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慢新闻倡导精致叙事和高品质并重在追求新闻本真,在国内外赢得一批忠实追随者,但在快新闻的时代,如何从理论层面去阐述怎样做好慢新闻具有重要现实指导意义。本文运用马克思主义新闻观的基本理论,对快新闻与慢新闻进行案例对比研究,探讨其创作原理及策略。研究认为:坚守新闻本真,亲和不迎合、坚守新闻伦理,通俗而不低俗、坚守新闻阅读体验,友好不讨好。  相似文献   

《新闻理论研究引论》一书由中国人民大学出版社于2009年6月出版,该著是21世纪新闻传播学研究生系列教材中的一本,由长期从事新闻理论研究与教学的中国人民大学新闻学院杨保军教授撰写。教材由三大部分构成:第一部分是导论姿态与追求,重  相似文献   

文璐 《新闻战线》2012,(5):24-25
综合性刊物如果只追求一面之长,或许不能保证其应有的权威性和地位。好的状态应该是既有特色又全面,整体水准高。新的环境和背景今天新闻学界、业界整体上对新闻研究的重视程度比之上世纪80年代纠结于新闻有学抑或无学的时期已是天壤之别。在业界,除了职称评定对发表论文的硬性要求,变化更大的是自发的对新闻研究的热情和在积极实践的同时对理论思维、研究水准、思想深度的看中与追求。  相似文献   

新闻传播的社会价值是新闻传播学中的一个基本理论问题。和其他新闻传播学中基本理论问题一样,对于新闻传播的社会价值的研究也应该与时俱进,不断深入,以便使新闻传播学的理论和一定的社会历史条件相适应。目前,中国社会正处于一个转型时期,和一二十年前相比,我国新闻传播的生态环境发生了巨大的变化。然而,由于新闻传播体制的改革,大众媒体日益走向市场,商业化运作正在成为我国大众媒体运营的基本方式,我国的新闻报道出现了一些令人担忧的倾向,例如忽视社会价值,过分追求炒作效果,造成新闻报道的媚俗化、煽情化、八卦化、肤浅化等倾向。在…  相似文献   

"新闻客观性"是新闻理论重要的基础命题之一,作为新闻专业主义的理想或追求,始终是人们评判新闻工作的原则.它是宏观理论,也是微观实践,是职业精神,也是文化形式和操作程序.  相似文献   

寻求新闻与理论的结合——《首钢启示录》采写杂感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(一)从时间的角度说,历史是新闻的对立面。从思维反映现实的角度说,理论是新闻的对立面。理论追求的是对事物高度抽象的概括,新闻追求的是对事实非常具体的写真。理论的价值随着时间的延伸而更加明显,新闻的价值则是一瞬即逝的匆匆过客。但它们是统一的,必须统一,可以统一。偏爱深度报道的记者,往往偏爱理论思维;偏爱理论的记者,往往倾向于给自己的报道加上理论的色彩。我采写《首钢启示录》(连载于1989年11月5日、6日人民日报一版),是我对理论和新闻结合的一次探求。  相似文献   

长期以来,理论与实践的结合,一直是新闻写作学着力探索的一个主要问题:讲求理论价值与应用价值的统一,也就成了新闻写作学自觉追求的一个主要目标。韩炼的新作《系统新闻写作学》一书,以其系统、实用、新颖的特点,为新闻写作学的建设作出了重大贡献。该书的系统性主要表现在对新闻写作研究的全面性和知识理论的贯通上,该书不是像习惯的那样,仅就某一传媒或某一文体的写作进行单项研究,而是总揽报纸、电视、广播几大媒体,对其常用的各种文体进行全面的研究,并且在研究中注意了不同媒体的特征与各种文体写作知识的横向联通与综合抽…  相似文献   

现在的新闻是越写越有文采了。面对这么多美不胜收、赏心悦目的新闻作品,我们不得不思考一个严肃的理论问题:新闻是否也应该追求或具有美学价值?关于什么是新闻,时下我国绝大多数新闻理论著作采用的仍是陆定一于1943年在  相似文献   

新闻价值论:关于新闻客观性问题的哲学思考肖娅曼长期以来,我国新闻理论研究一直面临一个巨大的困惑,那就是新闻的客观性与新闻的倾向性之间的冲突。人们似乎处在一种两难的困境:追求客观性,就是否定倾向性,承认倾向性,就得放弃客观性。这种客观性与倾向性的冲突,...  相似文献   

倪玉 《军事记者》2002,(12):28-29
《再现时代长河中的真金子》、《为中外新闻人铸一座丰碑》、《“无冕之王”修筑的“长城”》、《一座指点经典新闻的文库》……近一个时期以来,全国10多家新闻理论权威报刊纷纷发表消息或书评,对白庆祥主编的500万字《中外新闻名著鉴赏大辞典》进行报道和评论,在新闻界和新闻研究领域引起了广泛的兴趣。白庆祥现任中国经济时报大连记者站副站长,主任记者。这位1976年就投身新闻事业的黑龙江人,进过电台,干过杂志,编过报纸,他凭着对新闻事业的执着追求和努力探索,不仅在新闻采访和写作实践中结出丰硕的果实,也在新闻理论研究领域…  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to identify how, when, and where students research; the impact of learning environments on research productivity, and to recommend improved supports to facilitate research. An ethnographic approach that entailed following five students in the final six weeks of their program enabled deep level analysis. The study examined the practice of undergraduate research inside and outside the library walls and found that the research process can be influenced by a number of factors including age, experience, work commitments, family, peer, academic, and library support. Mobile research is continuing to grow among undergraduate students, particularly those juggling family and work commitments. The research suggests a correlation between intercultural issues such as ethnicity and language with library anxiety. Until they had immersed themselves in the research process, most of the students in this study believed that research was a linear process.  相似文献   

