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将混合学习应用于远程教育,对改善学习效果和提高教育质量有着重要的作用.本文从混合学习的基本内涵出发,提出了混合学习在现代远程教育中的整合框架重要意义.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断进步,远程教育呈现出迅猛发展的态势,而在这种大发展的过程中,现代远程教育也不可避免地要面对诸如满足学习者学习需求等各种挑战。混合学习的兴起,对改善现代远程教育教学效果和质量有重要作用,是目前技术教育界备受关注的焦点。从混合学习的内涵及其在现代远程教育教学中的应用现状出发,探讨混合学习对现代远程教育教学模式的影响。  相似文献   

现代远程教育是我国广播电视大学开放教育采用的基本教育形式,但基于混合学习的优点和远程教育及其学生的现状,面授教育仍是不可忽视的有效教育手段。本文论述了我国广播电视大学开放教育在进行远程教育的同时,运用面授教育的意义和策略。  相似文献   

远程教育中混合学习策略的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在远程教育中应用混合学习的策略是提高其教育质量的有效措施。该文通过对比不同教学模式的优势,论述了在远程教育中应用混合学习策略的基本理论、设计要点及技术方案。  相似文献   

《现代远程教育》课程因其课程内容的特殊性,单一的课堂讲授比较难以让传统高校学习者真正理解远程教育与传统教育的区别。本文采用混合学习方式,依据混合学习过程的基本环节对课程进行了教学改革,并对改革后的教学效果进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文以混合学习的新内涵为出发点,分析了混合学习在我国远程教育中的实际应用情况,对当前我国远程教育教学模式进行了反思,进而着重从教师“导学”、自主学习、教学设计等几个方面探讨了混合学习对我国现代远程教育教学模式改革的影响.  相似文献   

近年来混合课程在远程教育中备受关注。它对于促进远程学习者自主学习和提高教学质量具有重要作用。远程教育混合课程开发的关键在于如何有效整合面对面教学与在线学习。本文阐释了混合课程的内涵、优势及面临挑战,研究了远程教育混合课程开发的过程、原则及对策,以期对我国远程教育混合课程建设有所启迪。  相似文献   

结合了传统课堂和E-Learning优势的混合学习(B-Learning)始终是人们关注的热点。近年来,混合学习这种新型的学习方式在远程教育和企业培训方面应用广泛,但在高等院校教育中却应用不多。Sakai网络平台在高校中的运用为混合学习在高校教育中的开展提供了条件。本文通过介绍Sakai的功能特点,探讨基于Sakai的混合学习模式的优势,并以《网络应用系统设计》为例阐述如何基于Sakai网络平台进行混合学习的实践。  相似文献   

以网络教育为核心的远程教育正在飞速发展,而混合学习可以有效地提高其教学质量。为了解决远程教育学习者在混合学习中学习进度、兴趣等方面存在差异的问题,我们在混合学习中引入数据挖掘知识,研究并设计了一个结合Web日志的个性化推荐混合学习模式。该模式可以根据学习者的实际情况为其推荐个性化学习方案,包括学习目标、学习内容、习题测试等,为系统全面地进行远程教育的教学设计与实践、提高教学质量提供帮助。  相似文献   

杨成 《远程教育杂志》2007,(5):45-47,32
教育技术学本科专业《远程教育》课程的教学一直是值得探讨的问题。在多年教学实践和研究的基础上,我们采取混合学习方式对该课程进行了教学改革,得到了较好的效果。在分析学生学习特征并进行调查的基础上,我们进行了在线课堂的设计与开发,最后对混合学习的效果进行了分析。  相似文献   

