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19世纪末至20世纪初的南洋华语深受闽南话影响。语音方面,南洋华语的一些音译外来词是经由闽南话从其他语言译借的。词汇、语法方面,南洋华语嵌入了诸多闽南话特色词及特色结构,从而形成了有别于同期中国本土文献的鲜明特征,这是当时南洋社会多语接触及闽南话强势地位的一个反映。考察早期南洋华语文献中的闽南话因素,对于深入认识早期南洋社会语言生活、华语的形成与发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

论华语语感培养的原则与方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先简要论证语言能力的核心是语感能力,华语教学的根本任务是培养语感,并具体阐述了华语语感培养的5项原则与方法:努力扩大华语的有效输入;在交际活动中培养语感;促进“消极语言“向“积极语言“的转化;总结汉语规律,自觉建构华语表达方式;继承语文教学传统,加强记诵.  相似文献   

随着中国和东盟之间的文化交流日渐深入,孔子学院、学堂在各国纷纷成立,华语教学的规模逐年扩展,东盟逐渐兴起一股华语学习热情。然而一些国家曲解了中国的和平崛起和华语的推广性质,把华语传播等同于文化帝国主义入侵。在此从社会语言学的角度出发,分析华语语言传播性质及其历史发展特征,并揭示华语的传播是数百年的历史积淀,是东盟历史文化不可分割的一部分。  相似文献   

在全球“华语热”的今天,华语在海外蓬勃发展。同时华语的发展有“独立型”和“传播型”两种模式。这两种模式在形成原因、语言态度等方面各有特点。分析两种发展模式有利于我们对华语的发展进行总体把握,同时也有利于我们分析具体国家华语的发展。  相似文献   

在全球“华语热”的今天,华语在海外蓬勃发展。同时华语的发展有“独立型”和“传播型”两种模式。这两种模式在形成原因、语言态度等方面各有特点。分析两种发展模式有利于我们对华语的发展进行总体把握,同时也有利于我们分析具体国家华语的发展。  相似文献   

华语教育与国际汉语教育有何异同?这不仅是一个学术问题,而且也是中国当前亟待解决的一个语言政策问题。本文提出的"语言认同过程"理论把语言认同分解为个人多重身份库、个人语码库和身份与语码匹配过程,并认为,语码的学习、储存、和使用需要与语言学习者的身份认同相匹配。根据该理论分析,华裔学生对华语的认同有别于非华裔学生对国际汉语的认同,因此华语教育与国际汉语教育的对象有重大的认知差别。本文运用该理论分析华裔学生学习华语的身份认同困惑,提出相应的华语教育理念、华语教学法、华语教材编写和华语教师培养方法,以期解决华裔学生华语学习中的认同问题,达到华人身份与华语语码的有机匹配。  相似文献   

新加坡政府自1979年以来在华人族群中开展推广华语运动,制定了系列的目标。文章从社会语言学的角度将讲华语运动的目标分为两个阶段,并对其制定的语言背景、适用人群、语言目的等进行了分析,希望能使身处华语发源地的中国读者对这一语言政策有所了解。  相似文献   

在认知语言学框架内,以隐喻和转喻理论为基础,对汉语和西班牙语中的两种基本颜色词进行了探讨和分析。以明确颜色词在中国和西班牙不同的内涵及象征意义,比较分析两种语言中颜色词的基本语义结构。有助于学习者在跨文化交际中克服语言文化方面的障碍。  相似文献   

身份认同与语言之间存在密切关系,印尼华人身份认同因时变迁,华语传承也因此经历了3个阶段:第一阶段,华人保持文化认同,华语传承意识萌发,但脆弱易受影响;第二阶段,华人认同中华民族和中国,华语传承快速发展;第三阶段,华人在族裔认同上认同华族,在国家认同上转变为认同印尼,华语传承积极转型,寻求新的发展机遇。海外华人移民的身份认同对华语传承影响显著。新的语言生态下,要实现海外华人祖语保持的目标,应多路径引导华人的华族认同。  相似文献   

