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[目的/意义]构建稳健且有效的信息成瘾量表,准确测度个体信息成瘾程度,以期为不同程度成瘾群体合理缓释信息成瘾现象提供有益借鉴和参考。[方法/过程]基于文献调研和社会—生理—心理模型,结合半结构化访谈和专家咨询法开发信息成瘾初步量表,在105份前测问卷调研的基础上继续收集834份正式问卷,采用验证性因子分析、探索性因子分析进行量表结构的检验与修正,形成信息成瘾正式量表。[结果/结论 ]包含社会表现、行为模式、生理反应、心理状态4个一级指标和16个二级指标的信息成瘾正式量表具有较高的信效度,在形成正式量表的基础上进一步构建信息成瘾常模,通过聚类算法实现对无信息成瘾用户、潜在信息成瘾用户和重度信息成瘾用户的有效区分。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 量表的开发是将高校图书馆管理制度有效性研究由质化发展到量化的重要途径,也是检验高校图书馆管理制度有效性理论的有效步骤。[方法/过程] 根据量表设计的原则与一般步骤,通过对问项测试进行项目分析,经过筛选与优化最终设计出由4个维度16个问项组成的高校图书馆管理制度有效性测量量表,在此基础上对量表进行验证性因子分析,分别检验量表的构念效度检验、汇聚效度和区分效度,然后引入图书馆管理沟通效果和沟通环境作为效标变量,分别检验量表的增加效度和法则效度。[结果/结论] 研究表明量表的构念效度、汇聚效度、区分效度、增加效度和法则效度均通过检验。  相似文献   

任务-技术适配(TTF)是近年来国外学者在信息系统使用研究中经常采用的一个变量.在借鉴国外相关文献研究成果、专家访谈及预调查的基础上,形成最初的34个TTF测量题项.采用克隆巴赫α系数分析法对题项进行内部一致性检验,以保证量表具有较高的信度.在探测性因子分析和验证性因子分析过程中,采用主成分分析和结构方程建模方法,来检验量表的信度和结构效度,并进一步修正和完善量表.最终建立的量表包含信息资料符合性、检索功能等9个维度,共29个题项.对量表的检验结果表明,量表具有较好的信度和结构效度.量表将在网络学术信息系统评价、设计和诊断工作中发挥其应用价值,并为网络学术信息资源利用、信息检索等领域的经验研究奠定一定的基础.  相似文献   

文章运用计划行为理论和用户感知价值理论的基本原理与思想,采用随机抽样的方式,对1050名重庆读者开展调查研究,据此编制、修订量表并进行鉴别力分析、因素分析、相关分析和信度检验,最终形成正式的移动阅读行为预测量表,以期为研究移动阅读行为影响因素和发展趋势提供科学测量工具。正式量表具有良好的信度和效度,可为开展移动阅读服务的相关机构的战略决策提供理论参考和决策依据。  相似文献   

移动社交媒体环境下用户信息焦虑行为研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
袁静  李柯 《图书情报工作》2020,64(11):133-144
[目的/意义] 移动社交媒体在给用户带来极大便利和丰富体验的同时,其信息过载、重复、冗余等特点也使得用户倦怠、信息焦虑等负面情绪成为一个普遍现象。因此,对移动社交媒体环境下的用户信息焦虑行为进行探讨具有重要的实践意义和理论价值。[方法/过程] 对国内外相关研究文献进行梳理,从信息焦虑行为阐述、成因分析和研究对策等方面对移动社交媒体环境下的用户信息焦虑行为研究进展进行探讨。[结果/结论] 强迫使用、信息倦怠、抑郁情绪等都与信息焦虑行为相关,移动社交媒体下的用户信息焦虑行为表现为信息寻求焦虑、信息错失焦虑、信息安全焦虑、信息贮存焦虑。用户个体因素、信息资源因素、技术环境因素是其产生的主要原因。当前研究主要从构建信息焦虑行为量表(IAS)、开展实证研究、提出应对措施等方面进行,国内外在研究内容、研究对象和研究方法等方面存在不同之处。后续需要进一步开展实证研究、关注特殊群体的信息焦虑行为、为每一种类型的信息焦虑行为构建细化的量表、验证信息焦虑行为消解措施的有效性。  相似文献   

从用户需求的角度出发,考量科技信息资源的自身特点,在文献研究、要素分析和专家访谈的基础上设计评价量表。经量表预试与项目分析,根据统计数据与专家商议结果对量表进行修正,最后确定由4维度16要素构成的科技信息资源评价量表。实证数据与统计分析表明,该量表具备较好的信度和效度,有效适用于用户对科技信息的优化选择,能为提高科技信息的有效利用提供依据。  相似文献   

