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由于新公共管理的局限性、信息技术革命的加速、公民民主意识的提升以及政府不可治理公共事务的增加等因素的影响,一种全新的公共行政模式——网络治理开始在西方国家兴起。中国目前正处于由计划向市场的转轨时期,在全球化、网络化和信息化的背景下,作为未来发展趋势的网络治理模式给中国政府的角色定位提供了改革发展的新思路。在坚持以人为本的科学发展观指导下,为实现中华民族伟大复兴承担着重大使命的中国政府应成为公共利益的代表者、服务者、推动者、参与者、诚信责任意识的倡导者。  相似文献   

全球治理困境在很大程度上是由于主权国家一直秉持"国家中心主义"理念所造成的,正是这种理念使得主权国家采取孤立式或趋利避害式的行为对待全球治理,从而导致全球治理中出现参与赤字和责任赤字。通过分析国家政治发展观的变迁,不难发现,传统政治发展观以主权、领土为界限将世界划分为"我者"与"他者"的思维方式便是"国家中心主义"理念的集中体现。这种传统政治发展观在世界范围的蔓延为"国家中心主义"理念的盛行提供了土壤。要解决全球治理困境,就必须克服"国家中心主义"理念。从政治发展观的角度来讲,就需要国家放弃"国家中心主义"主导下的传统政治发展观,进而采取一种开放的、负责任的政治发展观。  相似文献   

我国教育评估中长期存在政府处于主导地位的现象,当前国家决意要采取措施实现管办评分离,实现教育治理现代化,但是管评不分仍然是教育评估制度中争议的焦点。文章通过分析教育元评估制度建构的两种方案,即国家法团主义模式影响下的教育评估制度和多元主义模式影响下的教育评估制度,认为应在符合中国国情的法团主义语境下构建我国的教育元评估制度。通过对教育评估机构进行再评估,保障教育评估质量,提升教育质量,促进管评分离,实现教育治理现代化。  相似文献   

A revival of Confucianism in post-Mao China helped the government legitimate its power in the face of a new socio-political and economic situation. This paper specifically explores the role of Confucian self-cultivation in China’s governance. Drawing on Beetham’s theory of legitimation of power and Weber’s tri-typology of authority, we argue that self-cultivation, appealing to ingrained cultural values and traditions, fulfils the criteria of legitimation of power through two principles, namely, differentiation and community interest. In the context of suzhi education (education for quality) and China’s national university entrance exam (gaokao), we interrogate tensions and paradoxes between the need for a presentation of modern and liberal authority and the CCP’s one-party rule. The paper illustrates the complexity of China’s authoritarianism and the intricacies and intrinsic relevance of self-cultivation in current practice.  相似文献   

International policy analysis tends to simplify the nation state, portraying countries as coherent units that can be described by one statistic or placed into one category. As scholars from Brazil, South Africa, and the USA, we find the nation-centric research perspective particularly challenging. In each of our home countries, the effective influence of the national government on education is quite limited, particularly in fringe and emerging areas of education such as Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Climate Change Education (CCE). This essay explores how nation-level comparisons are and are not useful for international research on ESD and CCE. We consider several layers of decentralized governance, but ultimately come to the conclusion that ESD governance in our respective countries is polycentric rather than decentralized. We discuss the implications of this idea for cross-national policy research on ESD and CCE.  相似文献   

澳门高等教育正面临新的发展机遇与挑战。近几十年来,特别是回归以来,澳门特区政府通过制定政策法规、实施课程改革、加大经费投入、优化师资结构和加强国际合作与交流等举措,较好地保障了高等教育的质量,实现了高等教育的跨越式发展;在未来的发展战略上,澳门高等教育还应进一步完善管理制度,突出办学特色,提高治校效能,协调学科关系,拓展发展空间,走出一条可持续的质量提升之路。  相似文献   

