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This paper introduces feminist methodologies in the context of engineering education research. It builds upon other recent methodology articles in engineering education journals and presents feminist research methodologies as a concrete engineering education setting in which to explore the connections between epistemology, methodology and theory. The paper begins with a literature review that covers a broad range of topics featured in the literature on feminist methodologies. Next, data from interviews with engineering educators and researchers who have engaged with feminist methodologies are presented. The ways in which feminist methodologies shape their research topics, questions, frameworks of analysis, methods, practices and reporting are each discussed. The challenges and barriers they have faced are then discussed. Finally, the benefits of further and broader engagement with feminist methodologies within the engineering education community are identified.  相似文献   

The doctoral process presents several challenges and rewards to those pursuing an advanced degree. For women of color attending predominantly white institutions, addressing social and academic challenges can feel unsurmountable. Grounded in Black feminist thought and Chicana feminist epistemology, this narrative explores how two women of color operationalized sisterhood pedagogy and illuminated the importance of peer mentorship in the academy. This article uncovers how their reliance on sister-based relationships propelled them through their programs, while also highlighting the ways the lived experiences of underrepresented populations can inform research design.  相似文献   


Peer review has been the focus of an ongoing study at a series of recent annual conferences of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE). A further development of this study has been to explore the perspective/s of the authors of these conference papers and the impact that peer review can have on their development as researchers. This paper uses the identity-trajectory framework to illustrate relationships between peer review and academic identity construction for engineering education authors in the AAEE community. Participants’ responses illustrate how various aspects of responding to reviews and writing reviews for other authors, contribute to the development of the networking and intellectual strands of their academic identity as engineering education researchers. We suggest that members of the global engineering education community should be mindful of how they write their peer reviews of conference papers to ensure the opportunity to constructively contribute to their peers’ successful transition into this different research paradigm is not missed.  相似文献   

This article offers an overview of the field of feminist education, epistemology and pedagogy. It examines the variety of streams of feminist thought in these areas including socialist, radical, cultural, liberal and postmodern feminisms. In doing so, it engages with some of the most influential writings in the field from the last 12 years and looks at the relationship between feminist education, feminism as a whole, and poststructuralist social theory and postmodernism. The article goes on to discuss epistemology and Foucauldian notions of knowledge and power hierarchies and asks whether feminism accepts notions of ontology in relation to women. In the final section, feminist pedagogy is discussed in relation to other streams of critical or radical pedagogy; is Women's Studies in universities the most productive place to devote feminist energy to? Can Women's Studies be considered part of radical education when it necessarily operates within an institution which arguably operates to ‘domesticate’ women and valorizes traditional, or patriarchal, epistemology? It concludes by exploring an educational environment, or methodology, which has the potential to be more productive for both students and educators interested in the liberatory possibilities of education.  相似文献   

玛丽.沃尔斯通克拉夫特是18世纪末英国著名的政论家和女性主义思想家,她的女性主义思想为18世纪欧美女性主义思想的高峰之一。本文简要分析了沃尔斯通克拉夫特关于妇女教育的思想——女性的低劣是教育和社会环境等因素造成的;女性应当与男性平等;培养妇女的理性能力是关键所在。沃尔斯通克拉夫特的思想已经初步表达了“社会性别”概念的核心内容,在今天仍然具有重大的理论和现实意义,可以说她也是一位重要的教育思想家。  相似文献   

The article analyses the role of peer review within broader external quality assurance schemes. Based on an analytical framework emphasising that modern quality assurance schemes are designed as a balancing act between standardised guidelines and professional judgement, the article uses data from a recent evaluation of NOKUT, the Norwegian Quality Assurance Agency, to investigate whether and how the peer review process has maintained its central role in quality assurance, not least with respect to promoting excellence and diversity. The findings indicate that what is presented as judgements based on peer expertise, turn out to be a rather technical process in which pre-defined rigid criteria and standards are imperative. In the conclusion, the role of peer review is discussed in relation to developments in European higher education.  相似文献   

