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太空育种是一项高科技、高投入、高产出的技术,发展和运用太空育种技术有利于人类进行空间探索和提高人们的物质生活水平。该项技术不只局限于培育某些农作物的优势品种,还涉及到生态环境、自然发展规律、社会经济及人文理念等领域,这必然引起人们对太空育种伦理及其相关群体性伦理的思考。在发展这项技术的同时既要最大化地获取经济利益又要经得起太空育种伦理的考量,这样才能正确有效地运用这项技术。  相似文献   

人们无时无刻不处于某种环境中 ,人们对空间的追求从来也没有停止过 ;空间在人际生活中有其重要的地位和广泛的内涵 ,因此 ,人们对空间有着自己特殊的理解和情感的体验。在舞蹈创作中 ,可以用空间的精心营造来反映现实生活 ,表现空间与人的关系 ;或是用舞台空间营造特定的环境来感染观众。  相似文献   

在中共十九大报告再次强调建设航天强国的背景下,中国空间站项目的国际合作成为大势所趋.在中国空间站即将面临的国际合作中,主要有前苏联模式、国际空间站模式、欧空局模式可供中国选择,但这三种模式均不适合中国.通过总结现有国际空间合作成功的经验,以及考虑到中国自身的国情,一种由中国主导的空间站国际合作模式是较为理想的选择.在此模式下,中国是该空间站主体的主要建设者和所有者,中国对空间站享有主要的管辖权.该模式鼓励各种形式的空间站合作,不仅有利于维护我国国家利益,还能够促进空间站的长期可持续性发展.  相似文献   

从《山海经•海外南经》禹曰一段话,可以一窥远古华夏先民的宇宙观。主要为:一、宇宙时空无穷无尽,既千变万化,又循环有序,是一个统一体;二、宇宙乃是万物生命的载体,万物各具个性,生死循环,往复无穷;三、宇宙以人为中心,人类的杰出代表“圣人”能认识和掌握宇宙规律“道”,用以指导实践活动。上述思想具有重大意义。  相似文献   

HNC理论提出语言概念空间是由概念基元、句类、语境单元和语境组成的4层级结构体,每一层级都有自己的数学和物理表示式,分别表示成(HNCm)和(HNC-m)。本文在兼顾(HNC-(~4))的情况下,着重论述语境表示式(HNC-4)的物理意义以及(HNC-m)与记忆的关系,引进了共相记忆和殊相记忆这对重要概念:共相记忆区分为共相记忆1(概念基元)、共相记忆2(句类)和语言理解基因(语境单元),都存在大脑皮层中,是思维主体无法意识到的,又称隐记忆;殊相记忆即(HNC-4)记忆形态,分为实记忆和虚记忆两种索引模式,存在海马中,又称显记忆。此外还有一种不经过理解的长时记忆叫鹦鹉记忆。  相似文献   

作为壮民族的文化代表之一的刘三姐文化之所以经久不衰,是与壮民族的文化空间建构与文化认同分不开的.刘三姐山歌文化现象的深层底蕴其实就是壮民族及其地区文化空间建构和认同的巨大隐喻,她的形成与流传过程就是壮族独特的"他者文化空间"、"身体文化空间"、"公共空间"、"认同空间"、审美及其他空间的建构和认同的历史过程.  相似文献   

The effect of active exploration upon memory for spatial location of an event was assessed for children at 2 age levels. Each child took a walk through the same unfamiliar hallway in search of a hidden object which he was later asked to relocate. Half the children were accompanied by an adult holding their hand (passive condition), while the other half proceeded on their own with an adult following behind (active condition). An age x condition interaction revealed that active exploration significantly improved performance of the 3- and 4-year-old group while not affecting the performance of the 9- and 10-year-olds. The 3- and 4-year-olds in the active condition, however, were still significantly less accurate than the older children, despite their experience of self-directed exploration. The results are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that self-directed activity serves to increase attention of preoperational children to relevant topological cues in the environment, whereas concrete operational children, due to their knowledge of projective and Euclidean space, demonstrate increased capacity to efficiently encode spatial information regardless of the mode of exploration.  相似文献   

