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本文利用相空间重构技术和混沌理论讨论了开都河日径流的混沌性质。通过日径流时间序列的功率谱分析,从定性角度讨论了日径流时间序列的混沌特征。进一步根据互信息量法得到相空间重构的延时,再根据Cao方法得到相空间重构的嵌入维数。利用Matlab软件计算得到相空间重构的延时和最佳嵌入维数分别为τ=6,m=14。这样将一维的开都河日径流时间序列重构成14维的相空间。通过最小数据量法计算出开都河日径流时间序列最大Lyapunov指数。利用最大Lyapunov指数对开都河日径流时间序列进行定量混沌分析。最后通过二阶Volterra自适应一步模型进行模拟。结果表明:开都河日径流时间序列的功率谱是连续的,功率谱呈现随频率增高而以指数方式递减趋势,区别于具有离散尖峰谱特征的周期时间序列和具有连续的、频率和振幅不相关谱特征的随机时间序列。这从定性角度表明开都河日径流时间序列具有混沌特征。通过计算得到开都河日径流时间序列的最大Lyapunov指数0〈λmax=0.0097〈1,从定量角度表明开都河日径流时间序列具有较弱的混沌特征。利用二阶Volterra自适应一步模型模拟得到相关系数和相对均方根误差分别0.9376和0.2390。这说明利用Volterra自适应模型模拟效果较好。  相似文献   

徐泽华  韩美  朱继前  田立鑫 《科技通报》2019,35(8):46-53,102
基于青岛气象台站1961-2010年50年逐月降水资料,计算青岛市降雨侵蚀力。利用Mann-Kendall非参数检验法和累积距平等方法,对青岛市年降雨侵蚀力的变化趋势进行分析。运用连续小波变换(CWT)、交叉小波变化(XWT)和小波相干谱(WTC)分析降雨侵蚀力与ENSO相关指数的周期及其之间的相关关系。结果表明:青岛市年降雨侵蚀力呈下降趋势,变化倾向率为5. 3 MJ·mm/(hm~2·h·a~2),特别是20世纪80年代以来,降雨侵蚀力下降较为显著;分月看,降雨侵蚀力8月最大,为1190. 1 MJ·mm/(hm~2·h·a),12月最小,仅13. 1 MJ·mm/(hm~2·h·a),月际差异明显。累积距平得出,年降雨侵蚀力与ENSO相关指数的突变点位置基本一致,但变化趋势存在差异。青岛市年降雨侵蚀力存在4~5 a的变化周期,与ENSO相关指数呈现出相似的震荡特征;侵蚀力与ENSO相关指数存在显著相关性,在高能量区,降雨侵蚀力和SOI、SST距平值和MEI共振周期是一致的,但分布的时间段不同,且位相变化相反;在低能量区,降雨侵蚀力与SOI有0~0. 5 a呈同位相的共振周期,与SST距平值有4. 5~5 a和5~5. 5a呈负位相的共振周期,与MEI存在0~1 a的共振周期。  相似文献   

弘伟 《百科知识》2003,(5):27-27
当人造卫星,宇宙飞船,或者我们人类自身冲破大气层的屏障,来到太空的时候,所面临的最大的危险不是真空,也不是低温,而是宇宙线。这是一种从银河系其他区域射向地球的高能原子核。当地球在银河系里面行进时,四面八方的宇宙线简直可以用枪林弹雨来形容,而这种子弹似的高能宇宙线撞击到电子器件,有可能破坏器件的工作;撞击到人体,有  相似文献   

首先对ISC、SCSN与CRN地震目录进行地方时转换 ,并进行序列统计 ,建立了地方时地震时间频度分布 ,然后对地震地方时序列做了频谱分析 ,以提取地震序列中的特征周期成分 .地方时统计结果显示 :( 1 )地震频度在地方时 9时和 1 9时附近最低 ,0时和 1 3时附近最高 ;( 2 )存在以 1 2h和 2 4h为主的周期 ;( 3)较大地震和小地震有不同的活动规律 .频谱分析的结果表明 ,ISC、SCSN与CRN地震地方时序列除了存在 1 2h、2 4h等特征周期对应日潮和半日潮之外 ,还存在 1 1 7a、1a与 1 7 5a等的周期 ,分别对应太阳黑子的活动周期、地球公转及接近对应月球升交点的回归年 .  相似文献   

