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现代儿童观认为:孩子的学习应该是主动的学习,是使孩子身心获得自由、全面、和谐发展的学习。幼儿园歌唱活动中的图谱介入蕴含着幼儿自主学习的教育资源,其在运用过程中所具有的丰富的教育价值更值得我们为之探索。  相似文献   

叶文娟 《考试周刊》2012,(70):109-110
美,存在于我们生活的各个地方。美育,是学校教育的重要内容。在英语教学中要结合教材、教法、语言和文化背景各方面来挖掘美,让学生在鉴赏关、感受美、体验美运用美中提高学习英语的学习兴趣,获得学习成功的喜悦感。  相似文献   

<正>我们生活在一个美的世界,观自然风物,看社会万象,美无处不在,美对人类如此重要,我们不仅感受美、追求美,而且创造美、思索美,从而将美的精神传承下去。爱美是人的天性,小学生也不例外。他们在学习、生活中通过各种渠道,逐渐形成自己的审美情趣和追求美的方式。马克思说过,劳动不仅创造了美的自然界、美的生活和艺术,而且创造出懂得艺术和能够欣赏美的大众。由此可见,学校的劳技教学是对学生进行美育教育的重要载体。教师充分  相似文献   

生态文明观是立足于实践的科学环境观、先进价值观、科学发展观、绿色生活消费观和马克思主义实践观的有机统一的理论体系。个体的自由和全面发展是大学生生态文明观教育的终极目标;大学生生态文明观教育自始至终要遵循和贯彻理论联系实际的原则与知行统一的总体要求;遵循和贯彻回归到学生的“生活世界”的教育原则与“回归生活”的教育理念;大学生生态文明观教育要讲究策略和方法。  相似文献   

幼儿的自我学习,即指幼儿依据自己的兴趣、经验和需要,在与环境交互作用中自主产生的学习活动。现代儿童学习观认为,幼儿的学习应该是主动的学习,是使幼儿身心获得自由、全面、和谐发展的学习。所以“,让幼儿成为学习的主人”“让幼儿自己学习”就成为了我们的工作理念和教育目  相似文献   

高尔泰与李泽厚都可以称为自由美学的重要人物。主观派代表高尔泰的"美是自由的象征"与实践派代表李泽厚的"美是自由的形式"对当代美学有着重要的启发意义,二者从马克思"美是人的本质的对象化"的论断出发,分别论述了他们的自由观以及自由与美的关系。在高尔泰看来,实践的结果是自由,自由只有通过感性动力才可以转变为美;李泽厚则认为,自由是通过劳动实践所获得的伟大的行动力量,而美正是指实践活动和过程本身。  相似文献   

美国早期著名的社会学家库利提出,自由是人们获得正确发展的机会。这种自由观要求我们应该从发展的角度审视自由,从实际获得上来把握自由,认为人们获得自由的重要条件是社会提供的机会,衡量人们是否获得自由应该有统一的社会标准。这种自由观更加重视人们对自由的获得,是对马克思主义自由观的一种新发展。  相似文献   

有人说,我们的教育能否获得可持续发展,重要的一点取决于孩子童年时期的快乐程度。孩子的童年如果是快乐自由的,就有无限的张力;反之,就会厌倦学习和生活,甚至厌倦人生。这就要求我们必须按照孩子的天性去培养他们,  相似文献   

美国早期著名的社会学家库利提出,自由是人们获得正确发展的机会。这种自由观要求我们应该从发展的角度审视自由,从实际获得上来把握自由,认为人们获得自由的重要条件是社会提供的机会,衡量人们是否获得自由应该有统一的社会标准。这种自由观更加重视人们对自由的获得,是对马克思主义自由观的一种新发展。  相似文献   

卢梭在论述自然教育思想时建构了颇具自然主义特色的教师角色观,即儿童善性的守护者,自然和自由教育理念的彰显者和贯彻者,具有"把儿童看作儿童"的儿童观的导师,儿童学习活动的引导者和研究者,儿童智慧发展的启迪者和促进者,儿童生活和学习的榜样,儿童寻求快乐的"知心人和决定人",充满爱心的良好师生关系的建构者。这种教师角色观富于真理性,值得我们今天的教师教育研究者和实践者关注和借鉴。  相似文献   

以就业为导向构建高职德育新模式,需要做好下列工作:创新高职德育观念,树立高职德育的特色观、人本观、实践观、开放观;选择德育内容,把基础文明教育作为基础工程,把择业观念教育作为特色内容,把职业道德教育和创业教育作为核心内容,把心理素质教育作为重要补充;拓展德育途径,以课堂为主渠道,以实践教学网络为阵地,以企业的要求营造育人环境;丰富德育评价,要实现评价主体多元化、评价内容综合化、评价形式多样化。  相似文献   

评介爱因斯坦的教育观及其对当代教育的启示。综述其教育的主要观点:教育的动力是兴趣与品德,教育的方法包括直觉、自学和结构,教育的目的是培养人的能力及和谐发展。  相似文献   

