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陶行知强调"为教而学",要达到这一目标,学生必须对所学知识进行准确的表征.高中生物教学中,可以引用"三重表征"的教学成果.通过三重表征促进学生深度学习的思路是,基于对教学内容与教学对象的综合判断,确定教学起点;在三重表征转换的过程中,引导学生进行深度思维;基于学生的学习结果,反思学生的深度学习过程,判断三重表征的教学效果以及改进空间."三重表征"中宏观、微观和符号的表征及相互转化对培养学生科学思维有着重要的作用,而学生的思维一旦被激活,深度学习就会自然发生.  相似文献   

本文根据对狭义认知结构的定义,提出知识表征的FIS-PM模型和制作微型物理知识分布图的可操作方法,以期学习者在制作微型物理知识分布图的过程中对基本物理知识和与之相关联的科学方法形成准确、深入的理解和直观的认识.  相似文献   

文章基于知识深度模型,对促进课堂深度学习进行了设计:围绕核心素养目标,设计思维层次不同的学习问题,创设探究、体验、表达与交流的学习活动,实施一致性教学测评,并以"递归算法的实现"内容为例进行了教学实践。研究结果表明,基于知识深度模型的课堂教学实践是实现课堂从浅层学习走向深度教学的一种研究路径。该模型能促进学生的综合认知理解、知识迁移应用,有利于问题解决能力、反思能力、创新创造能力的培养,是促进学生深度学习、培养学生深度学习能力的一个行之有效的教学与评价工具。  相似文献   

模型是对目标系统的简化的表征.模型建构是一种基于模型的建构性学习活动.根据认知心理学的观点,概念转变是学生朴素模型向科学模型转变与建构的过程.模型建构过程包括四个阶段的循环:激活原有朴素模型中的错误概念;对模型中的元素产生不满(产生认知冲突);建构新模型;使用新模型.基于模型建构的教学模式能促进概念转变,这一模式包括聚焦学生朴素模型中的错误概念;引发学生的认知冲突;通过类比推理,建构新模型;使用新模型,进行科学推理.  相似文献   

学习对于每个人都是重要的。如何更好地学习?擅于学习的人可以提供很多具有共性的经验,包括经常复习以巩固知识,侧重理解而不是单单靠死记硬背等。这些共性的经验反映出大脑在学习过程中具有一些基本机制和规律。理解大脑可以促进学习者的有效学习。本文基于系统科学的思考和广大学习者的特点,提出“知识之碗”模型,能让学习者初步了解学习过程中知识是如何积累的,真正理解优秀学习经验背后的道理。掌握这些机制和规律并因地制宜进行运用,能让学习更有效率,真正实现教的更少学的更多。  相似文献   

对传统班级授课制体系下知识反馈进行了分析,阐述了建构主义教学模式下基于问题式研究型学习观,分析了基于问题式研究型学习的具体流程,构建了建构主义研究型学习模式的反思系统动态模型,论述了在这种模型下知识建构的动态过程.基于建构主义研究型教学模式下的反思系统能促进学生主动积极建构知识经验,促进学生价值取向的多元化,促进学生个体差异与科学人文精神的形成,促进学生全面发展.  相似文献   

随着课程改革的推进,学生的学习已经被视为改革成败的着力点,基于学习错误的视角研究教学能够折射出教师对学科知识、学生知识以及相应教学表征知识的理解与整合。以"三位数乘法"为例,采用个案研究的方法分析中国大陆和加拿大学生系统错误的表现类型、原因及教师对此的教学表征。研究发现:两国学生系统错误呈现三种类型且分布比例相似;教师们能预设并分析学习错误且有一定觉知和行动,但未意识到其功能价值;教师们能基于对学习错误的理解预设采用适切的教学策略,但对学科知识本质和学习错误的理解影响其教学成效,教材在中加教学中发挥作用差别较大。建议将学生的错误作为研究教师学科教学知识的新视角,将其作为课程资源促进教学研究与实践,发挥其教育功能进行数学地交流与思考,基于跨文化的比较研究促进教学上的相互理解与互惠学习。  相似文献   

