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本研究通过对女子自行车运动员有氧代谢能力的测试,掌握了青少年自行车运动员的有氧能力水平,为教练员针对性制定训练计划提供了依据。对9名运动员进行递增负荷测试,测试运动员的最大摄氧量,相对最大摄氧量,呼吸商,最高心率和氧脉搏等指标。结果表明:青少年女子自行车运动员的最大摄氧量为3066.7±182.67ml/min;相对最大摄氧量为50.5±3.03ml/min.kg;青少年运动员有必要定期进行有氧能力测试,可以掌握运动员的有氧能力变化情况,也将为训练计划制定提供重要依据。  相似文献   

我国优秀女子铁人三项运动员有氧能力的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对我国优秀女子铁人三项运动员有氧能力进行了系统的测试。首次对我国优秀女子铁人三项运动员最大摄氧量以及最大摄氧量平台期进行了研究。结果表明女子铁人三项运动员最大摄氧量平台期平均109s;乳酸阈强度为195w;最大摄氧量经过大周期训练后有大幅度的提高;最大摄氧量平台期与铁人三项比赛成绩相关性较最大摄氧量值更为显著,对于专项有氧运动能力的提高具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

邱俊  陈文鹤 《体育科研》2009,30(1):57-61
有氧耐力是人体从事耐力性运动的重要能力一,最大摄氧量是客观评价人体心肺功能的一项综合生理指标。本文对有氧耐力的重要测试指标最大摄氧量和无氧阈在有氧耐力评价中的作用及其影响因素进行了综合分析,并梳理了有氧耐力训练的新方法。耐力性项目的连动成绩与最大摄氧量关系紧密,而无氧阀在评定有氧耐力水平、制订有氧耐力训练强度等许多方面亦具有较强的指导意义。有氧耐力训练在很多项目训练中占有重要地位,掌握科学的有氧耐力训练方法对提高运动员的专项竞技水平起着关键性作用。  相似文献   

本文对77—79年龄组17名少年游泳运动员进行了最大摄氧量和无氧阈测定,结果表明游泳运动员最大摄氧量远远高于一般儿童少年;证明最大摄氧量与无氧阈受不同生理机制制约,青少年游泳运动员的有氧能力主要表现在无氧阈方面的可提高程度。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析上海地区不同项群优秀青少年有氧能力,寻找不同项群有氧能力特点。方法:选择上海市2003—2014年一线、二线运动员测试数据库,从中筛选88名16岁以上男性,年龄为(17.5±1.2)岁,103名15岁以上女性,年龄为(16.4±1.1)岁,均为国家二级以上运动员,对其最大摄氧量绝对值和相对值进行统计分析,使用单因素方差分析以及Z分值等方法比较不同性别各项群间有氧运动能力特点。结果:耐力项群最大摄氧量绝对值显著高于隔网对抗(P<0.05)与格斗对抗(P<0.01)。男性各项群间最大摄氧量相对值无显著差异;女性耐力项群最大摄氧量相对值显著高于同场对抗(P<0.01)、隔网对抗(P<0.01)与格斗对抗(P<0.01);女性同场对抗项群最大摄氧量相对值显著高于格斗对抗(P<0.05)。结论:耐力项群最大摄氧量绝对值高于其他项群;体能主导类项群最大摄氧量相对值高于技能主导类项群;同场对抗项群最大摄氧量绝对值优于相对值,其余项群最大摄氧量相对值和绝对值同步。为科学训练提供有力数据支持,教练员可以结合项群有氧运动能力特点,判断运动员的有氧工作能力水平,从而针对性地制定训练计划,提高整体竞技水平。  相似文献   

男子武术套路运动员有氧代谢能力的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用自动气体分析仪和遥测心率计对20名男子武术套路运动员的有氧代谢能力进行了研究。结果表明:优秀男子武术套路运动员的最大摄氧量达3 6±0 32L/min(60 9±4 23ml/kg·min);无氧阈摄氧量占最大摄氧量的79 8%,接近优秀耐力性项目运动员水平;但一般水平武术套路运动员同比则有显著差异,提示武术基础训练中应注意加强有氧代谢能力训练,以有助于耐力素质的全面提高。  相似文献   

