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以乌鲁木齐市初级中学、完全中学、重点中学三类学校的体育教师为研究对象,对体育隐蔽课程认知情况进行调查。研究结果显示:当前,大部分中学体育教师对体育隐蔽课程的内容要素了解较少,在实施课程教学过程中不能够充分将体育隐蔽课程与体育显性课程结合起来,使得教学过程不够完整。针对本调查结果提出建议,以促进我市中学体育隐蔽课程的进一步完善。1.提高体育教师对体育隐蔽课程的认知水平2提高体育教师素质3.重视学校体育隐蔽课程的研究。  相似文献   

为积极响应国家“深化体教融合,促进青少年健康发展”和“关于全面加强和改进新时代学校体育工作意见”的相关文件精神,推动中小学体育课程改革的进行,不断探索打造优质体育课的路径。本文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对文件进行解读,深入探讨影响中小学体育课程改革的因素。研究发现:体育课的边缘化发展、体育课程定位偏差、体育教师职业归属感不强、体育教师教学理念偏离新时代要求等是影响体育课程改革的重要因素。鉴于此,体育教师要从对自我认知的转变、课程认知的转变两个维度出发,不断提升自身核心素养,促进学校体育课程的改革,为优质体育课的建设贡献力量。  相似文献   

学校的体育教学是一种特殊的教学活动,具有鲜明、突出和特殊的教育性。它的主要功能是向学生传授体育的基本知识,技能,增强学生体质,培养高尚的政治素养,树立德、智、体全面发展观点与终身健康意识,促进跨世纪“四有新人”的形成。体育教师是这种特殊教学活动的主导者,“教学行为规范”是教师为  相似文献   

研究对象:山东、浙江、广西、北京、陕西、辽宁、河南、上海8省、市的大学体育教师与学校体育管理者152人、中学体育教师与学校体育管理者311人、小学体育教师与学校体育管理者347人、专家30人。研究方法:文献法、专家访谈法。研究结果与分析1.市场经济体制下的我国体育教师招聘现状当前我国体育教师招聘中存在着决策滞后、招聘渠道的狭窄性和近亲性、体育教师录用决策的科学性不够、体育教师招聘中的民主化缺憾、观念陈旧、偏见与不正之风、用人单位招不到人的现象,这造成了用人单位在体育教师获取中的无奈。2.完善市场经济体制下的我国体…  相似文献   

体育教师队伍建设是落实加强学校体育的重点任务之一,只有学校领导和体育教师带头贯彻实施才能保障学校体育工作成效。本文通过从学校领导管理和体育教师自身的角度出发对体育教师队伍建设产生的几个误区进行辨析,就社会大众体育爱好者与体育教师之间的界限、参与者与实施者之间的界限、体育教师责任与权利之间的界限、体育教师个人经验与专业素养之间的界限几个方面进行阐述,以突破某些在认知和行为上产生的误区,促进人们对体育教师队伍建设的再认识和思考。  相似文献   

经过调查研究发现,河南省农村中学课体育教学现状不容乐观。主要表现为:受应试教育影响依然严重,体育课不同程度地存在被挤占现象;教师接受培训次数较少,师生比例过大,体育教师教学工作量偏大;体育经费、场地、器材等严重不足。为改变这一现状,必须充实农村中学体育教师队伍,加大农村中学体育教师培训力度,加强体育教师科研能力,切实提高体育教师各方面的待遇;通过增加体育经费、完善场地器材、优化教学方法等来积极开展体育教学活动;认真贯彻党的教育方针,全面推进素质教育,按照国家及地方与体育教学相关的法律、法规、条例、通知及意见,大力加强农村学校体育工作。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法、文献资料法研究黑龙江省学校体育运动风险因素的评价指标。结果表明:黑龙江省学校体育运动风险主要来自于学校、体育教师和学生三个方面。另外,家长运动安全知识、技能也是一个影响因素。根据各因素在学生参与体育活动中的运动风险出现频率,初步确定黑龙江省学校体育安全评价指标内容,并把黑龙江省学校体育安全评价指标体系划分为三级指标,一级指标包括学校运动安全因素、体育教师运动安全因素、学生运动安全因素和家长运动安全因素4个指标;二级指标14个;三级指标42个。运用层次分析法计算得出各指标的权重,构建黑龙江省学校体育运动安全评价指标体系。  相似文献   

