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Previous research has shown that if commercials showcase higher levels of humor, they can enhance the viewer's enjoyment of the program in which the commercials are contained. The theory of excitation transfer has been used to explain this phenomenon. This experimental research suggests some modifications to its application in this setting, suggesting that there must be an adequate level of TV program appeal initially for the appeal to be enhanced by commercials. In this study, men's enjoyment of a sitcom was enhanced when high humor commercials were included in the program.  相似文献   

Offering an initial test of Nabi and Krcmar's tripartite model of media enjoyment, this study examines how affective, cognitive, and especially behavioral responses to a participatory reality TV program predict program enjoyment, viewing intention, and future program viewing. Responses to Fox's American Idol series suggest that affective, cognitive, and behavioral responses to the program are interrelated. Of particular interest, behavioral engagement (specifically positive or supportive actions) during the viewing experience enhances intention for subsequent program viewing. Viewing intention was also strongly predictive of future viewing behaviors. Implications for the tripartite model and considerations of affect, cognition, and behavior in examining audience gratifications beyond entertainment are addressed.  相似文献   

This exploratory research examines processes pertaining to how parody humor can influence perceptions of political figures in terms of credibility and, more broadly, general political trust. An online experiment was conducted in which select participants were exposed to a parody of former New York governor David Paterson. The results demonstrate that, in tandem with parody-induced sympathy, humor enjoyment can influence perceptions of a parody target's credibility and general political trust. In addition, a sympathetic predisposition is shown to positively predict responses of sympathy to a parody message. Furthermore, serial mediation analyses highlight how a sympathetic predisposition can indirectly influence various perceptions of a parody target, as sequentially mediated by responses of sympathy and enjoyment. In sum, this research is valuable for illuminating how individual differences and affective responses to political parody representations can affect various political perceptions.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to explore the contributions of sexual and violent images contained in movie previews on viewers' anticipated perceptions and enjoyment of previewed films. In neither study were portrayals of sex or violence directly associated with greater anticipated enjoyment. However, both studies provided evidence that sexual and violent portrayals may indirectly enhance viewers' enjoyment via perceptions of heightened suspense (Study 1) or heightened humor (Study 2). These results are discussed in terms of viewers' responses to media images of sexuality and violence, and the importance of these portrayals in the marketing of motion pictures.  相似文献   

Television entertainment plays an important role in the development of political orientations concerning authority, order, freedom and equality. This article shows that viewers have “limited autonomy” in constructing meaning from television entertainment. Q‐method was employed to determine viewer's subjective reactions to an episode of Law and Order that fictionalized a racial incident that took place in Brooklyn, New York in 1991. The analysis revealed that there were at least seven distinct readings of the program. While there was consensus about some aspects of the story, viewers obviously had some autonomy regarding interpretation. We argue for a synthesis of theories that emphasize “closed” and “open” meanings of television programs. Entertainment is politically relevant and the most useful way to examine its impact is through intensive methods.  相似文献   

Suspense is a driving force behind media entertainment consumption. However, previous explorations of the role of suspense in the enjoyment of mediated sports have not fully relied upon the richness of research from other genres. The current study seeks to correct this oversight by using the lens of fictional drama to reconceptualize and reexamine suspense as a factor in the enjoyment of sports programming. A total of 161 participants viewed and rated 1 of 7 men's basketball games. The results suggest that a measure of the unfolding nature of suspense is a stronger predictor of mediated sports enjoyment than those used previously.  相似文献   

Binge-watching—the intensive, consecutive viewing of televised series—has become a prevalent usage pattern of entertainment media, which may influence users’ psychological well-being both positively and negatively: On the one hand, binge-watching could increase viewers’ enjoyment, recovery experiences, and vitality through an increase in perceived autonomy. On the other hand, binge-watching can trigger goal conflicts and feelings of guilt, which may reduce well-being. Drawing on an online survey (N = 499), the present study examines the tension between these two mechanisms and their effects on users’ well-being. The data largely support the hypotheses: Binge-watching is perceived as recreational as long as goal conflicts and feelings of guilt can be avoided. Well-being, on the other hand, is positively affected by binge-watching-induced increases in perceived autonomy. These results corroborate the central role of self-determination as a link between media reception, media enjoyment, and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between Singaporean college students'attitude toward Americans and their exposure to U.S. exported entertainment media.

The 328 Singaporean college student participants expressed relatively neutral attitudes toward Americans and reported high consumption of U.S. entertainment media (movies, television shows, magazines, music). Exposure to American media was found to correlate positively with student attitudes toward Americans.

In contrast to some media critics' contention that exposure to U.S. media fosters negative attitudes among citizens of other countries, this study suggests that U.S. entertainment may influence attitude toward Americans in a positive direction.  相似文献   

The use of humor was an important aspect of Ronald Reagan's rhetorical appeal. Three major theories of humor have been suggested in the development of the literature: the relief theory, involving emotional release of tension; the incongruity theory, where the cognitive functioning reacts to unexpected input; and the superiority theory, which holds that humor results from feeling superior to others, who may be considered disobedient or somehow “wrong.” The application of the theories to Reagan's humor shows how he used humor to criticize authority without being perceived as too harsh or negative, as well as to promote positive feelings from his audiences.  相似文献   