田中  崔书强 《体育科研》2013,(5):64-66,71
目的:探讨我国优秀皮划艇运动员有氧能力的评价方法,为制定针对性的训练计划提供参考。方法:以备战伦敦奥运会国家皮划艇队运动员为研究对象,包括8名男子皮艇、7名女子皮艇和6名划艇运动员。利用皮划艇测功仪采用逐级递增负荷至力竭测最大摄氧量、利用4级1 000 m递增强度划船测试乳酸阈(4 mmol/l对应的船速)。结果:伦敦奥运周期我国优秀男子皮艇、女子皮艇和划艇运动员的绝对最大摄氧量分别为(5.25±0.22)l/min、(3.58±0.22)l/min、(4.85±0.13)l/min;相对最大摄氧量分别为(57.28±3.8 1)ml/(kg·min-1)、(50.92±3.78)ml/(kg·min-1)、(54.72±5.3)1ml/(kg·min-1),,经过3个月训练后男子皮艇和划艇运动员最大摄氧量无明显变化,女子皮艇运动员明显提高;男子皮艇、女子皮艇和划艇运动员乳酸阈船速经过3个月的训练后都明显提高,提高幅度分别为11.92%、3.77%和14.37%。结论:我国伦敦周期优秀皮划艇运动员的最大摄氧量高于国际优秀皮划艇运动员的平均水平,和最大摄氧量比较,乳酸阈表现出更好的训练可塑性,能够更为准确的反映皮划艇运动员有氧能力的动态变化。  相似文献   

有氧代谢能力与耐力项目训练中运动强度的选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
全面阐述了有氧代谢能力的概念,提出了最大摄氧量、无氧阈、最大摄氧量平台的持续时间都应是耐力训练的目标。在此基础上讨论了发展此3项目标应采用的训练强度。  相似文献   

通过测定我国U-15男子足球运动员血睾酮激素和生长激素及心肺功能,分析U-15男子足球运动员血睾酮和生长激素分泌特点对心肺功能的影响及对有氧能力的作用特点。结果显示血睾酮与最大摄氧量、最大氧脉搏显著相关(P〈0.01)。不同水平血睾酮的受试者最大有氧能力有显著差别(P〈0.05)。生长激素与最大摄氧量、最大氧脉搏无显著相关性(P〉0.05)。通过以上的研究,为优秀青少年男子足球运动员的科学选材和科学训练提供可能的理论依据。  相似文献   

最大摄氧量速度研究进展(综述)   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过文献综述法,分析了最大摄氧量速度(vVO2max)及其相关指标最大运动时间(Tmax)和达到最大摄氧量后运动时间(tlim)的概念、意义和在有氧耐力训练中的应用情况,提示这些指标可有效地指导有氧耐力训练及评估运动员耐力水平。  相似文献   

极限负荷时运动持续时间和运动水平密切相关。研究发现运动后睾酮(T)水平与耗氧平台(VO2maxPD)显著相关,β-内啡肽(β-EP)分泌水平与最大耗氧量,耗氧平台,呼吸频率显著相关。揭示耗氧平台的维系,可能有垂体—性腺轴的参与。而β-内啡肽对呼吸频率及耗氧平台的维系也存在着调控作用。耗氧平台时心率和通气量较之安静时大辐度增长,间接说明儿茶酚胺在极限负荷时对循环系统的支持。  相似文献   

