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建成环境作为影响儿童青少年身体活动水平的重要因素之一,与其相关的核心成果在指导后续儿童青少年身体活动支持性建成环境研究,以及改善、优化儿童青少年个体的身体活动环境方面均具有重要价值。通过梳理全球儿童青少年身体活动建成环境领域的核心成果,发现社区、学校、家庭的建成环境与儿童青少年个体的身体活动是全球儿童青少年身体活动建成环境领域的研究热点。儿童保育机构与不同国家农村地区儿童青少年支持性身体活动建成环境的构建、评估与优化,以及如何利用建成环境对残疾、超重、肥胖等弱势儿童青少年个体进行身体活动干预,将是未来儿童青少年身体活动建成环境领域相关研究者的首要关注点。我国儿童青少年身体活动建成环境的理论研究与实践干预主要体现在:不同场域建成环境与身体活动水平的关联性分析,国外身体活动指南与评价标准、体系的系统阐释,量化探讨建成环境对身体活动水平的影响,以及如何构建与完善身体活动健康促进框架体系。通过分析国内、外儿童青少年身体活动建成环境的相关成果,结合我国实际情况,尝试从研究方法、研究设计、测量指标与试验控制等维度,提出未来我国儿童青少年身体活动建成环境研究的优化策略。  相似文献   

身体活动是提高人们健康水平的重要手段.随着人们行为方式和饮食结构的改变,身体活动及能量消耗呈下降趋势,从而导致了诸如心血管疾病、2型糖尿病等慢性疾病的高发.由国家或专业组织编写的身体活动指南是人们提高身体活动量与强度的科学依据.通过对《2008美国人身体活动指南》制定的背景,以及在锻炼时间、锻炼的规律性、对不同人群的分类指导、力量与有氧耐力项目的重视及运动的安全性分析,结合我国的实际情况,认为应加强普通人群身体活动的科学研究、多部门合作搭建发展平台、重视身体活动的社会价值研究、强化身体活动干预并尽快研制我国公民身体活动指南.  相似文献   

如何促使个体进行身体锻炼和维持身体锻炼是现代西方国家有关身体锻炼研究的主要内容.研究者把身体锻炼作为一种行为来研究,身体锻炼行为转变的研究源自促进个体健康的研宄.促进身体锻炼行为的研究是健康促进研究的重要内容.为了解释或说明身体锻炼行为受哪些因素影响,研究人员提出了一些身体锻炼行为的理论模型.这些理论可以分为个人内部理论、人际理论和环境理论.通过行为转变理论模式的研究可以推理出行之有效的行为干预方法,为行为干预实践提供理论依据.阐述了促进身体锻炼主要的理论模式,并对其进行基本分析,指出了研究中存在的问题,对未来的研究发展提出了自己的观点.  相似文献   

身体活动指“由骨骼肌产生的体能消耗运动”.是保持身体健康、增进社会交往的重要方式和途径。在澳大利亚,虽然有研究调查民族群体身体活动的各个层面,但总体而言.多数研究更侧重于民族群体的同质性,而忽视了其异质性。本研究探讨在新南威尔士州居住的澳籍香港老年华人对身体活动的概念理解及对身体活动的态度。研究使用开放性问卷进行个体深度访谈,受访者22人。研究发现,大多数受访者不清楚“身体活动”这一术语的含义,对他们来说,“身体活动”是一个模糊的、复杂的术语。该群体对身体活动的态度反映了他们在预防性卫生保健方面的文化和健康观念。显然,提升澳籍香港老年华人的身体活动水平.需要一种基于文化特殊性的健康促进策略以解决对身体活动的误解,同时也需要具体的身体活动态度与华人整体性保健观念相匹配。  相似文献   

目的研究探讨群体运动对青春启动前期肥胖学生身体形态、自我意识的影响,探索干预过程中肥胖儿童的身体形态变化与自我意识变化之间的共变关系。方法运用儿童自我意识量表对60名9~11岁小学生进行调查,其中正常体质量26名,单纯性肥胖34名(肥胖对照组与肥胖干预组各17名)。肥胖干预组进行了每周4次、每次60%~70%HRmax强度的群体有氧运动,干预周期共22周,同时从身体形态、自我意识分析干预效应及之间的关系。结果肥胖学生的自我意识水平低于正常体质量学生;群体运动干预在改善肥胖学生身体形态(身体脂肪比率和身体质量指数)的同时,自我意识水平得到了提高和改善,且与身体质量指数、身体脂肪比率呈显著负关系。突出体现在自我意识总分、行为、智力与学校情况、躯体外貌与属性维度上。结论群体运动干预有效提高青春启动前期肥胖学生的自我意识水平,降低身体脂肪比率和BMI值,两者存在共变关系。  相似文献   

