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Given that the subject department is recognised by subject specialist teachers as the central and immediate unit of organization in secondary schools it is surprising that so little attention has been paid by researchers to the leadership dynamics within science departments. The leadership dynamics within the science departments of two contrasting school contexts were explored dialectically in this study. The structure ∣ agency and individual∣collective dialectics guided our interpretation of data from lesson observations, interviews and questionnaire responses, especially as they related to teachers' preparation of units of work (i.e., planned curriculum). As well as recognising thin coherence in teachers' responses we identify contradictions in teachers' perceived and enacted leadership roles, and perceptions of influences on curriculum planning and teaming within the two science departments. Throughout the article we disrupt traditional individualistic leadership discourses and suggest possibilities for more widespread application of an individual | collective leadership dialectic in school science departments.  相似文献   

我国高职教师来源和师资培训课程明显存在缺陷,致使教师职业教学能力匮乏。为此,应结合国家示范性高职院校项目实践,制订职业院校教师职业教学能力标准,开发培训课程鉴定指南,探索教师职业教学能力培训课程开发途径,以此有效提高教师职业教学能力。  相似文献   

新课改背景下的中学英语教师现状调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对全国八省265名中学英语教师问卷调查和30名教师访谈的基础上,分析了中学英语教师的性别、年龄、教龄、培训经历、培训期望、对新课改的认识等情况。指出各级师资培训机构应在需求分析的基础上,结合教学实际,搞好学历教育和非学历培训工作;教师所在学校应适应新课程改革的要求,从资金、教研等方面制定有力措施,提高教师整体素质;教师自身应明确专业发展目标,制定近期、中期、远期计划并付诸实施。  相似文献   

This study described mathematics teachers’ views on the significance of reasonable answers and how they address this concept in their classrooms. Data were gathered from thirteen eighth-grade Kuwaiti mathematics teachers in two middle schools. All teachers in Kuwait use the national textbook and follow the accompanying instructional plans provided by the Ministry of Education. The results revealed that the overwhelming majority of Kuwaiti teachers reported that an answer needed to be exact to be reasonable. Only three teachers reported discussing reasonable answers and their discussions were in response to student mistakes. None of the teachers addressed the concept proactively, considering reasonableness when planning their lessons or preparing activities or exercises. They defended their lack of attention to this concept by noting that the notion of reasonableness is not included in the Kuwaiti national curriculum.  相似文献   

This article describes teachers' and Life Education Coordinators' perceptions of, and involvement in, the guidance and counselling activities in primary schools in Hong Kong. Respondents who completed a survey questionnaire comprised 367 class teachers and 66 Life Education Coordinators from 82 primary schools. The results indicated that guidance and counselling activities (including guidance curriculum, individual planning, responsive services, and system support) were being implemented in their schools to some reasonable extent. Some differences between teachers and Life Education Coordinators in terms of their involvement and perceptions are discussed. The survey identified a major weakness in the present guidance system in that many teachers who are involved in, and responsible for, implementing a guidance curriculum do not have any training in guidance work. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

校本课程的特色与学校更新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校更新是指学校在原有基础上朝着积极的方向变化,包括学生、教师和学校的发展。通过校本课程的开发,可以满足学生的需要,锻炼教师的专业能力,彰显学校的办学特色,达到促进学校更新的目的。有特色的校本课程是具有针对性、独特性、适切性的课程。校本课程特色形成的机制是:基于学校,联系社区;以教师为主体,实现多方力量的协商对话;将课程开发、实施、评价融入同一过程之中;完善校本课程开发的保障系统。以校本课程的开发实施促进学校更新的基本主张是:在共建课程文化的过程中推动学校的更新,以特色课程的实施为轴心彰显学校特色。  相似文献   

