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本文运用文献资料,调查访问和数理统计等研究方法,并依据社会心理学、体育心理学和教育心理等对当代中学生的体育学习心态进行了调查和研究。研究结果表明,中学生体育学习心态有:积极参与,主动参与、被动参与、消极逆反四种心态。对主动积极参与体育学习心态和不良体育学习心态进行了分析和阐述,并提出了相应的对策。目的在于为学校的体育教育工作提供心理学信息和一定的参考依据,对实施全民键身计划起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、调查访问和数理统计等研究方法,并依据社会心理学、体育心理学和教育心理等对当代大学生的体育学习心态进行了调查和研究。研究结果表明,大学生体育学习心态有:积极参与、主动参与、被动参与、消极逆反。对主动积极参与体育学习心态和不良体育学习心态进行了分析和阐述,并提出了相应的对策。目的在于为学校的体育教育工作提供心理学信息和一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

当代大学生体育学习心态的调查与研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
运用文献资料、调查访问和数理统计等研究方法,并依据社会心理学、体育心理学和教育心理学等有关原理对当代大学生的体育学习心态进行了调查和研究.研究结果表明,大学生体育学习心态有:积极参与、主动参与、被动参与、消极逆反.对主动积极参与体育学习心态和不良体育学习心态进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

肖祖友 《精武》2012,(13):31-32
中学体育课程改革已经进行多年,但目前中学体育课的状况仍不乐观,同时中学生目前的体质情况也不容乐观。原因是:大多数学校未能把真正的体育课程改革落到实处,教师上课形式依旧,大同小异。局限于上课人数多,兴趣各不相同,场地和器械又非常有限,大多数学生在上体育课时只能在被动中或消极中完成老师布置的任务,而远远达不到自主锻炼或快乐体育的目的。都说兴趣是最好的老师,我认为只有让学生按照自己的喜好选项上课,才会很自然的使每个学生在每节体育课中都主动参与,并在参与中享受到体育活动的乐趣,实现真正的快乐体育,可见中学体育选项上课势在必行。  相似文献   

体育与健康课程五个领域强调什么?   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
体育与健康课程标准(以下简称《标准》)根据三维健康观、体育的特点以及国际体育课程发展的趋势,确立了课程目标,拓宽了课程内容,划分了五个学习领域,并根据领域目标构建了课程的内容框架体系。从理论上讲,五个领域涵盖的内容应该很多,但从学生的身心发展特点考虑,每个领域分别精选了一些对学生的学习和发展具有重要影响的目标和内容。一、运动参与1.具有积极参与体育活动的态度和行为《标准》强调学生要对体育课表现出学习兴趣(水平一),乐于展示简单的运动动作(水平二),主动参与体育活动(水平三),初步养成坚持体育活动…  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、实地考察法、访谈法、逻辑分析法,针对当前中小学阳光体育大课间活动开展过程中出现的普遍问题,以学生在对待体育活动上表现得被动参与和积极主动参与两种态度的产生原因为突破口,辨析由该两种态度对同一项活动所分别产生的被动体育与主动体育的动态关系及其影响因素,并探讨如何将被动体育转化为主动体育,从而确定阳光体育大课间活动形式和活动内容的设计原则:结合校本实情,努力做到天时、地利、人和的和谐统一.  相似文献   

社会体育发展与社会动员   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会体育作为一项全民运动,其开展及持续发展需要全体社会成员的广泛参与,发动全社会成员广泛地参与体育活动,需要进行社会动员。通过社会动员可以调动广大社会成员的健身积极性,激发人们的体育参与意识及体育行为投入,使社会体育得以持续健康发展。经济的发展、社会领域的改革,加深了社会体育发展的力度。体育的社会动员又分为人为的社会动员和自发的社会动员;从参与动力的角度,人们的体育参与又可分为动员参与和自动参与。  相似文献   

论国际体育法的参与原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育参与原则的内涵和外延已经得到不断的充实和发展,它已经发展成为一项基本人权,并得到诸多国际体育法文件的确认。体育参与原则已经不只限于体育活动的普遍参与,它已经扩展到政府、体育支持者、商人和其他利益相关者的积极参与,体育信息共享也已经成为参与原则的重要内容。我国在贯彻体育参与原则方面取得了长足进步,但也存在一些问题,需要在经济和社会发展中逐步改进。  相似文献   

周进国 《体育学刊》2007,14(1):138-140
在当代中国,社会结构的变迁和社会分层客观存在。各阶层在体育人口的数量、参与体育活动的内容以及参与体育活动的场所等方面都存在着显著性的差异,称之为“体育分层”。对社会分层与参与体育关系的思考,不仅有助于挖掘不平等体育分层现象的根源、缩小各阶层在参与体育活动方面的差距,而且有利于体育人口的增长、体育大众化的推进以及体育产业的发展。  相似文献   

