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G861.102 20035302根据少儿心理特点进行水感训练的实验研究[刊,中,I]/于红(辽宁师范大学)//游泳季刊.-2003(3)-3-5表5(TY)游泳//初学者//少年//教学法//训练特征//水感对初学游泳的少儿进行水感的训练过程中与心理特点相结合的实验研究。采取了“游戏与训练”相结合的方法,在短期内做了训练实验,取得了可喜的成果。  相似文献   

试析初学者游泳水感培养方法及其作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过多年游泳教学训练实践,运用运动心理学和运动训练学原理,对学生水感培养,提高对水的认识,激发他们学习游泳的兴趣,消除心理障碍等方面进行研究和探讨,这对加快初学者教学进程,取得较好的教学训练效果有一定作用。  相似文献   

一、蛙泳教学训练在整个游泳教学训练顺序中的位置先教蛙泳的优点足动作结构方法比较简单,打腿、臂划水动作的节奏不是太强,配合起来比较容易,容易使初学者体会到浮力,减小心理恐惧,而且蛙泳是仰泳和蝶泳的基础,弱点是蛙泳的呼吸动作较难掌握,初学者很难一时游得时间长、距离远。一旦掌握基本动作,初学者就能迅速长游,很快掌握踩水,弱点是技术结构复杂、动作方向较多,腿的动作不易掌握,动作的不准确、配合不协调将使初学者下肢下沉。二、蛙泳教学训练的顺序一般对蛙泳的教学顺序是腿  相似文献   

庄雄 《新体育》2024,(2):7-9
水感是运动员先天具备的一种对水体的感知能力,这种感觉因人而异。当游泳运动员处于水中时,其身体表面的皮肤感受器会灵敏的接收到水的温度和水阻力所产生的信号,运动员此时便可迅速调整游泳的姿势和速度。良好的水感有助于提高运动员日常游泳动作的规范化程度,同时还能让运动员调整训练和比赛期间的心态,对自身的游泳速度和划水强度有明确的感知,这有助于快速提高运动员的比赛和训练成绩。目前水感训练中常用的方法有划水训练、心理模拟方法训练、身体协调性训练等。教练员要尽可能丰富水感训练的内容和方法,同时还要选择合适的训练时机,制定科学的评价机制,建立完善的精英选拔机制,这样才能有效提高水感训练的整体质量,以此来促进游泳运动员成绩的提升。  相似文献   

游泳作为一项适合各个年龄段人群参与的运动,人们对游泳的重视程度也逐渐提高,特别是针对小学生群体的安全问题。本研究尝试运用问卷调查法、教学实践法、专家访谈法等方法进行研究,结果表明小学生蛙泳初学者常见的错误动作主要是蛙泳划手、蛙泳蹬腿不规范、蛙泳呼吸及完整配合不协调等问题,研究结果对济南市小学生蛙泳初学者避免错误动作有重大意义。  相似文献   

“水感”是游泳运动员必须具备的、特有的综合感觉的专门素质。通过对大庆市少儿游泳运动员表象训练实验探讨,指出表象训练对少儿阶段游泳技术个性化,定效性起积极作用;表象训练是水感提高的高速途径,突出了感官作用。  相似文献   

蛙泳的呼吸是以嘴巴为主,鼻子为辅。对于初学者,基本要求鼻子不参与呼吸。 正确的呼吸方法是初学者提高呼吸能力、掌握蛙泳基本技术、提高游泳技能的关键。而初学者在学习和练习初期容易出现"呼吸困难"的问题,这对初学者的学习热情和信心是一种极大的挑战。笔者结合多年训练经验,对"呼吸困难"现象进行细致分析,并介绍一些有效解决这一问题的纠正与练习方法,与广大教练员商榷。  相似文献   

根据游泳项目的特点,利用“平行连贯教学法”同时进行蛙泳和爬泳教学,改变对初学者进行单一蛙泳技术教学的方法。实验结果表明,“平行连贯教学法”符合初学者的心理、生理特点和游泳教学特点,初学者能在相同课时内学会蛙泳和爬泳两种技术,较“常规单一教学法”优越。  相似文献   

