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丁寒 《编辑学报》2022,34(1):38-42
为了全面探讨和正确认识掠夺性期刊,本文利用文献研究和概括总结的方法,分析掠夺性期刊的由来、特征以及危害.结果 发现,掠夺性期刊存在以下特征:主动邀稿、审稿不严、出版周期短、收费高;编造虚假的编委会名单;仿冒网站或网站不专业;编造或伪造期刊指标;收购"老牌期刊"或发文不符;掠夺对象有地域性.掠夺性期刊发表低质量论文,传播...  相似文献   

曾建勋  郑昂 《编辑学报》2021,33(4):359-364
开放获取运动给科技期刊的出版模式带来变革.面对前所未有的机遇和危机,国际上的科技期刊积极回应:新兴出版商大量新办开放获取期刊;传统出版商开设OA子刊,化"危"为"机";多数期刊打造混合出版模式,实现转型过渡发展.与此同时,我国科技期刊受到严峻的挑战:科技期刊开放获取发展不成熟,加速科研论文与经费外流;没有遵循国际OA标准,无法实行OA经营;政策制度不成熟,配套设施不匹配.在此背景下,本文提出开放获取环境下我国科技期刊的发展对策:遵循国际OA出版规范,创立中国特色的期刊OA模式;发展国内英文版期刊,实行国内外APC同质同价;建立集中开放获取平台,推进期刊集约化发展;确认预印本首发权,无缝对接科技期刊的优先出版;强化OA出版质量监控,培育市场化出版生态.  相似文献   

掠夺性期刊近来在国内外受到热议,掠夺性期刊其实早已存在,也与开放获取没有直接关系。掠夺性期刊需要治理,但根治很难,学术界如果直接控制一定数量的钻石开放获取学术期刊,将有助于治理掠夺性期刊;治理的同时要特别注意区分掠夺性期刊和资源不足期刊;在打击掠夺性期刊的同时,还要保护好多种多样的学术期刊出版新模式。为了避免被误列入掠夺性期刊,我国学术期刊界要加强自律、主动公开透明、严谨细致、科学宣传。  相似文献   

我国科技期刊的内忧与外患   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
游苏宁  石朝云 《编辑学报》2011,23(3):189-193
科技期刊发展的主要内忧为:科技期刊功能的异化与弱化,对科技期刊的投入不足,科研工作者对科技期刊的支持欠佳,管理体制僵化,转企改制和运行机制未理顺,期刊运营能力较差,新型出版形式的冲击,出版产业人才结构失衡,拓展型、经营型的人才缺失,出版语言的限制等。外患为:科学研究评价中的不良导向,致使国内优秀科研成果大量流向国外科技期刊发表;跨国出版集团加速进入中国,进一步掠夺国内优秀稿件;国内期刊既无能力与国外期刊竞争,也未找到平等互利的合作模式。  相似文献   

高洋 《编辑学报》2020,32(1):112-117
开放存取(open access,OA)是当前科技期刊出版的焦点,为科技期刊的发展带来了机遇和挑战。本文概述OA运动中占有主导地位的两方在OA出版中的现状:公共基金资助机构对OA出版的诉求和传统大型出版商的OA转型;结合Web of Science数据库对OA出版现状进行计量学调查,提出了OA出版处于初级阶段的论点并总结了各学科OA出版的发展程度。从论文的出版数量和期刊的数量及影响力来看,传统期刊和混合期刊是目前主要的出版模式。  相似文献   

文章对依托中国科技论文在线OA出版的659种科技期刊的学科类别分布、地区分布、OA出版建立时间、OA出版数据特征等多个方面的数据进行整理、统计,分析了科技期刊依托中国科技论文在线OA出版的现状,并从提高科技期刊学科分类和数量统计的准确度,加强与期刊自建网站的互链接以提高期刊的显示度,加强宣传以促进更多的期刊依托中国科技论文在线OA出版,加强人文社科类期刊OA出版,提高中国科技论文在线OA出版数据的时效性等方面,提出提高科技期刊依托中国科技论文在线OA出版数量和质量的建议。  相似文献   

对建设中国科协科技期刊网络平台的问卷调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为调研建设中国科协科技期刊网络平台的必要性、可行性和实施办法,对中国科协所属898种期刊编辑部有关建设中国科协科技期刊网络平台的意愿、对网络平台的作用及功能的要求、对在网络平台实现开放存取(OA)出版的意向等进行了问卷调查,问卷回收率为56%。调查结果体现了中国科协所属期刊办刊者对期刊数字化、网络化和期刊OA出版的认知认可程度、具体需求及存在的顾虑。  相似文献   

