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It is argued that, while research on conscience development has emphasized the contribution of parental socialization, the influence of children's temperament has been largely neglected. Two developmental processes that result in the formation of two respective components of conscience are proposed: (1) development of the tendency to experience affective discomfort, guilt, and anxiety associated with wrongdoing; and (2) development of behavioral control—the ability to inhibit a prohibited action, to suppress an antisocial or destructive impulse, and to perform a more prosocial/desirable behavior. Individual differences among children and qualities of parental socialization in relation to both processes are considered as they contribute to conscience development. Relevant evidence from neopsychoanalytic, attributional, social-learning, and temperament models is reviewed. New avenues of research that integrate socialization and temperament perspectives in a developmental framework are proposed. The importance of the study of early developmental periods is emphasized.  相似文献   

In this article we report a longitudinal extension of previous findings about the critical role of temperamental inhibitory or effortful control as the contributor to developing conscience in young children. A comprehensive observational battery, highly internally consistent, was developed to measure inhibitory control in 83 children at early school age who had been followed since toddlerhood and had been assessed using similar batteries at toddler and preschool age. We again confirmed the findings of robust longitudinal stability of inhibitory or effortful control, now from toddler to early school age, the increase with age, and gender differences, with girls outperforming boys. We also reaffirmed strong links, both contemporaneous and in the longitudinal sense, between in hibitory control and multiple, diverse measures of children's conscience at early school age, including observations of moral conduct, moral cognition, and moral self. The findings are discussed in view of the increasingly appreciated importance of temperament for critical aspects of socialization.  相似文献   

Socialization and Temperament in the Development of Guilt and Conscience   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Toddlerhood antecedents of conscience were examined in 58 8-10-year-old children. The measures of conscience, such as general affective/moral orientation, the extent of reparation, and the intensity of guilt feelings, were assessed from children's narratives produced in response to semiprojective stories involving transgressions, distress, and conflict. Maternal endorsed socialization orientations and observed rearing behaviors that deemphasized the use of power were associated with the children's internalized conscience 6 years later. However, these findings were significant only for children who were relatively prone to fearful arousal. The capacity for self-regulation, indexed by early compliance and noncompliance to maternal socialization, predicted children's internalized conscience 6 years later. There was preliminary evidence that compliance obtained in a rearing context that deemphasized power assertion was most conducive to the development of conscience. The findings are discussed in view of the interplay of socialization and temperament in moral development.  相似文献   

高校思想道德修养课教学首先要正确评价学生,我们学生的水平不是越来越低而是越来越高,这决定着我们的教学内容和方法要越来越好,而不是每况愈下。其次我们要明确思想道德修养课的真正定位是在"理性良知",既要有大学层次的理性水平的教学,又要能真正开启每个人本有的良知;思想道德修养课的政治课地位决定了它必须包含我们国家的意识形态,这是必须面对也必须真正有水平把握的;而"理性良知"和"意识形态"之间是什么关系更是这门课的老师必须好好把握的,只有这样才能把这门既是科学又是艺术的课真正上好、上活。教学方法是和教学内容相关的,我们在正确理解教学核心内容基础上的方法论探讨与研究,才是有的放矢的研究。  相似文献   

We explored children's conscience using narrative measures that utilized responses to hypothetical moral dilemmas and objective measures (observed moral conduct and mothers' reports). Children and mothers were studied at Time 1 ( N = 103, 26–41 months) and at Time 2 ( N = 99, 43–56 months). The first goal was to examine correspondence between both sets of measures. There were meaningful links between the narratives, administered at Time 2, and children's observed and mother-reported conscience at Times 1 and 2. Children who produced many antisocial narrative themes were less internalized, whereas children who produced many themes of commitment to and concern about good behavior were more internalized on the objective measures. The second goal was to test the prediction that maternal power assertion is detrimental to conscience. Children who experienced more power-assertive maternal discipline produced fewer themes of commitment to and concern about good behavior in their narratives and were more poorly internalized on observed and mother-reported measures at Time 1 and Time 2. Girls were more internalized on the narrative and objective conscience measures.  相似文献   