林青 《精武》2012,(20):22-22,24
本文采用文献分析法,将相关文献与资料加以整理、分析与归纳,探讨水感对于游泳运动与训练之重要性。结果发现:泳池的水温、游泳速度、运动员的身体状况以及情绪等因素,都会对运动员的水感、身体姿态及划水的动作技术有所影响。因此,帮助选手训练重要的水感,熟悉水的流动是一重要关键。因为有水感的选手了解如何用手掌抓水与推水,并让身体以最小的阻力,在水中向前滑进。所以,将此练习法落实于平日游泳训练与教学中,使水感提高,促使技术得到充分发挥,则为游泳成绩发展的重要基石。  相似文献   

王嘉辉 《精武》2012,(18):27-27,29
本文通过对游泳初学者,在学习蛙泳的过程中,学生对游泳知识的缺乏了解,加上各人身体素质存在的差异等问题,造成的在学习蛙泳的时候,腿部动作出现的问题进行分析,并对这些问题提出一些建议及纠正方珐,希望在游泳教学中能起到借鉴作用。对教学质量提高有所帮助。  相似文献   

通过对少儿蛙泳培训班学生进行对比实验,结果显示,运用强化呼吸的教学方法优于传统教法.能够激发少儿学习游泳的兴趣,有利于蛙泳完整技术教学效果的提高。  相似文献   

蛙泳“主干”教学模式是多年教学实践经验的总结和系统研究的教学训练成果。该模式是通过对蛙泳技术动作基本结构的分析和解剖,从蛙泳的主干技能动作入手,创新地提出了按照熟悉水性能—水中滑行—徒手蹬腿滑行—扶浮板蹬腿滑行—扶浮板蹬腿呼吸滑行—徒手游进的教学训练程序进行。本研究通过理论分析、实验论证、专家评定等方法,对传统的蛙泳教学存在的弊端进行了剖析;分析了新模式产生的缘由;清晰地提出了蛙泳教学的措施;重点阐释了关键创新技术和教法;诠释了蛙泳“主干”教学模式特点和作用。本研究提出了“扶浮板蹬腿呼吸滑行”和“蛙泳腿部动作脚跟轨迹图”等一系列原创性概念,对快速教会学生学会蛙泳有指导作用。  相似文献   

采用"视频辅助教学"、调查、统计分析等方法,对某学院2个班次的学生设计蛙泳教学实验,比较"视频辅助教学"方法和传统体育教学方法的教学效果。结果显示,"视频辅助教学"方法具有极高的实用性和推广性,学生在蛙泳动作的规范程度、游泳速度、喜爱游泳运动程度以及对"视频辅助教学"方法的满意程度等方面均优于传统的体育教学方法。  相似文献   

针对目前普通高校游泳课因主、客观原因开设情况下降和教学质量不佳等状况,提出季节性开设游泳选项课的设想,并经过教学实验研究结果表明,此项教学改革有利于学生尽快学会和掌握蛙泳的基本技术和基本技能,可以有效地缩短学会蛙泳的时间,提高教学效率和质量  相似文献   

流水线教学模式在现在的蛙泳教学中运用比较广泛,我们可以把蛙泳教学分为四个环节:熟悉水性、蛙泳腿技术、蛙泳臂及呼吸配合技术、蛙泳完整配合技术。在分层后进行教学,能够集中同一差异的学生,从而更好的开展教学。本文采用文献资料法、访谈法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,经过自己的实践经历对流水线教学模式在蛙泳教学中的运用进行论述,提出一些建议。  相似文献   


The present study was undertaken to reveal the relationships among velocity (V), stroke rate (S), and distance per stroke (d/s) in the breaststroke, and to determine whether the swim velocity of the breaststroke is increased by an increased stroke rate induced by breaststroke training. A total of 168 ordinary high school students were engaged for the present study. In order to measure the swimming time and strokes during breaststroke at maximum effort for the 50m distance, a videotape recorder (VTR) with video timer system was employed, and the recordings were used in analyses. The S and d/s were calculated for each subject. It was found in this study that V is significantly related to d/s before and after training, but has no relation to S. From these results, it is suggested that improvement of velocity during breaststroke depends upon an increase of d/s, rather than S. This is considered to be an index of efficiency or technique in the breaststroke.  相似文献   