G806.HL006 9905103身体锻炼行为的理论模式[HL,中.A]/李京诚∥第五届全国体育科学大会论文摘要汇编.-1997年11月18-20日.-112-113(BJ)体育锻炼∥行为∥理论∥模式通过文献资料法,研究分析近年来国外学者提出的锻炼行为的理论模式、身体活动参与的心理学模式认为:身体锻炼活动的参与使个体身体能力提高,并导致个体产生积极的身体自我评估又使整体自尊提高。高自尊和高身体能力感进一步加强了身体活动对个体的吸引力。健康信念模  相似文献   

目的探讨智能手机干预对成年人身体活动的影响。方法运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法梳理当前运动智能设备干预身体活动的研究进展,分析智能手机不同的干预方式对身体活动的的影响以及在智能手机干预下身体活动发生的变化。结果与结论智能手机干预已成为增强身体活动以及促进健康的重要途径;智能手机不同的干预方式对身体活动具有积极的影响,在一定程度上可以促进每日平均步数以及身体活动时间的增长,除此之外,还能使人体身体活动水平有所增强;智能手机干预可以通过提升自我效能感或者通过设立目标、提供反馈等健康行为改变技术来增强身体活动。  相似文献   

社会经济地位是影响个体身体活动参与的重要社会因素。通过对国内外相关研究文献进行分析,检验社会经济地位对不同群体身体活动的影响效应,梳理社会经济地位影响个体身体活动参与的作用路径,发现:(1)社会经济地位对个体的身体活动具有重要影响,但对青少年、普通人群和特殊人群身体活动的影响效应存在差异;(2)社会经济地位通过社区环境(体育活动设施、社区学校条件)、家庭因素(家庭物质环境、家庭成员身体活动行为)、久坐行为、超重或肥胖、锻炼动机(锻炼意图、自我效能)等因素对个体身体活动产生影响。(3)当前关于社会经济地位与身体活动关系的研究存在核心概念的界定与测量混乱、社会经济地位影响身体活动的理论构建缺乏等问题。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,以社会生态学理论为视角,从个体、人际、社区、组织及政策五个方面对老年人身体活动的影响因素进行梳理与分析,认为老年人身体活动促进现实困境:健康素养水平较低,身体活动主动性不足;老年人社会支持不足,正式支持力量微弱;社区不同建设时序标准不一,社区资源配置不当;体育社会组织发展不足,老年体育服务质量水平低;早期老年体育政策可操作性弱,新政策实施进展缓慢。推进路径:提高老年人健康素养,增加主动性身体活动;强化正式支持,形成执行、协作、考核长效机制;加强基层老年体育组织建设,规范组织管理;优化社区建成环境布局,提高社区资源利用率;强化政策执行力度,促进新指南实施与普及。  相似文献   

身体锻炼行为转变的研究源自促进个体健康的研究,身体锻炼行为研究是健康促进研究的一个重要领域,促进身体锻炼行为的研究是这一领域的重要内容。为了解释身体活动行为或者为了说明影响身体锻炼行为的因素影响,研究人员提出了一些身体锻炼行为的理论模型,社会认知行为理论是其中重要的理论之一。社会认知理论认为可以通过操控个体的个人因素、环境因素、个体的行为归因来影响行为本身的变化。  相似文献   

钟涛  徐伟  胡亮 《体育科研》2014,(2):28-31
在促进体力活动的研究中,传统理论过于强调个体心理因素的作用,而相对忽视了宏观环境因素所起的作用. 社会生态模型作为一个全面的、跨学科的分析框架,为体力活动研究提供了新的思路,即综合考虑个体及环境的各层次影响因素:个体内层次、人际层次、组织层次、社区层次和政策层次.本文对该模型在体力活动领域的应用演进以及各个层次的研究进展进行梳理,以期为未来应用该模型的相关干预研究提供理论借鉴.  相似文献   

