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运用内容分析法,以2013年教育部公示的26份《普通高等学校学前教育本科专业设置申请表》为样本,对当前高校学前教育本科专业设置的发展趋势进行考察。结果发现,当前申请设置学前教育本科专业的高校以公办地方院校、民办院校为主,专业建设理念积极谨慎;专业设置紧随市场需求,以培养应用型人才为目标;专业设置依托高校自身优势或特色学科,人才培养方向出现分化。同时,部分高校在增设学前教育本科专业时存在着师资力量薄弱,配套设施不足;课程设置随意性大,实践教学课程比重偏低;人才培养模式趋同,办学特色不鲜明等问题,应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

本文介绍了我国高校食品科学与工程本科专业设置现状及其存在的问题,探讨了国外食品科学与工程专业现阶段的专业设置特点。通过比较借鉴,阐述了该专业设置运营与管理方向的必要性,为我国高校特色专业建设与改革提供依据。  相似文献   

大学生是高校本科专业设置的直接利益相关者,他们关于专业设置质量的体验与观点对完善高校本科专业设置具有重要价值。调查研究发现广东大学生认为当前高校本科专业设置质量总体处于一般状态,且不同类型的高校和专业对于本科专业设置质量的关注点和具体认识有所差异,且往往差异显著。高校本科专业设置应首先考虑有助于实现学生的良好就业;同时一定要树立分层分类、重点突出的理念,正视和尊重不同类别的高校和专业对于本科专业设置质量的关注点和具体指标的"不同",提供差异化的专业设置设计;并要努力在具体专业建设中做进一步探索和改进以提升质量。  相似文献   

本文回顾与梳理了国内关于高校本科专业设置管理的研究现状,对照国外关于本科专业设置管理的相关研究,评述国内本科专业设置研究,并对未来本科专业设置管理的研究方向进行探讨,以求推动我国高校本科专业设置研究的进一步发展。  相似文献   

正历经两年修订,《普通高等学校本科专业目录》和《普通高等学校本科专业设置管理规定》揭开了专业设置的神秘面纱。据悉,此次改革教育部对62种国家控制布点专业和尚未列入《目录》的新专业进行审批,其余专业均可由高校自主设置。实际上,早在2001年10月,教育部《关于做好高等普通学校本科专业结构调整工作的若干原则意见》中,就已提出要"进一步扩大高等学校学科专业设置自主权"。次年,教育部最终选定北京大学、清华大学、北京师范大学等7所高校进行试点改革,允许7所高校以备案制的形式,自主设置本科专业。  相似文献   

高校是进行专业教育的重要场所,建国以来我国高校本科专业设置与发展的历史过程表明,在不同的发展时期专业设置与调整具有不同特点。从我国高校本科专业设置和发展的历史演变特点出发,可以对高校本科专业发展的未来趋势进行分析。  相似文献   

本文针对20世纪形成的农学专业内容已不能适应社会发展的需要等问题.探索并形成了农学专业多方向教学新体系.在农学专业下设置了“农学”、“药用植物”、“农业标准化与贸易”、“农业产业化”和“烟草”等专业方向.构建了这些新专业方向的课程体系,并进行了实践。效果良好。  相似文献   

如何提高地方高校农学专业教学水平,促进应用型大学在现代农业背景下的专业转型,实现农学专业毕业生的更好就业创业.在本文中,笔者以绥化学院为例针对于地方高校的农学专业企业课程教学创新内容来进行分析,对企业课程专业化人才培养目标,企业课程创新设置,以及提高企业课程教学实践价值提出了对策建议,以此来达到进一步完善农学专业企业设置与内涵建设的探究活动开展目的.  相似文献   

扩大和落实高校本科专业设置自主权是高校面向市场依法办学、增强办学活力的必然选择。但是,一些高校在本科专业设置管理过程中表现出自律意识不强、自律机制不健全等问题,其根源在于市场导向和监督机制的缺失。为此,在政府放权背景下,积极培育市场力量,探索市场有效介入高校本科专业设置管理机制,是促进高校用好专业设置自主权的重要基础。  相似文献   

农业高校本科专业设置趋同化现象研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校本科专业设置趋同化,是当前我国高校趋同化现象中的一个重要表现形式.尤其是作为弱势群体的农业高校,在竞争压力下,通过调整专业设置向综合类或其他类高校雷同化的趋势更为明显.主要表现在:"去农化"、非农化速度加快、雷同专业比例增大等.对农业高校不同时期的本科专业设置进行比较研究,能够揭示专业设置变化的规律和特点,指出趋同化的危害.  相似文献   

Students from a school in Hong Kong (n?=?199) responded to 22 items asking about their school motivation and aspirations in a survey. Structural equation models found four school motivation factors consistent with the task, effort, competition, and praise scales of the Inventory of School Motivation, one education aspiration factor, one career aspiration factor, and significant relations of the motivation factors with the aspiration factors. Task and effort orientations were found to be stronger than the other orientations and to have relatively stronger associations with education aspirations, whereas task and praise had stronger associations with career aspirations. In examining potential change in students’ goal orientations and aspirations through high school years, analysis of variance found that 7th‐graders had significantly higher scores in task and effort orientations and career aspirations than 9th‐graders, and higher scores in praise orientation than 11th‐graders. The apparent drop in motivation scores from Grade 7, especially in task and effort orientations, both pertaining to a mastery orientation dimension that has been assumed to be a major driving force for excellence, calls for urgent attention to student motivation in junior high school classes.  相似文献   