<正>宇宙线是来自宇宙空间的高能带电粒子,其起源是当代物理学和天文学中未解决的基本问题之一。云南大学在宇宙线和天体物理研究方面具有较悠久的历史,从20世纪80年代至今,云南大学一直开展宇宙线物理方面的研究工作,参与了多项宇宙线国际合作项目。在天体物理研究方面,从20世纪90年代中期至今,开展了银河系及河外各类致密天体高能物理过程及其对高能宇宙线可能贡献的研究。1999年,云南大学与中科院云南天文台联合成立了云南省天体物理中心(即  相似文献   

<正>2 0 1 5年1月2 0日,由知识产权出版社i智库和人民网知识产权频道联合推出的中国专利排行榜2014年度榜单在京揭晓。"中国专利排行榜"是知识产权出版社i智库与人民网知识产权频道在2 0 1 4年9月9日推出的特色栏目,榜单数据由知识产权出版社i智库专业分析团队分类统计提供,迄今,已经发布了24期中国专利授权量的月度榜  相似文献   

正高海拔宇宙线观测站发现首批"拍电子伏加速器"和迄今最高能量光子中国科学院高能物理研究所牵头的LHAASO国际合作组完成国家重大科技基础设施"高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO)"在银河系内发现大量超高能宇宙加速器,并记录到能量达1.4拍电子伏的伽马光子(拍=千万亿),这是人类观测到的最高能量光子,突破了人类对银河系粒子加速的传统认知,开启了"超高能伽马天文学"时代。相关成果发表于Nature。LHAASO尚在建设中,这次报道的成果是基于已经建成的1/2规模探测装置在2020年内11个月的观测数据。LHAASO是以宇宙线观测研究为核心的国家重大科技基础设施,位于四川省稻城县海拔4410米的海子山,可以全方位、多变量地测量宇宙线。  相似文献   

对古尔班通古特沙漠明渠南部活化沙丘顶部和沙漠明渠南部渠道东西的北岸2002年5月~2002年10月5层(0.5、2.0、4.0、6.0、10.0m)梯度风风沙监测资料分析表明。瞬间风速与平均风速密切关系。差异仅在于预测模式中系数大小。系数大小取决于不同地形的下垫面状况.渠道断面和渠道走向;以预测模式首次揭示古尔班通古特沙漠1分钟瞬间最大风速分布特征和风速日变化特征。这一研究结果为古尔班通古特沙漠明渠输沙量计算提供科学依据。对古尔班通古特沙漠防沙治沙具有主要的科学意义和工程价值。  相似文献   

福建省粮食作物气候-土壤生产力及人口承载量的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
文章采用改进的农业生态区域法 ,计算全省 2 9个代表站水稻、小麦、甘薯 3种作物光温、气候及气候 -土壤生产力 ;将福建分成 6个农业自然区进行分析 ;根据对未来 2 0 1 0年及 2 0 5 0年人口、耕地的动态预测 ,计算各农业区农田的人口承载力。分析结果表明 :福建省目前、2 0 1 0年、2 0 5 0年人口分别为 32 6 1×1 0 4人、370 8× 1 0 4人、4 1 6 8× 1 0 4人 ,人均占有粮食分别为 31 1 2kg·a- 1 、30 9 2kg·a- 1 、32 6 3kg·a- 1 ,不足低消费水平 4 0 0kg·a- 1 ,若增加农业投入 ,未来的粮食能达到理想产量水平。为合理利用当地自然资源 ,明确农业投入方向和协调粮食需求平衡 ,提出对策及建议 :①建设旱涝保收田 ;②合理调整粮食布局 ,挖掘生物学产量潜力 ;③提高土壤肥力 ,促进作物高产 ;④改良品种 ;⑤严格限制非农业用地 ,控制人口增长。  相似文献   