泰州学派"淮南三王"的"复初"思想非常丰富。王艮、王栋、王襞都就"复初"问题提出了自己独特的观点。王艮认为,人生下来就有"气质杂性",只要人们诚意修身、体悟良知,就能恢复人之初的本性。王栋综合了王阳明的良知蒙蔽说和王艮的气质杂性说,主张体悟良知以保洁,以及反身格物、正心求初等修身复初观点。王襞认为人本有清纯的人性,但在后天的发展过程中被污染,出现了"失真"现象,他主张通过修养的办法去蔽复真。  相似文献   

Moral education is complex: its major issues are not resolvable in terms of contests between rival ethical theories. Five tasks of moral education are identified: dealing with blatant misdemeanours, developing virtues, developing skill in moral reasoning, teaching to care and enabling individuals to choose a worthwhile way of life. These are mutually irreducible in terms of their justification and capable of irreconcilable conflict in practice. Moral education must recognise such conflicts and the consequent inevitability of wrongdoing in human life as well as the need for humility this implies. The position argued for is inconsistent with, and does not imply, moral relativism.  相似文献   

This article reviews evidence on the reliability and validity of the Children's Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ), and presents CBQ data on the structure of temperament in childhood. The CBQ is a caregiver report measure designed to provide a detailed assessment of temperament in children 3 to 7 years of age. Individual differences are assessed on 15 primary temperament characteristics: Positive Anticipation, Smiling/Laughter, High Intensity Pleasure, Activity Level, Impulsivity, Shyness, Discomfort, Fear, Anger/Frustration, Sadness, Soothability, Inhibitory Control, Attentional Focusing, Low Intensity Pleasure, and Perceptual Sensitivity. Factor analyses of CBQ scales reliably recover a three-factor solution indicating three broad dimensions of temperament: Extraversion/Surgency, Negative Affectivity, and Effortful Control. This three-factor solution also appears to be reliably recovered in ratings of children in other cultures (e.g., China and Japan). Evidence for convergent validity derives from confirmation of hypothesized relations between temperament and socialization-relevant traits. In addition, parental agreement on CBQ ratings is substantial. The CBQ scales demonstrate adequate internal consistency, and may be used in studies requiring a highly differentiated yet integrated measure of temperament for children in this age range.  相似文献   

在亨利·大卫·梭罗的政治思想体系中,个人良心被视为比法律更高的一种道德原则.他主张个人利益高于机构组织利益.任何机构化了的组织都不能将自己的意志强加于人,而应当尊重每一个人·的权利.当政府机构运作出现偏差和失误时,公民有权拒绝与政府结盟,有权反抗政府.发表于1849年的<论公民的不服从>,集中地表达了梭罗的这些政治观点,并对世界产生了深远影响.  相似文献   

优雅气质——大学生期望所拥有的气质,也是当今社会对大学生的期盼.从气质、优雅气质的含义及其在大学生成长成才过程中的意义着手分析可知,《思想道德修养与法律基础》课与大学生优雅气质之间关系密切,以及如何在《思想道德修养与法律基础》课中提升大学生的优雅气质.  相似文献   

良心作为一种重要的社会情感,在许多化习俗中被广泛地作为道德教化的重要目标,它在个体的道德化和社会化过程中发挥重要作用。对此,西方学进行了大量的研究,得出了许多有价值的结论。章综述了良心的内涵;影响幼儿良心发展的因素,诸如,父母在幼儿良心发展中的作用,气质差异和性别差异对良心发展的影响;主动顺从、自我控制、年龄等个性特质和良心发展的关系,在此基础上,提出了未来的研究取向。  相似文献   

云南省9—16岁中、小学生气质类型调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用《中小学生气质量表》对云南省9-16岁中、小学生气质类型的分布状况。以及气质特征的年龄发展趋势进行了调查分析。结果表明,云南省9—16岁中小学生气质类型的分布在性别上存在差异,而存城乡间不存在差异。男女生存两种气质特征上存在差异,城乡学生在一种气质特征上存在差异,9-16岁中小学生的气质发展已进入稳定阶段。本还在讨论部分对教师了解学生的气质特征,对于教育的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的:探讨云南中小学生道德判断和道德行为的发展关系。方法:用团体施测方法对410名学生的道德判断和行为进行评定。结果:小五、初二学生及哈尼族学生的道德发展得分有一致性,男、女学生的道德发展也具有一致性;昆明学生的道德发展相关程度明显高于元江学生。讨论:中小学生的道德判断与道德行为相关非常显著,学生对道德认知的内化是影响其道德发展的关键。  相似文献   

