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Using data from three waves of longitudinal surveys of the 2001 freshman cohort of the Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) program, this study examined linkages between student engagement in college activities and early career earnings in the labor market. The results indicated that social engagement was positively related to early career earnings of college graduates while academic engagement was not. When considering students who majored in STEM fields versus those in non-STEM fields, results showed academic engagement to be positively related to early career earnings for non-STEM students but slightly negatively related to earnings in the labor market for STEM students. Social engagement was positive for graduates in the STEM fields but not significant for non-STEM students. Altogether, results show a complex relationship between student engagement and early career earnings. Implications for research and institutional policy are discussed.  相似文献   

随着高校教育管理体制的改革,高校毕业生的就业方式也发生着改变。因此,做好大学生的职业规划,能够有效地增强学生的主体意识,使大学生更好地选择自己的职业。本文旨在分析当前大学生职业生涯规划的现状,并对高校就业指导改革提出几点建设性意见。  相似文献   

本研究运用大学毕业生调查数据,比较分析了当前本科、专科毕业生就业中的教育与工作匹配状况、影响因素、工资效应等方面的差异.研究发现:超过四成高职高专毕业生的教育与工作不匹配;教育与工作匹配性在两类大学毕业生之间存在显著差异,普通本科生的匹配性明显高于高职高专生;教育与工作匹配性还受到性别、专业以及实习经历等因素的显著影响;教育与工作不匹配给两类毕业生均带来工资效应,但两者的差异并不显著.  相似文献   

基于在校生对旅游实践教学现状和职业取向的问卷结果及毕业生职业去向的实证材料,探讨了旅游实践教学与学生职业取向的关系。结果表明:旅游实践教学的方向设计、条件建设及过程管理等都能影响学生的职业取向,并对其职业去向产生深远影响。在现实基础上,旅游实践教学应加快建设专业实验室、实践基地、实训师资队伍及改进实践教学方法和完善实践教学环节管理等,引导学生职业取向回复正轨。  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯规划对在校大学生而言具有非常重要的意义。本文以常州开放大学为例,主要从学生对职业生涯规划的基本态度、学校职业知识指导对在校大学生的重要性、学生对所学专业的满意度、学生需要接受学校职业生涯规划指导的方式和内容、学生对未来就业的态度等几个方面对在校大学生进行了职业生涯规划现状的问卷调查分析,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

要通过工作机制从短期行为向长效机制转变、工作主体从教师主体向学生主体转变、工作内容从低层次服务向高层次指导转变、工作方式从传统向现代转变,以充分实现高校就业指导工作的职能,有效地促进大学生就业。  相似文献   

Career choice and retention of nineteen secondary science education graduates were studied using a biographical approach. Autobiographical papers written as preservice teachers and rewritten as career teachers were compared for intrinsic reasons for vocational choice. Comparisons were made between early vocation teachers and those who chose science teaching later in their higher education studies. Participants beginning college as science education majors wanted to teach for student learning and to shape their students' lives. Participants beginning college as science majors wanted to continue learning science while also enhancing their students' science literacy. Ten participants' data from both groups showed great similarities in self as teacher across autobiographical papers. Teaching for impact on students appeared to support retention in this study. Implications for development and potential retention of future science teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

高校职业生涯规划教育体系的构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高等教育大众化的背景下,大学毕业生就业难问题日趋严峻,大学生就业指导和职业生涯规划已引起高校和全社会的广泛关注。本文剖析了国外职业生涯规划发展经验和我国大学生职业生涯规划现状,探讨了现阶段高校如何构建大学生职业生涯规划教育体系建设问题。  相似文献   

The relationship between preparation and career commitment is explored by studying the degree to which counseling personnel actively involve themselves as school counselors after training. If counselor education programs are truly concerned with preparing professionals for a career, then long-term involvement is an important criterion reflecting the success of counselors and their prior preparation. Results from a study tracing 406 graduates from 20 NDEA institutes six years after training showed that only 45 percent immediately entered and remained in counseling for six years. The existence of a teacher-counselor-administrator promotion ladder is presented as being a major source of loss from the ranks of school counseling. A related finding showed non-entry to counseling to be caused by a return to classroom teaching after counseling preparation.  相似文献   

论大学生就业指导中的思想教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,大学毕业生的就业情况并不理想,作者认为主要原因之一是毕业生还没有较快地适应高等教育大众化阶段的要求及时转变自己的就业观念和调整自己的就业期望值。因此,加强大学生就业指导中的思想教育,帮助他们转变就业观念,调整择业心态,树立正确的职业价值取向和职业价值理想;引导他们正确认识与评价自己,把自我价值的实现与国家的发展、社会的需要结合起来,用一个普通劳动者的平常心去选择自己未来的职业,很有必要。只有这样,才能寻找到属于他们自我发展的广阔天地。  相似文献   