Elklit, A. & Friis, T. 1979. The Working Situation of Elementary School Teachers Explored through Diaries. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 23, 65‐77. In this pilot study the daily work flows of Danish elementary school teachers were examined through regularly made self‐registrations with diaries. Although rarely used, this method seems to be very reliable in giving exact information concerning work conditions and priorities. The workload of the teachers was found to be considerable, and the working situation was characterized by many adjustments to qualitatively new conditions. Regular teaching and planning alone were the most extensive activities, while activities central in the new curriculum ‐ social‐emotional development, counselling, planning with pupils ‐ had a modest position. The co‐operation with other resource persons connected with the schools was sporadic. A remarkable difference in total worktime between teachers from different schools suggests the importance of local organizational conditions.  相似文献   

随着学校课程多样化和个性化趋势的日益明显,中小学教师参与校本课程开发的研究也显得尤为重要。本研究采用问卷方式对深圳市中小学教师参与校本课程开发的行为意向及其影响因素进行了调查。调查结果显示,深圳市中小学教师参与校本课程开发的行为意向明显,其影响因素主要有利他性、利己性、校外支持、自身特性和校内支持。不同个人属性教师的行为意向有一定差异性。校本课程开发的进一步深化发展,需要为教师赋权增能,增加校长的课程领导力,强化行动研究。  相似文献   

为了适应新课程改革,自新课程实施以来,各级教育主管部门、学校都非常重视职后中小学教师的教育,一直在投入大量的人力、物力进行教师的教育培训,但效果不尽如人意,本文对原因进行了分析,并探讨了目前对职后教师继续教育的有效模式。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查等方法,对泉州市55所中学新任体育教师进行调查分析.结果表明:男、女教师比例失调;新任教师学历达标率接近国家规定要求;学缘结构呈多元化发展趋势;新任教师教学、科研水平有待提高;新任教师中存在着专业思想不稳定因素;岗前和职后培训工作需加强.对策:建立终身学习的专业意识,提高新任教师的教育教学能力和科研水平;进一步优化教师的学缘结构;加强新任教师师德教育;探索实现职前培养、岗前和职后培训的一体化机制.yh  相似文献   

中小学教师心理健康状况的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用自编《教师心理健康问卷》对重庆、四川、贵州等地的896名中小学教师进行了调查。结果表明:中小学教师存在一定的心理健康问题,其中,躯体症状最严重,接下来依次是职业倦怠、挫折应对问题、人格障碍、人生态度问题、社会适应问题;中学教师的心理健康水平显著低于小学教师的心理健康水平,中师或中专学历水平的教师心理健康水平显著低于大专或本科学历的教师。  相似文献   

特殊学校教师教学效能感特点及与职业枯竭的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用问卷法对三所特殊学校184名教师的研究表明:三所特殊学校教师教学效能感各不相同;特殊学校教师教学效能感在性别、学历、教龄、每周授课数量、任教科目方面存在显著差异;特殊学校教师教学效能感能够显著预测职业枯竭。  相似文献   

Curriculum contextualisation and the role of teachers as curriculum makers are important for student learning. Building on this idea, this study was developed to understand if teachers from well-ranked schools are motivated to contextualise the curriculum and are using this strategy in their daily classroom routines. Data were gathered through focus group interviews with teachers from three Portuguese secondary schools that were well placed in the national exam ranking. The data analysis showed that teachers are motivated to contextualise the national curriculum in their daily teaching and learning practices to promote their students’ academic success and full development. However, teachers also identified constraints related to the existence of a mandatory national curriculum to be fulfilled, which is necessary for the national exams, and the length of the subject programmes. Despite the constraints, teachers recognised the positive outcomes of curricular contextualisation, mostly regarding the promotion of students’ motivation to learn.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、访谈法和文献法,从态度意愿、理念和知识能力三个层次,对新课程背景下浙江省小学教师角色适应性情况进行了调查研究,针对调查中存在的问题提出建立课程资源开发的一般程序,制定完善的评价制度;大力推进教育硕士的培养工作,提高教师科研能力;做好教材的二次开发工作等建议。  相似文献   

