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刘佩  汤军 《教育技术导刊》2015,14(11):122-125
针对传统匿名评审方式周期长、费用高、效率低的缺点,提出了基于ASP.NET的学位论文盲审系统,为盲审工作提供在线、流程化的服务,使评审结果客观公正,大大缩短了评审周期,节省了论文打印装订邮寄费用,提高了评审工作效率。采用三层架构的B/S(Browser/Server)模式,基于ASP.NET技术,运用“双盲评审”方法,对基于ASP.NET的学位论文盲审系统进行设计与开发。该系统对盲审工作的信息化、规范化具有重要意义,对类似系统的开发具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

学位论文盲审区域合作的实践研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
学位论文盲审是研究生学位论文质量保障体系中的重要环节.认为现有论文盲审方式存在着评审专家的研究方向、论文评价体系、论文传递方式等方面的不足.提出学位论文盲审区域合作的办法,认为这是符合研究生教育区域合作新要求和有效解决现有不足的有效措施之一.  相似文献   

笔者以为可以从如下方面,满足一线教师的"草根"需求。分类制定标准。很多一线教师认为校长等管理者和教研员等比一线教师更容易获得课题等稀缺资源,那么,可以让优势群体之间进行竞争,弱势群体之间进行竞争。换句话说,即要确定一线教师在这样的评审中所占的比例,这样才能避免"弱肉强食"的情况发生。建立职称盲审机制。在学位论文中,有一种盲审制度,就是将不署作者名的学位论文送给  相似文献   

利用logit模型,对国内某高校1874份博士学位论文盲审结果进行统计分析,探索影响博士学位论文盲审合格率和总体评价的关键影响因素。实证结果表明,论文所能体现的作者的科研能力是影响论文盲审合格率的最显著因素,而论文研究内容的创新性则和论文的总体评价息息相关;不同学科的学位论文水平有明显差异;不同专家对论文合格线的把控差距较大,盲审环节存在无法完全筛选出合格学位论文的问题。  相似文献   

基于问卷调查,分析了我国部分高校博士学位论文的评审情况、论文评审制度及实施效果.提出如下政策建议:按照学科特点细化评价指标、增强评审专家的责任意识、继续推行论文盲审、建立和完善盲审复议制度以及加快评审工作信息化.  相似文献   

对研究生学位论文评审的公正性问题进行了思考,对学位评审委员会的工作作风、弃权票的运用、学位论文评审中的纠错、回避机制进行了讨论,提出了避免学位论文评审中不公正现象的几点建议。  相似文献   

高校学术型硕士的培养侧重于理论和学术研究,其“拔尖创新人才”是学术型人才,更要突出科研能力的培养。本文针对学术型硕士培养中存在的“有研究无能力”、“理论不结合实际”、“学位论文没有应用价值”等问题,提出了相应对策:学位论文开题实行课题导向制;学位论文撰写实行“小论文”构成制;学位论文评审实行“双向”盲审制,同时,设立学术研究分,推动研究生全方位参与科技创新。  相似文献   

自2010年至2012年,合肥工业大学化工学院连续三年实施硕士研究生学位论文盲审制度。本文通过介绍学院盲审实施的过程,肯定了盲审对提高研究生论文质量,促进研究生高水平论文的发表有积极的作用,同时也分析了现存盲审工作中的不足,并进一步阐述了改进与优化盲审制度的探索性建议。  相似文献   

研究生学位论文盲审系统在上海市已经使用了多年,为研究生培养质量的保障发挥了 积极作用,形势的发展需要对该系统进行优化。本文应用学习成果评估理念,探讨了研究生学位论 文盲审系统优化的指导思想和具体做法,目标是在把双盲抽检作为毕业前论文质量诊断手段的基 础上,有效地结合毕业后研究生论文抽检和学位论文评优工作,以便最大地拓展已有资源的利用 价值,为上海高校的研究生培养、学科建设和论文选优做出贡献。  相似文献   

作为提高博士生培养质量的一项重要举措,近年来国内拥有博士点的高校纷纷建立了博士论文评审制度,尤其是“盲审”制度。这无疑促进了博士生教育,对保障博士生培养质量、提高博士生学位论文水平起到很大推动作用。  相似文献   

文章以研究生学位论文质量评审平台为基础,综合运用高等教育教学质量评估理论和统计理论,设计了具有三级指标体系、应用五等级评价法和矩阵计算为核心的研究生学位论文质量评估系统,该系统解决了常规做法存在的主要问题,满足了研究生学位论文质量评估新需要,具有操作性、实用性。 案例评估表明,评估结论用数据说话,既客观又准确、真实。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of the quality assessment of doctoral dissertations, and asks whether examiner characteristics influence assessment of research quality in PhD dissertations. Utilising a multi-dimensional concept of quality of PhD dissertations, we look at differences in assessment of research quality, and particularly test whether prior relationship to supervisor, examiners’ assessment experience and the regional affiliation of examiners influence assessment, also controlling for academic fields and type of higher education institutions. The data are drawn from a survey to foreign members of thesis evaluation committees that served in the year 2010 at the Norwegian universities. The sample consisted of 1159 foreign committee members, representing a response rate of 79%. The results indicate that the regional affiliation and previous experience of committee members influence quality assessment significantly, but that the relationship to supervisor(s) was of little importance.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to know the conceptions of primary and secondary school students about what constitutes a fair assessment. To achieve this aim, a phenomenographic study was carried out with 32 students. In a broad sense, the results showed that there were two types of conceptions. On one hand, a conception of fair assessment related to equality, transparency, objectivity, and evaluation of class content; that is, an egalitarian conception of fair assessment. On the other hand, a conception associated with ideas such as adaptation, diversification of tests, and qualitative assessment, even taking into account students' effort and attitudes, which define a conception of fair assessment linked to equity. These conceptions are associated with the concepts of legal justice and social justice, respectively and they contrast with the nature of external evaluations currently carried out.  相似文献   

