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《幼儿园教师专业标准(试行)》强调师德与专业态度是教师职业的基准线,对幼儿园教师的师德与专业态度提出了特别要求。作为培养未来幼儿教师的摇篮,幼儿师范学校可能通过以下路径加强师范生专业情意的培养:注重职业规划,引领专业认知;注重情感培养,激发专业情意;注重教育实践,坚定专业信念;注重活动课程,提升专业道德。  相似文献   

《幼儿园教师专业标准(试行)》强调师德与专业态度是教师职业的基准线,对幼儿园教师的师德与专业态度提出了特别要求。作为培养未来幼儿教师的摇篮,幼儿师范学校可能通过以下路径加强师范生专业情意的培养:注重职业规划,引领专业认知;注重情感培养,激发专业情意;注重教育实践,坚定专业信念;注重活动课程,提升专业道德。  相似文献   

抽样选取河北省省属师范类高校2012届师范类和非师范类的毕业生.采用就业意向调查问卷.通过数据分析得出毕业生的就业意向.以及就业与考研的权重关系,求职期望,就业地区、就业单位的选择.以及毕业生对基层就业的看法,探究新形势下我省师范类大学毕业生就业问题的有效途径和具体可行的对策。师范类院校既有师范专业和非师范专业,师范专业毕业生具有专业性强、就业范围局限大等特点,在全国大学生就业形势严峻的大背景下.我省师范类大学的毕业生面临着巨大的社会就业压力。如何根据变化的就业形势及时制定相应的对策.就成了亟需研究和解决的一大课题。  相似文献   

杨丽 《海外英语》2014,(8):71-72
文章通过阐述教师认知概念、构成和功能和分析目前高职英语教师认知发展存在的问题,进而提出提升大学英语教师认知能力和水平的对策,以期望能够为高职大学英语教育与英语教师发展提供一些借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

文章通过问卷调查和个别访谈对师范实习生的教师专业素质发展情况进行了分析。结果表明,多数师范生学科专业知识、教育知识、教学技能掌握较好;初步具备了课堂教学基本能力;对教师职业持认同和喜欢的态度。文章还就师范实习生在培养规格、教学等方面提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

“小学新教师试用期培训”是指师范毕业生分配到小学任教后,在为期一年的试用期内,以培养教育教学实践能力为主的职业培训。在国外称为“新教师入门教育”。新教师试用期培训属于继续教育的范畴,它与师范生的实习教育有明显的不同:实习教育是师范生学习了一定的理论知识以后进行的实践活动。师范生期望通过实习形成一定的专业能力,完成学业,属于以知识为中心的学习。新教师试用期培训,目的是培养和提高教育教学实践能力,新教师期望通过培训,解决他们在教育教学中的实际问题,故属于以问题为中心的培训。实习教育是师范课堂教育的延…  相似文献   

调查显示,我国现阶段教师教育专业的招生和就业出现了一系列新的情况和问题:教师教育专业对高中毕业生有较大的吸引力,但优秀学生报考的积极性不高;有志于教育事业的师范毕业生较多,但愿意去农村中小学的很少;与此相关的是,中小学教师队伍建设成绩显著,但问题依然突出。要加强我国的教师教育,国家有必要强化激励机制、加强政策引导,设立国家教师教育专业奖学金,实行师范毕业生农村就业优惠政策,确保教师基本待遇、努力提高教师质量。  相似文献   

从价值认知和期望认知两个方面探讨了农民工对子女教育的认知及其影响因素.在对子女教育的价值认知方面,农民工普遍重视子女的教育;在对子女教育的期望认知方面,农民工对子女教育的期望一般较高,而影响农民工对子女教育期望的主要因素有农民工的年龄、文化程度以及子女的成绩.虽然农民工重视子女的教育且对子女教育的期望也较高,然而,经济的贫乏决定了他们为子女选择优质教育资源的困窘;知识的有限决定了他们对于如何正确地引导子女,如何理性地设计子女教育计划的盲目.  相似文献   

人工智能教育应用的认知与态度是教师智能教育素养的重要表现。本文通过调研发现,师范生人工智能教育应用的认知度不高,态度也不够积极。政府支持、高校引导和自身发展的合力,助推师范生对人工智能教育的精准认知与积极态度的形成,进而确保未来我国智能教育的有效开展。  相似文献   

研究采用问卷调查的方式,以西南大学2007级免费师范生为调查对象,分析了免费师范生对师范生免费教育政策的认知状况。调查结果表明,免费师范生对师范生免费教育政策持"基本认可"和"基本满意"的态度。调查同样发现,免费师范生的报考动机有功利化的倾向;免费师范生对政策的了解程度较低,存在认知误区;免费师范生对于政策所代表的公共意志与自身个体发展之间的冲突存在着顾虑。鉴于此,师范生免费教育政策的进一步调整应在教师专业发展和终身教育理念的宏观指导下,立足于免费师范生的个人成长和教育事业的整体发展进行长期规划,以平衡公共意志和师范生个人的利益诉求。  相似文献   

随着移动终端的发展、教育游戏的日趋完善,将手机游戏引入教育领域必定会掀起一股娱乐教育的热潮。文章尝试提出手机教育游戏的定义,分析其教育价值,并从开发应用角度、教育学习角度、游戏娱乐角度三个角度阐述手机教育游戏的设计原则,最后展望了其发展前景。  相似文献   

This article reports findings on a study of educational computer games used within various classroom situations. Employing an across-stage, mixed method model, the study examined whether educational computer games, in comparison to traditional paper-and-pencil drills, would be more effective in facilitating comprehensive math learning outcomes, and whether alternative classroom goal structures would enhance or reduce the effects of computer games. The findings indicated that computer games, compared with paper-and-pencil drills, were significantly more effective in promoting learning motivation but not significantly different in facilitating cognitive math test performance and metacognitive awareness. Additionally, this study established that alternative classroom goal structures mediated the effects of computer games on mathematical learning outcomes. Cooperative goal structure, as opposed to competitive and individualistic structures, significantly enhanced the effects of computer games on attitudes toward math learning.  相似文献   