Outdoor learning provides children with an opportunity to experience the interdisciplinary nature of the real world through interactions with each other and the planet. Geographical enquiry involves exploring the outdoors in an investigative capacity. Space, place and sustainability are three core concepts in primary geography, although sustainability is applicable to all curricular areas. This article argues that the disciplines of primary geography and outdoor learning have much to gain through mutual cooperation and collaboration. For instance, primary geography programmes should include extensive outdoor learning initiatives using local sites such as the school grounds and the local area. This article attempts to make links between the two disciplines of primary geography and outdoor learning, in the interests of promoting education for sustainability. Specifically, the article argues for a conscious synthesis which blends the three dimensions of place, space and sustainability into geographical place-based curriculum making.  相似文献   

The imagination of human beings and the exploration of novel ideas have always contributed to developments in science. These developments lead us to re‐examine the existing structures in our environment and society so that they can be further improved. The review of literature regarding science fiction and its place in education also highlights the need for novel topics in design education. Thus, integrating a course in the curriculum of design education that aims to explore futuristic and visionary oriented environments like Mars Colonies, Orbital Space Colonies or Orbital Space Hotels would seem crucial. Such topics would probably not only stimulate the students in their design process, but also develop their imagination, as they require research and synectic thinking. As to whether stimulating imagination should be among the priorities in teaching, in fact, it is the dreams, imagination and creativity that has shaped and will shape human development and social‐cultural contexts.  相似文献   

国土空间开发在城市建设中的重要领域是地下空间的开发利用,这对于缓解交通拥堵、节约土地资源等瓶颈问题具有不可替代的作用。在地下空间开发利用过程中,地面塌陷、产权纠纷等问题的频发,涉及诸多法律问题,而且只有解决了民事权利问题,才可以更好地发挥市场对资源配置的决定性作用。我国地下空间开发利用物权法律制度、规划法律制度、环境法律制度和管理法律制度等跟不上地下空间开发利用的速度,达不到推进我国地下空间有序开发利用的目标。为清除我国地下空间开发利用进程中的法律障碍,建立健全以《地下空间开发利用法》为核心的地下空间开发利用法律制度,刻不容缓。  相似文献   

论流空间及其对地区经济发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息和通信技术(Information and Communication Technologies,ICTs)的发展使空间已经或正在发生变革,具体表现为由静态的位空间向流动的流空间转变.流空间是信息社会占支配地位的空间形态.当前国外就流空间所展开的相关研究尚不成熟,国内更是少有人涉及.通过对流空间出现的技术支撑、流空间的出现背景、演进和空间结构4个方面的研究,对流空间本身予以揭示,并就其对地区经济发展的影响给以说明.  相似文献   

探究是满足学生求知欲的重要手段,是学生获得知识的重要途径。小学科学是一门"以实验为基础""以探究为核心"的学科。但科学课堂教学的时间和空间是有限的,因此在开展探究教学的过程中,教师要善于创设具体生动的探究情境,激发学生主动探索的激情,适时提供有效帮助,拓展探究领域,将科学探究进行到底。  相似文献   

空间概念是物理学的最基础概念之一,对空间性质的认识随科学发展逐渐清晰,而对空间内在本质的认识却一直是争论与模糊的。对宇宙膨胀、卡西米尔效应、量子场论的真空能量,以及星系的核聚变等进行了综合分析:空间是由物质转化而来,空间与物质是同质的;物质与空间之间存在相互转换关系,物质可转化成空间,空间可转化为物质;空间不是物质的属性,而是物质的另一种特殊形态;空间是客观实在、独立存在的,但其性质不是牛顿绝对空间的几何不变,而是与物质或运动相互作用,与广义相对论的空间几何特性一致。同时又结合宇宙背景辐射光子数密度、核聚变反应的光子产生比率,计算出了物质与空间转换关系的转换系数。  相似文献   