应用对陕西省77所不同类型和层次高校16510名大学毕业生的调查数据,采用多群组结构方程模型方法分析了大学毕业生就业质量的性别差异及其影响因素。研究发现:(1)在工作特征满意度、职业匹配度和就业总体满意度等维度的就业质量测量指标上多数存在显著的性别差异。女生感知的就业单位的职位、地理位置和稳定性等工作特征满意度和职业匹配度、就业整体满意度水平要显著高于男生。(2)性别因素对于大学生的就业质量及其与影响因素之间的关系具有重要的调节作用。据此提出三点政策建议:(1)大学生的职业规划越早开展越好,较高的职业匹配度有助于提升大学毕业生的就业质量;(2)根据不同性别大学毕业生对就业单位工作特征的要求,有针对性地提供更适宜的职业岗位;(3)加大对大学毕业生就业的相关政策和就业指导的针对性、有效性和贯彻落实力度,实现更充分更高质量的就业。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine differences in career development among four ethnic groups and two age groups of community college students in regard to their career goals, career preparation actions, and the number of job seeking strategies utilized. Data were obtained from the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS: 90/94) of the National Center for Educational Statistics (NOES), U.S. Department of Education. Results suggest that there are statistically significant differences among the ethnic groups in six of the seven career goals; however, there are no significant differences between the traditional and non-traditional age groups in career goals. For career preparation action there are significant differences between the two age groups and also between Black/African American and White/European American students. There is no significant difference among the age or ethnic groups in the number of job seeking strategies utilized. These findings imply that student services providers, such as counselors, should be sensitive to community college students' backgrounds and experiences related to ethnicity and age. Individualized career-related workshops tailored to the career needs of specific student populations should be offered. The function of community colleges as providers of employment preparation can be enhanced by familiarizing students with accurate career information, considering students' ethnic backgrounds and their age.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework for understanding the career maturity of diverse groups is needed since the career maturity construct has evolved using white, middle class samples (Cheatham, 1990). Krumboltz holds that career beliefs can be influenced by one's social environment (1991). If career beliefs were related to the career maturity of a diverse group, they could be used to provide a more coherent understanding of the unique social experiences that surround their career maturity. This study examined relationships between the career beliefs and the career maturity of academically at-risk students who were failing core academic courses. Several career beliefs were significantly related to the career maturity of the sample in this study such as the belief that obstacles can be overcome and college/occupation variation. The career beliefs construct appeared to clarify the role that social experiences played on the career maturity of the sample in this study.  相似文献   

高校辅导员是高校中进行学生工作的主力军,是保证高校学生学习与生活顺利进行的关键,也是大学生生涯规划的领路人。为高校辅导员提供一个完善的职业成长环境,对于提高高校辅导员的素质,为在校学生提供一个高素质的后盾有着极为重要的意义。本文从分析高校辅导员成长环境现状入手,试图为新时期高校辅导员找出构建完善职业成长环境的有效途径。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between U.S. students’ employment experiences during college/university and their fourth-year professional career attitudes as defined by the Wabash National Study Professional Success Scale, including obtaining recognition from one’s colleagues for contributions to their field of expertise, having administrative responsibility for the work of others, working in a prestigious occupation, making a lot of money and becoming successful in a business of one’s own. This study considered three types of employment experiences (on-campus work; off-campus work; and completing an internship practicum, field experience, co-op or clinical assignment), as well as the number of hours spent engaged in on-campus and off-campus employment, and whether these measures of student employment were associated with students’ fourth-year professional career attitudes. Results suggest that on-campus work experiences, off-campus work experiences; and completing an internship practicum, field experience, co-op or clinical assignment, as well as the number of hours of employment during college have the potential to influence students’ fourth-year professional career attitudes.  相似文献   

专业课程教师与大学生职业生涯规划关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对各高校开展的大学生职业生涯规划教育存在的专职师资缺乏、指导内容的专业性不强以及指导计划的短期性等问题.提出了专业课程教师的参与模式,对专业课程教师在大学生职业生涯各阶段的作用进行了准确界定.强调专业教学系统与专业课程教师地位与专业生涯规划的契合,为专业课程教师参与大学生职业生涯规划设计了有效的约束和激励机制。  相似文献   

高职生职业生涯规划是指学生在大学期间进行系统的职业发展道路的设想和规划。大学时期是人一生中的重要阶段,学生应好好度过,并在教师指导的基础上认真规划自身的职业生涯,做好四个"三",即认识人生三种关系,树立人生三个支点,把握个人发展的"三级跳",构建三方面结构。  相似文献   

随着大学生人数的急剧增长,就业难问题日益突出。如何提高大学生的专业素养和竞争能力,以达到与职业的匹配,成为社会关注的焦点。文章从大学生职业生涯的概念界定出发,分析了当前大学生职业生涯规划中存在的问题,如规划意识淡薄、自我认识片面、缺乏职业目标等。针对这些问题,从树立职业理想、开展自我评估、正确认识职业、分析外部环境、确定职业发展目标、设定职业生涯发展路线、实施和修正职业生涯规划等方面,提出了当代大学生进行职业生涯规划的具体方法和步骤,以及大学生职业生涯规划保障机制的完善措施。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划与就业指导师资队伍创新建设对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设一支相对稳定、专兼结合、高素质、专业化、职业化的师资队伍,是保证“大学生职业发展与就业指导”课程教学质量的关键。针对目前高职院校师资队伍建设中存在的不稳定、非专兼结合、缺乏高职教育特色、脱离学生职业生涯发展与就业指导实际等问题,提出高职院职业生涯规划与就业指导师资队伍必须采取创新建设的新对策。  相似文献   

当前大学生就业面临着更加严峻的形势,影响大学生顺利就业的因素除了社会环境、高等教育改革等客观因素外,主要还是大学生自身在思想、观念上存在偏差。思想领域方面的问题还需要靠耐心、细致的思想政治教育工作解决。因此,必须深刻地认识思想政治教育在大学生就业指导中的核心和灵魂的地位,充分发挥其重要作用,实现大学生的顺利就业。  相似文献   

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