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辽宁省青少年乒乓球运动员归因定向研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法以及数理统计等方法,了解目前辽宁省乒乓球运动员的归因定向特征,探讨辽宁省乒乓球运动员归因定向在不同年龄、不同性别之间的关系以及辽宁省青少年乒乓球运动员归因的适宜范围;探索乒乓球运动员归因特点等,结果表明,辽宁省青少年乒乓球运动员归因趋向于内控,女子运动员成功内控与失败内控之间存在非常显著性差异,15~18岁女子运动员失败归因趋向于内部,并超出适宜水平;不同年龄段的女子乒乓球运动员成功内控和失败内控都有显著性差异;男子运动员比女子运动员更倾向于把成功归因于稳定的、内部的因素;女子运动员比男子运动员更容易把成功归因于运气或其它不稳定的、外部的因素,而把失败归因于内部的、稳定的因素;随着运动员年龄的增长,运动员失败内控趋向内部并脱离适宜水平。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法和数理统计法等方法,对参加第13届残奥会的26名中国乒乓球残疾运动员的特点进行分析。结果表明:我国高水平乒乓球残疾运动员竞技水平提高维度得分最高,娱乐维度得分最低,对运动成就的需求愿望较强烈;与正常运动员相比,在社会认可、竞技水平提高和娱乐三个维度上存在显著差异;不同性别的乒乓球残疾运动员在社会认可、感性体验两个维度上存在显著差异;30岁以上的乒乓球残疾运动员在感性体验维度上高于30岁以下的运动员;不同训练年限的乒乓球残疾运动员在社会认可和努力取向两个维度上存在显著差异;本科以上学历的乒乓球残疾运动员在感性体验维度上的得分明显高于本科以下学历的运动员。  相似文献   

采用轨迹追踪任务实验范式对不同水平、性别的乒乓球、健美操大学生运动员的内隐学习进行了实验研究,结果表明:①高水平乒乓球、健美操运动员的成绩出现了显著性差异;乒乓球运动员的成绩比同等水平健美操运动员的高,且高水平乒乓球运动员的成绩最出色。②乒乓球运动员的内隐学习成绩出现了显著的性别差异,女生的学习表现比男生出色;但健美操专项及不同水平的运动员的内隐学习成绩没有出现显著的性别差异。③内隐学习存在时间效应,即在一定时期内,被试的内隐学习成绩随学习时间的进程而提高。  相似文献   

为揭示我国运动员运动亲反社会的归因特点,采用质性研究法对我国运动员进行了探究。结果表明:1.我国运动员运动亲反社会行为包含18类树状节点,如"私交好"、"被动反击、以牙还牙"、"团队精神"、"战术安排"等,其中涉及运动亲社会行为的8类,涉及运动反社会行为的13类,有3类树状节点在运动亲反社会行为中重复出现;2.运动员运动亲社会行为的归因表现出了内部归因倾向,而运动反社会行为的归因则表现出了外部归因倾向;3.亲社会行为归因和运动反社会行为归因在不同指向以及不同性别上都不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

根据我国青少年乒乓球运动员特定的文化、环境特点,在我国非智力因素理论相关研究的基础上,运用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查和数理统计等方法,以八一队、山东队等5个乒乓球专业队10岁至17岁的青少年运动员为研究对象,分析非智力因素的差异性,为乒乓球运动员的训练和科学选材提供可靠依据。研究结果表明不同性别运动员中,成就动机、运动焦虑、运动自信心三个维度上存在显著性差异;不同年龄段运动员中,运动热情有非常显著的差异;不同训练年限的运动员中,运动独立性和运动坚持性两个维度存在显著性差异;不同级别运动员中,运动热情、注意稳定性和情绪稳定性三个维度有显著性差异。各级教练员根据乒乓球运动员非智力因素的差异性,从科学选材,到有侧重的加强青少年乒乓球运动员非智力因素的培养和强化,能在科学训练中更快更好的提升乒乓球竞技水平,缩短成才周期。  相似文献   

