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为提升区域教育整体水平,广东深圳市龙岗区对民办教育给予政策和经费等方面的大力支持,设立了民办教育发展专项资金。每年投入1亿元用于提高民办学校教师的工资待遇。明确规定民办学校教师在入户、继续教育、表彰奖励等方面与公办学校教师享有同等待遇。同时在教师进修学校成立民办教育研修室,开展民办学校教师三级研修活动,提升了民办学校的师资水平。  相似文献   

基于教育平等、满足教育需求、促进教育改革、提高教育投入效益、科学分享管理权力等方面的分析,制定民办教育政策要努力争取落实民办学校、学生、教师与公办学校、学生、教师的平等法律地位;创造条件吸引社会资源进入教育领域,增加可供选择的多样化优质教育资源的供应量;落实民办学校办学自主权,促进教育体制机制和育人模式的创新;发挥公共财政对民办教育的激励作用,提高财政投入教育的产出水平;落实分级负责,多部门共同承担优化民办教育发展环境和规范民办学校办学行为的职责。  相似文献   

四川省的民办教育已经取得了一定的成就,但进一步发展面临着经济基础薄弱、内部管理运作不够规范和外部环境支持不足等困难.为实现四川成为西部教育强省和人力资源强省的目标,必须多渠道开拓资源,鼓励、扶持教育多元化发展;明确产权,合理分配和使用资金;加强引导和监督,提升民办学校的管理质量;正确定位,协调社会、政府和学校的关系;注重教育公平,维护民办学校的正当权益.  相似文献   

民办教育政策的经济学分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用经济学的基本原理和分析方法对我国民办教育政策进行初步分析, 可以看出,要发挥公共政策对于民办教育的积极影响,政府应该站在更高层面上制定民办教育政策,要兼顾教育选择、效率和公平。教育目标是使受教育者得到全面的发展,而公立教育和民办教育只是实现教育目标的两种手段,因此,制定民办教育政策时,首先要考虑受教育者的需求和利益。除了管制这个政策工具外,政府应该注重使用财政、公共设施建设等其他政策工具,对民办教育系统进行有效的调节和干预。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国教育事业发展的主要矛盾表现为日益增长的教育需求与结构性教育供给不足的矛盾民办教育机构在办学主体、经费筹措、管理体制机制等方面有别于公办学校,能够以市场需求为导向来满足差异化、多样化的教育需求,有利于优化教育资源配置,推动教育管理体制机制的创新.从20世纪80年代初开始,在国家教育投入不足的背景下,民办学校解决了大量学生"上学难"的问题.尤其是2004年《民办教育促进法实施条例》颁布,各地相继出台了大量扶持民办教育发展的优惠政策,民办教育办学范围和规模不断扩大,涌现出一批办学条件良好、教育质量较高、社会效益显著的民办学校.  相似文献   

民办教育是企业、事业组织、社会团体及其它社会组织和公民个人利用非国家财政性教育经费,面向社会举办的学校及其他教育结构。是与公办教育相对言的一个概念。二者的区别表现在两个方面:一是办学的主体不同,公办教育的办学主体是国家及地方政府,而民办教育的办学主体是社会团体及公民个人;二是经费来源不同,公办教育的经来源主渠道是国家及地方政府教育财政性拨款,而民办教育经费主要来自学生学费、个人财产投入、社会捐资等。民办教育作为改革开放浪潮推动下出现的新生事物,在最近几年里取得了飞速的发展,作出了很大成绩,但也出现了许多的问题,具体表现:  相似文献   

四川省的民办教育已经取得了一定的成就,但进一步发展面临着经济基础薄弱、内部管理运作不够规范和外部环境支持不足等困难。为实现四川成为西部教育强省和人力资源强省的目标。必须多渠道开拓资源,鼓励、扶持教育多元化发展;明确产权,合理分配和使用资金;加强引导和监督,提升民办学校的管理质量;正确定位,协调社会、政府和学校的关系;注重教育公平,维护民办学校的正当权益。  相似文献   

