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主观用力感觉在预测心脏康复适宜运动度中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨主观用力感觉(RPE)在预测急性期后心梗患者(PMIP)对运动的生理和临床反应中的作用,这将有利于适宜运动强度的制定。方法:46名服用β阻断剂的男性PMIP(年龄60.9±7.5岁)5,5名未服用β阻断剂的男性PMIP(年龄63.6±7.3岁)在活动跑台上进行递增负荷实验,终止实验的标准依美国运动医学会的指南(ACSM)或病人的主观要求。运动中每30 s测量一次摄氧量(VO2)和通气量(VE)、每3 min记录一次心率(HR),血乳酸(BL)和主观用力感觉(RPE),并连续监测12导心电图。结果:两组病人在VO2,BL,VE和ST段降低与RPE的关系方面无显著差异(P>0.05)。然而,在运动实验过程中,两组病人在心率方面有显著差异(P<0.01)。无论是服用还是未服用β阻断剂的PMIP,RPE达到13都是其运动中有氧代谢向无氧代谢过渡的转折点。结论:基于以上结果,建议PMIP在运动心脏康复中感觉到"稍费力"时即不应再加大运动强度。  相似文献   

目的:利用心率指标为服用β-阻断剂和未服用β-阻断剂冠心病患者提供安全有效的康复运动强度。方法:35名服用β-阻断剂和40名未服 用β-阻断剂的男性冠心病患者在活动跑台上进行递增负荷运动试验,其间记录每级负荷时的摄氧量、心率、血乳酸和自我用力感觉,并持续监测12 导联心电图。利用Pearson线形回归建立峰值心率的预测公式,据此提供不同年龄服用β-阻断剂和未服用β-阻断剂冠心病患者的适宜运动强度。 结果:(1)服用β-阻断剂和未服用β-阻断剂冠心病患者的峰值心率(117.9次/min和138.1次/min)分别只达到“220-年龄”这一方程预测的最大心率 的75%和88%;(2)服用β-阻断剂和未服用β-阻断剂冠心病患者在其90%峰值心率时出现了心肌缺血和无氧代谢加强的征兆;(3)服用β-阻断剂和 未服用β-阻断剂冠心病患者的峰值心率预测公式分别为161.2-0.74年龄(r=0.78,P<0.01)和194.1-0.88年龄(r=0.76,P<0.01);(4)本研究为不同 年龄的服用β-阻断剂和未服用β-阻断剂冠心病患者提供了适宜的上限运动强度和下限运动强度。结论:为了能达到训练效果最大化,损伤风险最 小化,服用β-阻断剂和未服用β-阻断剂冠心病患者的适宜运动强度应在其峰值心率的70%~85%之间。  相似文献   

李开刚  洪平  尚文元  宗丕芳 《体育科学》2003,23(5):102-105,F003
采用实验法,利用跑台进行递增负荷运动时测定我国优秀游泳运动员最大有氧能力。结果显示:1)VO2max平台持续时间(VO2maxPD)是另一个可以反映游泳运动员的最大有氧能力的重要标识,只有把VO2max和VO2maxPD二者结合起来才能更全面反映运动员有氧能力的内涵;2)心率无氧阈(HR—AT)应成为游泳训练中控制训练负荷的重要指标。  相似文献   

艾灸预处理对运动后心率和血压变化的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:通过对华南师范大学体育学院大一(07级)学生进行艾灸(足三里穴)预处理,来观察艾灸预处理前受试者运动后血压、心率与艾灸预处理后受试者运动后血压、心率的变化,从而探讨艾灸预处理对于运动后心率和血压的影响。方法:在运动前用血压计测定受试者安静时的血压和心率,随后受试者在跑台周Bruce方法进行逐级递增负荷运动,当受试者运动到力竭后测定受试者运动后即刻、运动后15min、运动后30min的血压、和心率。在运动当天后的一星期内对受试者进行艾灸(足三里穴)预处理,在艾灸一星期以后受试者再次进行跑台BRUCE方法逐级递增负荷运动,测定受试者运动前安静时、运动后即刻、运动后15min、运动后30min的血压和心率。结果:(1)收缩压在艾灸预处理前后运动后15min有显著性差异;在安静时、运动后即刻和运动后30min没有显著性差异。(2)舒张压在艾灸预处理前后安静状态和运动后30min有显著性差异;在运动后即刻和运动后15min没有显著性差异。(3)心率在艾灸预处理前后均没有显著性差异。结论:艾灸预处理在安静时和运动后恢复期都有一定的降压作用,也可能与艾灸消除运动性疲劳有一定的关系。  相似文献   

