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目的比较不同重量级别优秀跆拳道运动员横踢技术动作的运动轨迹,探求重量级别差异与横踢技术动作特征之间的关系及其对动作速度产生的影响程度。方法采用VICON Nexus三维运动捕捉系统,分别对58 kg、68 kg、80 kg等3个重量级别30名运动员横踢技术动作在击打靶位时的运动轨迹进行采集。依据横踢技术动作特点和鞭打动作原理,将横踢技术动作的运动轨迹划分为4个时刻和3个时段。分别对下肢关节的角度、角速度、力矩及其动作时间、位移、速度等在每个时刻和时段的变化情况,运用VICON Polygon分析软件进行计算。结果 3个重量级别运动员下肢关节的角度、角速度、力矩以及动作时间、位移、速度等存在显著性差异(P<0.05);运动员的躯干和支撑腿绕轴转动幅度与进攻腿各关节的角度、角速度、力矩等表现为58 kg>68 kg>80 kg;横踢技术的击打距离表现为80 kg>68 kg>58 kg,动作速度表现为58 kg>68 kg>80 kg。结论运动员因重量级别不同而产生的体重差异对动作速度的影响比较显著;运动员的重量级别越小身体灵敏性越好,动作速度也就越快,横踢技术动作特征更加合理且对动作速度的影响相对较小;运动员的重量级别越大身体灵敏性越差,虽然击打距离相对较远,但是对动作速度的影响却相对明显。  相似文献   

为探求优秀散打运动员的体重差异与鞭腿技术动作特征是否对击打速度产生影响。方法:运用VICON Nexus 3D运动捕捉系统,对小、中、大三个级别15名运动员运用鞭腿技术动作快速击打目标物时的运动轨迹进行采集。依据鞭打动作特点和下肢关节运动特征,将技术动作划分为四个时刻、三个时段,并对四个时刻下肢关节的角度以及三个时段的动作位移、时间、速度、角速度等运用VICON Polygon分析软件进行计算。结果表明:启动时段(P1)小级别运动员的躯干和支撑腿各关节运动幅度呈"上大下小"状态,大级别运动员呈"上小下大"状态;三个级别运动员作用腿下肢关节的运动方向相同,运动幅度却出现差异,小级别运动员启动时段的动作速度相对较快。击打时段(P2)三个级别运动员支撑腿的髋、踝关节回旋运动方向出现差异;作用腿下肢关节运动方向相同,中级别运动员膝关节屈曲角度相对较大、转动半径相对较小,击打时段的动作速度也相对较快。回收阶段(P3)三个级别运动员支撑腿髋关节屈伸、回旋运动方向出现差异;作用腿下肢关节运动方向相同,小级别运动员作用腿下肢关节转动半径相对较小,回收时段的动作速度也相对较快。不同级别运动员鞭腿技术动作特征对击打速度存在显著性差异,相同级别散打运动员减轻体重、改善下肢关节的运动方向和运动幅度,才是提高击打速度的重要途径。  相似文献   

本文以运动生物力学为主要研究手段,利用影像技术对有手和束手两种情况下跆拳道后腿横踢技术进行了生物力学分析。研究认为:上肢对跆拳道整个横踢技术动作的运用有着很大程度的影响。有手和束手两种情况相比,束手横踢由于没有上肢的协调配合,技术的动作时间延长了;击打阶段横踢的速度、力量等也都相应有所减慢。文章最后指出,我国跆拳道运动员今后应注意上肢及躯干爆发力的训练,从而带动下肢的运动。使下肢获得更大的动作速度和更好的击打效果。  相似文献   