Liang Qichao's thought on feminist rights underwent a construction process from female education to feminist rights. The process was simultaneous with the political and societal changes from Sino--Japanese War of 1894--95 to the 1911 Revolution. He opposed foot--binding and early marriage and advocated female education and women's rights, These were all important steps in the national construction process. The interpretation of Liang Qichao's feminist thought must be placed against the background of the Late Qing period. Also, Liang's feminist thought had some similarities to the modem we.stem feminism.  相似文献   

梁启超的女性权利思想有一个由女学到女权的建构过程,该过程与甲午战争到辛亥革命的时局变化相终始。他的反缠足、兴女学、禁早婚、倡女权,都是民族国家建构过程中的重要环节。解读梁女权思想之意义,要将其置于晚清视野之下。还须看到,梁的女性权利思想与当代西方女性主义,也有切合之处。  相似文献   

传统、现代、后现代:当代女性主义教育的三重视野   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘永涛 《教育科学》2007,23(2):22-26
女性主义作为一种教育思潮可以追溯到18世纪的法国,传统女性主义教育持两种妇女观,一是“父权制”妇女观,二是“父权制”批判妇女观。但是,自20世纪60年代以来有两种态度:一是激进女性主义的态度。二是当代社会主义女性主义态度。现代女性主义教育在理论与实践上都具有明显的先进性,但仍旧没有走出两性二元对立的思维模式。对于传统女性主义教育的批判性重建,还必须从后现代文明中的精神内核和价值观念需求借鉴。只分析性地找出传统、现代、后现代三种女性主义教育类型地一般特征与具体表现还是不够地,女性主义教育学更重要的使命,是要整合这三种教育资源,女性主义教育建构尚需要实现传统、现代、后现代三重视野的“视界融合”。  相似文献   

While African American women routinely outnumber African American men on the historically Black college and university (HBCU) campus, the African American woman??s voice is usually relegated to the margins within social and academic frameworks. The author seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the actual liberation of African American women on HBCU campuses. Drawing from undergraduate and graduate experiences as an African American female on campus, the author uses Collins??s (Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. Routledge, New York, 2009) Black feminist epistemology as a lens through which to examine her own decision to attend an HBCU while giving specific attention to the implications and intersections of race and gender. Using Black feminist epistemology and autoethnography, the author provides a critical analysis of her education at an HBCU in relationship to the experiences of other African American women. The author concludes the article explaining the intersections of education, liberation, and resistance with implications for HBCU administrators and staff in preparing African American women as campus and community leaders.  相似文献   

This article discusses the application of the peer review process as a pedagogical instrument for the promotion of written expression, collaborative work, critical thinking, and professional responsibility among Informatics and Engineering majors. The approach is introduced with a motivation, followed by a discussion about common principles of current learning paradigms and the peer review process. This work is being conducted in Brazil, where we intend to promote a learning paradigm shift through the application of peer review in education. A framework for this application is outlined, together with an account of results from experiences and a discussion about the skills that this approach exercises, especially with regard to widely accepted curricula and codes of ethics and professional conduct. Further research and development efforts are conjectured.  相似文献   

I use autobiographical narratives to describe and analyse my involvement in peer review activities in science education and to illustrate their historical, social and cultural constitution. I explore ways in which peer review and science education have interrelated in 30-plus years in which I have been a science educator. I employ cultural sociology and activity theory to identify patterns of coherence and coexisting contradictions that create tensions able to catalyse improvements in science education. I argue that early career science educators need a gradual induction into peer review activities, preferably increasing their effectiveness by coparticipating with more experienced colleagues. Also, I critically examine my roles as a peer reviewer, within various contexts that include being an editor of journals and a book series, an examiner of dissertations and an advisor of graduate students, and as a reviewer of applications for tenure and promotion. In so doing I probe power relationships between the reviewer and the reviewed and explore the possibility that peer review is hegemonic. Finally, I present strategies for science educators to reach a collective understanding of how to enact peer review equitably.  相似文献   

