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This article investigates the introduction of a systemic curriculum change, the Essential Learnings curriculum framework, in the Australian state of Tasmania. Using Gee's [(2003). Language in the science classroom: Academic social languages as the heart of school-based literacy. In: R. Yerrick, & W.-M. Roth (Eds.), Establishing scientific classroom discourse communities: Multiple voices of teaching and learning research (pp. 19–37). Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates] six claims regarding the importance of language in science education, the responses of the science teachers within a secondary school to the curriculum reform were investigated. This research utilised a narrative methodology to elucidate the processes by which science teachers attempted to negotiate a sense of meaning for the reforms within their work context. Three particular challenges are highlighted for curriculum reformers. These challenges involve the potential for a linguistic distance between teachers and reformers, understanding the importance of the work context in teacher learning and the dangers of a superficial application of reform language to teacher practices. The article concludes by emphasising that the negotiation of a situated language can provide both teachers and reformers with both coherence and a common ownership of a reform, thus strengthening the potential for its implementation and institutionalisation.  相似文献   

We examine teachers’ experiences of a major reform of the school science curriculum for 14–16-year olds in England. This statutory reform enhances the range of available science courses and emphasises the teaching of socio-scientific issues and the nature of science, alongside the teaching of canonical science knowledge. This paper examines teachers’ experiences of the reform and the factors that condition these experiences. A designed sample of 22 teachers discussed their experiences of the reform within a semi-structured interview. Our analysis considers how the external and internal structures within which teachers work interact with the personal characteristics of teachers to condition their experiences of the curriculum reform. In many cases, personal/internal/external contexts of teachers’ work align, resulting in an overall working context that is supportive of teacher change. However, in other cases, tensions within these contexts result in barriers to change. We also explore cases in which external curriculum reform has stimulated the development of new contexts for teachers’ work. We argue that curriculum reformers need to recognise the inevitability of multiple teaching goals within a highly differentiated department and school workplace. We also show how experiences of curriculum reform can extend beyond the learning of new knowledge and associated pedagogies to involve challenges to teachers’ professional identities. We argue for the extended use of teacher role models within local communities of practice to support such ‘identity work’.  相似文献   

This study analyses the intended and enacted curricula that are produced when metacognition is included as an element within standards-based reforms for schooling. Reformers of the senior-secondary curriculum for South Australia (SA) and the Northern Territory (NT) hoped to improve the academic outcomes of all students, and especially those from low-SES and Indigenous backgrounds, by creating a curriculum that required year-10 students to reflect on their capacities. Reflection on learning in the literacy domain was a particular emphasis during the reforms. A constructionist epistemology and case-study methodology informed the approach taken in the study. Data collection and analysis involved accessing and analysing the intended curriculum, as well as the curriculum planning documentation designed by four teachers in one NT high school. The results indicate that learning opportunities to reflect on literacy capacities will not be created when the intended curriculum provides teachers, who are not literacy specialists, with little guidance about practices associated with metacognition and literacy.  相似文献   

教育部《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》的颁布给中小学教师带来了严峻的挑战。本文从综合知识、教学方法、自我教育、培养学生兴趣、及科研能力五个方面论述中学物理新课程实施中教师的缺失,并在此基础上提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

Governments in Australia claim that standards-based reforms to schooling will result in greater use of assessment for and as learning. This study analyses the assessment practices that evolved within the planned curricula for senior secondary schooling in the Northern Territory of Australia during standards-based reforms. Case-study methodology was used, with each of the six teachers participating forming one case. The data collected and analysed included the texts created by the six participating teachers from a range of subject areas as they planned to enact the new curriculum. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with each of the six teachers. The findings indicate that the inclusion of subject-based performance standards in the curriculum for senior schooling did not result in teachers planning a curriculum that included assessment practices for actively engaging students in learning.  相似文献   