Despite the very large literature on teacher careers from an individual perspective, there is relatively little that links the perspectives of teachers themselves to how schools as organisations approach careers. The aim of this paper is, first, to outline how teachers’ orientations towards careers change across three dimensions, and, second, to examine how schools as organisations deal with career, developing a model of organisational responses, including developing a concept of ‘career culture’, derived from an analysis of interviews regarding the first three years of teaching conducted with senior leaders and second-year teachers themselves. By considering the fit between individuals’ career orientations and school career cultures, the paper surfaces both the fluid nature of these orientations and the subsequent potential instability of the fit.  相似文献   

大学生就业指导工作发展趋势分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析高校就业指导工作现状的基础上提出,高校就业指导工作应以大学生的实际需要为出发点,明确就业方向,强化就业意识,做好职业规划。从职业指导的内容、途径、组织管理三个方面分析了高校职业指导工作的发展趋势。  相似文献   

大学生就业指导工作在我国发展虽然巴有二十余年了,但是依然处于不成熟的状态.近日教育部办公厅印发的<大学生职业发晨与就业指导课程教学要求>的通知,对课程开展进行了详尽、全面规划,同时也促成了大学生就业指导内涵、性质及发展方式的转变.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore how career orientations of Russian high schoolers are related to the quality of their academic capital. We introduce and validate the concept of the academic capital of high school students. We describe why we chose Schein’s Career Orientations Inventory as a screening instrument, which allows us to determine whether the individual is aware of their vector of future career advancement, and we propose how the instrument can be modified to be used among the cohort of high school students that form the subject of our study. During the course of the study, we tested three hypotheses of the interrelationship between the academic capital of high school students and their career orientations.  相似文献   

职业教育是美国教育系统的重要组成部分,是推动美国经济发展的坚实力量。为全方位升级生涯与技术教育系统并提升其质量,在经济因素、教育因素、社会因素、政治因素等综合影响下,美国于2018年7月颁布《加强21世纪生涯与技术教育法案》,主要以特殊人群、面向就业、绩效问责、简政放权等内容为运行框架展开了美国生涯与技术教育腾飞的宏伟蓝图。新法案呈现出以实现所有学生的成功为根本、以就业为导向加强与企业合作、以科学的治理模式激发生涯与技术教育发展活力、以法律"组合拳"推动生涯与技术教育发展的内生取向。  相似文献   

职业指导是推动实现高质量就业的重要手段.随着职业指导内涵的不断演变,高校职业指导的不可替代性日趋凸显,主要体现在:职业指导对大学生就业观、职业认知的指导作用;对人才培养过程的影响作用;对大学生职业定位的指导作用等.为了充分发挥职业指导在高校更高质量就业工作中的重要作用,高校应注重专兼职相结合的职业指导队伍建设,将职业指导纳入大学人才培养的全过程,将专门化的职业指导活动与日常职业指导有机结合,同时不断加强机制建设.  相似文献   

Gender disparities in STEM fields have been under extensive study, the focus of which has been on future career aspirations. However, the primary phases in gender differences are still ambiguous when examined from this perspective, possibly due to the fact that most of the studies have targeted samples of upper secondary school or college students. As such, in this study we examined the transient period to lower secondary school; our aim was to discover to what extent relationships between factors of students’ science interest and career perspectives differ between male and female. Based on previous studies and analyses, we selected three future career perspective variables – outcome, personal time, and innovation orientations – and three defining features of interest – personal value, enjoyment, and cognitive aspect. The sample was conducted in Finland and comprised of 401 grade 7 students aged 13, using a multi-group structural equation modelling. This study found that during the transient period there were clear gender differences regarding interest and preferences of science subjects, as well as their relationship towards future career perspectives. To be specific, biology was preferred by females, and males preferred physics and chemistry. With regard to future career perspectives, female students’ science interest was positively correlated with personal time- and innovation-oriented career perspectives; an outcome-oriented career expectation was negatively related to their interest. Interpretation and implication that might possibly arise from the results were also discussed.  相似文献   

农学专业是引领我国农业发展的重点专业。在面对现代农业发展和乡村振兴战略需求过程中,采用“三段式、五联动”的创新实训模式将有利于培养高素质、创新能力强、国际竞争力突出的农学人才。  相似文献   

Many countries experience a high percentage of teachers who leave the profession before retirement. Most of the explanations, such as teacher burnout, adopt a pathogenic point of view which perceives attrition as a negative work outcome. In contrast, the qualitative project that this article is based on, which characterizes the career decision-making processes of 34 Israeli teachers, adopts a salutogenic perspective. This view allows for approaching attrition as a career decision which reflects the meaning teachers attach to their work. Drawing on a model which identifies three orientations toward work (job, calling and career), this article describes career stories of teachers who left teaching in order to illustrate how their work orientation shaped their decision.  相似文献   

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