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自凯瑞提出回到芝加哥学派之后,芝加哥学派被凯瑞及其追随者们认为是美国主流传播研究范式的对立面。事实上,经典意义上的芝加哥学派在二战期间进行了一系列的公众意见研究,这些研究,帮助确立了日后被诟病的美国传播学研究的主流范式。  相似文献   

汤喜燕 《新闻知识》2013,(1):39-40,68
本文梳理了芝加哥学派与公众意见研究,指出:第一,芝加哥学派在公众意见研究领域成果丰硕,在卫普斯的组织下将公众意见研究纳入传播研究,并藉此让传播研究获得了大量的外来资金,使传播研究成为了一个真正的学术研究领域。第二,斯道弗的《美国士兵》是公众意见研究的一座里程碑,对战后美国主流传播范式的确立起到了多方面的作用。因而,认识芝加哥学派,中国学者需要更全面的视野。  相似文献   

齐爱军 《青年记者》2016,(34):58-62
一 传播学作为处于“交叉路口”的学科,覆盖的范围非常宽泛,研究者们对传播理论的梳理也体现为不同的方式.比如立足于不同学派和立场的角度,可以把传播理论分为效果研究学派、法兰克福学派、伯明翰学派、传播政治经济学学派、多伦多学派等;再比如立足于不同的研究传统,可以分为修辞学传统、符号学传统、现象学传统、控制论传统、社会心理学传统、社会文化学传统和马克思主义传统等.当然,还可以从“范式”的角度对传播理论的知识增长和革命进行讨论,比如比较流行的经验主义范式、批判主义范式和技术主义范式,也可以依托美国学者凯瑞的两种传播观(传递观和仪式观),把传播理论范式概括为“传递范式”和“仪式范式(文化范式)”两种.  相似文献   

传播学经典文本《个人影响》关于群体对传播效果影响的理论解释资源,实际上是对芝加哥学派首属群体理论的借用。这种被称为再发现的借用,由于研究范式不同造成了严重的理论误读,体现出抽象经验主义研究的固有缺陷,同时也反映出芝加哥学派传播思想的历史与现实价值。  相似文献   

20世纪初到30年代的芝加哥学派是美国及世界上最成功的社会学派,因为传播学根植于社会学,芝加哥学派为传播学的传播效果和传播方法研究奠定了坚实基础,本文通过分析对芝加哥学派中关键人物的传播研究,解读芝加哥学派对传播学的重要贡献。  相似文献   

陈阳 《新闻知识》2012,(2):21-22
本文通过比较传播效果研究与芝加哥学派的发展历程、理论分殊,试图阐明传播效果研究与芝加哥学派的距离,以回应目前学术界传播效果量化研究一统天下的现实格局。两者都从社会现实出发,但对个人、媒介与社会之间的关系把握各不相同,此外,由于方法论的差异,两者分道扬镳。但是传播效果研究仍然可以从芝加哥学派汲取养分,以弥补其方法论取向所带来的不足。  相似文献   

芝加哥大学社会学系兴起之时,正处于媒介技术迅速发展的初期,具有社群怀旧色彩的杜威、帕克、库利等人都不约而同地对当时盛行的大众传播媒介寄予了厚望,提出了传播是发展的根本,印刷意味着民主的"媒介决定论"观点。我们不能否认芝加哥学派早期代表人物媒介传播观的合理因素,但是也不能忽视其认知缺陷。本文以媒介技术哲学及媒介现实为参照,从芝加哥学派传播政治观和传播社会观两个方面分析指出了其理想主义缺陷。  相似文献   

传播学研究的滥觞之地可以追溯至芝加哥学派,追溯至齐美尔。本文采用比较的视野,从齐美尔对社会是如何可能的追问出发,沿着社会学的发展脉络,比较了芝加哥学派的传播观与功能主义路径下的传播研究之间的不同,并认为功能主义路径下的传播研究虽创新了方法、开拓了领域,但却丢失了芝加哥学派的"关系"视角,而这一视角对当下主流传播学走出不断重复过往研究这一封闭状态具有重大意义。  相似文献   

芝加哥学派传播思想的特点有三:一是将传播看作民主政治的核心环节,二是将人与人之间的交流看作传播的普遍化形式,三是具有人本主义取向.从渊源上说,芝加哥学派传播思想主要受乡镇自治传统、实用主义哲学、齐美尔社会学理论的影响.  相似文献   

无论是芝加哥学派还是上世纪三四十年代兴起的主流大众传播学,"传播"始终是美国社会学、传播学关注的重点。面对大移民和城市新环境,社会学的芝加哥学派开创了以"有机体"为核心的社会传播观念;在此之后的哥伦比亚学派,受到二战的影响,将"结构功能"和"经验测量"的功能主义传播观发挥到极致,但是"传播"丰富的意义在传播思想的发展过程中渐渐消逝。  相似文献   

芝加哥学派——中国图书馆学实证研究之殇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘璇 《图书情报工作》2009,53(13):46-49
美国图书馆学的芝加哥学派为图书馆学引入正规的社会科学实证研究范式,可以说芝加哥学派的实证研究是图书馆学实证研究的开端[1]。回顾芝加哥学派实证研究的代表人物及其成果,并追溯我国图书馆学界实证研究的历程,指出我国图书馆学实证研究由于历史与社会的原因遗憾地错过芝加哥学派科学的改造,存在着诸多先天不足。最后,呼唤以科学的研究规范为基础,深入开展我国图书馆学实证研究。  相似文献   