浅谈民办教育存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民办教育是我市教育的重要组成部分,它能直接拉动经济持续发展,缓解社会就业压力。虽然民办学校领导能把主要精力放在办学上,但与公办学校相比,民办教育仍存在一些问题。办好民办教育应杜绝“家族化”的管理机构;建立一套合理的民办教育经费审计制度;多渠道投资。不断改善学校的教学条件、生活条件;加强师资队伍建设,切实提高教学质量;要导入现代教育理念,培养学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

教育振兴和民办教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世纪之交,中国民办教育面临新的机遇和挑战,政府对民办教育实行积极鼓励的政策,社会对教育的需求日益增长,我国教育交形成公办和民办共同发展的格局,要制定有利于吸纳社会资金办教育和民办学校发展的优惠政策,民办教育也面临种种挑战,要加强自身建设,不断提高质量和效益,探索适合中国国情的民办教育的模式。  相似文献   

调研表明,民办教育已成为广东教育事业不可或缺的重要组成部分,为广东社会经济发展和教育改革发展做出了巨大贡献,但在现实中却存在着政府“促进“导向不明,政府扶持政策落实不到位,民办学校的产权法理不清,相关管理制度不规范等诸多问题.针对这些问题,广东应加快政府立法和政策制订的步伐,要真正落实对民办学校的优惠政策,要加强对政府和民办学校办学行为的规范和管理,要积极引导和提高民办教育的社会声誉,打造品牌和特色学校,要建立起健全民办学校的内部法人治理结构,要切实推进依法治教的进程,从而更好地促进广东民办教育事业的发展.  相似文献   

第三部门是以非政府形式提供公共物品的一种机制,归国家、社会或学校所有,政府对民办高校的资助应是成本的分担。学生和家长对缴纳学费的认同感。是一种民间公益事业。在此视角下,民办教育最终产权均应民办教育机制能最大限度吸收社会和个人损赠,也可以增强  相似文献   

从当前教育投资现状看教育券实施的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育券制度是政府将用于教育的公共经费以学券的形式直接发给家长(学生),而不是划拨给学校,家长(学生)可以用学券来支付所选学校的学费和相关教育费用的一种支付方法。教育投资一般由国家、个人和民间三部分的投入组成。当前,我国教育投资现状是:国家投入严重短缺,社会办学力量不足,个人需求难以满足,优质教育资源匮乏。从长兴经验可以看出,教育券制度的实施对解决以上问题具有深远的意义和影响。  相似文献   

公办高校兴办民办二级学院简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公办高校兴办民办二级学院,是公办高校结合社会优势资源构成的一种新的办学模式,是加速我国高等教育大众化发展步伐的有益尝试。本文论述了公办高校兴办二级学院的重要意义,提出兴办二级学院应注意的几个问题,并强调:民办二级学院若想正常发展,必须得到政府从态度到行动上的大力支持。  相似文献   

Toronto boasts a large and diverse system of public alternative schools: schools where democratic practices, student access and a commitment to public education are fundamental. There are academic schools; schools with thematically focused curricula; schools driven by social movement principles such as antiracism and global education; schools for students who do not thrive in mainstream schools; and schools with alternative scheduling and delivery practices for students who must work. The schools are small, supporting personalized relationships among teachers and students, with teacher-driven curricular programs that are responsive to student interests. Curricular innovation is made possible because alternative schools are only loosely coupled with the rest of the public education system, but they still must comply with school system regulations. This paper describes how teachers’ work and the structural elements of alternative schools support school-based innovation.  相似文献   