探求鞭腿技术击打不同类型目标时因动作运用不当可能引发膝关节运动损伤的危险时刻。运用VICON System 3D运动采集系统,对10名优秀散打运动员鞭腿技术进行空击、击打脚靶、沙包时的运动轨迹进行采集,依据鞭打动作特点和下肢关节运动特征,将鞭腿动作划分为3个时刻、2个时段,对其在各时刻的动作速度、作用腿膝关节角度、角速度、力矩等运用VICON Nexus和Polygon分析软件进行处理。研究结果表明:作用腿膝关节屈伸、内收外展、回旋角度和角速度以及关节力矩等各方面均存在着显著性差异(P<0.05);鞭腿空击技术类型的动作速度相对较慢,击打时段膝关节角速度相对较快、伸展时段膝关节呈外旋、加速并过度伸展状态;击打脚靶类型的动作速度相对较快,伸展时段膝关节呈外旋伸展运动状态;击打沙包类型膝关节的各项力矩相对较大,伸展时段膝关节呈反方向运动状态。鞭腿的3种击打类型均存在引发膝关节运动损伤的危险时刻,建议运动员在训练和实战时遵循鞭腿技术动作的运动规律。  相似文献   

张航 《少年体育训练》2013,(2):60-61,59
横踢又被称作是抡踢,是跆拳道所有技术当中最为基本的一种腿法,横踢是跆拳道比赛中运用率较高的动作之一,也是运动员得分的主要技术,具有较强攻击性和猛然性。可在进攻和反击战术中击打对手除去背部脊柱垂直部分的躯干部以及抛去后脑的面部得分。我国男子与女子运动员横踢技术较为熟练,但在衍生技术上还有一定的发展空间。所以本文通过对2011年跆拳道世界锦标赛中国男子与女子分别2个级别,一共4场比赛的录像中我国运动员对横踢技术运用的情况进行分析统计,其主要研究的内容是在横踢技术在比赛中击打的情况以及对策。  相似文献   

目的通过观察不同运动等级散打运动员在使用鞭腿技术动作时,支撑腿踝关节运动学特征所出现的差异,探求运动学特征与外侧副韧带急性损伤风险的关系。方法运用VICON Nexus 3D红外运动捕捉系统和Kistler地面测力系统,对23名不同运动等级男子散打运动员在使用鞭腿技术时支撑腿踝关节的动作轨迹进行采集,依据运动链原理将运动轨迹划分为启动、击打、回收3个时段,利用VICON Polygon分析软件对每个时段踝关节的角度、角速度、位移、时间、速度等特征进行分析。结果在击打过程中,不同运动等级运动员踝关节的运动方向一致,踝关节的活动度却出现了差异,启动和回收时段的内翻角度存在显著性(P<0.05);一般运动员踝关节的动作时间、位移均大于优秀运动员,启动时段的动作时间、上下位移、动作速度存在显著性(P<0.05)。结论不同运动等级散打运动员支撑腿踝关节的运动学特征存在显著性差异,优秀运动员踝关节运动轨迹的稳定性整体上好于一般运动员;运动学特征与引发外侧副韧带急性损伤风险存有关联,一般运动员因踝关节活动度相对较大,引发外侧副韧带急性损伤的风险也相对较高;启动时段是引发踝关节外侧副韧带急性损伤风险的最大时段。  相似文献   

目的:跆拳道是一个以无氧代谢为主的混合型代谢类型的运动,本次实验主要研究间歇性65次连续横踢训练对提高业余跆拳道运动员横踢耐力的影响。方法:以温州医学院跆拳道队16名运动员作为研究对象,按训练年限、训练水平和性别分为实验组(n=8)和对照组(n=8)。实验组除正常的训练外,进行8周的每周三次,每次4组,每组4次的间歇性65次连续横踢训练,对照组运动员进行常规训练。结果:1、8周训练后,实验组运动员65次连续横踢速度从37.76s提高到35.18s,对照组运动员从37.09s提高到36.35s,两组都有统计学差异,但实验组进步更多。2、实验组运动员在65次连续横踢后的即刻血乳酸水平比实验前下降明显,但峰值血乳酸水平明显增高。结论:通过8周的间歇性65次连续横踢训练,可以提高业余跆拳道运动员糖酵解供能能力,使跆拳道运动员在比赛中的持续横踢能力得到加强。  相似文献   