传播学四大奠基人神话的背后   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
四大奠基人似乎已经成为传播学的常识。然而根据当年施拉姆选择的标准,有许多研究者尤其是芝加哥学派的一些社会学家更有理由成为传播学的奠基人。回溯传播思想史,在施拉姆选择标准的学术外表之下,还有更深刻的意识形态原因。施拉姆关于四大奠基人的神话窄化了传播研究的知识地图,挑战这种话语霸权,对我们重新考量传播学理论视角的多元化问题,以便释放出传播研究的活力具有重大意义。  相似文献   

School librarianship has advanced in the digital era to encompass interactivity, connectivity, and access to a wide variety of information in different formats, through the capabilities of information and communication technologies. School libraries exist to support learning in schools and the importance of the digital age in student's learning cannot be overstated. Today's students are born in the age of technology; therefore a school library that does not encompass the use of electronic media will not meet the needs of the digital generation. The purpose of this article is to find out the status of technology diffusion and use in Botswana school libraries and to advance reasons for the lack of information and communication technology uptake in school libraries. A document analysis of literature was done to determine the factors that hinder the growth of school librarianship in Botswana during the digital era, using the stakeholder theory as a lens for the investigation. Findings reveal a weakness in the social, political, and economic areas of leadership in national information policies which seem to be a remnant from the beginning of the digital age in Botswana and indeed in most African countries. Some of the recommendations point to using the stakeholder theory to tackle the hurdles in school librarianship leadership and policy in the information age.  相似文献   


Institutions of higher education are among the most prominent proponents of portals. A group of resident librarians at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) has targeted a larger audience by creating a customized Web portal to be used by library patrons throughout the Chicago area, whether they are academic, public, school or special library users. The portal project has raised issues of maintenance and administration, as well as those of the collaborative process between libraries in a system.  相似文献   

本文认为,法兰克福学派的文化工业概念在20世纪70年代被法国学者重新阐释为复数意义的文化产业。这一概念转型从产业经济学的角度丰富了传播政治经济学的内容,有助于我们从技术和社会之间的互动关系来认识和把握信息资本主义的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Because medical school is a logical place for information retrieval capabilities to be introduced to future physicians, a survey was conducted at the Pritzker School of Medicine of the University of Chicago in August 1984 to determine the students' awareness and use of MEDLINE. The study found that many students were unaware of MEDLINE and its capabilities, and that the MEDLINE orientation for students during the first week of medical school was inadequate. Suggestions for improving the orientation were solicited from the students, and these have been analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

非相关文献知识发现研究进展   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
郝丽云  郭启煜 《情报学报》2006,25(3):342-348
随着科学技术的高度发展,学科的分化越来越细,学科间交流越来越困难,知识总量与人类吸收能力之间矛盾日益突出。美国芝加哥大学情报学教授Don.R.Swanson创立的情报学知识发现方法及人机交互系统Arrowsmith,是揭示非相关文献及学科间隐藏联系的强有力的工具。本文介绍了Swanson的情报学思想的产生背景、内涵及其开放式和闭合式的知识发现过程,分析了国内外对该方法的研究和发展,指出Swanson方法的实践所面临的困难及挑战。Swanson知识发现方法强大的情报功能和对医学实践的指导意义,使其在未来的科学发展中具有广阔的推广前景。  相似文献   

This article describes children's use of networked technology in three branches of an urban public library. Direct observations of their use of computers and data gathered from brief interviews with them were recorded using personal digital assistants (PDAs). Findings suggest that (1) the largest proportion of children's use of computers is for access to games, (2) use of computers for communication purposes (e.g., chat, e-mail, and word processing) is minimal, and (3) repeat use of the computers varies by branch. Grade level analysis reveals that middle school students access games less than elementary students do at two branches and that middle school students use the computers more than elementary students do for communication purposes. Overall, girls and boys use games, chat, and e-mail in comparable proportions. In other categories of use, there are gender differences but no consistent pattern emerges across branches. This investigation provides a first view of children's unmediated use of technology in the public library, their reasons for using library computers, and provides baseline data for assessing the outcomes of technology programs and services developed by the library to serve the needs of this user group.  相似文献   

王勇 《新闻界》2007,(4):19-21
自20世纪70年代以来,传播研究领域存在经验学派和批判学派两大对立学派成为人们的普遍共识。但近年,我国一些学者提出了各种各样的"三分化"。本文梳理了传播研究学派划分的历史,分析了各种"三分化"的实质及提出背景。本文认为,无论是学术成果,还是社会影响,传播研究领域尚没有能和经验学派、批判学派相提并论的学派。目前,传播研究领域还只是经验学派和批判学派双峰并峙,麦克卢汉学派只是一个正在成长的学派。  相似文献   

As information and communication technologies (ICTs) become increasingly prevalent in modern society, improving students' competency with these technologies has become a key focus of 21st century education. Given the interdisciplinary and information rich nature of ICTs, many advocate for school librarians to actively promote their integrative use across the K-12 curriculum. This article asks, “Are school library media professionals adequately prepared for the task of integrating technology and skills into instruction?” It explores the perceived ICT competencies of students enrolled in school library certification programs and the use of ICTs in their school library education programs. Factors identified for discussion include the age of students enrolled in school library certification programs, the evolutionary process of ICT curricular integration, and perceived preparedness to integrate ICTs into instruction despite self-reported low competency levels with many of emerging technologies. Concluding comments encourage design of authentic and meaningful learning experiences that incorporate and promote the integrative use of ICTs in school library certification programs.  相似文献   

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