研究生学位论文质量是衡量研究生培养质量的关键所在,论文质量的优劣反映了培养质量的高低。因此,如何客观高效地评阅学位论文,在研究生培养的过程管理中显得尤为重要。而学位论文网络评阅系统,不仅实现了学位论文的网上评阅,同时集成了对论文评阅流程的监控和评阅结果的评估。导师和评阅人依据评估结果,调整指导研究生方法和论文评审标准,实现自我管理;管理部门根据需要,向有关人员不同程度地公开评估结果,实现管理向服务转变;同时,评估结果还可为研究生培养的管理决策提供依据。  相似文献   

硕士学位论文盲审制度效果探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分析了硕士学位论文盲审制度效果的积极性和不利性,阐述了进一步改进与优化盲审制度的措施。文章提出,盲审制度的实施是必要的,应从合理建立盲审专家库、制定较为详尽的评分标准、抽样送审论文、重视评阅结果、形成激励机制、建立有效监督机制等方面重点着手改进和优化盲审制度。  相似文献   

The current study examines whether students' course of study is related to their desire to carry a concealed handgun on campus. This analysis is motivated by a growing number of studies that have explored differences between criminal justice (CJ) and other majors in the areas of personality, attitudes, values, and career expectations, and also by discussions of the issue of concealed handguns on campuses following recent shootings on college campuses. Using data from over 3,100 students who completed an online survey instrument, results revealed that CJ majors were in fact more interested in carrying a legally concealed handgun on campus, if it were allowed by university policies. These results held even when controlling for other significant predictors of the desire to carry a concealed handgun. Implications for CJ education and the wider debate about concealed weapons on university campuses are discussed.  相似文献   

对文科研究生学位论文选题和写作的几点认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文科研究生要顺利完成学业,就必须对研究生学位论文选题和写作有所了解。探讨文科研究生学位论文选题和写作,弄清选题阶段的准备事项和注意事项、开题报告的写法、论文资料的收集、常见论文写作习惯以及论文写作时的注意事项,对在读文科研究生有一定帮助。  相似文献   

Assessment is a crucial part of degree programmes in higher education. While previous research has been primarily concerned with PhD thesis assessment practice in western countries, this article considers the focus and assessment criteria of 40 examiner reports on master’s dissertations in translation studies at a Chinese university. The results indicate that these examiners structured their reports in four rhetorical moves: ‘preparing the candidate for a decision’, ‘expressing an evaluation’, ‘conveying the decision’, and ‘making recommendations’. These examiners appeared to place more emphasis on the expression of ideas, rather than on the accuracy and originality of those ideas. They apparently adopted flexible working criteria, assessing the dissertations based on institutional requirements and on their own experience. This article concludes with a discussion of implications for dissertation writing.  相似文献   

Experiential learning activities have been used for over 40 years with the hope that they increase students learning. However, a definitive study that showed their overall effectiveness has not been produced. The purpose of this study is to address this gap in the literature. This meta‐analysis examined a 43‐year span and identified 13,626 journal articles, dissertations, thesis articles, and conference proceedings written about experiential learning and found only 89 of these studies contained empirical data with both a treatment and control group. Meta‐analysis of these studies show that students experienced superior learning outcomes when experiential pedagogies were employed. Further, learning outcomes were almost a half standard deviation higher (d = .43) in classes employing experiential learning pedagogies versus traditional learning environments. This review definitively, and quantitatively, shows the importance of experiential learning activities. We use these results to discuss future research areas that need to be addressed based on our analysis of potential moderators and provide recommendations on how to best employ experiential learning pedagogies.  相似文献   

警察行政自由裁量权之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在行政法学理论研究中,自由裁量权始终是一个热门论题,尤其是警察行政自由裁量权。一方面,权力不断扩张,警察基于种种原因不当行使自由裁量权,由此产生极为恶劣的社会影响,影响了警察机关的公信力;另一方面又存在因过分强调限制自由裁量权,致使一些警察机关行使职权时畏首畏尾,影响了执法权威性和管理效率。无论哪种情况都不利于法治和和谐社会的建设,为此,我们既要认识自由裁量权存在的正当合理性及对于警察行政管理的重要意义,又要清楚地意识到自由裁量权"双刃剑"的本质,作为权力同样有被滥用的可能,因而必须加以合理的控制。  相似文献   

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