在“本土化”与“西化”的双重影响下,新加坡华族的华语状况堪忧。新加坡历史上重功利、轻情感的语言政策,也加重了新加坡华族对中华文化的情感疏离,弱化了其对华语的认同度。新加坡华语发展的个案成为舒曼文化合流维度下语言和文化互相依存的典型阐释,在改善华语生存环境的对策上,需要新加坡政府做出更精准的指引和扶持,多关注语言背后承载的民族个性和文化信息,摈弃实用性和工具性的狭促,培育新加坡华族对华语的情感认同,以挽新加坡华语困局,促使新加坡的华语真正走上期冀的发展轨道。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relation between Dual Language Learners’ (N = 90) vocabulary and grammar comprehension and word learning processes in preschool (aged 3-through-5 years). Of interest was whether: (a) performance in Spanish correlated with performance in English within each domain; and (b) comprehension predicted novel word learning within and across languages. Dual-language experience was evaluated as a potential moderator. Hierarchical linear modeling revealed stronger predictive associations within each language than across languages. Across languages, results varied by experience and domain. Structural sensitivity theory suggests exposure to two languages heightens awareness of parameters along which languages vary and provides a framework for interpreting complex associations within and across languages. Knowledge from one language may influence learning in both.  相似文献   

In many multilingual societies, and especially those with colonial pasts, the choice of school languages is problematic. The colonial experience leaves a linguistic legacy – a colonial language which is often positively regarded since it is the language of a political or economic elite, the medium of instruction at the tertiary level, or because it is promoted by such elites as a vehicle of desirable, often western-styled, modernization. It is of course true that not all colonial languages are kept on after independence is gained –Dutch was rather quickly phased out in Indonesia – but in such situations another exogenous language is often found necessary. Thus in many newly independent countries, in Southeast Asia and elsewhere, languages like English, French, Spanish and Dutch have significant educational relevance.  相似文献   

文中从语音、语义、语法等几方面对比了汉语和西班牙语的词缀。文章发现,在音节方面,汉语词缀以单音节为主,西语词缀以双音节为主。二者都没有四个及以上音节的词缀。在语义方面,汉西语词缀都以单义词缀为主,多义词缀的语义功能都最多不超过十个,多义词缀的语义功能少于非词缀多义语素的。汉西语都有大量的贬义词缀,汉语还有很多表示尊敬义的词缀,西语则没有。在语法功能方面,汉语词缀涉及几乎各种词类,西语词缀涉及的词类少,没有虚词词缀。西语词缀改变词类的功能非常显著。在构词能力方面,西语词缀的重派生能力比汉语词缀强。  相似文献   

Contemporary models of adult speech perception acknowledge that the processing of linguistic and nonlinguistic aspects of the speech signal are interdependent. But when in development does this interdependence first emerge? In the adult literature, one way to demonstrate this relationship has been to examine how language experience affects talker identification. Thus, in this study, 4- to 5-month-old infants (N = 96) were tested on their ability to tell apart talkers in a familiar language (English) compared to unfamiliar languages (Polish or Spanish). Infants readily distinguished between talkers in the familiar language but not in the unfamiliar languages, supporting the hypothesis that the integrated processing of linguistic and nonlinguistic information in speech is early emerging and robust.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to (a) examine the developmental patterns in pseudoword reading and oral reading fluency in Spanish and English for Spanish-speaking English learners (ELs) in grades 1?C3, and (b) investigate whether initial status and growth rates in reading fluency in Spanish and English, significantly predicted reading comprehension within languages and across languages. Participants were 173 Spanish-speaking ELs in first grade, 156 ELs in second grade, and 142 ELs in third grade across four schools providing a paired bilingual reading program. Results of hierarchical linear modeling indicated different patterns of reading growth in Spanish and English across measures and across grades. ELs at the beginning of first grade had higher scores on pseudoword reading in Spanish than in English and had a higher rate of growth on Spanish pseudoword reading. In second and third grades, initial scores on oral reading fluency were comparable in both languages, but oral reading fluency growth rates were higher in English than in Spanish. Results from regression and path analysis indicated that student initial scores and growth on reading fluency were strong and direct predictors of their reading comprehension within the same language, but not across different languages.  相似文献   