在跆拳道比赛中横踢技术最为常见,也是最主要的得分手段。跆拳道横踢技术的动作特点是快速有力且较易使用。而躯干的运动在跆拳道的横踢中主要是转动,这种转动对横踢动作起到协调和配合作用,有利提高横踢的打击效果。应用不需人工识别关节点的红外光点高速测试方法获取横踢动作中躯干运动的运动学数据,通过运动学的分析揭示跆拳道横踢动作中躯干的空间运动规律和特征,并通过分析这些运动学特征,探讨躯干的运动对跆拳道横踢动作质量的影响。以期对跆拳道教练员和运动员的教学与训练有所帮助。  相似文献   

男子跆拳道运动员横踢技术动作生物力学特征分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用4台数码摄像机对10名山东省男子跆拳道运动员横踢动作进行同步拍摄,并用德国SIMI motion 录像解析系统对测试结果进行三维图像解析,旨在揭示男子跆拳道运动员横踢技术特点,以及髋、膝、踝等各个关节、角度运动学特征.结果显示:1)男子运动员在横踢动作中,提膝转髋、踢击、收腿三个阶段所占时间比例分别为35%、20%、45%.2)在横踢过程中运动员Z轴重心位移起伏较大,数值升高变化特征明显,可有效提高踢击效果.3)在横踢动作中,未发现跆拳道运动员的左支撑脚内旋达180°.4)跆拳道运动员左支撑腿位置并非是固定不变的,而是根据踢击目标的需要,不断调节支撑脚的滑动位置.  相似文献   

<正>后横踢是跆拳道的重点腿法技术动作之一,在实战中经常被跆拳道运动员所使用。本文针对这一动作,对其运用特征进行分析。从时间、关节角度、重心移动、上肢动作和躯干动作五个方面,论述了后横踢这一技术动作的时间分配特征、关节角度变化特征、重心移动特征、上肢特征以及躯干特征,为跆拳道后横踢技术动作的训练提供参考。  相似文献   

Little is known of the performance characteristics of the shotokan karate mae-geri kick. The aim of this study was to compare the execution time, the lower limb kinetics and kinematics, and their respective repeatability in the mae-geri kick of karate athletes of two different standards. Seventeen adult black belt karate competitors (9 national and 8 international athletes) performed six kicks with their dominant lower limb on a striking surface, combining maximum force impact and velocity. Execution time of movement and lower limb kinematics were recorded with a high-speed camera. Maximum force at impact and the forces exerted on the ground were measured using three force plates. The duration of the kick was significantly shorter for international than for national standard athletes. However, no significant difference in the maximum impact force of the kick was observed between the two groups. In addition, significant kinematic differences were observed between the groups, with two angles of motion and one velocity peak occurring sooner in the kick movement for the international athletes, specifically for the knee joint. International athletes also performed the kick with a significantly higher repeatability for duration and kinematics, specifically during the pre-loading phase that precedes the attack phase. We conclude that the duration of the kick and repeatability of lower limb kinematics could be useful in selecting top-level karate athletes and monitoring their training status.  相似文献   


Little is known of the performance characteristics of the shotokan karate mae-geri kick. The aim of this study was to compare the execution time, the lower limb kinetics and kinematics, and their respective repeatability in the mae-geri kick of karate athletes of two different standards. Seventeen adult black belt karate competitors (9 national and 8 international athletes) performed six kicks with their dominant lower limb on a striking surface, combining maximum force impact and velocity. Execution time of movement and lower limb kinematics were recorded with a high-speed camera. Maximum force at impact and the forces exerted on the ground were measured using three force plates. The duration of the kick was significantly shorter for international than for national standard athletes. However, no significant difference in the maximum impact force of the kick was observed between the two groups. In addition, significant kinematic differences were observed between the groups, with two angles of motion and one velocity peak occurring sooner in the kick movement for the international athletes, specifically for the knee joint. International athletes also performed the kick with a significantly higher repeatability for duration and kinematics, specifically during the pre-loading phase that precedes the attack phase. We conclude that theduration of the kick and repeatability of lower limb kinematics could be useful in selecting top-level karate athletes and monitoring their training status.  相似文献   