基于结构方程模型原理,设计调查问卷,并对其信度、效度、样本特征等维度进行分析检验,通过SmartPLS2.0软件对已构建的高校网站信息公开用户满意度测评模型进行拟合优度检验,进而得到修正后高校网站信息公开用户满意度测评模型。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]鉴于信息安全自我效能量表是用户信息安全能力自我评价的有效度量工具,而国内文献对此尚未有所报道,提出中文版量表并对其可行性进行论证.[方法/过程]以H. S. Rhee编制的信息安全自我效能量表为原型进行中文译注与修订,通过实际调查与统计分析,对中文版量表的区分度、信度、效度等指标进行评定.[结果/结论] 中文版量表具有良好的区分度和内部一致性,其Cronbach信度和Spearman-Brown折半信度值分别为0.870、0.857.量表单维模型的共同因子解释变异量为44.16%,经最大似然验证,结构效度拟合指标符合要求,提示单维模型合理.中文版量表作为一种有效的度量工具,可用于当前信息环境下国内普通用户信息安全自我效能的定量化描述.  相似文献   

在已有图书馆焦虑量表的基础上,通过大量文献综述、深度访谈、专家讨论、问卷调查和实证分析,严格按照科学化的量表制定流程,构建一个全新的符合当前图书馆环境的包括7个维度、40个条目的图书馆焦虑量表,经检验量表具有很好的信度和效度,为以后的图书馆焦虑的量化研究提供有利工具。在因素分析过程中,尝试一种全新的分层因素分析方法,对以后实证研究中的量表的制定具有参考意义。  相似文献   

陈默 《传媒》2021,(16):87-89
本文综合参考联合国教科文组织《全球媒介与信息素养评估框架》及国内专家学者对媒介素养的评价指标体系,重新构建创建维度的指标体系,进而设计、细化大学生在社交媒体中意见表达的测量量表,并对其进行信效度检验.结果表明,量表中的表达方式、道德素养、表达能力、动机态度等四个维度相关指标具有较好的信度和效度,可进一步用于大学生媒介素养创建维度的精准测量.最后将测量量表具象成调查问卷并对2876名在校大学生进行测量,根据测量结果进行回归分析,得出社交媒体环境下大学生媒介素养创建维度的现状及对策.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 结合近年来国内外信息素质相关文献以及对我国股票投资人的相关研究,设计股票投资人信息素质测评量表,通过调查分析了解我国股票投资人的信息素质现状和特点。[方法/过程] 从信息态度、信息需求、信息道德、信息获取、信息评价和信息利用等6个方面进行量表编制,利用项目鉴别度分析和探索性因素分析删除不合要求的项目设计出一份包含20个项目的量表。[结果/结论] 结果显示,量表具有良好的信度和效度,可作为评价、提高股票投资人信息素质的量化工具。  相似文献   

Most studies on library ethics are theoretical. No scale has been developed with a valid and reliable psychometric property to measure library staff and users' ethical perceptions or behaviors. This paper describes the development of a brief measure of the Library Ethics Scale (LES) conducted in two consecutive studies. In the first study, based on the literature review and opinions of expert groups, 47 items were developed for the item pool. These items were administered to 521 university library users in Turkey. An explanatory factor analysis indicated a strong two-factor solution. In the second study conducted on 259 participants, these two-factor structures showed good psychometric properties, with 18 items explaining the total variance of 59.074. The Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was 0.903, and the two sub-dimensions were found to be 0.91, and 0.888, respectively. The LES shows good validity and reliability properties and has potential application in library ethics settings, including library professionals' perceptions and users' perceptions and behaviors.  相似文献   

医学论文统计学报告水平评价量表的研制及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘清海  方积乾 《编辑学报》2008,20(3):278-279
作为实时、内部评价医学论文科学水平的一部分,在系列研究的基础上研制出含27个项目的医学论文统计学报告水平评价量表。经过信度和效度的外考核,该量表在不同人之间评价信度较好,对不同级别杂志的区分效度也好,可用于医学论文的评价。本量表适用于医学编辑对未发表论文科学水平的实时内部评价,也适用于同行或管理部门对已发表论文的评价,其适用对象是有对照的临床研究论文。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):245-268
Infante and Wigley's (1986) Verbal Aggressiveness Scale (VAS) is a widely accepted and frequently used measure of trait verbal aggression. Although the scale is almost always scored as if it were unidimensional, previous factor analytic studies provide evidence that it is multidimensional with two distinct factors. The present studies (N = 194 and 177) used confirmatory factor analysis to replicate the two‐factor solution. The two‐factor model was consistent with the data, and provides a better fit to the data than the unidimensional solution. The first factor, comprised of all aggressively worded, nonreflected items, appears to measure verbal aggressiveness as intended whereas the second factor, comprised of all reverse‐scored items (benevolently worded), appears to measure a communication style related to other‐esteem confirmation and supportiveness. Given this interpretation, it is recommended that only the 10 aggressively worded items be scored. Hamilton, Buck, and Chory‐Assad, in an adversarial collaborative discussion, agree that the VAS is bidimensional, but offer an alternative conceptual model. They hold that the two factors reflect selfish individualism and prosocial cooperation.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):256-279