Recent attention has focused on the existence of non-government schools that cater to children from low-income families. These schools can now be found in the majority of developing countries, many of which have a prescribed public policy to provide free public education. This raises the question, why would a low-income family choose to send a child to a fee-paying school if a place in a free school were available? This paper will report on case studies of low-fee schools in Jamaica, Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Indonesia and Pakistan and will assess the reasons for their increased demand. In the past, some have argued that development assistance agencies should limit assistance to public school sector. Others have argued that the public sector is inadequate and in many ways has failed in its ambitions to provide a minimum quality for every child.This paper will consider what public policy should be toward low-cost private schools, including the policy of development assistance agencies which seek to assist low and middle income countries as well as the appropriate public policy for national and local governments. The paper will conclude with several recommendations. One recommendation is that although children from low-income families attend non-government schools, they continue to be citizens; hence they should not be excluded from poverty assistance strategies. A second recommendation is to expand government statistical functions so that non-government schools are regularly included in the calculations of enrollment rates. Lastly, the paper does not recommend voucher or other program of publically financed school choice on the grounds that the public sector should remain the main conduit for public schooling. It does, however, raise questions as to the limits of the public sector in delivering high quality schooling and whether these limits should be more candidly acknowledged.  相似文献   

PL 94-142 mandates that students who are seriously emotionally disturbed be provided with a free and appropriate public education. Embedded in the federal definition of serious emotional disturbance is a clause that excludes socially maladjusted students from the diagnostic category. Although socially maladjusted children may therefore not receive special education services, their presence in the schools may have implications for society and particularly for the educational system. However, there is little data concerning the prevalence of socially maladjusted students in the schools. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of social maladjustment in two rural/suburban school systems in the southeastern United States. Results of the study indicate that the percentage of students reported as exhibiting characteristics of social maladjustment is sufficiently high to indicate that services beyond special education may be necessary to meet their educational and social needs.  相似文献   

当今,中国教育的新动向,一是体制内教育,在努力摆脱"重智轻德","重理轻文"的弊端,逐步恢复中华文化的主体性,真正落实素质教育;二是民办教育的新发展,在文化自觉意识与文化教育行动方面,醒得早、启动快、效果明显,为体制内学校教育提供许多有益的经验。中国的教育理应站在中国教育发展战略的高度,必须尊重群众和民间教育的实验和创造,才能推动体制内外的各级各类学校遥相呼应,长善救失,共同为创建21世纪的中国教育携手前行。  相似文献   

Fixing Special Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current system of educating disabled students provides financial incentives to schools to overidentify students as disabled and underserve those that are identified. The incentive to overidentify is caused by providing schools with additional funds as more students are placed in special education categories that are ambiguous to diagnose and require relatively low additional expenditures to address. The incentive to underserve is caused by high information and transaction costs imposed on parents using the legal process to obtain desired services. An efficient alternative to the current system is to offer disabled students vouchers worth the cost of their education in public schools with which they can attend a private school if they wish. This article considers empirical analyses of the relationship between financial incentives and overidentification as well as the potential benefits of vouchers for special education. It concludes that vouchers for special education are a promising idea for improving the quality of education for disabled students while constraining growth in special education enrollments.  相似文献   

民办高校如何在强手如林的公立大学之间求得生存,如何在众多的民办高等学校之间求得发展,是社会各界关注的热点话题.西安欧亚学院是民办高等学校“西安模式“的代表之一,是民办高等学校自主创新的一个典型.其成功之处在于,它有效地运用了营销理论,提供了一种优于一般公立高等学校的“领先服务“.为此,他们实施了一系列战术,克服了不利的制度和政策环境,并及时地实现了战略转移.民办高等学校的发展决定于政府、高校领导和高校自身.  相似文献   

This chapter describes the study as it was conducted in three public high schools in Sydney: a governmental comprehensive high school, a non-government or private high school, and a government “selective school”. The results suggest that civic education revolved around an identifiable, yet not clearly articulated, set of civic values. For teachers, civic education's main goal was to prepare students for harmonious integration into Australia's highly multicultural society, to maintain and reinforce social cohesion, and, consequently, to foster acceptance of diversity. For students, civic education was an enigma. Although they participated in civic education experiences they could rarely identify them as such. Furthermore, few students could identify subject matter of civic education through what was taught in school subjects.  相似文献   

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