民办高校进入分类管理过渡期后,举办者频繁变更的问题成为社会各界关注的焦点之一。立足民办高校举办者的现实基础与办学动机,从举办者办学和政府规制两个视角分析了变更问题的特征、诱因及影响,阐明民办高校举办者变更的缘由大多是“学校控制权私利”问题。当前推进民办高等教育治理体系与治理能力建设是政府义不容辞的责任,建立“举办者变更规程、强化协同监管和发挥属地治理”的新机制,不断规范民办高校举办者变更工作,是促进民办高校健康发展的有效措施。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义国家治理体系正经历着从传统到现代、从封闭到半封闭、再到全面开放的深刻变革。为应对现实挑战,国家治理现代化首先应坚持马克思主义指导地位,同时,高度关注全球治理新形势、新内容,增强全球向度;其次,国家治理现代化进程应坚持“守正”基础上的不断创新,不断推进马克思主义国家治理思想中国化进程;再次,加快构建政党治理为核心、政府治理为关键、其他类型治理为重要补充的立体治理格局。最后,全面推进依法治国进程,以法治夯实党在国家治理体系中的核心地位。保障变革进程稳定、有序,切实提升和扩大国家治理意识形态软实力和国际话语权,最终实现国家治理体系和治理能力质的飞跃。  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会是在我国改革开放新的重要关头召开的一次重要会议,不仅在大陆及港澳台引起极大反响,国际舆论也极为关注.这次会议的新亮点及新举措表现在:改革力度前所未有;国家治理体系和治理能力现代化;市场的作用从“基础”变为“决定”;清晰界定了政府职能和作用.我们要深刻领会、认真落实三中全会精神:首先,要原汁原味、逐字逐句学习全会精神;其次,要紧密联系实际;第三,要善于思考,善于比较.  相似文献   

中小企业实际所得税率影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以深市中小企业板上市公司统计数据为样本,研究影响中小企业实际所得税税率(ETR)的公司特征因素.上市公司财务杠杆、固定资产密度与ETR没有显著性关系;上市公司规模与ETR显著正相关.考虑到中小企业在国民经济中的特殊性,在实证研究中还选取了可以代表公司治理与雇员规模的变量,发现这些变量也与中小企业的实际所得税率存在显著相关性关系.  相似文献   

当前,对校外培训机构的监管和治理已经成为国际社会所共同面临的现实课题。日本校外培训机构学习塾在其发展过程中曾面临严峻问题":利益至上"导致"乱塾时代",应试目标导向干扰学校教育,监管体系不完备造成治理滞后。为此,日本政府主导制定了多部门协作、法律监管和行业自律三管齐下的治理体系。在该体系的治理下,日本学习塾的发展开始回归正轨,行业规模保持稳定,教育理念开始关注学生的能力培养,并且学习塾扮演起学校教育合作者的角色,承担起更为重要的社会责任,为自身发展寻找到了新的生长点,也为日本教育事业注入了新的活力。  相似文献   

地方教育制度创新是地方治理改革的一个重要方面。各个地方政府从本地实际出发,通过自主的探索实践,形成了一系列落实国家政策、解决当地实际问题的政策措施。在这个意义上说,地方教育制度创新是宏观政策"落地"的重要实践路径。研究和归纳地方政府教育制度创新的基本特征,并从中发现存在的问题,对于科学理性地分析我国教育改革与发展,推动政府教育责任履行,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

在全球环境治理背景下,一目的环境行为是否有益于全球环境治理已成为评价国家形象的重要标准.日本福岛核泄漏发生后,德国政府宣布“弃用核能”,在国内外引发强烈争议.从这些争议可以看出,德国希望以此塑造环境问题上“负责任”、世界经济中“利用可再生能源典范”、政治上“珍爱生命与和平”等国家形象.这体现出公众对德国环境形象的关注,也体现出德国在全球环境治理中塑造良好国家形象的艰难.  相似文献   

伴随着“双减”政策的落地,校外培训机构治理再次进入新阶段。梳理校外培训机构治理政策的 变迁可以发现,以问题为导向的政策目标不断演进,以规范为主要特征的政策措施逐渐完善,以政府为主体 的政策执行体系渐趋形成。择选分析发生在全国范围内的146起教育培训纠纷司法案例可以发现,行政部 门、培训机构、受教育者以及法院在教育培训纠纷的发生和解决中都会受到校外培训机构治理政策的影响, 这种影响不断折射出校外培训机构发展和治理中存在的问题。校外培训机构治理政策的执行和发展还需 坚持教育公益性原则下的分类管理、探索完善培训机构退出的善后机制、建立培训机构的金融监管制度、构 建线上培训的规范治理体系、推动治理机制向政府与行业双重治理转变、重视对学校及家庭等外围因素的 考量,形成政府引导、行业自治、社会参与的常态化治理格局。  相似文献   