"四方上下谓之宇,往古来今谓之宙"。时间与空间的观念贯穿于人类认识世界的整个过程,是我国古代宇宙观的重要内容。古代时空图式以时空统一、宇宙万物有机统一、天人合一为基本理念,以象数的形式为认知世界和改造世界的感性呈现。汉代时空图式作为上古时期时空图式的历史资料,是汉代人在科学、哲学与宗教巫术基础之上,以天文历法为构架,以阴阳五行为指导思想,而形成的以象数、卦气为主要形式的宇宙观图式,具有鲜明的时代特色,它对于我们进一步认识汉代图书学、易图学、汉画学、谶纬学具有无可替代的作用。汉代时空图式的产生、发展及其演变,充分体现了"河图洛书"、"式盘和博局图"、"太一九宫图"、"图谶"、汉代博局镜的标志"OTLV"等重要图式,有着共同的历史文化渊源和密切的关系,是进一步认识汉代历史的重要史料。  相似文献   

《新夏娃的激情》是一部具有反乌托邦情节的女性主义文本,该文本具有强烈的空间意象感。空间不仅仅是一种静态默然的表征,而是被赋予了性别权力关系。当空间的权力与女性的权力发生联系时,女性借助空间权力关系,从而出现性别空间的政治。卡特在文本中精心构筑了三维的立体空间,形成了一张巨大的权力之网,彰显了对两性和谐共处通往融合的遥望,体现了她对人类性别平等的关怀。  相似文献   

张爱玲自言《倾城之恋》中"男女主角的个性表现不够",是故对白流苏的解读具有了多义性。从城市空间和女性身体互动的角度探讨白流苏在上海和香港两地的不同境遇可以看出,空间已不仅仅是地理上的概念,也包含了内在的心理空间,以及与个体相对的家庭、社会空间。而在此空间中,最迫切也最直接的承受者,就是作为白流苏个体生命体现的身体,她的举手投足、一颦一笑,无不是对身处空间的反应。  相似文献   

当代文化研究的空间转向给当代文学理论带来了不同于语言学视角的新视域.空间转向的提出是建立在对时间决定论和地理决定论否定的基础上,它发现了不同空间下的不同时间逻辑.地理学家通过对后现代建筑的考察发现了隐藏在建筑背后的文化、空间与权力之间的关系.因此,空间从来就不是纯粹的,空间内部一直充满着差异与斗争.  相似文献   

聚焦志趣是实验性示范性高中推进创新人才早期培育值得探索的一条新思路。以聚焦志趣为突破口的创新人才早期培育探索应关注学生的核心价值引领(价值导向)、推进学生的个性化知识构成(课程创新)、注重志趣聚焦的创新与探究实践(体验载体)、推进学生的现代学习方式革新(方式变革)、提升追求志趣聚焦的人文境界(人文底蕴)、注重多元平台展示与发展空间(空间延伸)等策略的运用,正确处理好“志”与“趣”两者的关系、聚焦志趣与潜能认识、开发的关系,聚焦志趣与未来凝炼志向的关系,聚焦志趣与发挥非智力因素作用的关系。  相似文献   

This article reports on attitude changes of 300 children, aged 10 or 11 years, from four schools, who visited the UK National Space Centre. Attitudes toward science and space were explored by examining responses to five different attitude scales. These were administered before, immediately after, and 2 months and 4–5 months after a visit to the main exhibition area and Challenger Centre. Observations during the visits and interviews of teachers and a sample of children were carried out. Before the visit girls were more anxious than boys. Immediately afterward, children showed more interest in space and a moderate increase in their views about the value of science in society. Nearly 20% of the pupils showed an increased desire to become scientists in the future. These children also showed a positive advantage over the other children with regard to science enthusiasm and space interest. Two months later, they continued to be more positive about being future scientists but only the girls' scores were still significantly raised. Most children found the Challenger experience positive but had more problems with the exhibition area. Teachers' preparation and support during the visit as well as their personal interest had a significant long‐term effect on children's attitudes. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 42: 53–83, 2005  相似文献   

冯至在《十四行集》中,拉长了现实体悟时间,以涵盖更深广的历史时间,时间与空间都用交互震荡中的生命形式连接起来,以生命瞬间的完成获得面对时间的坦然,生的时间意义体现在死的蜕变中。以空间凝定时间,把对时间的忧虑转化为对空间的承担。然而,无边的空间又象征了时间或者转化为时间,在《十四行集》中我们发现,诗人在对空间的依赖感与亲切感中,又隐现着他对自己建构的超越时间的方式的质疑。  相似文献   

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