Research in the United States has identified argumentativeness and verbal aggressiveness as, respectively, constructive and counterproductive forms of communication predispositions. The present study tests the conceptual equivalence of the two constructs and the measurement equivalence of the Argumentativeness Scale (Infante & Rancer, 1982) and the Verbal Aggressiveness Scale (Infante & Wigley, 1986) across cultures. College students from the United States (N = 755) and Japan (N = 716) responded to a questionnaire. The results indicated that: (a) the two—factor solution of the Argumentativeness Scale and the Verbal Aggressiveness Scale was a reasonable overall fit to both samples, with some culture‐specific unreliable items; (b) orthogonality of the two constructs held for both samples; (c) the factor structures (factor loading patterns and factor variance‐covariance structures) of the two scales were partially variant across the samples; and (d) the two scales had satisfactory construct validity for the Japanese sample. Implications for research on aggressive communication in connection with Hall's (1981) theory of cultural variation, cross‐cultural conflict management, and measurement in cross‐cultural communication research are discussed.  相似文献   


Offering quality services and evaluating the rate of success in providing users with target services is the pervasive importance of academic libraries. The central purpose of this study is to determine key dimensions of service quality and satisfaction through developing a new item-scale for evaluating service quality and satisfaction in academic libraries. For primary data collection the study used a 28-item instrument based on five dimensional modified version of SERVQUAL. Respondents were asked to indicate their degree of opinions in the three-columns format: desired service expectation, minimum service expectation, and perception of service performance on a 7-point Likert-type scale. The researcher initially conducted a pilot survey to clarify the overall structure of the questionnaire items to be accepted and used. The reliability of the analysis of data with distinct service attributes were taken from ten public and private university libraries in Bangladesh. Subjecting data obtained to exploratory factor analysis shows that academic library service quality and satisfaction is related to four basic dimensions: caring, competence, resources, and library as a place. Twenty-six service items were identified after extraction through exploratory factor analysis, where nine items were shown before “caring,” five items for “competence,” seven items for “resources,” and five items for “library as a place.” The result in fact provides a generic and robust instrument and recognizes a new item-scale, namely “real service expectation” for the librarians and information science practitioners in the assessment of service quality and satisfaction in academic libraries and in the related fields.  相似文献   

Scale development involves numerous theoretical, methodological, and statistical competencies. Despite the central role that scales play in our predictions, scholars often apply measurement building procedures that are inconsistent with best practices. The defaults in statistical programs, inadequate training, and numerous evaluation points can lead to improper practices. Based on a quantitative content analysis of communication journal articles, scholars have improved very little in the communication of their scale development decisions and practices. To address these reoccurring issues, this article breaks down and recommends 10 steps to follow in the scale development process for researchers unfamiliar with the process. Furthermore, the present research makes a unique contribution by overviewing procedures scholars should employ to develop their dimensions and corresponding items. The overarching objective is to encourage the adoption of scale development best practices that yield stronger concepts, and in the long run, a more stable foundation of knowledge.  相似文献   

目的:评价《中华儿科杂志》发表系统评价/Meta分析(SR/MA)的报告质量和方法学质量。方法:检索发表在《中华儿科杂志》上的系统评价/Meta分析文献,共纳入13篇。提取纳入文献的基本信息,采用系统综述和Meta分析优先报告的条目(PRISMA)规范和方法学质量评价工具AMSTAR量表进行质量评价,使用RevMan5.0软件进行统计分析。结果:PRISMA评分范围14-23.5分,平均为20.0±3.11分;AMSTAR评分范围和平均分分别为3—7.5和6.04±1.38分。结论:《中华儿科杂志》发表系统评价/Meta分析报告和方法学质量中等,报告质量规范和方法学质量还有待提高。  相似文献   

This research attempted to develop a multidimensional measure of parasocial interaction. A 47‐item questionnaire derived from qualitative responses was submitted to principal components analysis ‐ resulting in a 22‐item, four‐factor Audience Persona Interaction (API) Scale. The four sub‐scales were: Identification with Favorite character, Interest in Favorite character, Group Identification/Interaction, and Favorite Character's Problem Solving Ability. In the initial analysis, the index and it's subscales were found to be very reliable and positively correlated to program exposure level. In an additional construct validity test, mild linear relationships were found between PSI ‐as measured by the API Scale ‐ and viewing level.  相似文献   

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