日本的职业生涯教育及其启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
作为新世纪以来日本一项全面的、战略性的教育改革,职业生涯教育与传统意义上的职业教育相联系又有所区别,与终身教育目标相一致又丰富了其内涵,旨在通过教育促进人的人生价值实现从而为社会提供适应时代要求的优质劳动者。其对于我国全面推行素质教育、发展职业教育的启示在于:以政策为导引,将职业教育贯穿于人生的每个阶段;树立正确的人才观,摒除鄙薄职业教育的陈腐思想;落实以人为本的科学发展观,关怀受教育者的职业生涯。  相似文献   

职业价值观教育的比较研究与实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业价值观教育课题研究的初步成果表现为:"核心价值观问题"课程结构科学可行,在实验内容选择上考虑可借鉴性和本土化发展问题;采取4步循环教学法,实现了价值观教育模式的从重内容到重过程、从重认知到重评价、从教师中心向学生中心的三大转变,摸索出了价值观教育课程的方法以及多种价值观教育的途径;教师通过团队合作,转变了观念、掌握了新方法,提高了教学能力,学生尝试并接受了新的教学方法和鲜活的教学内容。  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that ideas related to special education could influence the way arts education is performed and motivated in schools. Further investigation is therefore required in order to raise awareness of how perspectives on inclusion can serve as a starting point for arts education, and vice versa. This article takes it starting point in an ethnographic double case study of arts education practices. Data were collected during the school year 2013/2014 in two Scandinavian schools (for pupils aged 6–13) with an articulated commitment to the arts. The methods used for data collection were observation and interviews. The material was analysed from a phenomenological point of view, and the analysis showed a predominantly holistic view of inclusion in the two schools. Five dimensions of inclusion were identified through the analysis: providing arts education for all, being connected to something larger, allowing access to different forms of expression and communication, establishing preconditions for holistic inclusion, and developing special arts education. The results indicate that these schools have made considerable progress in developing an inclusive arts learning environment. Results also suggest that a holistic inclusive view of education encourages a functional and vivid arts education for ‘all’, both inside and outside the classroom.  相似文献   

教育政策模型的比较研究--政策主体和政策环境的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从政策系统要素出发,选取政策主体和政策环境两个视角,对国外具有代表性的几种教育政策模型进行了分类,探讨了政策主体视角的政策目标特征和政策主体所具备的条件,政策环境视角的教育政策输出和教育政策过程.  相似文献   

Suvi Tala 《Science & Education》2009,18(3-4):275-298
Science and technology education, both as distinct and integrated subjects, relies on a traditional conception of science and technology as quite different and separated enterprises. A closer look at the scientific progress, however, reveals the traditional view as being one-sided. This study scrutinises the unification of science and technology education from the viewpoint of recent studies, which have revealed an unexpectedly deep bi-directional relationship between the development of science and technology. The highly cognitive role of technology in scientific knowledge construction through experimentation reveals the need for a new unifying view, technoscience, and its consideration within science education. Since technoscience promotes a scientifically sound and authentic view on the relationship between science and technology, it increases the coherence of learning processes by combining these elements, which have been traditionally separated within education. Additionally, technoscience supports in a natural way the teaching solutions, which put weight on personal conceptualization for learning.  相似文献   

教育的转型与教育观念的更新变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
走向新世纪的教育正经历着重大的历史转型时期:从应式教育转向素质教育,从精英教育转向大众教育,从继承式教育转向创新教育,从阶段性教育转向终身教育。面对这样的转型要求我们确立现代素质教育观、现代教育人才观、现代教育质量观、现代教育发展观。  相似文献   

In recent years, a discourse is emerging in education that emphasises the study of the impact of in-service teacher education on student outcomes (more often than not student outcomes are seen in the form of test scores of academic achievement). Implicit in this discourse is the view that the impact of in-service teacher education is directly observable on students' outcomes, suggesting that the variables in a school or classroom are connected in some kind of a causal link. However, it is problematic to view variables in a social setting such as a school or a classroom as being in causal relationships because social settings are complex so that it is not possible to control the variables or the outcomes. Hence, one cannot convincingly study the outcomes without also studying the process and its complexity. In this article, I describe an action research study undertaken to study the impact in the classroom, of new teaching strategies introduced as part of an in-service teacher education programme in Karachi, Pakistan. By describing this study I mean to suggest that action research is an appropriate methodology to study the impact of in-service teacher education.  相似文献   

The implementation of technology as a formal subject – either separate or integrated – in school curricula is a relatively recent phenomenon with most studies confined to Western or developed countries and little known about non-Western contexts. In this study we sought to gain an understanding of primary teachers' and curriculum development officers' perceptions of technology and technology education for a small island nation in the South Pacific. Participants' views were ascertained by means of semi-structured interviews including the use of picture card prompts used by Rennie and Jarvis (1995). The study reveals that the participants hold a rather limited view of technology and technology education. The participants see technology as consisting of a variety of artifacts and skills (including in some cases indigenous artifacts and cultural practices), but the predominant view was technology consists of modern, new, foreign, artifacts especially those associated with information and communication technologies. The participants view technology education as learning about how to use technological artifacts. Personal experiences including pre- and in-service teacher training and encounters with technological artifacts were the main influences on their views of technology and technology education. These findings suggest that primary science teachers will need pre-service training in order to implement a curriculum that provides a comprehensive understanding of technology.  相似文献   

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