目的:通过对体育学院大学生进行为期一周的间歇性低氧刺激,观察刺激前后递增负荷运动心率、通气量、摄氧量及定量负荷时血乳酸的变化,探讨间歇性低氧刺激对人体最大摄氧量及通气阈的影响。方法:本实验分两个阶段,每阶段做两次运动负荷。12名体育系男生在实验室常氧条件下在跑台上采用Bruce方法进行递增负荷运动至力竭。间隔3天后进行75%最大摄氧量的定量负荷运动,运动时间为9min,定量负荷后立即进行连续7天,每天1h的12%~10%O2的常压间歇性低氧刺激。低氧刺激完成后第二天再次进行上述两种运动方案。在极限递增负荷至力竭运动前后分别测定心率(HR)、递增负荷至力竭时间(t)、最大摄氧量(VO2max%)、血乳酸(Bla)及定量负荷时Bla等指标。结果:(1)低氧刺激后,递增负荷至力竭运动时HRmax增加(P0.01),VEmax上升(P0.01),呼吸商(R)增加(P0.05),t明显延长(P0.05),Bla明显增加(P0.05),定量负荷运动Bla显著降低(P0.05);(2)间歇性低氧刺激后通气阈时,HR、VE、VO2max%、HRmax%均显著性变化(P0.05),其中VE、VO2max%低氧刺激前后差异非常显著(P0.01)。结论:经过间歇性低氧刺激,受试者在进行递增负荷的力竭性运动时运动时间明显延长,心率在运动后增加,人体通气阈时相对应的心率百分数、最大摄氧量百分比、肺通气量均明显提高,这表明人体有氧耐力和极限负荷运动能力均得到增强。  相似文献   

Research in paediatric exercise metabolism has been constrained by being unable to interrogate muscle in vivo. Conventionally, research has been limited to the estimation of muscle metabolism from observations of blood and respiratory gases during maximal or steady state exercise and the analysis of a few muscle biopsies taken at rest or post-exercise. The purpose of this paper is to review how the introduction of 31P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy and breath-by-breath oxygen uptake kinetics studies has contributed to current understanding of exercise metabolism during growth and maturation. Methodologically robust studies using 31P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy and oxygen uptake kinetics with children are sparse and some data are in conflict. However, it can be concluded that children respond to exercise with enhanced oxygen utilization within the myocyte compared with adults and that their responses are consistent with a greater recruitment of type I muscle fibres. Changes in muscle metabolism are age, maturation- and sex-related and dependent on the intensity of the exercise challenge. The introduction of experimental models such as “priming exercise” and “work-to-work” transitions provide intriguing avenues of research into the mechanisms underpinning exercise metabolism during growth and maturation.  相似文献   

运动训练诱导心血管系统获得的益处具有强度依赖性。大强度有氧间歇运动优于低或中等强度的运动。运动的强度和可观测到VO2max存在着剂量效应相关。大强度有氧间歇运动获得益处是中等强度运动的2倍。心脏的形态和功能性指标检测表明大强度有氧间歇运动可能是诱导这些指标变化的必要条件。  相似文献   


Oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate (HR) kinetics for submaximum exercise were compared in prepubescent boys (mean age ± SD = 10.2 ± 1.28 years, N = 21) and adult men (30.0 ± 5.64 years, N = 21). Standard open circuit spirometric techniques were used to determine VO2 and a bipolar ECG was used to measure HR. The kinetics of VO2 and HR were determined for each subject using graphic procedures. Subjects performed submaximum exercise on the bicycle ergometer at an intensity of 42 ± 1.3% (mean ± SE) of VO2 max for the children and 39 ± 0.7% of VO2 max for the adults (p = .07). There were no group differences in VO2 t1/2 (children t1/2 = 18.5 ± 0.75 secs and adults t1/2 = 17.4 ± 0.39 secs, p = .18) and HR t1/2 (children t1/2 = 11.4 ± 1.86 secs and adults t1/2 = 13.6 ± 1.66 secs, p = .38). These data suggest that children and adults do not differ in cardiorespiratory adjustments during low intensity exercise. This is in contrast to suggestions of other investigators that children have a faster cardiovascular adjustment to exercise.  相似文献   