我国体操运动员"Choking"体验及归因的调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究采用定性和定量相结合的研究方法,对我国体操运动员比赛过程中"Choking"的体验和归因进行调查,旨在探索体操运动员比赛过程中"Choking"的表现特征和解释机制.研究以"Choking"过程理论模式为设计思路,组成2个相对独立的质性调查.调查1主要探索体操运动员"Choking"过程中的体验,调查2基于调查1的发现进一步探索其体验的归因解释.采用开放式问卷,通过随机抽取的118名现役体操运动员调查信息的编码整理、文献、语言分析和数理统计研究发现,体操运动员"choking"时,分别在行为、思维和情感3个方面表现出了14种特征,其中,行为方面主要表现为动作失去流畅的特征;思维方面表现出思维抑制、否认、幻想、接受和合理解释等特征;情感方面的特征则表现在诧异与惊讶、情感宣泄、失助性反应、后悔、自责、负罪感、焦虑和低的自我效能等体验上.进一步对信息数据的百分比统计显示,情感方面的特征最为突出,占总信息量的80.85%.调查2对体操运动员"Choking"体验的归因进行分析.根据Weiner的归因三维度模式对运动员开放性问卷中"Choking"的归因信息数据进行分类发现,体操运动员对于"Choking"的归因主要有6方面由部位×稳定性×控制性多维组合的归因,并且主要与内部非稳定的因素有关,特别是与压力状态下过度的努力有关.进一步对问卷中不同运动技术等级运动员的归因方式的频数进行卡方检验发现,不同技术等级运动员在归因方式上存在显著性差异(卡方值χ-31.329,df=15,P=0.008<0.01).同时,对6个失误归因方式的差异进行考察.结果表明,不同技术等级运动员在内部×不稳定×可控(卡方值χ=8.297,df=3,P=0.04<0.05)和内部×不稳定×不可控(卡方值χ2=11.809,df=3,P=O.008<0.01)两个归因维度上均存在显著效应.健将级和一级运动员,内部不稳定因素的归因高于二级和三级及以下的运动员.  相似文献   

生态学效度是运动领域研究需要考虑的重要因素,实验旨在探讨虚拟全景呈现方式和单一屏幕呈现方式下乒乓球运动员对发球旋转的判断是否存在差异。研究选取9名上海体育学院乒乓球专项二级运动员为被试,在运动员判断发球旋转时记录下他们的反应时、正确率和事件相关联电位数据。结果表明,运动员的决策过程在不同呈现条件下存在差异,更具生态效度的呈现方式下反应时更长,且完成认知加工过程所需的潜伏期及振幅也存在差异。  相似文献   

不同刺激呈现方式对乒乓球运动员视觉搜索特征的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
采用10名乒乓球专业运动员和10名乒乓球初学者为被试,以乒乓球接发球为运动情境片段,对优秀乒乓球运动员的视觉搜索特征进行实验性研究,同时对静态和动态不同刺激呈现条件下运动员视觉搜索特征进行比较,探讨不同实验素材对于运动中视觉搜索特征的影响.研究结果表明,1)在不同的刺激呈现条件下,专家和新手乒乓球运动员的视觉搜索特征存在明显差异;2)运动水平在反应准确性和反应时均表现出一致的趋势,运动水平越高,反应时和反应准确性越好.在动态运动情境刺激下反应时和反应准确性优于静态情境;3)专业运动员采用了相对合理的搜索模式,注视时间越短、注视次数越少、眼跳距离越小,注视分配和注视轨迹比较简单、集中.动态情境下这种搜索模式表现更为明显.  相似文献   

随着网球运动在中国飞速发展,网球运动的研究也成为体育领域中关注的论题。对网球运动员目标定向与归因方式的研究还比较缺乏。鉴于研究应用心理测量法对网球运动员的目标定向和归因方式进行探讨。了解中国网球运动员的目标定向及归因方式的现状,丰富运动员对目标定向和归因方式的认识。研究结果显示:网球运动员的目标定向在性别上存在显著性差异;网球运动员基本归因类型,在成功情境下为:内部的、稳定的、可控的;在失败情境下为:内部的、稳定的、不可控的;网球运动员在成功情境下的归因方式没有性别差异,在失败情境下内外源、稳定性存在性别差异;网球运动员的目标定向与归因方式的相关性不高,存在着低度相关。  相似文献   

