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Operational agility has increasingly become essential for survival and prosperity for contemporary organizations. Given its significant role in a turbulent business environment, this concept has garnered considerable research attention over the past ten years. However, due to the complex nature of operational agility, how to achieve this important organizaitonal capability is still not clearly understood. Thus the present study attempts to open this black box through examing a case study of Haier, the largest household appliances producer in China. The findings of this case highlight the significant role played by IT leveraging competence in achieving operational agility. It shows that IT leveraging competence helps enhance firm's ability to process information in a turbulent business environment, which results in information processing efficiency and information processing effectiveness. With the enhancement in the ability to process information, the focal firm is capable to sense and respond to market changes more readily.  相似文献   

辛杰  孔茗  谢荣贝 《科学学研究》2020,38(8):1481-1488
互联网背景下的平台经济时代重构了人与组织之间的关系,需要创新性地建立一种基于平台隐喻的领导范式和实践途径。本文在文献内容分析基础上对6位管理学领域专家和21位企业管理者进行结构化访谈,经过质性研究过程归纳38个题项,进行606份有效问卷的实证分析并通过信度和效度检验,开发出平台型领导量表的22个测量题项以及分享利他、交互协作、孵化创客、度己化人、赋能平等5个构成维度,并给出五个构成维度的内涵释义。该研究较为完备地刻画了平台型领导的行为特征,弥补了平台型领导研究缺乏测量量表和维度界定的理论缺口,所确定的5维度22题项具有系统性、涵盖性和内在区别性,具与有互联网、大数据背景下企业平台化经营和平台化升级的契合性,为践行平台型领导提供了理论依据和行为导向,对推动平台领导力的进一步研究具有积极作用。  相似文献   

This study adopts both a resource-based perspective that combines technology, human, and business resources to develop an infrastructure capability, and a strategic-positioning perspective that emphasizes customer orientation to examine customer information quality in customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Specifically, this study examines how firms bundle infrastructure capability and customer orientation to enhance the quality of customer information that enhances customer relationships and firm performance. The results of data gathered from 116 financial service firms in Taiwan suggest that the impact of quality on firm performance begins with infrastructure capability and customer orientation, and that the complementarity between these factors positively influences customer information quality. The results indicate that customer information quality positively affects customer relationship performance, which consequently leads to improvements in overall firm performance.  相似文献   

采用案例研究方法,探讨了我国一家机电类企业从传统国有制造企业的经营模式向平台型B2B电子商务模式转型的前因、后果及能力影响因素。研究发现,外界环境及企业对平台型B2B电子商务模式内在认知的共同作用会导致企业向这种模式的转型;而转型的结果是促使企业绩效的增强;转型过程受到企业IT能力、B2B电子服务能力及B2B电子商务转型能力的影响,且各种企业能力之间也存在相互作用关系。  相似文献   

彭本红  鲁倩 《科学学研究》2018,36(1):183-192
利用多案例分析和扎根理论探讨了平台型企业开放式服务创新风险的内在机理及作用机制。研究发现了风险因素的9个主范畴,3个风险核心范畴,以及2个风险发生后果,构成了平台型企业开放式服务创新的风险成因。实证研究表明,商业环境风险、平台战略风险、管理风险这三个风险对平台创新活动影响巨大,显著影响了平台型企业客户流失以及经营绩效。商业环境风险是平台创新面临的外部风险,与平台战略风险和管理风险呈显著正向关系,战略风险会增加管理风险发生的可能性。三大风险与客户流失呈正比,与平台经营绩效呈反比。本研究拓展了传统的管理要素模型,揭示了互联网平台企业创新过程中的风险互动机制。  相似文献   