对不同运动负荷方案下的心率及RPE效度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析男子在不同运动负荷方案下,Borg的公式HR=RPEx10(心率=主观感觉运动负荷等级×10)估算出的心率是否可靠,验证RPE值是否与心率表现出高度相关,为提高RPE(主观感觉运动负荷评估表)评价的有效性与客观性提供一定依据。方法:测定7名在校体育学院男生的最大耗氧量,自行车递增负荷运动以及恒定负荷运动中各等级负荷末1 min心率、耗氧量、呼吸频率和RPE值等指标。结果:在递增负荷运动中,受试对象评定RPE等级的估算心率其特点呈现低负荷及中、高负荷时偏低,最大负荷时偏高的特点,并且,中、高负荷及最大负荷运动时RPE估算心率值与实测心率值有显著差异(P>0.05)。在恒定负荷运动中,受试对象的RPE估算心率值呈现整体偏低的特点。RPE与心率、呼吸频率,呼吸商、摄氧量等几项指标相关系数远远低于文献记录的相关系数0.80~0.90,且呼吸频率与RPE值的相关性高于心率。结论:公式HR=RPEx10得出的估算心率值,在男子进行递增负荷运动时可能不够准确,而在恒定负荷运动中估算效果更佳。在采用不同评价方式评价RPE时,估算心率与实际心率之差值幅度随评价时间延长而递增。呼吸频率与心率相比,在反映RPE指标时可能...  相似文献   

极限负荷时运动持续时间和运动水平密切相关。研究发现运动后睾酮(T)水平与耗氧平台(VO2maxPD)显著相关,β-内啡肽(β-EP)分泌水平与最大耗氧量,耗氧平台,呼吸频率显著相关。揭示耗氧平台的维系,可能有垂体—性腺轴的参与。而β-内啡肽对呼吸频率及耗氧平台的维系也存在着调控作用。耗氧平台时心率和通气量较之安静时大辐度增长,间接说明儿茶酚胺在极限负荷时对循环系统的支持。  相似文献   

张健  李雷 《辽宁体育科技》2009,31(3):34-35,41
目的:探讨规律运动对绝经早期骨量减少患者骨密度(BMD)的影响,以期制定针对这一特殊人群的特异运动处方。方法:按照随机对照实验设计(RCT),将符合标准的受试者随机分成实验组(n=29)和对照组(n=26)。实验组进行为期6个月的健骨运动处方干预。双光子X射线扫描法(DEXA))测定腰椎和髋部密度;递增负荷实验测定VO2max。结果:6个月后,与对照组比较,实验组各指标的变化率均存在显著性差异(VO2max实验组+11.34%vs对照组+1.22%,p〈0.05;腰椎BMD:实验组+1.13%vs对照组-0.52,p〈0.01;髋部BMD:实验组-0.13%vs对照组-1.11%,p〈0.05)。结论:本研究所制定的健骨运动处方安全有效,可提高VO2max和腰椎BMD并延缓髋部BMD下降,对于绝经后骨量减少的防治具有积极作用。  相似文献   

应用主观疲劳量表(RPE)评价训练负荷的过程是一个心理生理过程,量化结果具有较大的主观性和不确定性,需将RPE训练负荷量化结果与生理指标测试结果进行结合分析。对16名大学生足球运动员的多次训练进行跟踪,采集每名运动员每次训练的训练前RPE值、训练后RPE值和整个训练过程的实时心率;采取训练后RPE值(Foster1算法)和训练累积RPE值(Foster2算法),4种心率算法(Banister1、Banister2、Edwards和Stagno)对每名运动员每次训练的内部负荷进行测算;采用相关分析,对两种RPE算法所得每名运动员每次训练的内部训练负荷值与4种心率算法所得的内部训练负荷值的相关性进行检验。显示:两种RPE算法估算的运动负荷:与Banister1算法测算出的相关性平均分别为0.91和0.79;与Banister2算法测算出的相关性平均分别为0.62和0.57;与Edwards算法测算出的相关性平均分别为0.75和0.69;与Stagno算法测算出的相关性平均分别为0.55和0.54。显示:RPE能够有效地量化评估足球运动员的训练负荷,且“训练后RPE值”比“训练累积RPE值”能更加准确地反映足球运动员的训练负荷。  相似文献   