Research designs are key to the research process and the production of knowledge that supports performance and development. The appropriateness of the methodologies used in research has implications for the trustworthiness and validity of the outcomes of research and practice. The research designs used in library information science (LIS) research in Nigeria and South Africa between 2009 and 2015 were investigated. The objective was to map out the contours of the research designs that are utilised in LIS, particularly to keep the profession abreast of the trends in the field and the patterns in research designs used. Qualitative content analysis was used to examine 104 PhD dissertations, using six taxonomies to categorise research designs used in the two countries. Positivist epistemologies and quantitative methodologies predominated research in LIS. A handful of studies used basic mixed method research designs. Questionnaires and interviews were commonly used for data collection, but the triangulation of methods was not prevalent. The value of this study lies in that it will lead to the accumulation of knowledge of research designs and provide a baseline for studies on methodological practices.  相似文献   

王丽伟  王伟  牟冬梅 《情报学报》2007,26(3):384-390
链接用于大学科研评价的研究是一个新兴的研究领域,国内的相关研究仍然很少。本文在国内外现有研究的基础上,以中国的研究型大学网站为研究对象,研究了基于链接的网络计量指标与大学科研得分之间的相关性,探讨了这些网络评价指标作为现实社会中大学科研能力评价指标的有效性和可靠性。结果发现,将外部链接限制在专门的网域后所产生的一些新的计量指标,其有效性比总外部链接的有效性可能更好。而且,来自.edu和.ac.cn这两个网域的外部链接与大学科研得分的相关性最好,因此可能是评价中国大学科研能力的最好的两个网络指标。  相似文献   

Developing research capacity in health librarians: a review of the evidence   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This critical review considers current issues of research capacity development in UK health care and the role of health librarianship in this context, placing particular focus on the use of research networks. There is a growing literature base recognising the need for librarians to engage more with research. The concepts of evidence-based health librarianship and clinical librarianship are discussed in the context of research and examples of existing good practice are reviewed. It is suggested that librarians should build on this through better consideration of evidence based methodologies, hierarchies of evidence, improvement of research skills, and a collective endeavour to identify research priorities. The importance research capacity is being given in the Department of Health R&D strategy and the use of networks in achieving this is discussed, and it is suggested that the utilisation of networks and collaboration should be undertaken and explored in more depth in developing research capacity in health librarianship. Areas where librarians currently engage with research and use networks and collaborative practices to contribute to the research base are reviewed. A co-ordinated approach to developing research capacity is called for and it is argued that the use of networks would be beneficial in assisting the process.  相似文献   

本文以四本代表性历史学期刊为研究对象,采用引文分析法,从数量与形式两方面分析了历史研究中档案的利用情况,并探究了研究主体、研究质量与研究内容对档案利用的影响。研究发现,在数量特征上,我国历史研究的档案引用比例总体偏低,其中近代史领域比例最高,而古代史领域最低。在形式特征上,档案原件在利用中所占比例远高于编研成果;行政级别越高、所在地经济发展水平越高的档案馆,所藏档案在引用中所占比重越大。在来源上,全宗的利用情况表现出明显的二八定律。Logistic回归分析表明,一项历史研究是否引用档案,未发现与研究质量、研究主体存在关系,但是和研究内容高度相关,呈现出典型的内容主导特征。  相似文献   

从国内外博士后培养事业发展的基本情况可以看出,博士后研究报告具有重要的文献价值。虽然目前我国博士后研究报告的管理经历了一个不断完善的过程,但也存在一些不容忽视的问题。博士后研究报告的收集与开发利用情况并不理想,没有发挥出其应有的作用。为使博士后研究报告得以充分利用,必须加强博士后研究报告的开发力度,做好博士后研究报告的征集工作,实现博士后研究报告数据库的标准化建设与资源共建共享。  相似文献   

This article describes the issues involved in using a multi-method approach to address multi-faceted interdisciplinary research in archival science. The example chosen to illustrate the multi-method approach is taken from recent research, which explored the recordkeeping-ethics-law nexus from the perspective of communities as social systems, regulatory models for recordkeeping and their continuing application to online records. The methods combined traditional archival and social science research techniques, as well as legal and ethics research tools drawn from law and moral philosophy, together with disciplinary discourse analysis, concept mapping and empirical examples to illustrate the concepts. The example demonstrates that complex research questions that cross disciplinary boundaries need to draw from a number of research paradigms and conceptual understandings, which assist in breaking down the barriers with knowledge domains that have to date, had limited contact with archival science.  相似文献   

Information policy research is a critical tool in the arsenal of library and information science researchers. As developments occur in information access, use, technology, and management, information policies require more attention and research. The article describes the nature of government information policy and policy research, characteristics of policy research, and examples of research methods and approaches that can be used. The differences between textbook-based policy research and how policy research might be implemented in action are also discussed, as are the inter-connectedness of information policies and ways to describe impacts of information policies. The article recommends that researchers and professionals give greater education, training, and professional association attention to using policy research on a day-to-day basis.  相似文献   

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