王莉 《科研管理》2019,40(7):182-191
通过虚拟顾客参与平台(Virtual Customer Environments, VCE)来吸引顾客参与创新、利用顾客大数据、创建顾客中心型组织成为企业的重要策略,但VCE的运行机制并未得到理论界的足够重视。本文以VCE功能为主线,将VCE分为信息展示、需求收集和深度互动三个子平台。基于刺激-机体-反应模型,分析每个子平台的运行机制。具体而言,IT环境和市场环境的发展构成VCE的运行基础,企业和顾客之间的交互关系构成VCE的运行动因,企业吸引行为和顾客参与行为构成VCE的运行过程。进一步运用内容分析法,本文检验了中国500强企业网站中VCE子平台的运行,实证研究结果支持理论模型所提出的运行机制。但同时也发现,大多数中国500强企业尚未充分构建需求收集和深度互动这两个子平台,表现为在实际运行中未能有效吸引顾客参与。本研究不仅推动了VCE理论的发展,对顾客参与理论进行了拓展,并且有助于指导企业完善VCE平台的构建,从信息技术的角度塑造顾客导向型组织,提升创新绩效。  相似文献   

易锐  夏清华 《科学学研究》2018,36(6):1096-1109
基于环境应配理论和组织敏捷性理论,对开放式创新导向促进新创企业脆弱性改善的中介机制和过程机理进了实证研究。通过对中国246家新创企业的问卷调查数据分析结果表明:(1)开放式创新导向对新创企业脆弱性改善具有促进作用,并能通过顾客敏捷性和伙伴敏捷性的中介作用对其产生影响,但是运营敏捷性的中介作用并不显著;(2)顾客敏捷性和伙伴敏捷性的中介效应受到网络闭合性的前段调节,相对于网络闭合性高的新创企业,间接效应在中、低水平网络闭合性的新创企业中更为显著;(3)顾客敏捷性的中介效应受到结构洞的前段调节,相对于高水平结构洞位置的新创企业,间接效应在中、低水平结构洞位置的新创企业中更为显著。研究结果有助于弥补开放式创新视角的企业新创弱性改善的实证研究缺口,进一步推进了开放式创新视角下的创业理论研究,对新创企业在实践中如何通过开放式创新克服初创脆弱性提供了重要的理论指导。  相似文献   

谢秋华  刘潇 《科技管理研究》2021,41(20):131-143
针对作为生态系统设计者的平台型企业如何在技术范式转移时期重塑商业生态系统以保持竞争优势的战略管理难题,以百度公司为对象,运用单案例研究法,基于资源编排理论探究平台型企业在技术范式转移下重塑商业生态系统的微观过程机制,并构建概念模型.研究发现:(1)范式内的技术演进驱动商业生态系统的迭代优化,而技术范式转移驱动商业生态系统从根本上实现重塑;(2)重塑机制表现为平台型企业在技术范式转移驱动下颠覆商业生态系统原有的价值主张,围绕新的价值主张更新平台基础、进行资源编排和价值创造,最终重构商业生态系统的资源基础和平台型企业的价值获取路径;(3)平台型企业的感知能力、创新能力与整合能力支持了商业生态系统的重塑.根据研究结论,正在进行平台化转型的企业管理者应进一步提高对平台及其商业生态系统的认知,而已经是平台型的企业则应重视资源编排能力的培育,以推动商业生态系统不断演化,实现系统成员间的价值共创.  相似文献   