游泳竞赛规则的变革与蛙泳技术的发展创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对蛙泳技术发展和游泳竞赛规则变化的历史回顾和分析,揭示了游泳竞赛规则的变革对蛙泳技术的发展创新具有深远意义。可以说游泳竞赛规则的每一次重大变革都是和蛙泳技术发展创新紧密联系的。  相似文献   

Generally, swimmers pace themselves using their own judgement and the poolside clock during swimming training, fitness testing protocols or scientific investigation. The Aquapacer is a new pacing device that can be used to pace the swimming speed or stroke rate of the swimmer. The aims of this study were to determine if breaststroke swimmers could pace accurately during submaximal swimming using a poolside clock (Study 1) and the Aquapacer (Study 2), at swimming speeds at, just above and just below maximal 200 m time-trial speeds (using the Aquapacer, Study 3) and under three different race pacing conditions (using the Aquapacer, Study 4). Between 8 and 15 male national or club standard 200 m breaststroke swimmers participated in each of the studies. The swimmers in Study 2, despite being less well trained than the swimmers in Study 1 and part of a more heterogeneous group in terms of swimming performance, repeatedly demonstrated less random error in pacing, suggesting that the Aquapacer may be preferable to the poolside clock when swimmers are being required to pace accurately. The Aquapacer also enabled swimmers to pace accurately at race-specific swimming speeds (until fatigue precluded them from holding pace) (Study 3), and through a change in pace at race-specific speeds (Study 4), which suggests that it may be of use in entraining racing strategies.  相似文献   

The kinematic analysis of competition breaststroke swimming has tended to focus on the mean values of swimming speed, stroke rate and stroke length; values in individual lengths, as well as the start, turns and finish, have largely been ignored. This study includes all such variables and aims to improve the coach's holistic understanding of breaststroke racing by determining the relationships and differences between and within these selected kinematic variables. We also compare 100-m events with 200-m events to determine if there are characteristic differences between them. Competitive breaststroke swimming performances in 100-m events (males: n = 159, finishing time = 65.05 +/- 2.62 s; females: n = 158, finishing time = 74.04 +/- 3.66 s) and 200-m events (males: n = 159, finishing time = 141.47 +/- 6.15 s; females: n = 158, finishing time = 158.66 +/- 7.87 s) were collected and analysed from 12 world, international and national championships. The better 100-m and 200-m breaststroke swimmers were found to demonstrate greater competency in the kinematic variables measured, except stroke kinematics, which were unique to each individual. These findings suggest that coaches should place emphasis on all of the kinematic components in training and that they should attempt to identify the stroke rate to stroke length ratio most appropriate for the individual. Finally, characteristic differences do exist between the 100-m and 200-m events, which has implications for how swimmers might train for each event.  相似文献   

The kinematic analysis of competition breaststroke swimming has tended to focus on the mean values of swimming speed, stroke rate and stroke length; values in individual lengths, as well as the start, turns and finish, have largely been ignored. This study includes all such variables and aims to improve the coach's holistic understanding of breaststroke racing by determining the relationships and diff erences between and within these selected kinematic variables. We also compare 100-m events with 200-m events to determine if there are characteristic diff erences between them. Competitive breaststroke swimming performances in 100-m events (males: n = 159, finishing time = 65.05 - 2.62 s; females: n = 158, finishing time = 74.04 - 3.66 s) and 200-m events (males: n = 159, finishing time = 141.47 - 6.15 s; females: n = 158, finishing time = 158.66 - 7.87 s) were collected and analysed from 12 world, international and national championships. The better 100-m and 200-m breaststroke swimmers were found to demonstrate greater competency in the kinematic variables measured, except stroke kinematics, which were unique to each individual. These findings suggest that coaches should place emphasis on all of the kinematic components in training and that they should attempt to identify the stroke rate to stroke length ratio most appropriate for the individual. Finally, characteristic diff erences do exist between the 100-m and 200-m events, which has implications for how swimmers might train for each event.  相似文献   

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