This article discusses the creation of space and time for feminist approaches in higher education in the context of shifting community and employment relations and the restructuring of higher education space‐time. It draws on the reflections of three feminist academics concerning aspects of their work biographies in two very different higher education settings. It explores the shift from working in an academic department concerned with community studies to one concerned with education and related employment. The article focuses on the attempt to sustain feminist practices through these changing times and settings and is informed by the work on time and space by Barbara Adam, Henri Lefebvre and Doreen Massey.  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to apply a systematic use of theory to gender inequalities in education. It expands on the tenets of liberal, radical, and socialist feminist perspectives to account for differential gender outcomes in terms of educational access, attainment, and field of study choices. The State emerges as a key actor regulating and promoting educational processes and outcomes, and the perspective that most accurately captures the State's practices is socialist feminism. There has been a recent convergence in feminist thought toward the meshing of ideological and material elements in the explanation of women's subordination, bringing closer than ever the radical and socialist feminist perspectives. These perspectives detect severe limits in the State's ability to improve women's conditions while groups outside the State, particularly women‐run organizations, are identified as the most likely sources of significant educational change and thus social change, in the interests of women.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a pilot-study in a senior paper science and engineering class, of an innovative instructional method designed to foster student problem-solving and in-depth learning of material, namely, student peer teaching. We review related literature focusing on active learning methods in science and engineering education, describe the method of student peer teaching used in this pilot-study, present the evaluation method and results, and discuss implications for further development of this method of instruction. Results suggest that students were able to effectively teach significant curricular content. In addition, the method of student peer teaching served important purposes in helping students develop in-depth understanding and expertise in the issues related to their teaching session, as well as teaching and presentation skills which will be useful in their professional practice. However, students expressed concern that, while achieving in-depth learning of the content of their teaching session, they tended to focus on the content area of their teaching session at the expense of other content areas and may not have learned as well from other students as from the Professor. We recommend a modified structure for student peer teaching which incorporates cooperative learning methods; increased Professor involvement in class sessions, in the role of the mentor; and modifications in performance evaluation methods to ensure ongoing student monitoring of progress and self-assessment. The method of student peer teaching, in science and engineering education, combined with cooperative learning methods, is viewed as a major extension of cooperative learning methods, used in the service of preparation for professional careers.  相似文献   

This article analyses university pedagogy by contrasting mainstream pedagogy and feminist pedagogical thought. The data consist of two textbooks, and we investigate what kinds of teaching, learning and knowledge the textbooks construct and what kinds of student and teacher positions they suggest. The inquiry shows that learning in the textbooks is seen as a strictly defined, hierarchical process and that ideal teaching stresses methods over content. The power of knowledge is not discussed, nor are gender, sexuality and other differences. Academics are seen as professional teachers who master teaching methods, and students are framed as customers. An assumed human sameness, marketisation of education, emphasis on vocational benefit and ‘pathos of the new’ were found to be themes guiding mainstream pedagogy. We suggest that feminist pedagogy can offer an alternative approach, one enabling a critical analysis of the power of knowledge and an awareness of differences among students.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to critically review theories of learning from the perspective of engineering education in order to align relevant assessment methods with each respective learning theory, considering theoretical aspects and practical observations and reflections. The role of formative assessment, taxonomies, peer learning and educational policy as regards promoting the learning of engineering is discussed. It is suggested that an integrated learning method in which cognitive levels, social factors and teamwork and behaviouristic elements are integrated will optimise the learning process on an engineering course. Moreover, assessment of learning should not be isolated from views of teaching and the learning methods employed by the university teacher.  相似文献   

提高科技期刊专家审稿质量的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了使专家审稿的过程更加快速有效,从审稿专家的选取、审稿方式和方法的选择、审稿过程的控制等方面对提高科技期刊专家审稿质量的途径进行了分析,只有在正确的审稿专家选择原则的指导下,采用正确的审稿方式和方法,并对审稿过程进行合理的控制,才能使审稿专家对刊物有更加深入的了解,从而更加准确地把握稿件的学术质量。  相似文献   

从2003年至今,欧盟已经在职业教育的不同项目中应用同行评价.同行评价作为保证和提升质量的重要手段,可以对职业教育机构所提供的质量进行外部监督.同行评价实现了职业教育评价的民主参与和跨国合作,同时也面临语言沟通、经费支持不足等问题.  相似文献   

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