Latino dual language children typically enter school with a wide range of proficiencies in Spanish and English, many with low proficiency in both languages, yet do make gains in one or both languages during their first school years. Dual language development is associated with how language is used at home and school, as well as the type of instructional program children receive at school. The present study investigates how changes in both Spanish and English proficiencies of Latino, second-generation immigrant children (n = 163) from kindergarten to second grade relate to instructional program type as well as language use at home and school. A series of MANCOVAs demonstrated significant dual language gains in children who were in bilingual classrooms and schools where Spanish was used among the teachers, students, and staff. Furthermore, only in classrooms where both Spanish and English were used did children reach age-appropriate levels of academic proficiency in both languages. Home language use was also significantly associated with dual language gains as was maternal Spanish vocabulary knowledge before controlling for maternal education. Educational implications and potential benefits associated with bilingualism are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the question: Do lexical, syntactic, fluency, and discourse measures of oral language collected under narrative conditions predict reading achievement both within and across languages for bilingual children? More than 1,500 Spanish–English bilingual children attending kindergarten–third grade participated. Oral narratives were collected in each language along with measures of Passage Comprehension and Word Reading Efficiency. Results indicate that measures of oral language in Spanish predict reading scores in Spanish and that measures of oral language skill in English predict reading scores in English. Cross‐language comparisons revealed that English oral language measures predicted Spanish reading scores and Spanish oral language measures predicted English reading scores beyond the variance accounted for by grade. Results indicate that Spanish and English oral language skills contribute to reading within and across languages.  相似文献   

Preschoolers?? metalinguistic and visual capabilities may be associated with the writing system of their culture. We examined patterns of performance in phonological awareness, naming of letters, morphological awareness, and visual-spatial relations, in 5-year-old native speakers of Spanish (n?=?43), Hebrew (n?=?40), and Cantonese (n?=?63) and the relations of these literacy related skills to concurrent word writing and word reading. The writing systems in these languages represent three major categories, i.e., alphabetic (Spanish), abjad (Hebrew), and morphosyllabic (Chinese). Phonological awareness, letter naming, and perception of visual-spatial relations differed across groups, whereas morphological awareness showed a similar level of attainment in all three languages. Stepwise regression analyses explaining writing and reading for each language separately revealed both commonalities and differences between languages. Phonological awareness assessed by initial syllable deletion contributed to writing and to reading in Cantonese and in Spanish. Phonological awareness assessed by final phoneme isolation explained reading in Hebrew, whereas final and initial phoneme isolation explained writing in Hebrew. Letter naming predicted both writing and reading in Spanish and in Hebrew, while perception of visual-spatial relations did so in Cantonese. At age 5, children??s metalinguistic knowledge and visual discrimination abilities are already attuned to the particular features of the writing system to which they are exposed.  相似文献   

由于世界贸易组织的官方语言是英文、法文和西班牙文,所以相关中文译本是没有法律效力的。也因为这个原因,中文译本和英文法律文件发生冲突时,只能以英文作准。但是,中国参与WTO的实践告诉我们增加中文为世界贸易组织官方语言对于中国和世界贸易的发展来说就显得极为必要,《建立世界贸易组织协定》为此提供了法律程序上的可能性;如果中文根据协定中的相关程序在WTO体系内取得法律效力,那么当未来中文WTO法律文件和其他官方语言的WTO法律文件发生冲突时就可以按照世界贸易组织相关协定以及《维也纳条约法公约》来解决分歧,而不是英文法律文件当然优先。  相似文献   

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