在体育教学中诱导学生主动参与的方法   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
运动参与是学生主动参与体育活动的态度和行为表现,是学生增强体能、发展运动技能、改善健康状况、形成良好生活方式的重要途径.因此,参与是运动的前提,而积极诱导学生参与体育活动的关键是激发学生的运动兴趣.因此,体育课是不断激发学生运动兴趣,诱导和培养学生主动参与的体育锻炼过程和增进健康的过程.……  相似文献   

Background: Developmental theorists suggest that physical activity during early childhood promotes fundamental motor skill (FMS) proficiency; and that differences in FMS proficiency are largely related to children's experiences.

Aim: To examine associations between participation in different types of recreation/leisure and FMS proficiency of boys and girls in their first year of school. We hypothesized that there would be positive associations between FMS proficiency and participation in organized sport, physical activities, and active physical recreation; but not for other types of recreation/leisure.

Method: Participants (n?=?74) were kindergarten children (Mage?=?5y11?m; boys?=?55%). Parents completed the diversity dimension of the Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE) survey. The CAPE measures children's participation in everyday activities outside of mandated school activities in the past four months in five types of formal and informal activities, specifically: Recreational activities, Physical activities, Social activities, Skill-Based activities, and Self-Improvement activities. Two categories of activities were also reported: Organized Sport and Active Physical Recreation. Locomotor and object control skills were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 and static balance was assessed using a stork stand. Sex-based differences in motor skills and participation were examined using chi-squared analyses. Correlation coefficients were used to examine relationships between motor skills and CAPE sub-domains and categories. Linear regression was used to examine whether the type of activity predicted motor skill proficiency and the reverse.

Results: There were no sex-based differences in locomotor skills; whereas boys' object control skill scores were significantly higher than girls, and girls' stork stand scores were higher than boys'. Although there were no sex-based differences in the more active categories of recreational pastimes; girls participated in significantly more formal and informal dance and the prevalence of participation in team sports was significantly higher for boys. For boys, participation in physical activities predicted both locomotor and object control skill scores, organized sport predicted object control skills, and active recreation predicted stork stand times and object control skill scores. These relationships were not evident among the girls.

Conclusions: These findings illustrate that young children participate in a narrower array of physically active recreational pursuits compared with less active pursuits. There were notable sex-based differences in the relationships between participation and motor skill proficiency. For girls, none of the associations between recreational pastimes and motor skill proficiency were significant. This suggests that the motor proficiency of girls, as assessed in this study, is neither a precursor to, nor an outcome of, participation in active recreational pastimes. Contrastingly, the findings for boys support theory that suggests that physical activity is driving the acquisition of particular types of motor skills. Less active recreational activities were not associated with motor skill levels of boys, whereas each of the more active categories of recreational pastimes (active recreation, physical activities, and organized sport) predicted at least one sub-type of motor skill. It also seems clear from our findings that more light needs to be shed on how to optimally portray young girls' motor skill proficiency; as well as the relationships between their participation and motor skills.  相似文献   

身体自我概念与运动参与的相关研究   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
邱服冰 《湖北体育科技》2001,20(2):41-42,44
对身体概念的本质及相关研究、身体自我概念与运动参与、Sonstroem与Fox参与身体活动的心理模式问题进行了综述。  相似文献   

郑猛  张雯 《福建体育科技》2010,29(4):32-34,43
自我控制的反语效应是指处于高心理压力下的个体,努力想控制自己的心理状态,由于消极暗示(他人给予的或自我给予的)的原因,往往得到与期望相反结果的现象。本文的目的是考察关于运动技术表现失败的自我控制的反语效应。研究中,方便抽样抽取63名被试,随机分配到低压力和高压力情景中的积极暗示组、消极暗示组和控制组。结果发现,高压力下,消极暗示组更容易使被试产生自我控制的反语效应。研究结果提示:较大的比赛压力下,教练员不应对运动员消极暗示,而应是积极暗示,这样可能会有效地避免反语效应的发生。  相似文献   