利用西藏色季拉山地区东、西坡2个气象站点1961~2010年近50年的逐日最低气温资料,以≤0℃最低气温为霜冻指标,采用气候倾向率、累积距平、信噪比和R/S分析等现代气候统计方法,分析了东、西坡初霜日、终霜日、无霜期和霜冻日气候变化特征。结果表明:(1)近50年东、西坡初霜日以1.3~1.5d/10a的速度稚迟,终霜日平均每10年提早1.5~5.1d,无霜期每10年增加2.8~6.6d,而霜冻日每10年减少5.8~6.4d;东坡的增减幅度要大于西坡。(2)20世纪60至80年代东、西坡初霜来得早、终霜结束得晚、无霜期短、霜冻日多;90年代至21世纪最初的10年,东、西坡均表现为初霜日来得迟、终霜日结束得早、无霜期长、霜冻日少的年代际变化特征。(3)特少霜冻日发生频数为8~10次,主要出现在21世纪初,以西坡较多。(4)东、西坡初霜日、终霜日、无霜期和霜冻日均未出现气候突变现象。(5)东、西坡初霜日Hurst指数小于0.5,说明未来推迟的幅度可能会变小;而终霜日、无霜期和霜冻日的Hurst指数均大于0.5,表明未来东、西坡终霜日仍将趋于提早态势、霜期仍将趋于延长,而霜冻日仍将表现为减少趋势。  相似文献   

自从上世纪20年代宇宙线被发现以来,其起源问题一直为人们所困惑.这一未解之谜也因此被列入21世纪11大科学难题之中.在宇宙线起源的探寻中,不受磁场偏转影响的中性成分(如光子和中微子)很自然的成为宇宙线源头的信使.此外,通过测量受磁场影响微小的高能(>50 EeV)带电粒子,也可以获取源的信息.通过大量的实验研究,γ天文学取得了巨大成就,并有望破解世纪之谜.为了提高地面探测器的观测能力,发展宽视场和高灵敏度的巡天扫描探测手段有着至关重要的意义.位于我国西藏羊八井国际观测站的两个实验所采用的正是这种大气簇射的测量方法,它们分别是中意合作ARGO实验和中日合作AS_γ实验.为获得更高灵敏度,我们提出了在西藏羊八井建立集5种探测手段于一身的大型复合实验阵列(LHAASO).本文对宇宙线观测的发展历程以及前景做了详细介绍,在后半部分对LHAASO的物理背景和实验方案进行了详尽的阐述.  相似文献   

Cosmic ray extensive air shower observations can give clues about the properties of high-energy particle interactions above 1015eV, in addition to giving information about the primary cosmic ray spectrum at these energies. A brief review of recent high energy accelerator data and its theoretical interpretation is given to explain the necessity for obtaining information from cosmic rays about hadronic interactions beyond machine energies. In particular, it is shown that recent measurements of the energy dependence of total cross-sections and of production cross-sections suggest some sort of threshold behavior in the 1000 GeV region. Studies at higher energies are required to understand the nature of this behavior. The use of air shower data for this purpose is illustrated by comparing shower size us depth measurements with the expectations of various models of strong interactions.  相似文献   

Solar and galactic cosmic rays are of profound astrophysical interest. One facet of contemporary cosmic ray research utilizes these energetic particles as space probes for studying the characteristics of the solar-controlled interplanetary medium, the heliosphere, which is essentially the extension of the solar corona to a considerable distance beyond the orbit of earth. Solar cosmic ray observations in particular contribute to our understanding of the earth's environs, the interplanetary medium, and the sun itself. Appropriately deployed ground-based cosmic ray detectors utilize the earth as a spacedraft for carrying out experiments that are far beyond the capacity of artificial satellites. In interpreting the observations, however, the effects of the geomagnetic field and of the atmosphere must be taken into account by appropriate analytical procedures. Theoretical models account for many of the characteristics of the observed modulations and anisotropies, which manifest themselves as temporal or spatial intensity variations. Analysis of the measurements in terms of various models provides an understanding of the physical mechanisms, as well as the determination of the relevant parameters. Properties of solar cosmic rays that have been investigated include spectra, angular distributions, transport mechanisms and the acceleration to relativistic energies.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of the residual ionization in a closed vessel of steel one inch thick, shielded by a two inch casing of lead, over a range of pressure from atmospheric to one thousand pounds per sq. inch, at Pike's Peak (alt. 14,000 ft.), Colorado Springs (alt. 6,ooo ft.), and New Haven (alt. 6,000 ft.). The ionization-pressure curves presents features of interest in relation to the interpretation of the processes associated with ionization in the vessel. However, in the present investigation they are used simply to obtain average relative value of the ionization due to the cosmic rays at the three altitudes concerned. A method of correcting the observations for absorption by the iron sphere, the lead case, and the walls of the buildings, has been developed. It is found that the data for the three stations can be correlated by the assumption of a pair of frequencies in the original cosmic radiation; and, as a matter of fact, an infinite number of such pairs are possible. They are represented in graphical form in Fig. 7 If we permit the assumption of three different frequencies in the cosmic radiation, it is possible in general to assign two of the frequencies, and determine an infinite number of possibilities as regards the third, distributed over a definite range. The possibilities inherent in the assumption of three frequencies are contained in tabular form in Table XVII. Of course, the inclusion of observations from more than three altitudes would serve to fix more definitely the possibility as regards the analysis. However, the result of the analysis for the three stations concerned is possibly of interest for comparison with other data, and as an indication of the kind of information which it is possible to extract from observations of this kind. It is probable that the very large range of possibilities inherent in a solution with three coefficients of absorption will be rather surprising to anyone who considers a situation of this kind for the first time.In addition to those whose assistance has already been acknowledged, I wish to acknowledge the assistance of Professor J. W. Broxon, who visited me while on Pike's Peak, and assisted in setting up the apparatus; and my thanks are due to Mr. C. A. Kotterman, and particularly to Mr. Andrew Longacre, and Mr. W. E. Ramsey for assistance in the reduction of the observations, and in the computational work.  相似文献   