The evidence base pointing towards the maladaptive health consequences of an inactive lifestyle highlights the need for interventions that are effective in changing and maintaining physical activity behaviours. Theories of motivation are frequently applied to inform the content and delivery of such interventions. Systematic monitoring and evaluation of the quality of intervention implementation is therefore an important step in understanding if and how theories of motivation can be adopted and effectively applied to promote and/or sustain physical activity behaviours. However, intervention implementation quality in studies that aim to apply motivation theory to promote physical activity is often under-reported. The purpose of this article is, first, to review contemporary approaches used to monitor and evaluate intervention implementation; we outline the degree to which these methods have been used effectively in research concerned with applying theories of motivation to impact physical activity behaviours. Second, we identify and discuss specific challenges in effectively measuring quality of implementation faced by researchers who adopt a motivation theory basis to their work. Finally, recommendations for methods to monitor and evaluate intervention implementation in future trials aiming to promote physical activity based on theories of motivation are also proposed.  相似文献   


Pedometers have been identified as a tool for health professionals to promote physical activity. This study, which aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of wearing a pedometer on general practitioners' attitudes to promoting physical activity, was a pragmatic, multi-centred, randomized controlled trial within a primary care trust in England. The participants were 102 general practitioners (GPs). Eighty-five (48 males, 37 females) of the GPs completed pre and post questionnaires, 43 of whom were in the intervention group. Statistical analysis revealed no significant changes between the control and intervention groups for attitude to engage in physical activity (t 83 = 1.13, CI ?0.362 to 0.099) or attitude to promote physical activity in their patients (t 83 = 1.7, CI ?0.593 to 0.045). A higher volume of walking was significantly correlated with a more positive attitude to engage in physical activity (r = 0.58, P < 0.01) but not with a more positive attitude to promoting physical activity. Wearing a pedometer had no significant effect on GPs' attitudes to engaging in physical activity or promoting physical activity in their patients.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to assess the effects of a fitness assessment and exercise consultation on physical activity over 1 year in non-regularly active participants drawn from a socially and economically deprived community. Of 3000 people invited to volunteer for either intervention, 225 fitness assessment volunteers were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group; 145 exercise consultation volunteers were similarly assigned. Physical activity was measured at baseline, 4 weeks, 3 months (plus an intervention re-test), 6 months and 1 year. Analysis of variance and follow-up Bonferroni analysis showed that, for those not regularly active at baseline, physical activity increased significantly to 4 weeks, was maintained to 6 months but had fallen by 1 year. Only those receiving an exercise consultation significantly increased their physical activity after 1 year. Compared with fitness assessments, chi-square analysis showed that significantly more non-regularly active participants volunteered for an exercise consultation and those receiving an exercise consultation had significantly better long-term study adherence than those receiving a fitness assessment. The study also showed that, contrary to popular opinion, those in a socially and economically deprived community are not 'hard to reach' and respond well to physical activity interventions.  相似文献   


This cluster randomized controlled trial (trial-number #) compares effects of two school-based physical activity interventions (aerobic vs. cognitively-engaging) on reading, mathematics, and spelling achievement; and whether effects are influenced by volume of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and baseline achievement. Twenty-two primary schools participated, where a third and fourth grade class were randomly assigned to the intervention or control group. Intervention groups were randomly assigned to a 14-week aerobic or cognitively-engaging intervention, receiving four physical education lessons a week. Control groups followed their regular physical education program. Academic achievement of 891 children (mean age 9.17 years, 49.4% boys) was assessed with standardized tests before and after the interventions. Post-Test academic achievement did not significantly differ between intervention groups and control group. A higher volume of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity resulted in better post-test mathematics achievement in both intervention groups, and post-test spelling achievement in the cognitively engaging intervention group. Compared to the control group, lower achievers in reading performed better in reading after the cognitively-engaging intervention. A combination of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and cognitively-engaging exercises seems to have the most beneficial effects. Future intervention studies should take into account quantitative and qualitative aspects of physical activity, and children’s baseline academic achievement.  相似文献   