随着网球运动在中国飞速发展,网球运动的研究也成为体育领域中关注的论题。对网球运动员目标定向与归因方式的研究还比较缺乏。鉴于研究应用心理测量法对网球运动员的目标定向和归因方式进行探讨。了解中国网球运动员的目标定向及归因方式的现状,丰富运动员对目标定向和归因方式的认识。研究结果显示:网球运动员的目标定向在性别上存在显著性差异;网球运动员基本归因类型,在成功情境下为:内部的、稳定的、可控的;在失败情境下为:内部的、稳定的、不可控的;网球运动员在成功情境下的归因方式没有性别差异,在失败情境下内外源、稳定性存在性别差异;网球运动员的目标定向与归因方式的相关性不高,存在着低度相关。  相似文献   

During a soccer match, players are often required to control the ball velocity of a kick. However, little information is available for the fundamental qualities associated with kicking at various effort levels. We aimed to illustrate segmental dynamics of the kicking leg during soccer instep kicking at submaximal efforts. The instep kicking motion of eight experienced university soccer players (height: 172.4 ± 4.6 cm, mass: 63.3 ± 5.2 kg) at 50, 75 and 100% effort levels were recorded by a motion capture system (500 Hz), while resultant ball velocities were monitored using a pair of photocells. Between the three effort levels, kinetic adjustments were clearly identified in both proximal and distal segments with significantly different (large effect sizes) angular impulses due to resultant joint and interaction moments. Also, players tended to hit an off-centre point on the ball using a more medial contact point on the foot and with the foot in a less upright position in lower effort levels. These results suggested that players control their leg swing in a context of a proximal to distal segmental sequential system and add some fine-tuning of the resultant ball velocity by changing the manner of ball impact.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop and validate a team-referent attribution scale. Conducted over three studies, Study 1 modified items from McAuley, Duncan, and Russell's (1992) Causal Dimension Scale II by rewording items to reflect team attributions and adding one item per factor. This led to the development of a 16-item scale (Causal Dimension Scale-T, CDS-T). Study 2 tested competing models of attribution theory among a sample of 433 team sport players. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated strongest support for a four-factor model (robust comparative fit index = .961; root mean squared error of approximation = .054). Study 3 tested the predictive validity of the scale among a sample of 201 team players. Results indicated that winners reported more internal and stable attributions than losers. Further, performances perceived as successful were associated with stable attributions. The results of the study, therefore, suggest that the CDS-T provides a valid measure of team-referent attributions in sport.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to develop and validate a team-referent attribution scale. Conducted over three studies, Study 1 modified items from McAuley, Duncan, and Russell's (1992) Causal Dimension Scale II by rewording items to reflect team attributions and adding one item per factor. This led to the development of a 16-item scale (Causal Dimension Scale-T, CDS-T). Study 2 tested competing models of attribution theory among a sample of 433 team sport players. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated strongest support for a four-factor model (robust comparative fit index = .961; root mean squared error of approximation = .054). Study 3 tested the predictive validity of the scale among a sample of 201 team players. Results indicated that winners reported more internal and stable attributions than losers. Further, performances perceived as successful were associated with stable attributions. The results of the study, therefore, suggest that the CDS-T provides a valid measure of team-referent attributions in sport.  相似文献   

In order to identify factors associated with on-field moral functioning among student athletes within the unique context of football, we examined masculine gender role conflict, moral atmosphere, and athletic identity. Using structural equation modeling to assess survey data from 204 high school football players, results demonstrated that moral atmosphere (i.e., the influence of coaches and teammates) was significantly associated with participants' process of on-field moral functioning across the levels of judgment, intention, and behavior. Neither masculine gender role conflict nor athletic identity significantly predicted moral functioning, but the results indicated that participants' identification with the athlete role significantly predicted conflict with socialized gender roles. Results suggest that in the aggressive and violent sport of football, coaches can have a direct influence on players' moral functioning process. Coaches can also have an indirect effect by influencing all the players so that a culture of ethical play can be cultivated among teammates and spread from the top down.  相似文献   