随着数字经济的不断渗透与数字平台的大量涌现,平台模式成为经济发展的重要引擎。虽然现有平台采用了相似的发展策略,但是不同平台的市场绩效存在较大差异,究其原因,平台层特征之一,即平台数字化功能在其中扮演了至关重要的作用。为了深入探究平台数字化功能如何影响平台策略与平台市场绩效之间的关系,本研究基于277份问卷调查数据进行了实证检验。结果发现:(1)平台规模策略、平台排他策略与平台市场绩效之间的关系均受到平台数字化功能的影响;(2)平台规模策略在社群支持功能的影响下,对平台市场绩效的影响更大;(3)平台排他策略在数据赋能功能的影响下,对平台市场绩效的影响更大。本研究从参与者层面和平台层面共同剖析了不同平台市场绩效差异的核心动因,并量化了数字化功能对平台绩效提升的作用效果,贡献于平台绩效管理与数字化功能的相关研究领域。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of information technology (IT) on supply chain agility measured by the ability to sense and respond to market changes, and the impact supply chain agility has on firm performance. Data were collected from supply chain executives at 193 U.S. manufacturing firms. The results suggest that IT improves the supply chain's ability to sense market changes by improving the adequacy, accuracy, accessibility, and timeliness of the information flows among members of the supply chain. IT also increases the supply chain's ability to respond to market changes by reducing the cost, and improving the quality and timeliness of developing and executing coordinated plans to respond to market changes throughout the supply chain. Importantly, the results indicate that enhanced supply chain agility has positive impacts on the firm's sales, market share, profitability, speed to market, and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Many companies invest considerable resources in developing Business Analytics (BA) capabilities to improve their performance. BA can affect performance in many different ways. This paper analyses how BA capabilities affect firms’ agility through information quality and innovative capability. Furthermore, it studies the moderating role of environmental turbulence, both technological and in the market. The proposed model was tested using statistical data from 154 firms with two respondents (CEO and CIO) from each firm. The data were analysed using Partial Least Squares (PLS)/Structured Equation Modelling (SEM). Our results indicate that BA capabilities strongly impact a firm’s agility through an increase in information quality and innovative capability. We also discuss that both market and technological turbulence moderate the influence of firms' agility on firms' performance.  相似文献   

供应链敏捷性的以往研究忽视了供应链企业间竞合关系的存在,且集体横向竞合对供应链敏捷性的影响及其作用机制仍不清晰。本文基于动态能力理论、社会网络理论以及组织学习理论,深入探讨了集体横向竞合对公司供应链敏捷性的影响机制。采用Bootstrap检验方法对216份专业市场中大型企业的问卷开展实证研究发现:集体横向竞合能直接或间接地对供应链敏捷性产生正向且显著的影响。集体横向竞合与供应链敏捷性之间存在三条中介路径,其中网络嵌入性中介路径对供应链敏捷性的影响最大,其次是组织学习能力中介路径,而网络嵌入性与组织学习能力的链式中介路径对供应链敏捷性的影响最小,且网络嵌入性是集体横向竞合与组织学习能力之间的唯一中介。  相似文献   

数字时代的创业与以往显著不同在于,数字平台生态系统成为支撑创业的重要基础设施。创业企业如何利用好数字基础设施实现快速成长,成为新的研究课题。本文在回顾研究现状的基础上,为数字平台生态中的创业企业成长构建了一个涵盖“自身战略定位”和“与平台架构的关系”2个维度的战略分析框架。其中“自身战略定位”包括“头牌导向”和“平台导向”;“与平台架构的关系”包括“遵从架构”和“突破架构”。据此,本文得到了数字平台生态中创业企业成长战略的4种类型,即“乖孩子、好伙伴、开拓者和竞合者”。进一步地,本文尝试引入与数字平台生态中创业企业成长相适配的理论分析视角,并在此基础上探讨了值得未来研究重点关注的方向。  相似文献   

创业孵化平台形成了以平台企业主导的创业生态优势,现有文献对其生态优势形成过程尚无有力解释。本文通过小米“投资+孵化”事件的探索性案例分析,以动态能力视角探究创业孵化平台价值共创对生态优势的影响机理。研究发现:创业孵化平台生态优势的影响机理遵循“价值共创-动态能力-生态优势”解释逻辑;它经历了三个阶段:(1)需求共同识别阶段,创业孵化平台与创业企业通过“交流”与“资源识别”促进“机会感知”并实现“生态共生”;(2)产品共同开发阶段,创业孵化平台与创业企业通过“交心”与“资源优化”促进“模式学习”并实现“生态互生”;(3)市场共同推广阶段,创业孵化平台与创业企业通过“交易”与“资源优化”促进“市场重构”并实现“生态再生”。研究结论对我国孵化器转型升级与“双创”高质量发展有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

Business analytics (BA) becomes increasingly important under rapidly changing business environment. A research challenge is that BA use is not fully understood. We tackle this challenge from the perspective of dynamic capability by using an empirical model with the emphasis on BA use in customer relationship management (CRM). Based on 170 samples from firm-level survey, we analyze the nomological linkage from IT competence to CRM performance. The results show data management capability fully mediates between IT competence and BA use, while customer response capability partially mediates between BA use and CRM performance.  相似文献   