目的:研究大运动量训练对自由式摔跤运动员β-内啡肽、RPE及焦虑的影响,为运动员训练监控提供参考依据。方法:8名男性自由式摔跤运动员,每周安排11次大运动量训练,共进行2次实验,训练开始时取静脉血,训练6周后再取一次,每次3个取样点(运动前、运动后即刻和次日晨),分别测定β-内啡肽、RPE及焦虑水平。结果:训练后的运动前、运动后即刻和运动后次日晨β-内啡肽均显著高于训练前对应3个时间点;训练开始时运动后即刻显著高于运动前和运动后次日晨;6周训练后,运动后即刻和运动后次日晨显著高于运动前。6周训练后RPE在运动后即刻和运动后次日晨均显著高于开始训练时对应时间点;训练开始和6周训练后,运动后即刻均显著高于运动前和运动后次日晨。焦虑水平在各时间点间均无显著性差异。结论:要想采用简单易行的外在指标反映机体内复杂的生理变化还任重道远。  相似文献   

目的:一般来说,验证最大乳酸稳定状态(MLSS)需进行多目测试,而心率(HR),自认劳累分级表(RPE)、呼吸频率(bf)和跑速对估计MLSS很有帮助,从而可使测试在一天内完成,此研究目的是为了设计一个可在一次训练中完成,并且用HR,RPE、bf和跑速共同确定MLSS的测定表。方法:12名耐力运动员(平均值&;#177;标准差,V^&;#183;O2 max64.6&;#177;7.8ml&;#183;kg^-1min^-1)在跑台上进行MLSS测定表中的跑步运动和两个27分钟验证跑阶段。跑速以87%最大心率、RPE为12.bf为32次/分做为测试起始点,在测定表的跑步运动的每个9分钟阶段中,每3分钟采血样一次,并分析乳酸浓度(La),MLSS跑速La稳定状态和La聚积状态速度的平均值。验证跑速度在MLSS跑速&;#177;7.5m&;#183;min^-1;如果以较慢速跑呈现一个La稳定状态,而较快速跑呈现La聚积状态,这样确定的MLSS值则被认为是正确的。结果:测定表的跑速在预测12名受试者.MLSS中,有9人是成功的(P≤0.05)。结论:本实验测定表采用的HR、PRE、bf跑速作为测试起始点,可在一定测试中验证MLSS。  相似文献   

心肌梗塞患者康复早期适宜运动强度探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
急性期后心肌梗塞病人(PMIP)进行适宜运动有利于机能的恢复及降低疾病复发率。通过对101名男性PMIP渐增负荷实验,测定和评价心脏康复早期的PMIP运动中的生理反应,为制定PMIP康复期运动处方提供适宜运动强度。结果表明:(1)PMIP应通过改变生活方式特别是改变饮食结构及参加体育运动来降低其BC的浓度;(2)康复初期的PMIP运动强度可被允许达到themodifiedBrucetreadmillprotocol的第三级或RPE13;(3)这一建议强度适用于大多数PMIP,有较广泛的使用价值。  相似文献   


Two studies determined the effects of responding to questions on heart rate (HR), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and time to voluntary exhaustion on a graded treadmill walking/running test in naive college students. The first study used 16 (8 female and 8 male) volunteers; each subject was tested both without talking and while responding to 3 questions during each exercise stage. The second study had independent groups (n = 10 females each): (1) no talking during the early exercise stages (two walking stages), but answering questions during the later (running) stages until exhaustion, and (2) answering questions during the walking stages, but not talking during the running stages. Differences between groups (.10 level) were determined by two-way ANOVA (talking/no talking; gender) and t test for independent groups, respectively. There were no gender/treatment interactions. Exercise tolerance, HR, and RPE were generally not affected by the tester asking subjects questions about subjects' physical activity habits, with the following exceptions: the first study found a lower HR response to light work when the subjects were responding to questions. In the second study, the subjects perceived the work to be harder with no talking during the second (walking) stage, and while talking during the third (running) stage. For subjects unaccustomed to exercise testing and not well known to the tester, it appears that the best test results occur when the tester talks to the subject during early stages of exercise, but not during moderate and heavy work.  相似文献   

目的探讨相对运动强度和绝对运动强度对血清酶活性变化的影响。实验方法受试者为急性心肌梗塞康复病人(PMIP)和正常人(HS) ,实验前后测定了他们血清乳酸脱氢酶(L DH)、乳酸脱氢酶同工酶1(L DH- 1)、肌酸激酶(CK)、肌酸激酶亚单位MB(CK- MB)活性。结果两组受试者运动前酶的活性均无显著差异(P>0 .0 5 ) ;实验中,PMIP与HS的相对强度分别为最大心率的85 .1%、86 .0 % (P>0 .0 5 ) ,绝对强度分别为跑台等级的5 .3与6 .3(P<0 .0 5 ) ,PMIP与HS运动后即刻酶活性与运动前相比均有显著上升(P<0 .0 5 ) ,但两组间无显著差异(P>0 .0 5 ) ,2 4 h后HS组的酶活性基本恢复到运动前水平,但PMIP组仍高于运动前水平。结论运动后酶活性上升的幅度与运动所达到的相对强度有关;强度达85 % HRmax的运动能引起血清酶活性的升高,但此时L DH- 1/L DH和CK- MB/CK的比值与运动前相比无明显变化;如果PMIP的康复运动量等同于测试中的运动量,他们第2天似应停止活动以便能够得到充分的恢复。  相似文献   