目前,我国初中综合科学课程的发展面临着一些问题,教师素质是其中之一。对长春市未实施综合科学课程的15所初中理科教师的问卷调查的数据显示:总体上来说,目前的分科教师还很不了解综合科学课程;对初中综合科学课程持否定态度;不具备符合综合科学课程要求的学科知识结构和技能。可以通过高师院校改革、调整教师培训策略、增进交流等方面来增强教师对综合科学课程教学的适应性。  相似文献   

关于高中选修课几个问题的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选修课的设置与实验是新一轮高中课程改革的一个亮点,它的设置有助于拓展学生的知识与技能,发展学生的兴趣和特长,培养学生的个性,促进教师的专业成长,促进学校特色的形成与办学模式的多样化。我国正在实验的高中选修课具有模块化、多样化、层次化、弹性化、学分制等特点。选修课的实施要正确处理教材、教师与教学问题。选修课的评价包括课程方案、材料、教师教学和学生学习的评价。当前,要特别加强选修课管理制度的建设与创新。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to see if systematic contrasts in educational culture and curricular emphases might affect the underlying structure of teachers' attributions for children's behaviour. Thus, responses to a questionnaire developed from earlier work by Miller and colleagues (2000, 2002) were gathered from primary and secondary school teachers in England and the Republic of Ireland. Exploratory factor analyses revealed that teachers participating in the study appear to have attributed pupils' misbehaviour at least as much to teachers' and adult behaviours as much as to any distinctive parental or home factors. The structure of primary and secondary teachers' attributions appears to have differed, with primary teachers distinguishing between their own and parental influences on children's behaviour. However, contrary to expectation the demands of the curriculum did not seem to have figured highly in these teachers' perception of causes of misbehaviour. Finally, some speculations on possible differences in relative weighting between English and Irish teachers' views are offered. Teachers in the Republic of Ireland appear to have attached greater importance to children's personalities and pressures on children. Further, teachers in primary schools in England seem to have rated their classroom management strategies and other more general adult behaviours as more important associates of behaviour than did their counterparts in the Republic of Ireland. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to cultural and curricular differences and teachers' constructions of behaviour and special educational needs.  相似文献   

农村初中美术教育存在的主要问题是:学校片面追求升学率,轻视美术教育;美术教学设备单一,教学模式、方法陈旧;教师学历、专业知识偏低,课改意识淡薄。为解决这些问题,主管部门领导要重视美术教育,在农村初中美术教育中强化审美教育,美化育人环境,促进审美教育;教师应挖掘乡村素材,提高自身的专业和文化素养,分析新课标,探索新方法,优化美术教学结构。  相似文献   

规划学校课程是在三级课程管理体制下学校获得的课程权力,它体现了传统教育观念的转变和新课程改革在学校一级的延续和深入。学校在进行课程规划中需要以课程政策、课程理论、变革理论、学校现状和学校愿景为基础,对学校的课程愿景、组织团队以及课程的诸多方案做出规划。规划学校课程可以采取内生模式、外引模式和分化模式等策略进行。学校课程的实施与学校课程规划同样重要,是学校课程理想与学校现状不断磨合的过程。它需要对学校现状进行分析,明确制约课程实施的关键因素,为提升这些因素做出努力,并在课程实施过程中渗透研究、评价与调整等行为,以进一步拓展学校课程。  相似文献   

本研究在对100名中小学教师进行预调查的基础上,编制成提高教师教学水平途径的内隐观调查问卷,对重庆市的285名教师进行了调查。结果显示:教师认为提高教师教学水平途径包括六个因素,即教育理念、科学的学生观、教与学的具体原则和方法、教学环境和具体的操作技能、师生互动和评价改革以及继续教育的培训等;教师认为最重要的十条途径是:培养学生正确的学习方法、引导学生将知识转化为能力、提高教师提问的技巧和水平、培养学生的学习兴趣及积极性、维持良好的师生关系、促进学生心理及人格健全发展、课堂教学中增加师生的互动、重视学生自主探究和合作学习、尊重每一个学生、因材施教;年龄、性别和学历的主效应及其交互作用效应,在提高教学水平途径的各个维度上均不存在显著影响。  相似文献   

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