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长期以来,体育教学评价都是以运动技能学习的结果为主要依据,忽视了学生的个体差异以及运动技能学习过程中可以促进学生发展的价值。随着对技能本身教育功能认识的转变,体育课程评价的功能也发生了根本性的转变,不只是检查技能掌握的情况,更为关注的是学生掌握技能的过程与方法,以及与之相伴随的情感态度与价值观的形成,注重发挥评价的激励和改进功能。  相似文献   

随着素质教育的不断推进,人们对体育教育的重要作用也有了进一步的认识。尤其在体育学科核心素养提出后,体育课程也不单单只注重学生运动技能和身心健康的培养。体育教学中融入拓展训练,能够有效促进学生体育锻炼与情感、态度、责任心等各方面的完美结合,促进学生全面发展。同时也是对只用学生的体能与运动技能达到的水平进行考核的评价标准,给予了新的思路,为体育课程在情感,态度上的评价体系提供了参考。  相似文献   

1 设立主体性教学目标 ,培养学生的主体意识体育教学目标是体育教学所要达到的具体标准 ,是教师期望学生将要发生的变化和预期的目的。主体性教学期望学生作为统一的有机体在认识领域、情感领域、动作技能领域发生相应的变化。其中认识领域包括注意、观察、记忆、想象、思维等 ;情感领域包括学习动机、学习兴趣、学习情感、学习意志、学习自信心等 ;动作技能领域包括各种基本技能、技巧。因此 ,主体性教学目标包括认知掌握、技能达标、心理发展三个不同层次的目标。教师在教学活动中应与学生互动、共同发展 ,要处理好传授知识、技能与培养…  相似文献   

通过对高校篮球教学的认识和总结,阐述教学中科学与艺术;学习与提高;健康与技能的关系,探讨教学技巧,教学策略运用和教学效果评价等问题,为进一步探索高校体育教学的新思路、新规律、新方法,准确把握高校体育教学的基本规律,拓宽高校体育教学的教育功能,提供参考依据。  相似文献   

长期以来,体育教学评价都是以运动技能学习的结果为主要依据,忽视了学生的个体差异以及运动技能学习过程中可以促进学生发展的价值。随着对技能本身教育功能认识的转变,体育课程评价的功能也发生了根本性的转变,不只是检查技能掌握的情况,更为关注的是学生掌握技能的过程与方法  相似文献   

<正>技能是体育与健康课程的载体,通过运动技能的练习获得的身体认知是一切认知的本源。因而技能教学的有效性问题,自然成了所有体育教学工作者关心的话题。当教学目标、教学实际以及评价三者之间相互协调时,教学  相似文献   

作为课程教学评价,无论在功能和价值上,还是在学科内容、呈现方式以及对考核结果的处理上,都要力争体现新课标所倡导的“立足过程,促进每一位学生发展”的评价理念和工作思路。这必须建立多元主体参与、多样评价方式、多元评价指标的体育学习评价体系,既关注学生体育学习的结果,更关注他们在体育学习过程中的变化和发展;既关注学生知识与技能的理解和掌握,更关注他们情感与态度的形成和发展。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法对梅州城区中小学《体育、体育与健康》课程标准实施现状进行了调查。结果显示:教师对《体育》课程标准的认识还不够深刻,对教材的学习和了解不够全面;大部分学生对《体育与健康》课程的学习领域目标有一定的认识,个别学习领域目标学生认识还不够全面;教师对学生学习的评价内容仍局限于体能和运动技能的评定,课堂教学手段和方法还有待转变;部分学校领导和教师对《课程标准》不够重视,主要表现在学校对体育场馆的建设、器材的购置、课外活动的开展,以及教师的教学态度、内容、方法和教学组织形式的选择等方面。  相似文献   

文章采用实验研究法分析高校长拳教学中运用过程性评价的教学效果,发现了过程性评价在掌控学习过程、提高技能水平和端正体育态度中的独特优势,并且可以运用到其它项目的教学中去。  相似文献   

<正>一、体育"教学设计"与"教案"的定义(一)体育教学设计的定义为了让学生系统地掌握体育知识技能,构建学生的知识和技能的认知框架,用科学系统的方法对教学目标、教学策略、教学内容及教学评价等各环节进行合理的设计、安排,设置教与学的双边活动的过程。体育教学设计能清楚地说明体育教学为什么要这样做。  相似文献   