混合式学习系统的设计、开发和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易维 《开放教育研究》2005,11(Z1):46-49
按照国内远程教育的基本需求,本文首先提出融合传统远程教育和网络教学各自优点的混合式学习模式,并介绍了混合的过程阶段、主要类型和策略.显然,远程教育中的学习系统设计需要与远程教育过程保持一致性,因此,我们进一步设计和开发了混合式学习系统解决方案,该系统包括教务管理系统、网络学习平台、教学资源系统、虚拟社区系统、学习评估系统和质量管理系统等六大部分.最后,我们以网络学习平台为例,给出了混合式学习的设计过程方法,并通过数据分析总结了其在实践中的应用效果.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of blended learning in teacher education on a Master's programme at Manchester University. Blended learning is the bringing together of traditional physical classes with elements of virtual education. The paper focuses on one particular module of the degree and attempts to capture students’ experiences of using a number of online tools. As our students are primarily in‐service teachers, this experience is particularly relevant and equips them to make use of educational technology in the language classroom. Some comparisons are also made with a cohort of teachers studying the programme at a distance. The paper explores a range of issues that currently feature in the adult education literature, namely, deep and surface learning, communities of practice, and the importance of educational dialogue. The paper illustrates how important the blended nature of this module is for the teachers to get a balanced programme that upgrades skills and knowledge, but which also enables them to reflect on past and future practice. A transformative education scale is used to show that teachers can be transformed. The paper is a case study that makes use of data that explore the student perspective on a series of research questions.  相似文献   

混合学习是教育界的热点研究问题之一。基于Web2.0平台从"混合学习"的方式入手去探究大学英语的学习与教学方法,实践证明会为我们的英语学习与教学带来诸多启示和前所未有的改革。  相似文献   

论混合学习设计的适配原则和定位策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前有关混合学习的理论及模式研究比较丰富,但普遍存在三个问题:一是把混合学习设定为几种具体的混合方式,二是把混合学习与混合教学混为一谈,三是在如何"混合"上缺乏操作原则和定位策略.针对这些问题,本文重新讨论了混合学习的定义;提出混合学习的混合不是随意的.而是基于一定的适配原则设计出来的,如适配学习者、适配学习内容、适配学习过程和适配学习情境;认为混合学习设计需要将多种学习要素进行有机混合,遵循两个定位策略,即树立结构化的定位思路和形成模式化的定位目标.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Distributed Learning: social and cultural approaches to practiceEdited by Mary R. Lea and Kathy Nicoll, 2002 RoutledgeFalmer 214 pp., £19.99 ISBN 0 415 26809 5Distributed Learning: social and cultural approaches to practice, edited by Mary R. Lea and Kathy Nicoll, is published as part of the Open University UK course Understanding Distributed and Flexible Learning within the Postgraduate Programme in Open and Distance Education. The book comprises of 12 chapters written by authors from different academic backgrounds. They draw on their extensive practical experiences to present and reflect on a number of conceptual models and describe best practices in distributed learning. The volume is aimed at practitioners who intend to use technology in a higher education setting and also helps those who may have been using it for a few years to rethink their approaches to online learning and teaching. The reader is introduced to several theoretical concepts based on different disciplines and perspectives, e.g. anthropology, psychology, sociology, philosophy, economics and pedagogy. The specific focus is on the social and cultural aspects of learning. What does the term distributed learning mean? It describes practices on the continuum between traditional distance education and campus-based face-to-face education (cf. flexible learning, blended learning). With the proliferation of information and communications technology (ICT) in campus-based educational settings the boundaries between distance education and face-to-face education are fading. More and more traditional campus-based universities are providing access to higher education in a distance learning format. In fact, ICTs facilitate contact over a distance. Some authors even speak of a convergence between the two forms of education (Mills &;Tait, 1999). Campus-based institutions cannot deny their tradition: they insist that contact sessions are essential for successful internet-based independent learning, although distance education with its high quality pre-prepared study materials and tutorial (online) support has proven otherwise. This is what models for blended learning try to illuminate: the appropriate mix of face-to-face and distance teaching approaches. A strength of the book is that the authors come from both distance teaching as well as campus-based institutions and thus different views on the continuum are presented.  相似文献   

