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体育学习中的习得性无助及其归因训练程序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者分析了习得性无助在学生体育学习中的表现,以及习得性无助与归因之间的关系,结合归因训练的通用模式和利兹归因编码系统,提出了一个适用于体育学习领域的习得性无助的归因训练程序。  相似文献   

习得性无助感是乒乓球普修教学中存在的一种心理现象,对习得性无助感的心理特点及其内外部影响因素进行了分析,结合乒乓球普修课的具体情况提出了具体的教育对策。  相似文献   

周晖 《浙江体育科学》2010,32(4):100-102,122
采用文献资料研究的方法,在体育运动领域里,试图从运动心理学的视角,拟对习得无助的现象、解释模式及现有的相关成果加以评述,在此基础上提出未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

一、习得无助现象及心理解释 习得无助现象是美国心理学家塞利格曼及其同事对狗进行电击实验所发现的.狗在面临无预警的电击后没有地方可逃,多次电击后狗产生完全放弃逃脱的行为,即使改变成可离开的环境,它也不愿意再尝试,心甘情愿地接受失败的结果,他们把这种现象称为“习得无助”现象.同时认为人也会出现“习得无助”现象.  相似文献   

罗智梅 《体育世界》2014,(1):122-123
习得性无助是美国心理学家、行为矫治专家塞利格曼和他的同事1967年提出的一个科学概念,它是指个体经历了某种学习后,在情感、认知和行为上表现出消极的特殊的心理状态。幼师学生"习得性无助"成因主要来自于学生自身、教师、父母及环境,"习得性无助"是困扰幼师生进行体育学习的重要心理问题。  相似文献   

1、习得性无助感的概念 习得性无助感是指个体经历了失败与挫折后,面临问题时产生的无能为力、丧失信心的心理状态与行为。当个体形成了习得性无助感时,会导致学习与生活中积极主动性的丧失,这将给其一生的发展带来相当不利的影响。  相似文献   

美国心理学家Seligman等人在20世纪60年代发现习得无助现象,并提出了习得无助理论,在心理学界引起人们的关注。该理论主要应用在教育与临床方面。在临床应用方面,主要用于对抑郁病人的治疗;在教育应用方面,主要用于改变学生的无助,提高学生学习的积极性。80年代以来,习得无助理论被引用到体育教学中来,发现在体育课学习中,学生普遍出现无助感,进而导致学生体育课中学习积极性下降,甚至出现回避体育课的情况[1]。在我国体育课教学中,从教学内容和教学方法来看,深受竞技体育的影响,在体育教学中,过度关注学生之间的相互比较,过于关注学生能力…  相似文献   

基于认知解释模式对技能学习的"习得无助"现象探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于"习得无助"现象认知解释模式的理论框架和结构,研究探索技能学习中"习得无助"的认知过程,旨在揭示"习得无助"情况下认知归因、后续朝向任务及后续努力的关系.随机选取了普通高校健美操选项课的女大学生134名组成研究样本,被试学习一套自编难度的健美操.学习测试分为4个纵向单元,并进行认知归因、后续朝向任务及后续努力的问卷调查.最后根据学习的自我报告和成绩评分分出"习得无助"组(65人)和非"习得无助"组(69人).所有数据进行相关和回归的路径分析,结果发现,在健美操学习过程中,"习得无助"的被试倾向把失败归结于内部的因素,后续任务的朝向减少,并放弃努力,无"习得无助"的被试把失败归因于外部原因时,也会减少对后续任务的朝向和后续的努力;另外,后续任务的朝向决定后续任务的努力.对这些结果进行了讨论.  相似文献   

基于"习得无助"的认知解释模式理论,采用实验研究和理论分析的方法,探索不同运动项目技能学习过程中"习得无助"的认知现象,分析"习得无助"情况下认知特征在不同运动项目的差异.随机选取普通高校篮球选项课(63名)、健美选项课(64名)的大学男生127名组成研究样本,分别学习篮球罚球弧跳投技术和健美局部肌肉锻炼方法,并让大多数被试放弃学习.学习测试分为4个纵向单元,并进行认知归因、后续朝向任务及后续努力的问卷调查.通过t检验、相关分析和回归路径分析,发现不同运动项目在认知特征上存在差异,学习过程中,被试倾向把失败归结于外部的因素,会增加对后续任务的朝向,试图继续努力;被试倾向把失败归因于内部的原因,会减少对后续任务的朝向和后续的努力;另外,后续任务的朝向决定后续任务的努力.篮球学习过程中,被试更多地把失败归结于外部的因素;健美学习过程中,被试更多地把失败归结于内部的因素.  相似文献   

<正> 习得性无助感(learned helplessness)又称习得性自暴自弃,指将失败归因于一些不能控制而又稳定的因素,转而促使个体很快地放弃或回避学习任务。它是指一种在学习过程中形成的会给以后学习带来消极影响的特殊心理状态。刁得性无助感在体育教学中会阻碍学生掌握体育知识和技能,严重者会导致心理障碍。 一、习得性无助感的形成 塞利格曼等人在实验中,先是将狗固定在架子上进行电击,狗即不能预料也无法控制这些电击,一段时期之后,他  相似文献   

国家级体育产业基地建设研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
从产业集群理论的角度,分析我国现有三个国家级体育产业基地发展的现状及经验。认为我国产业基地建设规划起点高、投入高、有明确发展方向和产业特色,并建立了完善的支撑服务体系。建议认为,地方政府应提供体制保证,推进产业集群与市场集群共生发展。  相似文献   