中国科技期刊开放存取出版现状   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
程维红  任胜利 《编辑学报》2007,19(3):196-198
基于《2005年版中国科技期刊引证报告》所收录的1608种我国科技期刊,搜索并统计分析了我国科技期刊的开放存取出版(open access publishing,OAP)现状.结果表明:我国OA期刊已具有一定的数量规模(143种),但部分期刊OA出版的持续性较差,且大都为单刊OA,难以形成信息集成的优势;医学、生物学、农业科学和化学领域中OA期刊的数量相对较多,并且,在同领域中OA期刊的引证影响明显高于非OA期刊.认为我国的相关部门不仅要致力于组建稳定可靠的、有较大信息量的OA期刊网站,而且要关注学术论文的开放存档(open archive).  相似文献   

对建设中国科协科技期刊网络平台的问卷调查宰   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为调研建设中国科协科技期刊网络平台的必要性、可行性和实施办法,对中国科协所属898种期刊编辑部有关建设中国科协科技期刊网络平台的意愿、对网络平台的作用及功能的要求、对在网络平台实现开放存取OA出版的意向等进行了问卷调查,问卷回收率为56%.调查结果体现了中国科协所属期刊办刊者对期刊数字化、网络化和期刊OA出版的认知认可程度、具体需求及存在的顾虑.  相似文献   

【目的】探索掠夺性期刊的识别方法,为治理掠夺性期刊、提升学术出版质量、净化学术生态环境作贡献。【方法】借助扎根理论的研究方法,对23篇关于“掠夺性期刊”研究的文献资料进行摘录提炼,分析出掠夺性期刊的特征要素,并将这些特征要素用fs QCA软件进行条件组态分析。【结果】最终得出四条不同条件变量的组合路径,通过对各变量的影响因素作出大小比对,得出由期刊、作者、学术影响三因素具体细节识别出的条件组态路径,方便人们更好地识别掠夺性期刊。【结论】基于QCA方法得出的组态路径,大大提高了识别掠夺性期刊的准确性,可为人们判断掠夺性期刊提供理论和实践支持。  相似文献   

Based on the 1,608 journals covered by the Chinese Science & Technology Journal Citation Reports (2005 edition), we analyzed the open access (OA) publishing situation of Chinese scientific journals. From this database we identified 91 journals offering full OA; a further 139 journals offered delayed OA. Data collected at three different time points (January 2006, July 2006, and January 2007) showed that the OA status of these journals is not stable; some OA journals subsequently became non‐OA. Most of the Chinese OA journals are not part of a larger aggregation, but are published independently. Relatively more OA journals are published in the fields of medicine and biology. Citation indicators of OA journals were found to be higher than those of non‐OA journals.  相似文献   

为加快世界一流期刊建设,2018年中华中医药学会开展了中医药科技期刊分级目录制定工作,并于2019年发布了中医药科技期刊分级目录T1、T2级期刊名单。分级目录在促进期刊不断提升质量的同时,也加剧了非T1级期刊的稿件分流和外流。本文以此次分级目录中列入T2级的《针刺研究》办刊实践为例,探索小众类科技期刊高质量发展策略。提出了在引领针灸学科发展、争创国际一流期刊的目标下,不忘初心,坚守引领创新之路;不纠结,集中力量办好自己的事;另辟蹊径,闯文化自信的中文期刊国际化之路等策略。以期为小众类科技期刊可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

佟建国  颜帅  陈浩元 《编辑学报》2013,25(3):208-210
高校自然科学学报是中国科技期刊中的特殊群体。我们用统计数据展示了该类期刊的良好声誉。基于期刊引证数据和网站下载数据,与专业科技期刊作了比较,认为该类期刊的学术质量与全国科技期刊相当。呼吁依据该类期刊的运行规律,推进期刊改革,促进其健康发展。  相似文献   