基本运动技能的教学与测评是近年来国际上儿童体育教育领域的热点议题,是儿童技能发展与培养必须直面的重要问题。在学校体育中,如何透过技能的测评来实现基本运动技能科学的指导与发展是学龄早期体育教学的核心关注点。文章参考国外众多基本运动技能教学教材与评价工具,试以最大化发挥学龄早期体育教育的价值为研究的根本目标,通过从基本运动技能测评的目的与价值、内容标准指标的确定、实施的环境与过程以及测评需遵循的基本原则四个方面来分析运动技能定性测评体系构建的程序问题,在一定程度上缓解我国儿童基本运动技能测评相关理论发展滞后的问题,为我国儿童青少年基本运动技能科学有序的发展提供理论保障和现实的基础意义。  相似文献   

Background: Fundamental motor skill proficiency is essential for engagement in sports and physical play and in the development of a healthy lifestyle. Children with motor delays (with and without disabilities) lack the motor skills necessary to participate in games and physical activity, and tend to spend more time as onlookers than do their peers. As such, intervention programs are crucial in promoting motor skill development of children with motor delays. While mastery climate (MC) interventions have shown to positively impact children’s motor performance, what is unknown is the impact of cognitive strategies used by children within these climates. Furthermore, although vigorous play seems to be related to the development of gross motor skills, it is still unknown if children with and without disabilities would benefit from exercise play (EP) interventions.

Purpose: This study examined the effects of MC and EP interventions on the motor skill development and verbal recall (VR) of children with motor delays. The sample included children with and without disabilities.

Research designs: One hundred and thirty-eight children from 27 urban public schools were referred to the present study. Children were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development second edition (TGMD-2) and a VR checklist. Sixty-four children (18 with disabilities and 46 without) met the inclusion criteria, which was a score less than the fifth percentile on the TGMD-2. Participants were randomly assigned to the MC or EP 14-week interventions emphasizing gross motor skill practice.

Data collection and analysis: Children were assessed at pre- and post-intervention. A 2 (groups)?×?2 (disability) × 2 (time) analyses of variance with repeated measures on the last factor was conducted. Change scores, t-test comparisons on the delta scores and Cohen’s D were also calculated.

Results: The MC group demonstrated significant and positive changes over the intervention period. Further, the MC group showed superior locomotor and object control performance and higher recall of verbal cues (p?≤?.05) at post-intervention compared to the EP group. Children with and without disabilities within the MC showed similar patterns of improvement. The EP intervention did not demonstrate significant improvements.

Conclusion: Children with and without disabilities showed improvements in motor skills and VR when exposed to an MC, incorporating the six TARGET structures. These structures included (a) providing feedback and encouragement, providing opportunities for decision-making and establishing personal goals, (b) including parents in the recognition of children’s achievements, (c) creating opportunities to experience leadership and self-pacing, (d) guiding children to use verbal cues and modeling when practicing gross motor skills, and (e) providing demonstrations and teaching children to self-monitor their performance. Instruction is therefore seen as critical to learning gross motor skills, as demonstrated from the findings. Although there were opportunities for vigorous play within the EP intervention, the children did not show improvements in motor performance or VR. These findings suggest that new trends in teacher education physical education to prioritize physical activity over good motor skill instruction may not be advantageous for children in the early years, and should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

体育课的考试是体育课教学的重要环节之一,看似简单的技评,实为蕴含着对技术动作质量高标准的要求。文中论述了技评考核对素质教育的显性作用,全面反映学生掌握运动技能的情况,并结合体育教学实际情况提出了具体的操作方法,这种多元综合评价的方式,对推进体育素质教育具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

学生的体质下滑,与学校体育的关系最直接。通过学校体育的途径,对学生体质健康进行积极的干预,是当前学生体质健康促进的一个有效手段。提高学校体育开展力和对学生体质干预力的主要策略:一要强化学校体育政策法规的引导功能;二要营造学校体育健康促进保障性的支持;三要培养学生运动技能和养成锻炼习惯;四要建立和完善学生运动伤害事故风险管理机制。  相似文献   