我国职业足球联赛赛场秩序存在的问题与规范措施   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用文献资料、问卷调查等研究方法,对我国职业足球联赛赛场秩序存在的问题,如职业足球运动员殴打、谩骂裁判员、球迷以及对方球员,职业联赛中的球迷暴力冲突事件,部分教练员违反联赛秩序等进行分析。认为:加强对职业足球裁判员、教练员和运动员的职业道德教育、规范球迷的观球行为、中国足协应加强“执法”力度,是规范我国职业足球联赛赛场秩序的应对措施。  相似文献   

This study was aimed at examining how basketball players view unexpected performance errors in basketball, and under what conditions they perceive them as choking. Fifty-three basketball players were randomly assigned into 2 groups (game half) to evaluate the linkage between performance decline and choking as a function of game-time, score gap and game half. Within each group, players viewed 8 scenario clips, which featured a different player conducting an error, and subsequently rated the extent of performance decline, the instance of choking and the salience of various performance attributions regarding the error. The analysis revealed that choking was most salient in the 2nd half of the game, but an error was perceived as choking more saliently in the beginning of the 2nd half. This trend was also shown for players’ perception of performance decline. Players’ ratings of the attributions assigned to errors, however, revealed that during the end of the 2nd half, time pressure and lack of concentration were the causes of errors. Overall, the results provide evidence towards a conceptual framework linking performance decline to the perception of choking, and that errors conducted by players are perceived as choking when there is not a salient reason to suggest its occurrence.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate subject- and joint-specific strategies used by male basketball players as they increase their countermovement jump (CMJ) height from sub-maximal to maximal efforts. Lower extremity joint kinematics and kinetics were recorded as 11 male, NCAA Division I basketball players performed 8–10 CMJ across effort levels of approximately 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Simple correlation models were used to investigate the associations between effort levels (i.e., CMJ height) and joint mechanics (i.e., negative (eccentric) and positive (concentric) mechanical work performed at the hip, knee, and ankle joints) for each individual player and the entire group. Group-analyses showed that increases in all joint mechanical variables were associated with increases in CMJ height. In contrast, single-subject analyses revealed that players used individualised strategies, and selectively scaled the magnitude of mechanical work at none (n = 2), one (n = 2), two (n = 5), or all three (n = 2) joints as they increased CMJ efforts. In addition, individual players also appeared to selectively scale different combinations of eccentric or concentric joint work as they increased CMJ height. These results highlight that male basketball players use joint-specific strategies to increase CMJ height when progressively increasing CMJ effort.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(2):198-210
Fantasy sport participation represents an increasingly popular consumer experience among the contemporary sport consumption alternatives. Previous work on fantasy sports draws attention to both its positive and negative effects on traditional sport consumption. This study investigates fantasy football participants’ perspectives, meanings, and experiences regarding their fantasy football and NFL consumption behavior. Employing a grounded theory methodology, the study draws on literatures spanning from sport consumption and fantasy sports to consumer co-creation and intrapersonal conflict, and combines them with data collection and analysis. The outcome is a new organizing framework that illustrates why there is conflict between fantasy and favorite team fandom and how fantasy sport participants cope with this conflict. First, the study illustrates that this conflict stems from the non-traditional co-creation opportunities inherent in the empowering fantasy sports experience, which leads to a psychological connection to the fantasy team and players through the feeling of self-achievement. Second, the study identifies various coping strategies that sport consumers employ to manage conflicts with player selection (i.e., safe selection, convergent selection, divergent selection, and impartial selection strategies) and rooting interests (i.e., balanced interest, principal interest-shift, temporal interest-shift, and benefit-seeking interest-shift strategies).  相似文献   

教练员的领导能力和水平直接影响着运动队的比赛成绩和健康发展,了解不同特征运动员期望教练员领导行为的情况,对教练员实施针对性训练和提高比赛成绩有较大帮助。采用LSS量表对我国甲级男子排球队运动员进行问卷测试,结果表明:年龄大、训练时间长的运动员希望教练员给予更多的民主;训练时间长的运动员希望教练员给予更多的社会支持;不同场上位置的运动员所喜爱的教练员领导行为没有差别;主力队员希望教练员给予更多的社会支持;比赛名次好的运动队更喜爱社会支持和积极性反馈行为。  相似文献   

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