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Special libraries, as differentiated from general public libraries and academic libraries, are devoted to specialized fields of science and technology, agriculture, medicine, social sciences, economics and the like. Such libraries are attached to research organizations, government departments, departments in universities, industrial organizations, professional societies and trade associations, etc. Special libraries customarily maintain a regular and systematic information service covering the immediate and future interests of the organizations of which they are part. This necessitates the development and management of an adequate collection of books, periodicals, reports, patents, standards, government publications, maps, audio-visual records, etc. issuing from a multitude of publishing bodies. In house publications, market surveys, data files, etc. are also brought together in these collections. All items are of course made available for consultation by being adequately classified or indexed and organised in a particular fashion and maintained for future reference.  相似文献   

探讨六种力量对知识经济时代商业出版的影响。技术创新对个体消费者是重要的,但是编辑技巧对团队更重要。具体来说,商业出版对组织机构的知识管理功能将变得不可或缺,并随着组织知识管理需求的增长,出版商拥有一个将自身角色从产品供应商向企业界的服务提供商拓展的机会。  相似文献   

美国国家标准协会(NISO)发布的《连续出版物内容交换协议》(ProtocolforExchanging Serial Content(PESC))可以一定程度地解决连续出版物的内容在出版商、出版商代理、发现服务组织方、转换供应商、存档服务商等不同的组织间大批量转移交换过程中格式不统一、交换困难、内容缺失、效率低下等问...  相似文献   

The Brazilian book publishing and bookselling market has been going through changes. To compete with international publishing corporations and to attract consumers—in a country with a very low reading rate—publishers and bookstores have been developing new business models and professional management in order to survive and grow.  相似文献   

In recent years a number of organizations have appeared which offer a variety of information services for a fee. The bulk of their clientele is industry and government. A few former librarians have gone into business because of the restrictible nature of the libraries in which they worked. Many information brokers have library backgrounds, but complain that their library school training did not prepare them to deal with the business world. Brokers are criticized for charging for free information, but they contend that their charges are for the service involved in providing the information. Librarianship is approaching a place that other professions reached long ago: the place where self-employment is normal and valuable.  相似文献   

This interpretive study of change in Australian book publishing, included a survey of book publishers and the conduct of 14 case studies in five categories of publisher: general trade, academic, professional, specialist and university. This paper reports in detail on the experience on one general trade publisher as it sought to face the challenges of globalization and of organizational and technological change. The major finding was that digitization is indeed, impacting on business models for book publishing, with current models comprising something of a hybrid between the traditional and the innovative. Reflecting the presence in Australia of similar trends and issues that are affecting book publishing around the world, the findings are of relevance both to book publishers and to researchers. The work is original in that relatively little recent academic research has been conducted into book publishing in Australia, particularly as regards the implications of digitization for business models.  相似文献   

标准出版若干法律问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王清 《出版科学》2008,16(3):15-20
近年来,"标准"专有出版权问题日益受到出版界、法律界关注,并引发大量民事诉讼。本文认为,省级以上行政机关制修订的标准不是著作权客体,这些行政机关不具备著作权人主体资格,标准出版专有权的行政配置涉嫌滥用行政权力,造成经营者集中之垄断行为,并涉嫌违反政府信息公开之法定义务。  相似文献   

卢凤玲 《图书馆建设》2012,(7):55-57,61
学科服务是当前图书情报学界的研究热点之一。通过对近年来发表的学科服务论文的计量统计分析可知,目前学科服务的论文数量逐年增多,学术界对其的重视程度不断增加,但地区差异较大;研究者多具备图书情报学专业背景,其论文主要发表在图书情报学专业期刊上,研究水平和质量较高;研究热点集中于实践探索、学科服务模式探讨、学科馆员制度制订、学科服务平台建设方面;目前的研究以基础性研究为主,缺乏行业指导性研究。因此,图书馆学界应深入实践,提高理论研究高度,加强对学科服务工作的绩效评估研究。  相似文献   

我们结合互联网行业对于中台应用以及中华医学会杂志社近些年数字中台建设实践,提出中台战略思维是学术期刊集群化平台建设路径的一次升华和跃迁。通过顶层设计,合理布局组织架构,将数据、业务、知识等基础服务进行抽象、沉淀,是出版机构科技期刊集约化发展的一个重要方向。建设数字中台是科技期刊出版资源整合和有效利用的重要模式;可降低出版机构数据建设和应用系统研发成本,提高知识服务转化效率;有利于激活出版数据商业价值,赋能科技出版的运营与决策;有助于改造科技期刊出版业务流程,实现从经验驱动型向大数据驱动型转变。目前数字中台的建设还存在诸如中台认知问题、数据标准化问题、技术与业务融合问题等各种挑战,但我们相信基于数字中台的一体化学术出版平台将为中国科技期刊数字出版注入新的势能,引领和推动中国科技期刊的快速转型升级。  相似文献   

社会援助为图书馆的建设提供了能动性的资源。文章论述了图书馆寻求社会援助的现实可能性,在调查大量社会援助图书馆建设的实例基础上,分析图书馆争取外部援助的途径:政府机构的全国性援助计划、企业的援助、非政府组织的援助、私人募捐、网络募捐、图书出版发行销售机构的捐赠等,最后探讨了图书馆利用外部援助需要解决的两个问题:一是持续性问题,二是针对性问题,以对当前社会援助图书馆建设起到一定的指导借鉴作用。  相似文献   