目的:从两方面考察一项大学生身体活动促进研究的干预效果:1)干预是否改变了假想的调节变量;2)调节变量的改变是否与行为变化有关。方法:准实验设计。大学一年级学生被随机分为旨在促进身体活动的干预组和控制组。在学期初及干预后第8周,测量所有学生的身体活动结果和5个相关调节变量。结果:干预在女生的2个调节变量(自我效能创造时间锻炼方面,自我效能坚持不懈方面)上有显著性影响;而在男生的调节变量上无显著性影响。女生的3个调节变量变化得分(来自朋友的社会支持,来自家人的社会支持以及自我效能消极情感方面)是解释身体活动变化的回归分析中的显著性贡献因子,男生的身体活动变化中的2个显著性贡献因子分别是来自朋友的社会支持变化得分,自我效能坚持不懈方面的变化得分。结论:干预引起的女生的调节变量的显著改变与身体活动变化之间并没有显著性关联。干预研究的有效性没有得到验证。今后要在变量选择的多样性、测量过程的准确性、干预内容及相关理论方面进行改进。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which physical activity among adolescent female friends is interdependent. The participants were 318 adolescent girls with a mean age of 16.0 years (range: 15–18 years). Pedometry was used to assess physical activity over 4 days. The relationship between an individual girl and her first-nominated reciprocal friend's physical activity level was moderate (r = 0.45, 90% confidence interval = 0.31, 0.56), when the friendship was nonreciprocal it was trivial (r = -.06, 90% confidence interval = -.36. .25). Friends' physical activity levels explained between 27% and 32% of an individual's pedometer-determined physical activity level. Reciprocity of friendship is an important variable to consider when understanding the relationship between adolescent female friends' physical activity. When friendships are reciprocal, there is a stronger relationship between friends' physical activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of an extra-curricular school sport programme to promote physical activity among adolescents. One hundred and sixteen students (mean age 14.2 years, s = 0.5) were assigned to an intervention (n = 50) or comparison group (n = 66). The 8-week intervention involved structured exercise activities and information sessions. Four days of pedometer monitoring and time spent in non-organized physical activity and sedentary behaviours were measured at baseline and post-test. At baseline, participants were classified using steps per day as low-active (girls <11,000, boys <13,000) or active (girls > or = 11,000, boys > or = 13,000) and the effects of the intervention were assessed using these subgroups. Adolescents in the intervention group classified as low-active at baseline increased their step counts across the 8-week intervention (baseline: 7716 steps/day, s = 1751; post-test: 10,301 steps/day, s = 4410; P < 0.05) and accumulated significantly more steps (P < 0.05) than their peers in the comparison group (baseline: 8414 steps/day, s = 2460; post-test: 8248 steps/day, s = 3674; P = 0.879). The results of the present study provide further evidence that physical activity monitoring using pedometers is an effective strategy for increasing activity among low-active adolescents.  相似文献   

The case study explores the experiences of Muslim women in the area of physical activity participation conducted whilst they were studying at one UK University. Previous research in the field indicated that Muslim women can be denied opportunities to participate in areas of sport-related physical activity through multiple factors such as socio-cultural, familial, religious or sporting structural constraints. Despite increased knowledge about the inclusion of Muslim girls in school-based physical education and sport, there is a dearth of literature on Muslim women's experiences post their school years. Informed by socio-cultural theories of the body, identity and embodied cultures, the study focuses on Muslim women's early physical activity experiences, university-based participation patterns and reflections on the influences that shaped their attitudes and beliefs towards such participation. Open-ended questionnaires, 34/50 returned (68%), and 6 in-depth interviews were conducted with volunteers studying a wide range of programmes. Content analysis revealed that values, attitudes and behaviours were largely influenced by the family; prior to university, the women's physical activity experiences were mixed and dependent on family activity patterns and school-based opportunities; university recreational sport-related provision did not cater for the women's Islamic needs denying them opportunities to participate. Religious belief and cultural expectations made a significant contribution to the women's preferences for participation environments that respected their Islamic beliefs.  相似文献   

This study investigates the enjoyment and cohesion of school children participating in a school-based high-intensity physical activity (PA) intervention. Both enjoyment and cohesion have been found to be important factors for adherence to regular physical and sport activity, an important outcome of PA interventions. The sample consisted of 300 pupils (mean age: 9.3 years; 52.7% female) assigned to a team sport intervention, an individual sport intervention, or a control group for 10 months. The Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale and Youth Sport Environment Questionnaire were used to measure enjoyment and cohesion. The Yo-Yo IR1C test determined fitness improvements. Results showed that enjoyment and cohesion (social) measured at the beginning of the intervention significantly predict fitness improvements achieved after 10 months. No differing developmental effects over time could be found in the intervention groups with regard to cohesion and enjoyment when comparing them to the control group. However, enjoyment and cohesion (social) significantly decreased in the groups that performed individual sports. Team sports seem to be more advantageous for the development of enjoyment and cohesion, which are both factors that positively impact the health outcomes of the intervention.  相似文献   

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