科学合理的体育教学技能分类,有助于体育教师深刻认知教学技能,从而提高教学质量。目前体育教学技能分类存在相互交叉、时代性差、学科性不强等问题。依据新课程改革理念和体育课教学活动,提出了新的分类:学习指导技能、内容编制技能、活动组织技能、负荷调整技能、帮助保护技能。  相似文献   

学校体育活动风险告知理论与方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
风险告知是学校体育活动风险管理的重要环节.本文首先对学校体育活动风险告知进行了界定,指出体育活动风险告知是学校和体育教师的责任和义务;其次阐述了学校体育活动风险告知的理论基础、风险告知方式与要求、风险告知内容和告知主体及序位,并特别强调体育活动安全协议的告知方式是一种防范体育活动风险、解决体育伤害纠纷的有效途径和手段;最后提出了学校体育活动风险告知目前存在的主要问题及对策.  相似文献   

<正>面对新形势、新任务、新挑战,体育教师如何基于教育现代化在学校体育课程中、学校体育教学中、学校体育活动中去真正践行落实好新的要求并作好人才支撑,笔者认为必须要加强体育教师能力建设、促进体育教师队伍发展的专业化。一、体育教师必备素质与能力要做到德智体美劳"五育"并举,全面实施素质教育,学校体育就必须要抓住"育体育人"的宗旨因此就必须要在学校体育教学活动中落实好学科核心素养,转变教学观念,由重视教向重视学转变,由注入式练习向比赛转变,  相似文献   

探讨教师因素对体育课中小学和初中学生身体活动水平影响的差异。以上海市284节体育课中小学和初中学生身体活动水平及其任课教师为调查对象,通过测量法、观察法和调查法等分析不同学段体育课中学生身体活动水平、教师教学行为现状及教师因素(包括性别、教龄和教学行为)与体育课中学生身体活动水平的关系。结果显示:小学和初中学生体育课中MVPA时间百分比均未达到50%的课堂时间标准,且两者间无显著差异;小学和初中体育课中教师在教学指导和课堂管理行为上的用时均为最高,小学教师的课堂管理行为和动作示范行为用时显著高于初中教师,而初中教师的教学指导行为和观察行为用时显著高于小学教师;小学和初中体育课中男教师执教班级的MVPA时间百分比均高于女教师,而教龄仅与小学生体育课MVPA时间百分比有显著负相关关系。教师的促进健康行为对小学和初中体育课MVPA时间百分比均有显著正向影响,而观察行为仅对初中生体育课中MVPA时间百分比有显著正向影响。研究表明:教师因素对小学和初中体育课学生身体活动水平影响存在较大差异,今后应针对不同学段学生采取有针对性的干预措施。  相似文献   

The current study sought to explore the relationship between personal school physical education (PE) experiences and current PE teaching practices of classroom teachers. Questionnaires were completed by 189 teachers from 38 randomly selected schools. Additionally, semi-structured interviews of 31 classroom teachers were conducted. The results indicated that many teachers had negative memories of school PE and believed that they were not taught anything. Interestingly, teachers involved in the study held reasonably positive attitudes towards teaching PE but examination of their current teaching practices indicated that little ‘teaching’ was evident in their PE programmes. A hierarchical regression model was used to examine key predictors of PE programme quality and accounted for 32% of the variance. Personal school experiences in primary school PE, quality of preservice education and attitudes to teaching PE were established as significant predictors. A key finding of the current study was the significant relationship evident between personal school experiences in PE and current PE teaching practices which has not been previously established with classroom teachers. The implications of these findings for preservice education and professional development will be discussed.  相似文献   