云计算技术的发展与成熟为跨平台数据资源的共享带来了福音,其强大的计算能力、高存储、低成本特征使得资源的共享变得更加切合实际需求。本文围绕电商企业客户信息管理中存在的问题,阐述基于云计算服务模式的客户知识共享资源库平台的构建思路,从平台的服务模式、资源管理和三层架构模型三方面论述平台的实现过程,详细介绍了平台的主要应用服务内容。最后通过基于该平台的RFM模型应用论证了基于客户知识共享资源库进行精准大数据挖掘的可行性。  相似文献   

Although AI-enabled customer relationship management (CRM) systems have gained momentum in healthcare to enhance performance, there is a striking dearth of knowledge on how such capabilities are formed and affect service innovation. The study adopted a mixed-method approach to investigate the underlying phenomena. This research infused resource-based theory, dynamic capability theory, and theory of productivity paradox to investigate how healthcare in India acquires AI-enabled CRM capabilities and enhances service innovation. We identified the facets of AI-enabled CRM capabilities using a case study and developed a framework for AI-enabled CRM capability and service innovation. This study noticed that customer service flexibility (CSF) is a missing link in this relationship. The findings of the quantitative study employing PLS-SEM reveal the linear relationships between AI-enabled CRM capability, CSF, and service innovation. This study explains the formation of AI-enabled CRM capabilities to fill the research gap and direct innovative performance in healthcare, which is an immediate need to sustain in a volatile environment. This study provides theoretical implications to enhance the research stream and practical implications for decision-makers.  相似文献   

The rise of online retail platforms has facilitated customers to purchase from the same firm across multiple platform channels. It is challenging for firms to maintain online customer–firm relationships as customers are easily attracted by competitors on different platforms. While previous studies focus on offline-online multichannel shopping, how cross-platform multichannel shopping affects customer–firm relationships is largely neglected. Utilizing longitudinal customer data from an online seller with channels on two major Chinese retail platforms, we found that cross-platform multichannel shopping lengthens, deepens, and broadens online customer–firm relationships. Cross-platform multichannel shopping has a stronger positive effect on the length and depth of online customer–firm relationships as the duration before multichannel shopping increases. After cross-platform multichannel shopping, customers who revert to the original channel weaken their relationship with the firm compared to those who keep using both channels or migrate to another channel. Our empirical results contribute to the literature by examining novel multichannel shopping behavior and its dynamic process. The findings also provide insights into customer relationship management by targeting cross-platform multichannel shopping customers.  相似文献   

周文泓 《现代情报》2018,38(1):136-140
[目的/意义]政务社交媒体是国家与社会重要的战略资源,它的有效归档管理,有助于推进开放政府建设。[方法/过程]本文以案例研究与文本分析的方法审查以微博、微信、今日头条为代表的社交媒体服务提供商的信息管理与条款。[结果/结论]通过研究,发现平台政策只提供有限的信息管理支持,对政务用户关注有限且专业性不足,造成政务社交媒体信息容易形成失存、失真、失控的风险。基于上述分析,本文提出平台可从如下方面构建对政务社交媒体信息的支持能力:关注与凸显政务类信息的特殊性、从用户视角完善平台政策、融合信息管理专业性要求。  相似文献   

Innovation in the public sector plays an important role in improving the quality of public services and addressing economic and societal challenges. Most of the previous research on innovations has focused on the private sector. How organizations may achieve ambidexterity for innovations in the public sector characterized by unique constraints has been largely underexplored. Platforms have emerged as key components in organizations’ approaches to innovation. Using an empirical study in a public sector organization, this study identifies a platform-based approach that can be used to achieve ambidexterity in balancing exploitative and exploratory innovations in the public sector. Organizations facing constraints pertaining to structure, risk, and value may benefit from considering their product/service development, process management, and value formulation through this approach. This study also identifies practices in platform development, appropriation, and control that contributed to the success of the platform-based approach.  相似文献   

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