‘Competitive’ is one of the most commonly and confidently used words in sports. I argue that, while this term does have necessary and sufficient conditions, it is still a fairly useless one. Knowing someone is competitive does not tell one about the type of desire to win, the type of quantity of that desire, and the precise way in which one wants to be better. We also don’t know who a person feels a desire to beat, when winning actually becomes a goal, and what kind of knowledge and talents that person has at their disposal. Without this information, knowing someone is competitive tells you very little.  相似文献   

形上的引导--老子道家的道与传统武术的超越追求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一对老子之道的形上意义,历来颇有争议。不少人从本体论、宇宙论等角度进行阐释,笔者也曾从方法论的角度进行过思考。然而今天看来,从超验智慧的角度来理解,似乎更为合适。“逍遥乘化,自由自在,即是道,即是无,即是自然,即是一。以自足无待为逍遥,化有待为无待,破‘他然’为自然  相似文献   

A growing anxiety around intergenerational touch in educational settings has both emerged and increased in recent years. Previous research reveals that Physical Education (PE) teachers have become more cautious in their approaches to students and they avoid physical contact or other behavior that could be regarded as suspicious [Fletcher, 2013. Touching practice and physical education: Deconstruction of a contemporary moral panic. Sport, Education and Society, 18(5), 694–709. doi:10.1080/13573322.2013.774272; Öhman, 2016. Losing touch—teachers’ self-regulation in physical education. European Physical Education Review, 1–14. doi:10.1177/1356336X15622159; Piper, Garratt, & Taylor, 2013. Child abuse, child protection and defensive ‘touch’ in PE teaching and sports coaching. Sport, Education and Society, 18(5), 583–598. doi:10.1080/13573322.2012.735653]. Some also feel anxious about how physical contact might be perceived by the students. The purpose of this article is to investigate physical contact between teachers and students in PE from a student perspective. This is understood through the didactic contract. For this purpose, focus group interviews using photo elicitation have been conducted with upper secondary school students in Sweden. One of the major findings is that intergenerational touch is purpose bound, that is, physical contact is considered relevant if the teacher has a good intention with using physical contact. The main agreements regarding physical contact as purpose bound are the practical learning and emotional aspects, such as learning new techniques, preventing injury, closeness and encouragement. The didactic contract is in these aspects stable and obvious. The main disagreements are when teachers interfere when the students want to feel capable or when teachers interfere when physical contact is not required in the activity. In these aspects the didactic contract is easily breached. It is also evident that personal preference has an impact on how physical contact is perceived. In conclusion, we can say that physical contact in PE is not a question of appropriate or inappropriate touch in general, but rather an agreement between the people involved about what is expected. Consequently, we should not ban intergenerational touch, but rather focus on teachers’ abilities to deal professionally with the didactic contract regarding physical contact.  相似文献   

群众性多元化体育服务体系相关因素的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
群众性多元化体育服务体系的支持因素中,政府机制主导是建设基础,市场因素融入是关键环节,社会资源参与是动力源泉,体育事业支持是有力保障,文化服务引导是精神支柱.构建群众性多元化体育服务体系的制约因素主要有:农村体育事业发展缓慢,体育经费筹集能力不强,经济社会发展不均衡,群众体育指导力量缺乏,城市化老龄化现象突显.论述了公共财政理论对于群众性多元化服务体系的作用.  相似文献   


Confusion still exists about the relationships between sociodemographics and adult physical activity behavior. In this paper, data from a national sample of 19,110 adults is examined to determine which of the sociodemographic variables are associated with physical activity behavior, their relative importance, and why these associations may exist. Once one controls for multicollinearity among the sociodemographic variables only age, education, and income maintain any substantive correlation. However, the amount of variance explained is small (R 2 adj = 8%). Two causal models are presented to account for the education: physical activity variance. The relationship is believed to be a spurious one in that there is some other third variable(s) which is speculated to affect both schooling and physical activity behavior. Exposure to sports and physical activity in the schools, though, may enhance the skills necessary for many activities providing an argument for a direct effect of education. Understanding this spurious/direct association is important for policy decision making and further research is warranted.  相似文献   

研究认为,中国传统武术理论的逻辑起点不同于各拳种的学理支柱。"阴阳"学说是传统武术理论的逻辑起点。"阴阳"不是一个单一的确指,而是系列对立统一范畴的"通变"称谓,且"阴"与"阳"之间不是二元对立的,而是"互通互变"的,"阴阳"在"通变"中衍化出"三才" "四象" "五行"等内容,以"通变思维"贯通天、地、身、心,所以"阴阳"以"通变思维"成就了传统武术的博大精深。  相似文献   

后现代语境下的休闲体育解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
休闲体育的本真是强调自愿、追求自由,而且不能受其他外在世界的干涉和制约,进而从参与的运动项目中体会到愉悦.后现代是通俗文化或大众文化大行其道的时代,崇尚消费至上.产生于后现代语境中的休闲体育为人类建构了文明、健康的生活方式,促进了人性复归,同时加速了社会分化和时尚传播,建构了休闲体育消费的符号化、"空洞化"过程.因此,人类实现自我超越的休闲体育,正成为我们对抗文化失序与风格杂芜的现实生活的本体依托.  相似文献   

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