The relationship among bodily movements, cognitive abilities, and academic achievement in children is receiving considerable attention in the research community. The embodied learning approach is based on the idea of an inseparable link between body and mind in learning, aiming for teaching methods that promote children’s active engagement in the classroom. This study implements embodied learning as a part of the classroom curriculum in a real classroom environment using motion-based games. A total of 52 elementary students engaged in embodied learning in-class activities for four months. The data-set included standardized pre-post testing for children’s cognitive and academic performance, general learning analytics from games’ usage, interviews, and observations from the teachers involved. Findings showed significant effects both on children’s cognitive abilities (i.e., short-memory skills) and academic performance (i.e., expressive vocabulary). This article contributes to the educational technology community by providing an example of implementing embodied learning via use of motion-based technologies in a real classroom environment.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,教育游戏在教学过程的应用越来越广泛,但学界对其应用效果仍颇具争议。为考察教育游戏对学生学习效果的影响,文章采用元分析法,对教育游戏的实验与准实验研究进行了梳理与分析,发现:相较于传统教学方式,教育游戏对学生的学习效果产生了中等程度的正向影响。之后,文章将学科、知识类型、故事情节、参与方式、研究设计类型作为调节变量,检验了调节变量对研究结果的影响。依据元分析结果,文章针对未来教育游戏应用提出了建议,包括依据不同学科特点设计相应的教育游戏、依据知识类型特征选择合适的教育游戏、增强教育游戏情景设计、增加小组参与的教育游戏模块、注重研究设计的多元化等。  相似文献   

Complex computer and video games may provide a vehicle, based on appropriate theoretical concepts, to transform the educational landscape. Building on the original game object model (GOM) a new more detailed model is developed to support concepts that educational computer games should: be relevant, explorative, emotive, engaging, and include complex challenges; support authentic learning activities that are designed as narrative social spaces where learners are transformed through exploration of multiple representation, and reflection; be gender-inclusive, include non-confrontational outcomes, and provide appropriate role models; develop democracy, and social capital through dialogue that is supported by means of computer mediated-communication tools; and include challenges, puzzles or quests, which form the core of the learning process, where access to explicit knowledge, conversations, and reflection results in the construction of tacit knowledge. It is argued that the GOM version II can be used not only to support the development of educational computer games but to provide a mechanism to evaluate the use of computer games in the classroom.  相似文献   

基于云服务的"翻转课堂",其成功的关键是教育现代技术与课堂教学的有效结合,由于目前教育信息化程度不高,"翻转课堂"很难在全国范围内推广。在实践中,有些学校误读"翻转课堂",加重了学生的学习负担,相比较,"跨越式教学"更适合目前中国国情。随着我国教育信息化的发展,"翻转课堂"也将会得以中国化,并可能会在国内得到较大的普及,而多种教学方法的有效融合将会是一大趋势。  相似文献   

新时期语文课堂教学结构模式研究在对传统语文教学模式扬弃的基础上 ,形成新的特点 :注重教与学的统一 ;既体现语文课堂教学结构的纵向程序 ,又体现其内部各要素在空间上的横向联系 ;建立起交叉型网络式的科学化信息传递体系 ;做到了规定性与灵活性的统一。适应社会发展和教育改革需要 ,语文课堂教学结构模式研究将呈现以下趋势 :在结构模式研究的主导精神上 ,将更多的体现个性意识和创造品格 ;在结构模式研究的方法上 ,向演绎与归纳并举的方向发展 ;在研究目的上 ,由着重研究教师的“教”或学生的“学”向“教”与“学”辨证统一的方向发展 ;在媒体运用上 ,将更多采用现代化教学手段  相似文献   

基于多用户虚拟环境(MUVE)的教育游戏是大型网络教育游戏的发展趋势。在介绍一个国外此类教育游戏的典型案例——Quest Atlantis的基础上,在对其结构、设计思想和应用模式进行剖析,探讨了其对我国教育游戏设计和应用的启示,供国内网络教育游戏研究借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对中国人民大学复印报刊资料《教育学》转载论文的统计分析,可以看出,2011年教育学研究的热点集中于教育公平、学前教育、公民教育、教师专业发展、教育评价等问题,质性研究方法、教育隐喻、儿童游戏等也是教育学研究的重点问题。在未来教育学研究的发展中,将关注社会主义核心价值体系教育、义务教育均衡发展、教育投入及经费支配等问题。  相似文献   

This paper is a response to ??Challenges and Opportunities: Using a science-based video game in secondary school settings?? by Rachel Muehrer, Jennifer Jenson, Jeremy Friedberg, and Nicole Husain. The article highlights two critical areas that I argue require more research in the studies of video games in education. The first area focuses on the need to better understand how children interact with non-educational games, outside of the school setting. This includes issues such as ??gamer culture?? and game play styles. The better we understand these issues, the better educational game designers and implementers can imagine the kinds of behaviors that might be elicited from students when we bring educational games into their classroom. In this focus, the student is the unit of analysis, but it is the student in and out of the classroom: the way the student understands video games when she is at home, playing with friends, and at school. The second area focuses on the study of the classroom as a unit of analysis. As the authors of this study reveal, classroom cultures affect the reception and success of an educational game. This is to ask, how does a game play when students have to play it in pairs or groups for a lack of resources? What is the role of the teacher in the success of video game implementation? How does a game react to multiple server requests in a short period of time? These are issues that are still largely unexplored in the educational game design literature.  相似文献   

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