握我们国家和英语国家之间的文化差异。以提高他们用英语交际的能力。  相似文献   

A fresh approach to instructional design, one that emphasizes the importance of cognitive style as a learner characteristic, is presented here. The authors report that 11 dimensions of the characteristic have been found, suggesting that individuals differ in the way they process information. Noting that cognitive styles are stable, resistant to change by training and bear little relation to general ability, the authors advocate assisting the learner whose information-processing pattern is not compatible with the task to be learned by plannedsupplantation involving overt alteration of the task requirement with which the learner is having difficulty. They propose a three-step instructional design plan with which to move“beyond individual instruction to individualized instruction” in which“differences in learners need not result in differences in learning.”  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of learner control and program control on the achievement and continuing motivation of high school students. The influence of the availability of computer-delivered instruction on student motivation was also examined. Continuing motivation was measured by student choice of learner control or program control as the mode for a second instructional program after subjects completed an initial program under their randomly assigned mode. Results revealed a highly significant difference in continuing motivation favoring learner over program control. The differences in posttest performance and performance during instruction between learner and program control were not significant. The data also revealed significant preferences to study both science and an alternative subject when they are presented by computer over when they are not.The research reported herein was conducted while she was a doctoral student at Arizona State University.  相似文献   

E-learning allows learners individually to learn “anywhere, anytime” and offers immediate access to specific information. However, learners have different behaviors, learning styles, attitudes, and aptitudes, which affect their learning process, and therefore learning environments need to adapt according to these differences, so as to increase the results of the learning process. In addition, providing the same learning content to all the learners may lead to a reduction in the learner's performance. Hence, there is a need to classify the learners based on their performance and knowledge level. Learner profiles play an important role in making the e-learning environment adaptive. Providing an adaptive learning environment, catering to the changing needs and behavior of the learner can be achieved by evolving dynamic learner profiles. Navigation logs can be used to analyze learners’ behavior over a period of time. In this work, we propose dynamic learner profiling to cater to changing learner behaviors, styles, goals, preferences, performances, knowledge level, learner's state, content difficulty, and feedbacks. Based on the continuous observation of learner preferences and requirements, the learner profile is dynamically updated. Furthermore, we propose an automatic learner classification to construct the learner profile and identify the complexity level of learning content, using the Bayesian belief network and decision tree techniques. We evaluated our system with two traditional adaptive e-learning systems, using static profiles and behavioral aspects, through our performance evaluation method of different learner types. In addition, we compared the actual learners’ data with the system generated results for various types of learners, and showed the increased interest in their learning outcomes.  相似文献   

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