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在机械维修专业中常用到水平仪,它是机床修理、调整、安装最常用的测量仪器之一,主要用于检测机床导轨直线度、工作台平面度等。下面我们来了解水平仪是怎样测量导轨直线度的。机床工作台的直线移动精度,在很大程度上取决于床身导轨的直线度。但机床导轨一般比较长,往往难以用平尺、检验棒等作为基准测量导轨的直线度,这时可以用水平仪进行测量。其工作原理是:假设在被测导轨上有一条理想水平直线作为测量基准,再把被测导轨分成若干段,然后用水平仪分别测出各段相对于理想水平直线所倾斜的角度值,通过绘制坐标图来确定导轨与水平直线的最大…  相似文献   

本文以机床导轨的直线度误差测量为例,介绍直线度误差的微机设计原理。设一机床导轨长2米,测量桥板L=200mm,分10段进行测量,并用首末两点连线法,求导轨的直线度误差。即连接OA,以OA作为评定基础,求出误差曲线上到OA的最大距离与最小距离(均在Y方向上量)的绝对值之和作为直线度误差。测量数据及作图如表1、图1。  相似文献   

车方机床是利用椭圆轨迹短轴曲线代替直线的方式来加工多面体工件的。利用坐标变换建立了刀尖车削多面体工件的相对运动轨迹方程、速度方程和加速度方程。通过几何分析,建立了加工表面的直线度误差公式。通过仿真找出了刀具半径和中心距参数满足加工精度的合理范围。  相似文献   

基准为空间直线的平行度误差,是评定位置关系时必然要面对的基本问题,本着求取符合“最小区域”意义上的高精度误差值为目的,首先探索符合“最小区域”准则的基准直线算法,在此基础上引用高精度“直线度误差”(二维)算法,探索高精度“最小包容圆”的算法,从而求得以直线为基准的高精度平行度误差值。  相似文献   

定位精度是机床位置精度中的一项重要指标,在精密加工中,机床的定位误差几乎是加工误差的3/5。在点位、直线控制系统中,定位精度影响工件的尺寸精度,在轮廓控制系统中,定位精度影响工件轮廓的加工精度,产生轮廓失真。  相似文献   

用计算机处理直线度误差赵树忠,陈亚娜,王贺艳根据国家标准规定,形状误差值是用最小包容区域的宽度或直径来评定的。在给定平面上的直线度误差,是用一对假想的平行直线来包容实际的误差曲线,若这对平行直线与实际误差曲线的接触点的分布符合相间准则的要求,则它们所...  相似文献   

在学习公差配合与技术测量中的直线度误差测量的图解法时,许多高级车、钳工专业的学生总有如下疑问:按照规定,直线度误差应是指最小包容区域的两平行直线间的距离(以给定平面内的直线度为例,下同),而教材的图解法常常只指出直线度误差值应沿纵坐标Y轴方向量取,其...  相似文献   

经济型数控机床为普通机床的更新换代提供了广阔的前景,目前为数众多的车床由于使用年代久而趋于老化、精度下降的问题如能在数控加工中予以解决,将有重大的现实意义。本文主要分析经济型数控车床 (以广州 CJK6132即 GSK928型为例 )提高车削零件几何精度的原理及应采取的措施。 提高车削几何精度的原理   机械运动是由原动机、传动机构和执行机构来实现的,车床本身精度的高低将直接影响被加工零件的精度等级,由于车床导轨、滑板、丝杆等零件存在着不可消除的制造误差和安装误差,长时间使用更使其误差增大,从而直接影响被加工零…  相似文献   

加工精度是衡量机器零件加工质量的一个重要指标.由于影响加工精度的因素诸多,不易有效控制,因此提高加工精度减小加工误差较为困难,研究机床加工过程误差的产生及防止对提高机床加工精度有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

通过对VMCL600型立式加工中心三轴误差元素的误差分析,建立其几何误差的数学模型,并在建模过程中消除了不确定的假设条件,使其求解简便、通用性好。同时,利用激光干涉仪对VMCL600立式加工中心沿三个坐标方向测量9个运动方向的精度误差值和相应9项直线度误差值,并保证直线度误差测量与位移误差测量在同一直线上进行,提高了数控机床误差的辨识精度和测量效率。  相似文献   