体育课练习的延续是巩固运动技术,提高体育课教学质量的一种有效方法,它不仪能加速运动技能的形成,同时也为实现体育教学对群体活动的指导,完成体育教学与群体活动的一体化提供了一条有效途径。  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of modeling and verbal rehearsal on the motor performance of English-speaking and limited English proficient (LEP) children. Children (N = 64) in 4th-grade classes were randomly assigned to conditions in a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 (Gender x Primary Language x Model Type x Rehearsal) factorial design. Boys and girls whose primary language was English or Spanish were assigned to either a verbal model or no-model condition as well as to a verbal rehearsal or no-rehearsal condition of the motor skills required to be performed. Analysis of variance revealed a significant Model Type x Primary Language interaction as well as a significant Rehearsal x Primary Language interaction. Follow-Up analyses revealed that English-speaking children provided with a verbal rehearsal strategy recalled significantly more skills than English-speaking children in the no-rehearsal condition; for LEP children, there were no differences due to rehearsal. Moreover, LEP children presented with a verbal model recalled significantly more skills than LEP children in the no-model condition; for English-speaking children, there were no differences attributed to model type. These results indicate that effective modeling conditions that are provided with verbal cues in English are related to children's primary language.  相似文献   

Background: Valid motor development sequences show the various behaviors that children display as they progress toward competence in specific motor skills. Teachers can use these sequences to observe informally or formally assess their students. While longitudinal study is ultimately required to validate developmental sequences, there are earlier, pre-longitudinal steps that can be used to screen hypothesized sequences to see if they are worthy of the time and expense of longitudinal study. These same steps can also provide teachers with preliminary tools for observation/assessment. Purpose: At the request of physical educators in a midwestern suburb in the United States, the investigators screened developmental sequences for the action of arms and legs in self-turned rope jumping. The goal was to create a preliminary assessment tool that could be used in physical education classes. Participants: The physical educators took videos of 216 children attempting to jump rope. The children were 5–10 years of age. Data analysis: The investigators categorized the videos using the hypothesized developmental sequences as a checklist. The incidence of each level in the sequences was then graphed to see if the percentages of occurrence rose and fell across age as would be expected if the levels were developmentally valid. The investigators also looked at whether children who varied their behavior across trials varied only to adjacent levels in the sequences. Results: Results indicated that one hypothesized arm category was not developmental, and two leg categories needed further study in younger children. Based on these results, the investigators modified the proposed sequences and provided decision rules so teachers could use them as preliminary observation/assessment tools.  相似文献   

In The Netherlands, the 4-Skills Scan is an instrument for physical education teachers to assess gross motor skills of elementary school children. Little is known about its reliability. Therefore, in this study the test–retest and inter-rater reliability was determined. Respectively, 624 and 557 Dutch 6- to 12-year-old children were analyzed for test re-test and inter-rater reliability. All tests took place within the school setting. The outcome measure was age-expected motor performance (in years). Results showed a small practice effect of .24 years for re-test sessions and assessment of motor skills was possible with acceptable precision (standard error of measurement = .67 years). Overall, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was .93 (95% confidence interval: .92–.95) for test–retest reliability and .97 for inter-rater reliability. For the repeated measures, the smallest detectable change (SDC) was 1.84 and limits of agreement were –1.60 and 2.08 years. It can be concluded that the 4-Skills Scan is a reliable instrument to assess gross motor skills in elementary school children.  相似文献   

梁婉勤 《体育科技》2005,26(3):91-93
中职学校在深化改革、实施新《纲要》要求时,由于中职学校的自身条件与大学相比还存在着一定差距,不能像大学那样完全按照新《纲要》要求实施。为了使体育改革也能更深入到中职学校,各个学校应根据各自的条件、特点,制定一套适合教师教学、考评学生体育学习效果的有效方法,使中职学校的体育改革更求真务实,更突出各自的个性,为国家培养出体魄健壮、身心健康的新一代具有多功能特长的专业人才。  相似文献   


This study was designed to investigate the effect of an interactive videodisc motor skill assessment training program on the development of preservice and inservice teachers' qualitative assessment proficiency on two motor skills: the overhand throw and catch. Twenty-seven preservice and 27 inservice physical education teachers were randomly assigned to one of three treatment conditions: interactive videodisc (IVD), teacher-directed (TD), or self-directed (SD). Motor skill qualitative assessment accuracy was evaluated on a pre- and post-test basis using a 50-item motor skill assessment accuracy test (10 performances rated on 5 components) for each skill. Analysis of covariance results indicated significant main effects for treatment for both skills. Post hoc tests revealed that for the over hand throw, the IVD and TD groups were superior to the SD group but not different from each other. For the catch, the IVD group was found to be superior to both the TD and SD groups. These findings are discussed in relation to the advantages of interactive videodisc in terms of efficiency and user independence and with comparable findings in other educational applications.  相似文献   

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