Morgan and Hansen suggest that further research is needed to explore how non-specialist primary teachers approach and teach physical education (PE) based on their personal school PE backgrounds, teacher education experiences and ongoing professional development. This paper adopts Lawson's socialisation model, a theoretical framework subsequently used by many other researchers, to explore how primary teachers' experiences in various contexts ‘shape [their] knowledge and beliefs about the purpose of physical education, its content and teaching approaches’. Examining teachers' beliefs and attitudes towards PE is arguably important as it highlights how they approach the profession and enact particular teaching practices. We examine the views of 327 non-specialist primary teachers who participated in a postgraduate certificate in primary PE run by the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh. This article reports findings from the baseline data of our longitudinal research—arguably crucial in ascertaining teachers' starting point and useful in monitoring the programme's impact. Our findings suggest the prevalence of negative PE experience during primary and secondary years, which we considered part of Lawson's ‘acculturation’ phase. Experiences during initial teacher education (ITE) or ‘professional socialisation’ showed that teachers were only given a basic starting point, which was inadequate for teaching PE effectively. The initial teaching experience or ‘organisational socialisation’ stage also presented major challenges for teachers who endeavoured to apply knowledge and skills acquired during ‘professional socialisation’. We suggest that how teachers' conceptions about PE are formulated and the accounts of challenges they encountered upon school entry are vital for the design and delivery of effective ITE and PE-CPD. Additionally, these findings underpin the need for more critical and reflective learning experiences at all levels of PE.  相似文献   


Background: Physical education (PE) can be considered the centrepiece of school physical literacy (PL) programs, but ineffective lessons or an absence of PE across the public primary school system has raised concern. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation, acceptability and impact of teacher delivery of PE as part of a multicomponent Physical Education Physical Literacy (PEPL) approach, designed to improve classroom teachers’ provision of PE and PL opportunities within a cluster of suburban primary schools.

Method: Within a pragmatic randomised cluster-based trial with mixed methods, a PEPL coach was appointed to seven schools for one school year, with another seven schools continuing their usual practice as the control group. The coach’s role was to support and professionally develop classroom teachers to teach PE and to create opportunities that develop PL inside and outside the school environment. Focusing on Grade 5 teachers, the implementation, acceptability and teacher impact were assessed using direct observations of PE teaching style, a daily log kept by the coach and interviews with principals and teachers.

Results: The PEPL coach visited each school on average once a week for the 33 available weeks of the school year. There were several positive effects for teachers and schools. With no classroom teacher initially taking PE or classroom physical activity breaks, all seven teachers regularly introduced a PE lesson and activity breaks into their weekly schedule. PE class instructional time increased (intervention; +4.8 vs. control; ?3.5 min/lesson; β?=?1.69; SE?=?0.76; p?=?.05), with lessons of greater duration (intervention; +8.6 vs. control +1.9 min/lesson; β?=?1.14, SE?=?0.58, p?=?.05) and moderate and vigorous physical activity increased 5.7 min in intervention classes (p?<?.05). The PEPL coach introduced regular physical activities before and after school and linked the schools with a national sports coaching scheme. Interviews indicated that the PEPL approach was both valued and well-accepted by staff, that classroom teacher confidence to teach PE increased and that principals perceived a shift toward a school ‘culture’ of physical activity.

Conclusions: Well-received by classroom teachers and principals, the PEPL approach resulted in classroom teachers introducing both PE and activity breaks into their weekly teaching program and schools were linked to external sport coaching programs. These effects suggest that the PEPL approach enhanced opportunities for the development of physical literacy in this suburban primary school setting.

Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry identifier: ACTRN12615000066583.  相似文献   

采用文献资料综述法、比较法、调查访谈法、逻辑分析法等对教育部直属6所师范大学的体育教育专业培养目标进行研究。研究表明:6所大学体育教育专业的培养目标内容涉及目标时代性、德智体全面发展、专业知识与人文知识、以教育教学能力为核心的能力(包括学校体育教育教学能力、课外体育训练能力、体育竞赛组织能力、学校体育管理能力、学校健康教育能力、学校体育教学研究能力、体育课程开发能力、社会体育指导能力等)、专门体育教师人才、复合型体育人才等方面的要求。各校体育教育专业制定的培养目标内容设置上是以培养优秀合格的体育教师为核心,并在此基础上有各自的侧重点,培养具有不同特色的体育人才。  相似文献   