Nychthemeral rhythmicity of urinary copper (Cu) was studied in 40 clinically healthy volunteers and 35 renal stone formers. A marked diurnal rhythm was noticed in urinary Cu levels in healthy subjects with maximum excretion at 0000 to 0600 hr followed by a progressive fall during the rest of the period reaching minimum between 1200 to 1800 hr in males and 0600 to 1200 hr in female volunteers. Similarly, all stone patients exhibited a definite rhythm in urinary Cu with significant amplitude and acrophases at 2145 hr for males and 2141 hr for female stone formers. However, there was no difference in mean 24-hr Cu excretion in male and female stone formers, whereas a significant change was observed in case of healthy subjects. Urinary Cu was found to be significantly increased in renal stone formers in comparison to healthy controls of either sex attributing a significant role of this overlooked trace mineral in the crystallization and/or activation of either of the process of stone formation in the renal tubules.  相似文献   

The method of analyzing the results of cosmic ray deflection experiments, developed in a previous paper, is here extended to the case where the region of uniform deflecting field is of the same width as that of the counters. In this form it is applicable to the electrostatic deflection experiment of Lenz, and to the electrostatic and magnetic experiments of W. F. G. Swann and the writer. The magnetic experiments of Curtiss and of Mott-Smith are reexamined in the light of the energy distribution recently published by Anderson and Nedderineyer. The latter's result is found to be not inconsistent with the assumption that the induction B gives the correct force; the result of the former requires the addition of low energy rays to the distribution.  相似文献   

Cosmic rays are flows of high-energy particles coming from the deep of the universe as material samples voluntarily making their way to the Earth from an extra-terrestrial origin. They are involved with some key, unsolved and long-standing puzzles on the cosmic history, evolution of celestial bodies,  相似文献   

敌杀死乳油混滑石粉防治马尾松毛虫浅试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐朝强 《大众科技》2014,(3):113-114
发生马尾松毛虫虫害,生物防治是治理松毛虫、又保护生态环境的理想防治措施,如果生物制剂紧缺,或有的时间段受天气、温度、湿度的影响,不适宜使用生物制剂,那么化学防治就是保护松树的有效急救措施。敌杀死属拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂,杀虫谱广,击倒速度快,对鳞翅目幼虫杀伤力大,试验以敌杀死乳油混滑石粉形成敌杀死粉剂,用动力喷粉机喷粉防治马尾松毛虫,旨在为马尾松毛虫化学防治技术的合理应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

高海拔宇宙线观测站(Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory,LHAASO)项目是中国科学家在国际宇宙线研究领域提出的重大前沿项目,也是中国在西南地区布局的又一重大科技基础设施。LHAASO项目的实施将最终建成具有国际先进水平的宇宙线研究中心,与世界其他3个宇宙线观测站(位于阿根廷的极高能宇宙线观测站、位于南极的中微子天文观测站、待建的甚高能伽玛天文观测站)形成优势互补,对宇宙线起源这一世纪之谜发起冲击,并推动粒子物理学、天文学、宇宙学领域的相关科学研究产生突破性进展。同时,项目的建设运行也将对设施所在地的科学研究、学科发展、人才培养有重要影响,提高地区科学普及水平,并带动相关经济文化发展。文章将针对重大科技基础设施对地方的科技教育及经济社会影响进行初步分析。  相似文献   

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