Exercise intensity and metabolic response in singles tennis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The aim of this study was to determine exercise intensity and metabolic response during singles tennis play. Techniques for assessment of exercise intensity were studied on-court and in the laboratory. The on-court study required eight State-level tennis players to complete a competitive singles tennis match. During the laboratory study, a separate group of seven male subjects performed an intermittent and a continuous treadmill run. During tennis play, heart rate (HR) and relative exercise intensity (72 +/- 1.9% VO2max; estimated from measurement of heart rate) remained constant (83.4 +/- 0.9% HRmax; mean +/- s(x)) after the second change of end. The peak value for estimated play intensity (1.25 +/- 0.11 steps x s(-1); from video analysis) occurred after the fourth change of end (P< 0.005). Plasma lactate concentration, measured at rest and at the change of ends, increased 175% from 2.13 +/- 0.32 mmol x l(-1) at rest to a peak 5.86 +/- 1.33 mmol x l(-1) after the sixth change of end (P < 0.001). A linear regression model, which included significant terms for %HRmax (P< 0.001), estimated play intensity (P < 0.001) and subject (P < 0.00), as well as a %HRmax subject interaction (P < 0.05), accounted for 82% of the variation in plasma lactate concentration. During intermittent laboratory treadmill running, % VO2peak estimated from heart rate was 17% higher than the value derived from the measured VO2 (79.7 +/- 2.2% and 69.0 +/- 2.5% VO2peak respectively; P< 0.001). The %VO2peak was estimated with reasonable accuracy during continuous treadmill running (5% error). We conclude that changes in exercise intensity based on measurements of heart rate and a time-motion analysis of court movement patterns explain the variation in lactate concentration observed during singles tennis, and that measuring heart rate during play, in association with preliminary fitness tests to estimate VO2, will overestimate the aerobic response.  相似文献   

儿童最大有氧活动能力的追踪研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报告了60名10~15岁儿童(31名男童,29名女童)最大有氧活动能力的追踪研究结果。应用Jaeger LE/6型步行机运动,使用Jaeger自动气体分析仪作气体分析,发现男女童的VO_2max、VO_2max/Ht、VO_2max/Ht~2及VO_2max/HR均随年龄增长而增加,VO_2max/Wt及VO_2max/LBM均未随年龄而增长的规律。男童VO_2max绝对值及各项相对值均明显高于女童。以生活年龄为基础的VO_2max年增长值,男童呈随年龄增长而增加的趋势,女童除13~14岁外,呈随年龄增长而减少的趋势;VO_2max/Wt年增长值男女童在年龄组间均未见到规律性的变化。以身高突增高峰年龄(PHA)为基础的VO_2max,男童从PHA-2到PHS 2持续增加,女童从PHA-1到PHA 1呈下降趋势,以后略有上升;VO_2max/Wt年增长值,男童在PHA前为负值,以后为正值并逐渐增加,女童无规律性变化。以生活年龄或以身高突增高峰年龄为基础的最大吸氧量年增长值的个体差异都很大。  相似文献   

The child and exercise: an overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper the complex topic of 'the child and exercise' is approached from a multidisciplinary angle. Research concerned with effects of exercise on growth and development is reviewed. In spite of traditional beliefs, there is not enough evidence to support the view that regular and intense physical training promotes an increase in body size, nor is there any physiological evidence that severe training has any harmful effect on the body. Exercise capacity and aerobic power increase gradually throughout childhood. Investigations have shown that children aged 10 years or younger do not react with an increased VO2 max as one would expect from endurance activities. The trainability of endurance seems to depend on the biological maturity level of growing children. After puberty the effects of endurance training are similar to those reported for adults. Just how much physical activity is necessary or optimal during the growing years is not known because individual variation is great. Even fewer results are available on the trainability of anaerobic capacity. The trainability of other factors such as strength, speed, flexibility and coordination is amply discussed. Finally some thoughts are given to young female athletes, both early and late maturers, with respect to their sport performance and expectancies.  相似文献   

Maximum oxygen uptake (VO(2PEAK)) is generally considered to be the best single marker for aerobic fitness. While a positive relationship between daily physical activity and aerobic fitness has been established in adults, the relationship appears less clear in children and adolescents. The purpose of this paper is to summarise recently published data on the relationship between daily physical activity, as measured by accelerometers, and VO(2PEAK) in children and adolescents. A PubMed search was performed on 29 October 2010 to identify relevant articles. Studies were considered relevant if they included measurement of daily physical activity by accelerometry and related to a VO(2PEAK) either measured directly at a maximal exercise test or estimated from maximal power output. A total of nine studies were identified, with a total number of 6116 children and adolescents investigated. Most studies reported a low-to-moderate relationship (r = 0.10-0.45) between objectively measured daily physical activity and VO(2PEAK). No conclusive evidence exists that physical activity of higher intensities are more closely related to VO(2PEAK), than lower intensities.  相似文献   

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