This article critically analyses the extent to which the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (EMAG) has been successful in meeting its core objective of raising the achievement of minority ethnic groups who are at risk of underachieving. The article provides an historical analysis of the Grant, sets the Grant within the context of the Labour government’s policies relating to minority ethnic groups and social inclusion and reports on the authors’ research into the use made by Local Education Authorities (LEAs) of EMAG based on an analysis of LEA EMAG action plans. It suggests that although there have been some improvements in closing the gaps between minority ethnic achievement and national averages since the introduction of the Grant, these have been largely limited to groups receiving English as an Additional Language (EAL) support, although these groups continue to underachieve. Further the relative achievement of some groups, notably Black Caribbean pupils, has not improved at all since the introduction of the Grant. The article proposes that if the government wishes to more effectively tackle minority ethnic underachievement then it needs to increase the overall amount spent on the Grant, which has been frozen in recent years, and demonstrate more commitment to tackling institutionalized racism within the education system and the national curriculum. Although the government is issuing guidance to schools to address historic weaknesses in the way that the Grant has been deployed, the guidance itself does not go far enough in acknowledging the role of schools and particularly LEAs in tackling underachievement. Nor does the proposed new guidance recognize the importance of including the perspectives of local Black and Asian communities in decisions on how the Grant is deployed.  相似文献   

In line with broader politics of change at the national level, the Morales government aims at a radical restructuring of the governance mechanisms for the teacher education sector and a socio-political redirection of its curriculum, as teachers are perceived to be potential agents for decolonization and for developing social justice—or vivir bien (to live well). Morales’ policies are not uncontested, and the tense socio-political state of affairs and political power plays are reflected in Bolivia’s normales, teacher education colleges. They have become a socio-political battlefield where political affiliations, union strategies, and historically embedded institutional cultures all influence the way new generations of teachers are trained, and the way former and current policy initiatives are mediated and adopted. Given the complex and historically embedded socio-political context of struggles and tensions at and around the institutional level, the government still has a long way to go to change the continuing habits of the normales and to put its government’s new ideals of transformation and decolonization into practice.  相似文献   

China is becoming an increasingly important actor in global governance. This paper contends that China participates by promoting its own global governance concepts on the one hand and by complying with the established global norms on the other. The paper introduces several key global governance concepts of the Chinese government and argues that they are likely to persist due to their roots in traditional Chinese Daoist and Confucian philosophies. It then focuses on China’s initiatives in education—the creation of Confucius Institutes and China’s involvement in United Nations (UN) educational initiatives—as examples of the Chinese approach. Finally, the paper discusses China’s educational profile in relation to its broader role in global governance.  相似文献   

省级政府教育投入行为及治理是一个重要问题,对省域内基础教育的均衡发展具有重要意义。本文首先界定了省级政府教育投入努力程度的内涵,并基于多元排序选择模型,分析了财政分权、政府治理对省级政府教育投入努力程度的影响,最后提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

很多学者认为,印巴分治悲剧是英国政府一手造成的。如果从英国传统的“分而治之”政策对印度后来种族关系发展的影响来看,这一结论不无道理。但是,如果具体地考察战后英国和印度的局势、英国的利益要求、艾德礼政府对印度问题的态度及其为维护印度统一所作的努力、和平解决印度问题的可能性,人们就会发现,艾德礼政府并无分裂印度的主观动机,相反,印巴分治是国大党和穆斯林领袖为了党派和个人利益而置民族或国家利益于不顾造成的。印巴分治在很大程度上是印度政治领袖的选择。  相似文献   

高等教育治理体系是国家治理体系的重要组成部分,符合新时代国家深化改革的发展方向和高等教育强国建设的根本利益,主要包括治理理念、治理组织、治理制度和治理能力等方面。高等教育治理现代化是政府、高校和社会组织实现治理理念现代化、组织现代化、制度现代化和能力现代化的高级过程。新时代我国高等教育治理面临机遇与挑战,亟须进一步明晰高等教育治理现代化的实质表征、制度困境和目标指向,推动高等教育治理现代化,让中国以更加自信、更加积极和更负责任的态度参与全球教育治理。  相似文献   

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