基于建模的教学模式是中小学科学教育的一种有效方法,有利于促进学生对科学知识的理解,提高学生科学探究能力、反思能力以及合作学习能力。该模式在科学教育实践探索中有三个方面值得关注:建模的循环性过程,师生互动的重要性,信息技术的应用。未来,基于建模的中小学科学教育应拓展模型的使用范围,注重元建模知识和建模实践的结合,遵循建模的逐步深入性,努力提高学生的内驱力和教师的科学素养。  相似文献   

如何通过初中浮力知识的复习,使学生既对浮力知识进行有效梳理和温故知新,又能掌握一定的归纳梳理方法,就必须了解浮力知识的基本结构和解决构建浮力知识的复习方式.运用"模型"的方法,可以将以往教师讲解、学生模拟练习的传统复习模式,转变为学生积极主动参与,激发内在学习动力,运用建立"模型"的科学方法,自主建构浮力知识框架,理解科学方法的学习形式.  相似文献   

学生学习的知识主要是以语言或数理逻辑等符号为载体呈现的。学生学习知识的过程实质上是对符号所表达意义的理解和把握的过程。由于同一种意义可以用不同的符号进行表征,因此,不同类型符号之间的对比和转换,是理解符号意义的一种有效途径。在学校教育中,教师可以运用沟通符号与实际事物的联系、在实际生活情境中进行不同符号之间的转换、利用多媒体和人际交流促进符号间的对比和转换等策略,帮助学生理解符号的意义。  相似文献   

In recent years, educators in the USA have emphasized disciplinary literacy as an essential path forward in cultivating adolescents’ understanding of subject matter in tandem with literacy practices. Yet, this agenda poses challenges to teachers who have been tasked with its implementation. Here, we examine two expert US history teachers’ efforts to implement curriculum that integrates reading, writing and thinking in history with academically diverse eighth graders. We conduct qualitative analyses of teacher observations and interviews as well as student work. This analysis provides insight into several issues that emerge in efforts to teach disciplinary literacy in history classrooms: the nuances of teachers’ use of curriculum materials created by people other than themselves, teachers’ appropriation and adaptation of curriculum materials and teachers’ understanding of curriculum materials and disciplinary literacy goals. We find that teachers’ knowledge of the discipline and attention to students’ ideas allowed them to skillfully adapt the curriculum to better meet students’ needs and push students’ thinking. Orienting teachers toward disciplinary learning, ensuring a foundational understanding of their discipline and providing teachers with tools to teach disciplinary literacy are important steps to help students meet the demands of the disciplinary literacy agenda.  相似文献   

教育推理就是指教师通过内部思考,将理论知识调适、转化为学生可以主动探究和接受的知识的过程,具体而言是教师的思维内化和和外化的过程。教育行动模型包括理解、转化、讲授、评价、反思和新意义生成六大环节。在舒尔曼的教育理念中,教师的教育推理与行动模型是作为一个整体概念呈现的,是基于教学实践的分析与归纳,具有十分重要的作用,它有助于教师把自身的知识转化为学生能够理解、表征的形式,进而保证教学的有效性。  相似文献   

为保证 Python 语言课程教学质量、提高学生利用 Python 语言解决理论和实践问题的能力,提出基于DICE 知识生态模式的 Python 课程教学实践方法。该方法以构建 DICE 知识生态模式为导向,通过建立知识分布、知识互动、知识竞争和知识演化相融合的多元化教学方法,在培养学生计算思维的基础上,不断加大学生知识储备、提高学生自主学习能力,使学生最终能利用 Python 程序设计语言解决软件专业理论问题和实践应用问题。教学实践表明,该方法可有效促进学生自主学习能力、提高 Python 程序设计语言应用能力。  相似文献   