This article examines the differences between the formally stated aims of education and the implementation of the school curriculum in order to show the divergence between what is initiated and what emerges as school practice. This implementation problem is examined from the policy-makers' and teachers' perspectives, with specific reference to physical education as a school subject in Hong Kong. First, it examines the existence and intention of educational policy towards curriculum as established by policy-makers. Second, the implementation process is evaluated from the teachers' perspective by employing a framework adopted by Cuban (1998) that utilized effectiveness, popularity, fidelity, adaptability and longevity. The data are derived from a case-study of a physical education programme that included document analysis, and interviews with teachers, parents and students. The case-study provided a subjective perspective of teachers and their work, while the framework assisted in demonstrating the absence of cohesion between the various government agencies. The resulting fragmentation of ideas leading to confusion and frustration for teachers also indicates that longevity and adaptability are likely to be the most constructive criteria for the assessment of curriculum change.  相似文献   

基于环境教育使命的高师地理科学专业建设与课程改革   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
环境教育经历了从单纯的环境教育到可持续发展教育、从渗透式课程到独立式课程、从绿色课程到绿色学校的发展历程。在肩负环境教育使命的背景下,高师地理科学专业建设和课程改革有着以下新的目标:一是满足为中学独立式环境教育培养专门师资的需要;二是为满足大学环境素质教育和中学渗透式环境教育需要积极建构绿色校选课程体系;三是通过加强围绕绿色课程改革和绿色科研厦其实践的地理科学重点专业建设,推动绿色大学的创建活动。  相似文献   

Curriculum reform with a school-based approach is often assumed to offer schools and teachers autonomy at the site level, thus enabling them to develop a school-based curriculum and pedagogies to better fit the needs of students. Over the past decade, school-based curriculum development in Hong Kong has encountered issues that deserve worldwide attention and discussion. By reviewing the experiences of two schools in Hong Kong and drawing on international evidence, this study identifies key challenges and difficulties in school-based curriculum reform in three areas. Intellectually, there is a lack of a strong and broad shared knowledge base for curriculum development. As a result, most school-based curriculum initiatives have been piecemeal, fragmented and shallow. Structurally, many teachers have wasted time ‘re-inventing the wheel’ when developing school-based curricula. This effort has left them without sufficient time and energy to be effective in teaching. Culturally, reliance on school management to steer school-based reforms has prevented the development of a new culture in which teachers have the autonomy to make changes in their daily practices. Without cultural changes, curriculum reforms are not sustainable or effective. This study proposes a cooperative platform that integrates the strengths of central intelligence and school-based initiatives to maximise support for curriculum development at the teacher, school-site and system levels.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe the results of a study of chemistry high school teachers’ beliefs (N = 7) of the chemistry curriculum and their roles, their beliefs on the teacher as developer of materials, and their beliefs about professional development. Teachers’ beliefs influence the implementation of a curriculum. We view the use of a new curriculum as a learning process, which should start at teachers’ prior knowledge and beliefs. The results reveal that it is possible to develop a new curriculum in which teachers’ beliefs are taken as a starting point. Promising approaches to prepare teachers for a new curriculum is to let them (co)develop and use curriculum materials: It creates ownership, and strengthens and develops teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK).
Fer CoendersEmail:

随着新课改的全面推进,一些中小学教师却陷入了困境:行政推动,仓促应战;观点云集,无所适从;评价制约,无可奈何;教育科研,力不从心。厘清并反思这些问题,有助于我们更加深刻地理解新课改,更加切合实际地推进新课改,从而走出具有我国特色的课改之路。  相似文献   

目前所进行的高中新课程改革,从各方面来看,都可以称为是中国基础教育的革命。它从教材制定、课程设置、课堂教学、教学目标、教学评价等诸多方面都进行了革新。不仅要改变学生的学习模式,而且也将改变教师传统的教育教学模式。通过分析高中思想政治课新课程改革的要求,从转变观念、更新知识储备、实施有效教学策略等方面,提出高中政治课教师如何适应新课程改革的几点建议。  相似文献   

We analyse the implementation of a new New Zealand physics curriculum from a socio‐cultural perspective. We explore the development of the curriculum document and examine the obstacles to its implementation. Change was compromised by the lack of any intersubjective linkage between teachers and the curriculum designers. The teachers’ own community of practice was most influential in how implementation occurred.