We measured the effects of stride rate, resistance, and combined arm-leg use on energy expenditure during elliptical trainer exercise and assessed the accuracy of the manufacturer's energy expenditure calculations. Twenty-six men and women (M age = 29 years, SD = 8; M body weight = 73. 0 kg, SD = 15.2) participated. Twenty-two participants performed two tests, one without the arm poles (leg-only) and the other with arm poles (combined arm-leg). The other 4 participants performed one test without the arm poles. Both tests consisted of six 5-min stages (two stride rates, 110 and 134 stridesmin-1, and three resistance settings: 2, 5, and 8). Steady-state oxygen uptake (VO2), minute ventilation (VE), heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured. Repeated measures analysis of variance determined higher (p <. 001) VO2, VE, and RPE, but not HR, during combined arm-leg versus leg-only exercise at any given intensity. Increases in stride rate and resistance increased VO2, VE, RPE, and HR with the greatest effect on VE and HR from Levels 5 to 8. The manufacturer's calculated energy expenditure was overestimated during both tests. Although the oxygen cost for elliptical trainer exercise was calculated to be approximately 0.1 mlxkg(-1) per stride and 0.7 mlxkg(-1) min-1 per resistance level, VO2 varied widely among individuals, possibly due to differences in experience using the elliptical trainer gender, and body composition. The elliptical trainer offers (a) a variety of intensities appropriate for most individuals and (b) both arm and leg exercise. Due to the wide variability in VO2, predicting the metabolic cost during elliptical trainer exercise for an individual is not appropriate.  相似文献   


Two studies examined the effects of the experimenter on heart rate (HR), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and time to voluntary exhaustion on a graded treadmill test in college students. The first study determined the effects of the gender and race of the tester on black and white subjects of both sexes. Four testers (black female—BFT, white female—WFT, black male—BMT, and white male—WMT) tested 5 subjects of each gender and race. Differences based on gender and race were determined by a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 ANOVA. The second study dealt with the tester/subject relationship. One tester tested 20 subjects. Ten were his friends (5 males, 5 females) and 10 (5 males, 5 females) did not know him. Differences were determined by 2 × 2 ANOVA. In both studies, the female subjects had poorer performance than the males. HR during moderate and heavy exercise was not affected by the race and gender of the tester or the tester/subject relationship. For time to exhaustion, white female subjects (WFS) exercised longer when being tested by a female but black female subjects (BFS) had a longer total time with male testers. Significant interactions occurred for HR at rest and at various times during light work for both studies. There were also significant interactions for RPE at various stages of light, moderate and heavy exercise for both studies. For subjects unaccustomed to exercise testing, it appears that the effects of the race and gender of the tester and the tester/subject relationship predominate at rest and during light work. Fewer effects are observed during moderate and heavy work. Many of the results in these studies are consistent with societal roles and expectations for males and females, blacks and whites. A consistent testing environment can minimize the influence of extrinsic testing variables.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine exercise intensity and metabolic response during singles tennis play. Techniques for assessment of exercise intensity were studied on-court and in the laboratory. The on-court study required eight State-level tennis players to complete a competitive singles tennis match. During the laboratory study, a separate group of seven male subjects performed an intermittent and a continuous treadmill run. During tennis play, heart rate (HR) and relative exercise intensity (72 ± 1.9% V O 2m ax ; estimated from measurement of heart rate) remained constant (83.4 ± 0.9% HR m ax ; mean s x ) after the second change of end. The peak value for estimated play intensity (1.25 ± 0.11 steps . s -1 ; from video analysis) occurred after the fourth change of end (P < 0.005). Plasma lactate concentration, measured at rest and at the change of ends, increased 175% from 2.13 ± 0.32 mmol . l -1 at rest to a peak 5.86 ± 1.33 mmol . l -1 after the sixth change of end (P < 0.001). A linear regression model, which included significant terms for %HR m ax (P < 0.001) and subject (P < 0.001), as well as a %HR max subject interaction (P < 0.05), accounted for 82% of the variation in plasma lactate concentration. During intermittent laboratory treadmill running, % V O 2peak estimated from heart rate was 17% higher than the value derived from the measured V O 2 (79.7 ± 2.2% and 69.0 ± 2.5% V O 2peak respectively; P < 0.001). The % V O 2peak was estimated with reasonable accuracy during continuous treadmill running (5% error). We conclude that changes in exercise intensity based on measurements of heart rate and a time-motion analysis of court movement patterns explain the variation in lactate concentration observed during singles tennis, and that measuring heart rate during play, in association with preliminary fitness tests to estimate V O 2 , will overestimate the aerobic response. (P < 0.001), estimated play intensity  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate whether treadmill versus overground soccer match simulations have similar effects on knee joint mechanics during side cutting. Nineteen male recreational soccer players completed a 45-min treadmill and overground match simulation. Heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded every 5 min. Prior to exercise (time 0 min), at “half-time” (time 45 min) and 15 min post-exercise (time 60 min), participants performed five trials of 45° side-cutting manoeuvres. Knee abduction moments and knee extension angles were analysed using two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (α = 0.05). Physiological responses were significantly greater during the overground (HR 160 ± 7 beats ? min?1; RPE 15 ± 2) than the treadmill simulation (HR 142 ± 5 beats ? min?1; RPE 12 ± 2). Knee extension angles significantly increased over time and were more extended at time 60 min compared with time 0 min and time 45 min. No significant differences in knee abduction moments were observed. Although knee abduction moments were not altered over time during both simulations, passive rest during half-time induced changes in knee angles that may have implications for anterior cruciate ligament injury risk.  相似文献   