A feature of academic literature on physical education teacher education (PETE) is the expectation that it can and should impact upon student teachers' beliefs and prospective practices in some significant ways. This is despite research over the last 20 years or more alluding to the apparent failure of PETE to ‘shake or stir’ (Evans et al., 1996) what might be termed the (typically conservative and conventional) pre-dispositions of student and early career PE teachers. In this article, we examine the perceptions of PE student teachers in Norway in order to ascertain just what it is that makes them so resistant to change and, for that matter, such infertile ground for sowing the seeds of reflexivity. The study involved semi-structured interviews with 41 PE student teachers from the three routes through teacher education available at Nord University College (Nord UC). Among the main themes identified in the data were the PE students' perceptions of: the purposes (and ostensible benefits) of school PE and PETE as well as the nature of PETE itself (including subsidiary themes of sporting and teaching skills, other ‘competencies’, school placements, mentoring and mentors, PETEs' (physical education teacher educators) teaching styles and the students teachers' relationships with the PETEs). The article concludes that, as far as the students at Nord UC were concerned, the significance of PETE revolved around the programme's efficacy in developing the sporting skills and teaching techniques they viewed as central to their preparation for teaching. The minimal impact of the more theoretical aspects of PETE appeared to be partly attributable to the students' perceptions of PE as synonymous with sport in schools and partly to their particularly pragmatic orientations towards PETE. In this vein, the students viewed experience as the most important, most legitimate ‘evidence’ on which to base their beliefs and practices and were resistant to the ‘theory’ of teacher education, rationalising their tendencies to select the evidence that suited them.  相似文献   

For many years, pedagogical scholars and physical education (PE) teachers have worked to enhance effective teaching and learning environments. Yet for some children, youth, and young adults, many of the benefits associated with a physically active lifestyle remain elusive. Enhancing programming and performance to meet physical activity goals may require moving programs beyond “effective.” It will require teachers and program leaders to focus programmatic attention on strategies to actually increase students’ out-of-class physical activity behavior. Transformative PE provides physical activity content within a nurturing and motivating environment that can change students’ lives. It focuses on PE students’ role in cognitive decision making, self-motivation, and their search for personal meaning that can add connection and relevance to physical activities. In this SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport Lecture, I have synthesized the research on these topics to emphasize useful findings applicable to teachers’ everyday planning and teaching. Using sport, physical activity, dance, and adventure activities as the means to an end for personal and social growth, we can meet our commitment to effective standards-based education while preparing students for a lifetime of physical activity.  相似文献   

As much as the principle of co-education may appear to make sense in physical education (PE) lessons, trends in its development have emerged over the past years, especially in secondary schools, which were certainly not intended by the pedagogical programme of ‘reflective co-education’, which stands for respect for equality and difference in co-educational PE classes. Although this programme has been anchored in the curricula of various federal states in Germany for around 15 years, the prevailing practice even today, and documented in many empirical studies, is that so-called ‘male-oriented’ activities (e.g. games) predominate in PE classes while ‘female-oriented’ activities (e.g. dance, aerobics, gymnastics or health-related exercises) are scarcely ever taught. The purpose of this contribution is to examine (1) the extent to which male (as well as female) PE teachers actually make such a one-sided selection of activities; (2) the reasons they give for this practice and the way they perceive and judge it; and (3) how they communicate this selection to each other and to their pupils. Seventy-one PE teachers (of both sexes) were asked about these questions in problem-centred interviews. The main result of the study is that both male and female PE teachers almost exclusively do ‘male-oriented’ activities (like games and other competitive activities) in mixed-gender classes, although they give different reasons for doing so. By contrast, so-called ‘female activities’ are avoided. The observable implications are that PE lessons have increasingly become dominated by male patterns of physical activity and that a hierarchy is constructed between so-called ‘male activities’ and ‘female activities’ in PE. As a result, a key objective of ‘reflective co-education’ has not been achieved. Female PE teachers suffer considerably under these conditions. It can be observed that many of them are either planning to reduce their hours in, or even give up, teaching PE (or have already done so).  相似文献   

体育教师的体态语言   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王念辉 《体育科研》2001,22(4):31-33
体态语言是体育教师在教学中的重要手段.采用归纳法、举例法、分析与综合法等科研方法,阐述了体态语言的含义、特点;及在体态语言在体育教学中的运用方法和作用.  相似文献   

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