Curriculum change processes and discourses must be made transparent so that teachers can have a framework for ‘dereification’ of a curriculum document into their classroom practices. Without planning for teachers’ participation in the negotiation of curriculum meanings, curriculum developers themselves become marginalized, and the cultural objects they have developed will be adopted in unanticipated ways.  相似文献   

谈中学历史新课改背景下史料教学的加强   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中学历史新一轮课程改革推行之后,无论从这一过程中提出的诸多能力要求,还是从新课改导致的种种新型教育理念、教学模式的引入来看,对于中学历史从教者史料处理能力的要求不是降低,而是相应提高了。作为直接培养师范生史料教学技能的高师文选课程,在中学历史新课改全面施行背景之下,其教学侧重点仍应放在着力培养学生的史料运用能力上。  相似文献   

学校课程品质是特定学校的课程在动态发展过程中体现出的整体品质属性。学校课程品质建设通过学校课程的适应性、教师的专业素养提升、学校课程结构的优化等作用于义务教育教学质量的提升。义务教育学校课程品质建设主要体现在反映时代要求的办学理念、关注学生个体差异的学校培养目标、规范有序的学校课程开发机制、多元主体参与的学校课程决策过程、体现智慧的学校课程实施的路径和方式、动态发展的学校课程评价方式等方面。  相似文献   

This qualitative study aimed to explore teacher curriculum approaches and the strategies attached to each approach because they influence the taught curriculum, teacher development and student learning. The study was therefore grounded in teacher curriculum development, curriculum implementation, teacher development, student cognitive and affective change and constructivism. To address this study's qualitative and exploratory purposes, it made use of the qualitative paradigm at the levels of ontology (multiple curriculum realities), epistemology (interaction with rather than detachment from respondents) and methodology (using idiographic methodology and instruments). In line with the qualitative paradigm, it used qualitative case-study (method), general interviews, pre/post-lesson interviews, group interviews and participant observation (data collection methods) in addition to grounded theory (data analysis approach) to meet the research purposes. Working with English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers and mixed-nationality college students, the study reached a teacher curriculum approach classification comprising curriculum-transmission, curriculum-development and curriculum-making. It recommended alternatives for teacher, student and curriculum development, curriculum implementation and teacher training.  相似文献   

高中新课程改革、新课程标准的实施工作明年将在我省中学全面展开,这对于广大教师来说又是一次教学理念更新和教学方法改革新的挑战和考验。由于我省的教学条件相对滞后,加之传统教学方法、教学模式的困扰,新课标的实施难免会遇到种种困难。对于即将出现的困难,相当多的学校没有足够的物质和心理准备,新课改前景堪忧,应引起教育主管部门和学校的高度重视。  相似文献   

课程作为教育实现的中介,承载着知识与文化的内涵,更彰显着师生生命的价值。课程实践理应体现生命的意义,即生命的整体性、现实性、创造性、多样性,但在现实中,课程目标的虚化、内容的窄化、实施的僵化以及评价的异化等现象,造成课程实践中生命意义的缺失。应当从目标定位、内容选择、教学过程、评价方式等多个方面进行变革,以期对课程实践的生命意义进行重构。  相似文献   

建构主义视阈下的课程是由教师、儿童、教材、环境之间的动态交互作用构成的“完整文化”,强调课程目标的生成性与表现性、课程内容的意义建构、课程实施的情境性与动态性,以及课程评价的过程性与发展性。这时我国幼儿园课程改革具有指导和借鉴意义。从建构主义课程观出发,有必要对幼儿园课程目标进行再界定、对课程内容选择与组织进行再确定、对课程实施中师幼关系进行再认识,以及对课程评价进行再思考。  相似文献   

This study examines: 1) how Korean elementary school teachers perceive recent curriculum reforms; 2) where their perceptions emanate from; and 3) what support teachers need in order to implement curriculum reforms actively and effectively. This study has shown that teachers generally harbour negative and unconstructive feelings about curriculum reform. These feelings negatively impact their involvement in and commitment to implementing reform. Several issues to be considered for teacher training and support evolved from our analysis of teachers' perceptions of the curriculum reform and the implementation: first, teachers are insufficiently provided with professional development programmes that support curriculum implementation; second, teachers lack opportunities to work through implementation problems and difficulties with peer teachers; and last, contextual and cultural constraints inhibit implementation of curriculum reform. Based upon these findings, this study makes several suggestions for teacher educators and curriculum policymakers.  相似文献   

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