网络教学平台是在线学习的技术基础,对MOOCs(大规模开放在线课程)也不例外,平台的发展从一个侧面反映MOOCs发展的动态和趋势。首先从三个方面综述了MOOC平台的发展态势,从三大典型MOOC平台认识到自身不足而加速研发,各个国家积极推进自身MOOC平台的建设,以及网络教学平台的主流研发机构为顺应MOOC潮流而推出新平台:进而从技术创新、市场竞争、平台运营权和本土化教育教学需要四个方面探讨了MOOC平台多元化和本土化创新发展的内在动力;最后分析了MOOC平台多元化和本土化创新发展将给高等教育和远程教育带来的影响,体现在支持高校混合教学改革、学习分析技术的应用促进数字化学习的研究与实践、促进开放与远程教育的进一步发展。  相似文献   

混合式学习能够整合课堂面授学习方式与在线学习方式的优势,被认为是高等教育机构应对未来挑战和实现教育创新的有效而风险较低的策略。以北京大学一门通选课作为研究案例,针对混合式教学环境下学生网上讨论的成效及影响因素进行的实证研究发现:混合式教学中的网上讨论确实可以为教学提供帮助,总体来看,学生在"知识"和"理解"这两个低阶思维能力方面获得了较大的提高,而在"分析"、"综合"、"评价"等高阶思维能力方面并没有得到普遍的提高;"讨论话题设置"和"个体对网上讨论的态度"是影响网上讨论成效的最显著因素,"对讨论的激励机制"对网上讨论成效也有较大影响。  相似文献   

基于高校网络教学平台的混合学习模式应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于混合学习模式在普通高校的应用优势和趋势,混合学习已成为高校教学改革的重要内容。基于高校网络教学平台的混合学习模式应用,将为高校教学改革提供一个新的思路。通过分析高校师范专业必修课程《现代教育技术》混合学习设计需求,构建了基于高校网络教学平台的《现代教育技术》课程混合学习模式,设计了该课程的混合学习实施流程图,并从混合学习的学习环境、学习内容、学习资源、学习活动、学习评价等方面,阐述该课程是如何基于网络教学平台进行混合学习实践。课程混合学习实施结果显示:教师教育技术能力、网络课程内容设计、网络课程学习导航、网络学习活动设计与组织、及时的师生互动交流、学生的信息素养、学生网络学习参与度、师生对网络学习的认可度等因素对混合学习的有效实施有重要影响。基于高校网络教学平台开展混合学习的对策主要包括加强网络教师培训;重视混合学习环境设计;强化混合学习活动设计与组织;提供在线学习辅导与支持;明确学校激励措施与网络教学发展政策。  相似文献   

An increasing number of students with disabilities are attending higher education. These students might face various difficulties coping with academic skills and with learning methods compared to students without disabilities. Integrating information and communication technologies (ICTs) in academic studies may be effective and constructive for students with and without various disabilities, as ICTs can provide students with adaptive ways to compensate for disabilities and enable them to improve learning. The present study examined students’ knowledge of and accessibility to ICTs and it examined students’ perceptions of the ICTs used by professors teaching in a face-to-face traditional postsecondary educational institute (in Canada) and a distance/blended learning higher education institute (in Israel). The sample included 309 Canadian students and 963 Israeli students who completed questionnaires regarding ICT usage, accessibility, and perceived use by professors. Findings reveal that Israeli students reported higher use and greater accessibility of ICTs and they also reported higher use of ICTs by professors. For both groups of students – those with and without LD/ADHD - accessibility to ICTs was predicted by self-reported knowledge and use of ICTs, professors’ ICT use, gender and nationality. The study’s findings and its implications are likely to be important for promoting access to ICTs for students with and without disabilities in both the traditional higher education modality and in distance/ blended learning contexts.  相似文献   

A competence-based approach was applied to a blended learning on line distance training in the Euroinno EU project aimed at vocational training in building automation. The current paper describes the experience gathered during the learning process and the definition of the curriculum. A number of issues emerged during the sessions concerning regional differences among the various European partners involved in the learning. Refusal to accept e-learning approaches has been considerable among teachers and students in piloting building automation courses, and mainly related to four factors in the tradition of adult education: curriculum tradition, oral tradition, lack of confidence in technical solutions to educational matters and lack of experience with the media.  相似文献   

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