分析现阶段我国科技期刊数字出版概念。发现存在的问题是,数字化水平低、进展参差不齐,数字出版标准的盲目和滞后,盈利模式不清、产业链模糊,行业标准及国家标准有待完善。参照国外著名出版集团的成功经验,提出有针对性的措施:科技期刊加强自身网站建设,努力建成科技期刊战略联盟,积极加入已成型的论文数据库网站,与国际著名的大型出版集团合作;加快科技期刊数字出版技术标准和国家标准建设的步伐;创新盈利模式,形成健康、完整的产业链;多途径扩充人才队伍。  相似文献   

通拉嘎 《图书情报工作》2019,63(14):141-148
[目的/意义]探索俄罗斯图书馆法律体系整体脉络,揭示俄罗斯图书馆法律的科学体系,补足国内俄罗斯图书馆法律体系研究的短板,为我国图书馆法律体系建设提供理论支持与实证参考。[方法/过程]梳理俄罗斯及我国图书馆法规代表性成果,评述俄罗斯图书馆法律体系的发展沿革、基本框架与主要内容,探索俄罗斯图书馆事业法、文献呈缴法、图书馆事业文化法支撑、图书馆事业信息法支撑等图书馆法律重点领域。[结果/结论]认为俄罗斯图书馆法律、文化事业、信息产业、特殊群体服务相关法规政令较为密集与集中。俄罗斯建立了以图书馆事业法、文献呈缴法为基础,图书馆专门法、图书馆相关法、图书馆事业相关命令决议、图书馆行业协会规范相互补充与制约的完整的图书馆法律保障体系。俄罗斯图书馆事业的现代化规范发展、图书文物的立法保护、特殊群体权益保障尤其值得深入学习。  相似文献   

Internet Filters     

As technology continues to influence the way we do business, change has been and will continue to be inevitable. All around us, we see the Internet playing a major role in our lives from the way we pay bills and do banking to the way we buy stock, shop as consumers, and obtain an education. You can't escape it, and librarians long ago realized this truth. To wit library services have evolved to accommodate the informational needs demanded by this ever-expanding industry. This evolution of library services can be seen, for example, in the way we promote and provide reference, circulation, and reserves services with inroads even into technical or resource services. With distance education libraries are positioning themselves to be major players in this phenomenon at all levels: local, national, and international. One library service that is beginning to proceed into the distance-learning arena is interlibrary loan/document delivery. Interlibrary Loan, a traditional library service for local users, whether provided by an academic, public, or special library is finding itself in the distance education movement. To explore this, the focus of this article is to examine the ways in which interlibrary loan impacts and supports distance education through technology and services.  相似文献   

顾廷龙先生是著名的图书馆事业家及版本目录学家,终生有66个年头奉献于图书馆事业。虽然顾廷龙先生的学术研究侧重在古籍版本目录学,但因其终身奉献于图书馆事业,所以他关于图书馆建设、服务、管理与发展等方面的深刻思想对于当今的图书馆业仍有强大的借鉴意义。本文从史实的角度,总结概述了顾廷龙先生并未诉诸于专门的图书馆学术研究的关于图书馆定位、馆藏建设、馆藏揭示、传播、图书馆服务、图书馆员等方面的思想和观点,以启示于当今的图书馆事业及图书馆员。  相似文献   

事件及事件管理已成为发达国家的新兴行业。在图书馆服务功能日益多样化的今天,事件服务已占有越来越重的比例。图书馆事件服务的形式越来越丰富;图书馆事件服务的数量迅速增加;参与人员越来越多,已不再局限于传统的读者;图书馆事件服务的影响逐步扩大,已从内部场馆走向社会;但也存在一些问题:图书馆实际的事件服务种类较多但定式较少;大多数图书馆的短时性服务项目相当分散;事件服务的归属和管理还比较混乱;各种图书馆事件服务尚无较为统一的定义、标准和分类。因此应系统分类与统一管理,规范业务流程与实施事件营销。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]了解国内外图书馆出版服务现状,探索图书馆出版的发展趋势,为图书馆出版服务实践提供基本策略。[方法/过程]研究过程中浏览国内外图书馆主页,阅读代表文献,通过内容分析,归纳图书馆出版的演进脉络和发展趋势。[结果/结论]图书馆出版的演化历程经历3个阶段;出版内容发展有5个层次;在与用户合作的基础上,图书馆出版向内与图书馆各项业务不断融合,向外与出版社和数字出版领域其他机构逐步合作或整合。最终提出不同类型图书馆的出版服务策略。  相似文献   

提出出版生态化的概念,认为出版生态化是出版业可持续发展的必然选择。要实现出版生态化,出版观的生态化是先导,出版多样性是基础,出版服务的生态化是核心,出版生态链的健康是保障。  相似文献   

在国际期刊集团化、数字化、网络化发展的背景下,回顾国外科技期刊出版集团的发展路径,在分析比较我国现有科技期刊集群模式的基础上,认为专业性学科刊群是当前我国刊群建设的核心形态和未来发展趋势.对专业性学科刊群的建设和未来发展进行思考,提出发挥优秀期刊的品牌效应,基于现有集群进行品牌扩张和强强联合,以集群平台项目的建设为纽带推动刊群的建设,由期刊出版业向信息服务业转型等专业性学科刊群的建设发展策略.  相似文献   

The former head of Pearson Education, McGraw-Hill Book Publishing, and Harcourt Brace Jovanovich presents an assessment of the state of publishing during this recession. The paper analyses actions taken by publishers in previous downturns, recommends approaches to dealing with recessions that maintain long-term health of the business. Recessions can mask more profound problems, such as happened in the newspaper industry and as is occurring in trade publishing. The paper also analyzes outlook for college and school publishing.  相似文献   

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