This study examined the additive and interactive effects of temperament and harsh and indulgent parenting on Chinese children's proactive and reactive aggression. Participants were 401 children ( M age = 9.29 years, 203 girls) and their parents who were recruited from 2 elementary schools in Shanghai, People's Republic of China. The results showed that children's sensation seeking was associated with proactive aggression, whereas anger/frustration was associated with reactive aggression. Both subtypes of aggression were negatively related to children's effortful control but positively related to harsh parenting. Significant Temperament × Temperament and Parenting × Temperament interactions were also found. The findings point to similarities and differences between proactive and reactive aggression in relation to children's temperament and harsh and indulgent parenting in the Chinese context.  相似文献   

We utilized a community detection approach to longitudinally (a) identify distinct groups of children with common temperament profiles in infancy and at 2 and 3 years of age and (b) determine whether co-occurrence of certain temperament traits may be early predictors of internalizing problems at 5 years of age. Seven hundred and seventy-four infants (360 girls; 88.6% White, 9.8% Hispanic, and 1.6% other races) were recruited from the Boston area. Data collection spanned from 2012 to 2021. The analysis yielded three distinct groups of children with different temperament traits and was associated with significant variation in levels of internalizing symptoms and anxiety diagnosis rate. Our findings suggest that stable temperament “communities” can be detected in early childhood and may predict risk for psychopathology later in life.  相似文献   

湖南作家阎真通过其长篇小说《沧浪之水》表达了自己对转型期知识分子问题的思考和忧虑。具有社会良知,拥有公共关怀,保持独立的批判性,坚守“边缘人”的精神立场是知识分子应具有的基本素质。知识分子的良知和品质在新的时代背景下遇到前所未有的挑战,如何努力也难逃在市场化、世俗化大潮中迷失与沉沦的命运。知识分子在当代社会如何规范自己的行为才能使这个称号名副其实,每个知识分子都应该深思。  相似文献   

Participants were 45 mostly African-American or Latino young children (25 boys, 20 girls, mean age = 56.4 months), with about half recruited from a mental health facility and half from preschool settings. Children were administered two separate interviews examining their affectively-charged moral narratives regarding acts of victimization (Moral MSSB) and their attachment-related narratives (SAT). In addition, children's teachers or therapists completed assessments of the attachment-like aspects of their relationships with children (STRS), and a measure of children's behavior problems and competencies (C-TRF). Overall, after controlling for child age, gender, SES, and expressive language ability, children with more externalizing problems were more likely to describe aggressive themes, and less likely to mention adult aid or taking responsibility for transgressions in their moral narratives. In addition, more positive attachments (both the SAT and STRS) were associated with fewer externalizing problems. More than half of the total variance in children's externalizing scores could be predicted from a combination of the attachment and Moral MSSB variables. These findings have implications for understanding the affective origins of young children's externalizing behavior problems involving both peers and adults.  相似文献   

教师道德建设:提升境界与操守底线   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教师职业道德建设,基本构成是提升境界和操守底线。教师道德建设要提升精神境界,尊重职业是出发点,精通职业是过程,献身职业是落脚点;教师道德建设要操守职业底线,耻感是教师做人的基础,气节是教师职业行为的基本操守,良心是教师从业的基本自制力;教师道德建设,提升境界和操守底线重在日常坚守。  相似文献   

大学生的道德状况分析及工作对策探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
大学生道德发展呈现出道德认知从感性走向理性,道德规范由他律转变为主要依靠自律,道德评价由单一性的评价体系变为综合性的评价体系,道德目标由养成教育向成人教育过渡等特点。由此出发,在日常德育工作中应加强师生的交流沟通,发挥学生自我教育的主体作用,发挥德育的整体教育功能,融学校、家庭、社会的德育教育为一体,以唤醒和培养大学生的理想、情操、良知、信念和完整人格,使道德规范成为他们的内在约束力。  相似文献   

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