A system for measuring the quality parameters of elevator guide rails is developed. The quality parameters the system can measure include straightness, flatness, squareness, width and height of the rail. The system consists of six parts:main guideway, auxiliary guideway, reference rail, saddle, control casing and measured rail. The guide rail to be measured is mounted on a bed. The straightness errors of surfaces are checked by five linear displacement sensors mounted on the saddle. The deviation of readings from the sensor, which is in contact with top guiding surface, gives the straightness error of the surface and height of the rail. The other four sensors are used to measure side guiding surfaces respectively and give other parameters including flatness on the surfaces, squareness, width and height of the rail. A novel calibration method is also developed to calibrate the straightness motion error of the system in horizontal and vertical directions. The deflection deformation of the measured rail is fitted by using a fourth-order polynomial. Experimental results show that the uncertainty of the system on the side surfaces after compensating the straightness motion error is less than 0. 01 mm, and the uncertainty of the system on the top surface after compensating the straightness motion error and the deflection deformation of the rail is less than 0.03 mm.  相似文献   

The machining accuracy of workpiece is influenced by its orientation deviation, which is caused by the fixture-workpiece error. Based on the spatial coordinate theory, the orientation deviation of workpiece is measured by using an on-machine verification system, which can take into account the errors resulting from fixture manufacturing, installation and adjustment, location and clamping of workpiece. According to the least square method, the model of orientation deviation is built to determine the relationship between the theoretical and actual coordinate systems. The influence of orientation deviation on machining accuracy is quantified, and it is shown that the orientation deviation only affects the dimensional precision and position precision, rather than shape precision. In the experiment, the compensation processing of realtime errors was conducted, and the perpendicularity and inclination errors of the tetragonal part were reduced by 38.46% and 47.06%, respectively.  相似文献   

为得到高质量、高精度的叶轮,将Intranet技术应用于叶轮的数控加工,在资源共享的基础上实现叶轮的协同制造,同时对叶轮加工过程全程进行在线检测与控制,建立了加工误差预报和补偿模型实现误差在线补偿。  相似文献   

径向基函数网络在优化机械加工参数中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In machining processes, errors of rough in dimension, shape and location lead to changes in processing quantity, and the material of a workpiece may not be uniform. For these reasons, cutting force changes in machining, making the machining system deformable. Consequently errors in workpieces may occur. This is called the error reflection phenomenon. Generally, such errors can be reduced through repeated processing while using appropriate processing quantity in each processing based on operator's experience.According to the theory of error reflection, the error reflection coefficient indicates the extent to which errors of rough influence errors of workpieces. It is related to several factors such as machining condition, hardness of the workpiece, etc. This non-linear relation cannot be worked out using any formula. RBF neural network can approximate a non-linear function within any precision and be trained fast. In this paper, non-linear mapping ability of a fuzzy-neural network is utilized to approximate the non-linear relation. After training of the network with swatch collection obtained in experiments, an appropriate output can be obtained when an input is given. In this way, one can get the required number of processing and the processing quantity each time from the machining condition. Angular rigidity of a machining system,hardness of workpiece, etc., can be input in a form of fuzzy values. Feasibility in solving error reflection and optimizing machining parameters with a RBF neural network is verified by a simulation test with MATLAB.  相似文献   

学习活动管理系统(LAMS)的研究在国内才刚刚起步,对于学习活动序列的设计是其研究重点。分别从教学法、学习流以及精细加工的理论对学习活动的流程进行分析和设计,探讨学习活动序列的基本编列方式,并通过分析理论到活动的映射关系,将活动通过LAMS外显化,以指导LAMS活动序列设计的实践,同时也为活动设计理论提供新的思路。  相似文献   

本文研究了精密外圆磨削时,提高圆度精度的一种新方法——误差补偿加工,并对相应的补偿加工系统进行了探讨和研究。在此基础上,进行圆度误差补偿控制试验。结果证明:圆度值约可提高50%,证明补偿控制方法是有效的。  相似文献   

平行度误差评定的关键在于基准拟合,其拟合精度决定误差评定结果之精度。对于平面基准和空间直线基准,数模重新整定,寻求全新算法,并论证其对"最小条件"要求的符合性,且通过了对程序进行的大量算例测试。在高精度基准拟合确定基础上,研发功能完全的平行度误差评定软件,经大量算例测试表明了其评定结果的高精度性。  相似文献   

本文在研制的超精密车床上,提出了零件端面加工的误差在线测量与补偿原理,并建立了误差补偿控制系统,并进行了误差补偿实验,结果表明,所建立的误差补偿系统是可行的、非常有效的。  相似文献   

提高机械加工精度的主要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从我国现行机械加工方法来看,提高加工精度方法有:减少原始误差、误差补偿、分化或均化原始误差、转移原始误差等。  相似文献   

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