The current study examines the relationships between exposure to partisan political parody, affinity for political humor given a desire to reduce anxiety, and internal political efficacy. Analyzing data from a spring 2013 experiment (N = 269), the results suggest that prior media exposure, an affinity for political humor given the desire to reduce anxiety, and a preference for humor that attacks the opposition are significant predictors of political efficacy. In addition, a three-way interaction between partisan identification, humor type, and affinity for political humor (AFPH)–anxiety relative to the dependent variable of internal political efficacy was significant. In particular, high AFPH–anxiety Republicans who viewed Democrat-directed humor were more likely to feel politically efficacious. The significance of the findings is discussed along with suggestions for potential theoretical mechanisms that can guide future academic research on the democratic impacts of politically entertaining media.  相似文献   

The public interest goals of television sometimes collide with the goals of market-driven broadcast industries. Because market forces have a pronounced effect on the broadcast sector in most countries, it is important to understand the relation between market competition and public interest goals like program diversity. To find a general pattern governing TV programming in a commercial environment, this study examines the relations between competition and diversity trends for programs oriented toward the public interest and for entertainment shows. The results show that overall diversity is a decreasing function of competition, but that competition's effects on diversity differ for informational and cultural programs and dramas. Both the degree of competition and broadcasters' goals for each program genre have important effects on the diversity of television programming.  相似文献   

Increasingly, media consumers follow entertainment across media; migrating from one medium to the next seeking to fulfill different needs. Using survey methods (N = 444), this exploratory research examines the underlying elements of media migration by studying the uses and gratifications of migration behavior. Specifically, findings of this survey identify migration activities, motivations, and predictors of migration. Results suggest that several of the top migration activities are strongly tied to Internet use. Findings indicate that media migration is motivated by different needs, including entertainment, escape, enlightenment, and more content-congruent exposure. Finally, amidst various predictors, the need for content-congruent exposure emerged as a strong predictor of migration.  相似文献   

Using data collected from students at a fully networked university community, this study examines patterns of World Wide Web use and how they may relate to gratifications people seek from traditional media. Path analyses show that beliefs about the Web predict gratifications sought, and that the latter predict gratifications obtained, with considerable reliability. More importantly, entertainment, surveillance, and passing time—gratifications typically associated with television and newspaper use—prove to be significant predictors of World Wide Web site visitation. Thus, the data indicate that Internet use may be understood and predicted through the application of traditional gratification typologies.  相似文献   

This study examines the growing DVD home theater phenomenon by mapping the characteristics of DVD home theater adopters and their attitudes toward the new technology, which entered the mass market in 1997 as a competitor to the VCR. It attempts to locate and differentiate DVD adopters based on patterns of media use, utilities from gratification, socialization, and displacement. Based on Q methodology with a sample of 38 American respondents, 3 distinct groups are evident: audiophiles, technophiles, and recreation seekers. Audiophiles use DVD to pursue audio quality, whereas technophiles are the early adopters who are drawn to the new technology and its potential. Recreation seekers use the DVD to satisfy a need for entertainment, enjoyment, and escape. These groups are guided by different goals and gratifications and hence exhibit different patterns of use, diffusion, and displacement, although they all agree that their DVD adoption was motivated by the DVD's technological quantum leap over the VCR.  相似文献   

Two studies examine disparagement humor in online television and reasons people enjoy witnessing the comedic ridicule of other people. In Study 1, a quantitative content analysis, coders documented the prevalence and characteristics of disparagement humor in online television clips and its reception by audiences. Disparagement humor appeared in one in four video clips, often targeting physical appearance and weight. Studio audiences, other television characters, and online commenters often validated disparagement humor. Study 2, an experiment, investigated the contribution of existing prejudice and third-party audience reaction to the reported enjoyment of disparagement humor and willingness to share the insulting humor with others. Both validating audience reaction and existing prejudice positively predicted enjoyment of disparagement humor. Further, enjoyment of the disparagement humor significantly predicted participants’ self-reported likelihood to share the insulting jokes with acquaintances.  相似文献   

该研究以接受美学为视角,通过对《国家宝藏》弹幕评论进行内容分析,讨论文博类电视节目受众的期待视野。研究结果显示,文博类电视节目受众的期待视野由文化期待、娱乐期待、身份期待、情感期待和社交期待等五种期待构成,其中文化期待、身份期待与情感期待尤能彰显文博类电视节目受众在期待视野上的特殊性。要保持自身的吸引力,文博类电视节目应与受众的期待视野保持一定的审美距离,不仅要满足受众的娱乐期待与社交期待,更要通过引导文化期待、平衡身份期待、强化情感期待实现对受众期待视野的超越乃至校正。  相似文献   

In light of literature documenting differences in viewers’ entertainment preferences, this study (N = 168) examined how motivations for film consumption based on pleasure (hedonism) and meaning (eudaimonia) are associated with moral disengagement and enjoyment of content featuring a morally ambiguous character. Findings indicate that whereas hedonic motivation positively influenced moral disengagement, eudaimonic motivation had the reverse effect. Furthermore, eudaimonic motivation had a direct positive influence on enjoyment, and the relationship between hedonic motivation and enjoyment was mediated by moral disengagement. Implications for the role of morality as it relates to individual preferences for media consumption and enjoyment are discussed.  相似文献   

This research explores transnational consumption of Korean entertainment among Asian viewers. To explain the appeal of Korean entertainment, this research focuses on mixed response of two opposing states (e.g., laughing and crying) that are induced, and examines the theoretical framework of personality trait (need for affect) vs. cultural trait (naïve dialecticism). Results from a survey (n = 745) reveal that mixed response mediates the positive association between naïve dialecticism (not need for affect) and the appeal. Findings are discussed regarding a cultural trait that predicts Asian viewers’ gratification from experiencing culturally fit emotions that fulfill central cultural (vs. personal) goals.  相似文献   

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