成敏  郭柏寿 《编辑学报》2019,31(1):24-25
随着互联网的发展与普及,我国科技期刊的纸质版产品逐渐丧失了主导地位,各种形态的数字化期刊包括科技期刊的网刊,因其即时与便捷的获取及检索特性获得飞速发展;然而,目前科技期刊网刊的出版并不十分规范,绝大部分期刊的网刊缺乏法律支撑,因此,文章就我国当前科技期刊网刊的合法性进行探讨,并对网刊的法律地位,违法网刊可能导致的后果以及如何获得网络出版服务许可证等问题进行分析,以期引起整个行业的重视,并为科技期刊网刊的规范化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe number of predatory journals is constantly growing and creating a major threat. Researchers in biomedical sciences should be aware of predatory publishers and be able to recognize them.ObjectiveThe aim of this study is to assess biomedical researchers' knowledge about predatory journals both before and after showing them an infographic explaining these journals and their publishing model.MethodsThis study was conducted with a sample of biomedical researchers and students. Subjects answered two questionnaires, one before explaining a designed infographic to each participant through a direct face-to-face interview.ResultsA total of 158 participants were included in this study, with a mean age of 22.6 (±1.72) years. They were 122 (77.2%) undergraduates and 36 (22.8%) graduate students. The median number of research projects our subjects participated in was 1 (0–5), and the median number of published projects was 0 (0–3). Awareness of predatory journals or Beall's List improved from 7% and 2.5%, respectively, before the infographic to 97.5% and 94.9% after the infographic.ConclusionOur results indicate the beneficial use of the designed infographic to improve young researchers' awareness of predatory journals. We encourage research institutions and universities to effectively spread awareness of predatory journals.  相似文献   

Although there are at least six dimensions of journal quality, Beall's List identifies predatory Open Access journals based almost entirely on their adherence to procedural norms. The journals identified as predatory by one standard may be regarded as legitimate by other standards. This study examines the scholarly impact of the 58 accounting journals on Beall's List, calculating citations per article and estimating CiteScore percentile using Google Scholar data for more than 13,000 articles published from 2015 through 2018. Most Beall's List accounting journals have only modest citation impact, with an average estimated CiteScore in the 11th percentile among Scopus accounting journals. Some have a substantially greater impact, however. Six journals have estimated CiteScores at or above the 25th percentile, and two have scores at or above the 30th percentile. Moreover, there is considerable variation in citation impact among the articles within each journal, and high-impact articles (cited up to several hundred times) have appeared even in some of the Beall's List accounting journals with low citation rates. Further research is needed to determine how well the citing journals are integrated into the disciplinary citation network—whether the citing journals are themselves reputable or not.  相似文献   

Predatory publishing has become a much‐discussed and highly visible phenomenon over the past few years. One widespread, but hardly tested, assumption is the idea that articles published in predatory journals deviate substantially from those published in traditional journals. In this paper, we address this assumption by utilizing corpus linguistic tools. We compare the ‘academic‐like’ nature of articles from two different journals in political science, one top‐ranking and one alleged predatory. Our findings indicate that there is significant linguistic variation between the two corpora along the dimensions that we test. The articles display notable differences in the types and usage of keywords in the two journals. We conclude that articles published in so‐called predatory journals do not conform to linguistic norms used in higher‐quality journals. These findings may demonstrate a lack of quality control in predatory journals but may also indicate a lack of awareness and use of such linguistic norms by their authors. We also suggest that there is a need for the education of authors in science writing as this may enable them to publish in higher‐ranked and quality‐assured outlets.  相似文献   

利用OA期刊促进图书馆期刊资源建设探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对OA期刊的概述和特点分析,指出OA期刊对图书馆期刊资源建设的影响和利用OA期刊进行期刊资源建设的原则,并提出利用OA期刊加强期刊资源建设的具体措施,即熟悉国内外现有OA期刊、OA期刊的组织和利用以及调整图书馆期刊订购工作等。  相似文献   

The promise of open access (OA) as a replacement for existing scientific information dissemination ethos and practice has been contentious, with the interests of different stakeholders – countries, publishers, and OA activists, among others – clashing on an unprecedented scale. This paper examines some of the challenges that have been triggered by the OA movement, particularly at the Africa regional level. Basically, OA is technology heavy and its economic arrangements benefit mainly the developed world. There is evidence of OA initiatives in Africa, but these initiatives are mainly individually based, defragmented, and largely underdeveloped, and sometimes predatory. This author argues that policy‐makers in Africa need to embrace OA and establish useful policies – for regional journals and regional repositories and for academic reward, and support this with technical investment to enable quality online publishing.  相似文献   

近年来,科普的重要性得到社会广泛认同,青少年是科普的重要对象。为提升中国青少年科学素养,同时提升期刊原创科普能力,航空知识杂志社在纸刊日渐衰退的时代,逆势创办科普期刊《问天少年》。本文就为什么办以及如何办好原创青少年科普期刊进行了探讨。针对青少年这一特殊群体,以《问天少年》为例,总结了原创优质青少年科普期刊的显著特点,并分享了创办青少年科普期刊的探索与实践经验。  相似文献   

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