This study adapts Levels 1 and 2 of Kirkpatrick’s model of training evaluation to evaluate learning outcomes of an English as a second language (ESL) paragraph writing course offered by a major Asian university. The study uses a combination of surveys and writing tests administered at the beginning and end of the course. The survey evaluated changes in students’ perception of their skills, attitude, and knowledge (SAK), and the writing tests measured their writing ability. Rasch measurement was applied to examine the psychometric validity of the instruments. The measured abilities were successively subjected to path modeling to evaluate Levels 1 and 2 of the model. The students reported that the module was enjoyable and useful. In addition, their self-perceived level of skills and knowledge developed across time alongside their writing scores but their attitude remained unchanged. Limitations of Kirkpatrick’s model as well as lack of solid frameworks for evaluating educational effectiveness in applied linguistics are discussed.  相似文献   

Educational research indicates that teachers revealing and utilizing students’ prior knowledge supports students’ academic learning. Yet, the variation in students’ prior knowledge is not fully known. To better understand students’ prior knowledge, I drew on sociocultural learning theories to examine racially and ethnically diverse college students’ sociopolitical prior knowledge, a component of sociopolitical consciousness. In this qualitative study, I interviewed 18 first-generation college students in the U.S. who were enrolled in two introductory undergraduate sociology courses. Study participants identified as African-American, Latino, and/or White. The study reveals that students’ sociopolitical prior knowledge is comprised of awareness and understanding and it varies by topic of discussion. Further, college students’ sociopolitical prior knowledge is informed by lived experiences and can relate to subject-matter content. Implications for teaching and learning include having a deepened sense of novice learners’ modes of thinking.  相似文献   

Education students' learning experiences were investigated in an experiment where writing was used as a central tool for learning. Experimental group students (n = 15) studied three textbooks, carried out writing assignments requiring knowledge transforming, discussed their assignments in groups and wrote a long essay. Control group students (n = 13) read the same books on their own without engaging in activating learning tasks, attended lectures and took an exam. After the course the students were interviewed and asked what they felt they had learned during the course. They were also asked to fill in a learning assessment form. The interviews and the questionnaire assessments produced similar results. The experimental group students described their learning in a greater variety of ways than did the students in the control group. They emphasised the development of their thinking, changes in their conceptions of the topics studied and their acquisition of communication and study skills more than the control group students. The findings of the present study support earlier studies of writing-to-learn, suggesting that activating textbook reading by means of writing tasks and group discussions may enhance learning of the kind that higher education is aiming at: understanding, conceptional change and the development of critical thinking.  相似文献   

针对高校本科毕业设计教学中所面临的问题,以职业规划为突破口,利用职业规划教育激发学生的学习兴趣和创新思维,为每一位学生提供指导性的职业规划参考方向.对本科生毕业论文选题、创新设计、质量评价等环节进行了分析研究,通过建立师生档案、提前培训、差异性创新培养等方式,对本科生学业方向进行提前布局,针对性地增强学生的知识储备和动...  相似文献   

合作学习模式在大学英语写作教学中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
写作是英语学习的基本技能之一,合作学习模式是实施创新教育的教学模式。笔者主要探讨了合作学习模式及其在大学英语写作教学中的运用,概述了运用的方法,分析了合作写作的优点。研究认为,把合作学习模式运用于英语写作教学,可将以教为主的传统模式,转变为以学生综合素质培养为目标的自主、开放、互动的教育模式。并且,合作写作模式的具体实践是行之有效的。  相似文献   

在本科教学的各个环节中,毕业论文教学环节的目的在于总结、消化学生在校期间的学习成果,让学生通过科学研究的基本训练提高综合运用所学知识分析问题和解决问题的能力,培养学生创造性综合思维能力及文字综合表达能力。但当下毕业论文指导表现出形式化的倾向,因此不少毕业生抄袭、剽窃、拼凑论文蒙混过关,毕业论文质量堪忧。在此背景下,构建以学校的制度、导师的智力、企业的接口和学生的意向协调统一的"4I"板凳模型保障机制无疑对提高和保证学生毕业论文具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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