肥胖男青年对两种强度有氧运动的生理代谢反应比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:分析两种强度有氧运动过程中机体能源物质动员的特点,为制定减肥运动处方提供理论依据。方法:8名无系统运动训练史的非继发性肥胖男青年进行40%和65%V。O2max强度有氧运动,监测运动过程中受试者HR、血压及RPE等生理指标和血清GLU、TG、FFA及GH等生化指标的变化。结果:40%V。O2max有氧运动过程中HR、收缩压、RPE及血清GLU水平显著低于(舒张压显著高于)65%V。O2max有氧运动;血清GH水平有降低趋势;血清TG、FFA水平显著高于65%V。O2max有氧运动。40%V。O2max有氧运动过程中,脂肪动员程度较大,随着运动强度的增加,机体糖代谢加强,脂代谢减弱。结论:肥胖者宜采用40%V。O2max有氧运动进行减肥健身锻炼,不仅能更大程度地动员脂肪供能,而且相对不易疲劳,主观体力感觉也易于接受。  相似文献   

Exercise intensity and metabolic response in singles tennis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The aim of this study was to determine exercise intensity and metabolic response during singles tennis play. Techniques for assessment of exercise intensity were studied on-court and in the laboratory. The on-court study required eight State-level tennis players to complete a competitive singles tennis match. During the laboratory study, a separate group of seven male subjects performed an intermittent and a continuous treadmill run. During tennis play, heart rate (HR) and relative exercise intensity (72 +/- 1.9% VO2max; estimated from measurement of heart rate) remained constant (83.4 +/- 0.9% HRmax; mean +/- s(x)) after the second change of end. The peak value for estimated play intensity (1.25 +/- 0.11 steps x s(-1); from video analysis) occurred after the fourth change of end (P< 0.005). Plasma lactate concentration, measured at rest and at the change of ends, increased 175% from 2.13 +/- 0.32 mmol x l(-1) at rest to a peak 5.86 +/- 1.33 mmol x l(-1) after the sixth change of end (P < 0.001). A linear regression model, which included significant terms for %HRmax (P< 0.001), estimated play intensity (P < 0.001) and subject (P < 0.00), as well as a %HRmax subject interaction (P < 0.05), accounted for 82% of the variation in plasma lactate concentration. During intermittent laboratory treadmill running, % VO2peak estimated from heart rate was 17% higher than the value derived from the measured VO2 (79.7 +/- 2.2% and 69.0 +/- 2.5% VO2peak respectively; P< 0.001). The %VO2peak was estimated with reasonable accuracy during continuous treadmill running (5% error). We conclude that changes in exercise intensity based on measurements of heart rate and a time-motion analysis of court movement patterns explain the variation in lactate concentration observed during singles tennis, and that measuring heart rate during play, in association with preliminary fitness tests to estimate VO2, will overestimate the aerobic response.  相似文献   

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