背景:本次研究主要通过主动运动和被动旋转训练对晕车易感人群进行干预,观察这些不同刺激形式对前庭机能稳定性的影响。方法:选取24名晕车易感的在校大学生为志愿者,随机分为3组,分别为主动运动组、被动运动组和对照组,每组各8名志愿者。分别测试所有志愿者的旋转后直线行走评分、前庭功能评分,以及闭目单足时间等,之后的8周对主动运动组进行改良健美操运动干预,对于被动运动组进行被动旋转运动,而对照组不进行任何干预,于8周后重新测试上述指标。结果:1、主动运动组和被动运动组在转椅后直线行走评分都有所改善,分别从实验前的2.57和2.34提升到实验后的3.86和3.38,差异有统计学意义。主动运动组和被动运动组提升的差值没有统计学意义。2、主动运动组的前庭机能评分在实验后有明显改善,从实验前的2.64提升到试验后的4.37,差异有统计学意义,而其余两组没有统计学差异。3、主动运动组和被动运动组的单足闭目站立在实验后有明显改善,分别从实验前的55.14s和52.06s提升到试验后的77.97s和62.26s,主动运动有统计学意义,而被动运动组没有统计学差异。结论:1、经过8周的主动运动和被动运动训练干预,可以改善大学生的前庭稳定功能,可以利用主动运动来部分代替被动训练对不良刺激环境产生适应;2采用多样化的运动更有助于提高前庭机能的稳定性,减少如晕车等运动病的发病几率。  相似文献   

以英格兰824名初中生为调查对象,主要考察了在目标定向、行为调节、能力知觉和体育活动参与情况上的年龄和性别差异,并且采用动机变量预测校外体育活动参与情况.研究结果呈现出明显的性别差异,男生有较高的自我定向、自我决定动机和能力知觉.与此一致的结果是男生比女生更喜爱体育活动.对男生来说,自我定向、自我决定动机和能力知觉是参加体育活动的正相关预测指标,而任务定向和无动机与体育活动参与没有关系.对女生来说,任务定向和能力知觉能够积极预测体育活动参与情况,而自我定向和无动机与体育活动的参与有负相关关系.  相似文献   

Three issues are put forward with respect to the active participation of young people in leisure-time sports styles. It is considered (a) whether sports participation styles can be detected over the last three decades, (b) whether they have changed in this period of time, and (c) whether traditional parameters understood as structuring and positioning young people's lifestyles are still relevant with respect to their sports participation preferences. Youth sports participation data were retrieved from four large-scale surveys in 1969, 1979, 1989 and 1999 (Ntotal=22,424 high school boys and girls). These data allow for a time trend analysis of youth sports participation styles. Results from component and regression analyses indicate that different participation styles can be distinguished for each period of time and that these styles have been developing and differentiating through a growing responsiveness to wider social trends. Structural and positioning variables such as age, sex and education remain significant determinants for young people's active participation in leisure-time sports styles over the observed period of time. Although these social structures continue to shape youth sports participation styles, it is suggested that there is more variety within social groups than among social groups partially due to processes of individualisation and homogenisation.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate whether Danish children from immigrant backgrounds are less physically active than children from the ethnic majority, and to investigate the possible reasons for any differences found. Accelerometer measures of physical activity as well as questionnaire data about organised sports, family demography, resources and values were collected from 594 children of whom 67 had other ethnic background than Danish. Data were collected when the children were 6–7 years old and again later when the children were 9–10 years old. It was found that children from immigrant backgrounds were not less physically active than other children when their amounts of daily physical activity were measured by direct objective measures, despite their participation rate in organised sports being much lower. Using multiple logistic regression modelling, this study showed that lack of parental experience with organised sports and lack of economic/material resources explained much of the difference in sports participation. Children of immigrant background had significant lower participation in club sports but this did not affect their overall physical activity level.  相似文献   

大学生参加体育锻炼让身体更加健康,有充沛的精力投入到学习中去。然而近年来大学生的体育参与情况并不乐观,本文应用文献资料法,专家访谈法,问卷调查法、数理统计法对广东省高校大学生课外体育参与情况进行调查分析研究,结果表明:广东省高校大学生体育参与情况并不乐观,在运动项目方面,男生侧重与激烈性运动,女生喜欢舒缓优美类项目;影响广东高校大学生体育参与情况的因子主要有周围环境因子、自我发展因子、场地环境因子三方面。  相似文献   


This article provides a unique opportunity to compare gender inequalities in sports participation across Europe, and the extent to which this varies by age using large, cross-sections of the population. The Eurobarometer Survey 62.0 (carried out in 2004 at the request of the European Commission and covering the adult population of 25 European member states, N = 23,909) was used to analyse differences in regular sports participation by gender and by age in the different countries. For the majority of countries, the occurrence of regular sporting activity was less than 40%. Additionally, binary logistic regression analyses identified significant gender differences in sports participation in 12 countries. In Belgium, France, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Spain, and the UK, men were more likely to report being regularly active in sports than women, whereas in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and the Netherlands the opposite was true. Moreover, the extent to which these gender inequalities differ by age varies considerably across countries. The results imply that: (i) in some European countries more efforts must be undertaken to promote the original goals of the Sport for All Charter, and (ii) to achieve more female participation in sports will require different policy responses in the diverse European member states.  相似文献   

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