散打鞭腿与跆拳道横踢腿的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用实验仪器Motion Analysis System对散打运动员的后腿鞭腿技术与跆拳道运动员后腿横踢进行比较分析和研究,找出两种不同技术各自优势与不足,为相关的技术训练提供高理论依据,以提高散打后鞭技术和跆拳道后横踢技术的科学化训练程度。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of leg muscle fatigue on the kinetics and kinematics of the instep football kick. Fatigue was induced by repeated, loaded knee extension (40% body weight) and flexion (50% body weight) motions on a weight-training machine until exhaustion. The kicking motions of seven male players were captured three-dimensionally at 500 Hz before and immediately after the fatigue protocol. The significantly slower ball velocity observed in the fatigue condition was due to both reduced lower leg swing speed and poorer ball contact. The reduced leg swing speed, represented by a slower toe linear velocity immediately before ball impact and slower peak lower leg angular velocity, was most likely due to a significantly reduced resultant joint moment and motion-dependent interactive moment during kicking. These results suggest that the specific muscle fatigue induced in the present study not only diminished the ability to generate force, but also disturbed the effective action of the interactive moment leading to poorer inter-segmental coordination during kicking. Moreover, fatigue obscured the eccentric action of the knee flexors immediately before ball impact. This might increase the susceptibility to injury.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify biomechanical factors that determine fast and skilful execution of the seoi-nage (shoulder throw) technique by comparing kinematics between elite and college judo athletes. Three-dimensional motion data were captured using a VICON-MX system with 18 cameras operating at 250 Hz as three male elite and seven male college judo athletes performed seoi-nage. No significant difference was found in motion phase time of the turning phase between the two groups, indicating that motion phase time is not necessarily a factor contributing quickness in seoi-nage. The maximum relative velocity of the whole body centre of mass along the anterior–posterior direction was significantly greater in the elite athletes (2.74 ± 0.33 m/s) than in the college athletes (1.62 ± 0.47 m/s) during the turning phase (p = 0.023). The overall angular velocity of the body part lines, particularly the arm line, tended to be greater in the elite athletes (p = 0.068). The results imply that the velocity of the thrower relative to the opponent in the forward drive and turning motion reflects high skill seoi-nage. Coaches should recognise the relative forward velocity as a factor that may contribute to a successful seoi-nage when teaching the judo throw technique.  相似文献   

采用心理测量法,对自由式滑雪空中技巧国家队运动员2010—2011年陆上训练和雪上训练(冬训前后)的注意力、应激、训练状态、赛前情绪4项心理指标进行监测和分析,了解运动员的训练特征及心理状态。结果发现:运动员陆上训练和雪上训练心理状态是有差异的,不同性别的自由式滑雪空中技巧运动员心理状态呈现出不同特征;运动员的注意力处在一般水平,经过冬训注意力有所提高;经过冬训运动员的应激状态均有所改善,男队员改善明显,冬训后困扰男队员的主要为比赛所带来的压力,而女队员则主要为生活遭遇和运动损伤的压力。大部分运动员的赛前状态良好,一部分运动员存在轻、中和重度的心理疲劳。结论:对于自由式滑雪空中技巧项目运动员进行心理状态监测是非常必要的。对运动员采取的心理调节策略、方法应具有鲜明的个体性。  相似文献   

本研究运用Panasonic NV-GS400数码摄像机拍摄我国5名优秀散打运动员的转身后蹬腿动作,采用瑞士产DARTFISH Prosuite 5.0专业版软件,从运动学角度解析对比受试者与穆斯利姆转身后蹬腿动作各技术环节的时间、距离差异。结果发现:整体上受试者时间参数平均值与穆斯利姆差距较大,具体在于捕捉战机、收腿站立两阶段存在的差距最明显,蹬击阶段存在的差距虽小却至关重要。本文针对受试者的薄弱环节提出了训练方法。  相似文献   

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